March 1st
A very strong easterly wind today, and the promise of an extremely hot day. By l0 a.m. the orphans had to seek shade under which to feed, and all enjoyed an extensive mudbath. Later they rested under shade until temperatures dropped, before continuing to browse. At 6.30 2 wild bulls came to the Stockade trough, and stayed there until after dark before leaving.
Wild elephants at the stockade water trough
March 2nd
Mist partly covered Ithumba Hill today as the orphans left the Stockades, after their usual Stockade games. Sunyei led the group out, and later Chyulu led them to the mudbath venue where they were joined by Yatta and her group. The entire herd of orphans spent the afternoon browsing together, and returned together to the stockades in the evening, where they found a herd of wild elephants, whom Yatta and her group joined, leaving the youngsters to enter their Night quarters. Yatta and her group left with the wild elephants at 6 p.m.
Yatta's group with a wild friend
March 3rd
As the orphans were taking water at the Stockade trough early in the morning, a wild bull turned up and joined them for a quick drink, before hurriedly departing again. Sian led the Juniors out to the Kone area where they browsed until it was time for the mudbath. Whilst at the wallow, they were joined by a wild elephant and Yatta’s group, and the entire herd, along with the wild elephant, browsed with the youngsters until 3 p.m. when Yatta’s group and their wild friend separated and headed Southwards, leaving the Juniors to return at 5 p.m. in the evening.
Junior group with a wild elephant
March 4th
The Youngsters were again joined by a wild bull as they drank at the trough first thing in the morning. Having taken water, the wild bull left, leaving Galana and the youngsters to indulge in their usual stockade antics. Makena and Kenze scratched themselves against rocks watched by Madiba, who then engaged Kenze in a test of strength, which was disrupted by Rapsu, who left Yatta’s group recently to spend time with the youngsters. At 9 a.m. 4 wild elephants checked in at the mudbath venue and after bathing left, heading eastwards. The orphans enjoyed an extensive mudbath, and a rest under shade, before resuming browsing and at 2 p.m. the same 4 wild elephants turned up at the Stockades in the evening, took water, and then continued on their journey.
March 5th
Yatta and her colleagues were at the stockades at 6 a.m. today to join the youngsters and having taken a drink, all then headed towards the Kanziku area where they browsed together for two hours, before Yatta separated, leaving the youngsters under the care of Galana and the Keepers. The youngsters browsed again after the mudbath, until it was time to return, when Makena led the group.
Yatta's group coming back in the morning
March 6th
It was a cool day for a change, so the Juniors took advantage of the temperature to feed quietly all day, even shunning the wallow. Makena again led the group back in the late evening.
March 7th
Having had a drink, Sunyei escorted the youngsters out to feed. At 8 a.m. 4 wild dogs turned up at the Stockade trough, drank hurriedly, and then left, not having been seen for quite a long time.
Wild dogs visit the stockade water hole
March 8th
The youngsters appeared in a hurry to head out today, not even pausing for a drink before leaving. At l0 a.m. they met up with Yatta and her group in the Kone area, but Wendi, Napasha and Tomboi were missing from Yatta’s herd. Yatta escorted the orphans to the mudbath and afterwards back to browse. At 11 a.m. 5 wild elephants, with two youngsters the size of Napasha came to drink at the Stockades, and later enjoyed a wallow in the small Stockade wallow. Meanwhile Yatta escorted the orphans back to the Stockades in the evening, where they found Wendi, Tomboi and Napasha in amongst a visiting wild herd taking a drink at the Stockade trough. Once the youngsters had settled into their respective Stockades, Yatta and her group, accompanied by the wild elephants, left.
March 9th
On a cloudy morning Sian led the youngsters to the Kalovoto area to browse where they split into two separate groups, one led by Loijuk and the other by Galana. The two groups united again to proceed together to the mudbath, after which they rested under shade, waiting for temperatures to drop, before returning to feed.
March 10th
It was set to be a very hot day, so the orphans drank their fill before leaving for the feeding grounds. At 9 a.m. as the Keepers were filling the mudbath, 4 wild bulls appeared, who were very thirsty and who drank all the water in the drums. They were in no hurry to leave, and enjoyed a lengthy mudbath before leaving 2 hours later and only then could the Keepers fill the drums again. At 3.30 p.m. another 4 wild bulls turned up to drink at the Stockades. Meanwhile by 11 a.m. the day had turned so hot that the orphans resorted to drawing water from their stomachs to spray over their bodies, after which Makena led the group to the mudbath. Whilst enjoyed a prolonged session, Wendi appeared from the Western side of the wallow, alerting the Keepers to the fact that the rest of the group were probably on their way and might be accompanied by wild companions. Shortly afterwards Mulika arrived, bringing with her the rest of Yatta’s group, and trailing them was a very large wild bull, much larger even than “Rafiki”. The Keepers retreated to allow the wild bull access to the water and the wallow. However, he chose to wait until the orphans had had their fill and after wallowing himself, took control of the herd and escorted them off to the Western slopes of Ithumba Hill. The orphans returned to the Stockades in the evening without the wild bull, but at 6 p.m. more and more wild elephants turned up to drink at the Stockades. Then at 7 p.m. a wild leopard also turned up, and waited for the elephants to leave just a few meters from the stockade water trough so that he could drink himself. Having seen the Youngsters safely ensconced for the night, Yatta’s group left.
Wild elephants drinking water from the drums
March 11th
Two wild bulls were waiting at the Stockade trough first thing in the morning as the Keepers opened the Gates to allow the Youngsters out and turned on the Gate Valve. The youngsters joined the wild bulls at the water trough, after which they embarked on their usual stockade activities – Zurura and Kamboyo engaged in the usual pushing match whilst Madiba engaged Kora and Loijuk and Lualeni scratched their bodies, Loijuk against the unloading bay, and Lualeni against a tree. The Youngsters were accompanied by the wild bulls as they went off to feed, followed at a distance by their Keepers. At 9 a.m. Yatta and her group came to the Stockades for a drink, and then headed in the direction taken by the others.
Rapsu with one of the wild bulls
March 12th
There was a light drizzle of rain in the morning, so the orphans saw no need to take a drink before leaving. At 8.30 a.m. 3 wild elephants turned up to drink at the trough and at 11 a.m. Yatta and her group, plus a wild friend, came to drink and take a mudbath at the mini wallow near the Stockades, whilst the youngsters were at their usual bush mudbath. Galana, Rapsu, Challa, Sunyei and Naserian spent a long time in the wallow whilst the others rested under shade nearby. All then headed eastwards to feed for the rest of the day. Yatta’s group and their wild friend headed towards the Kalovoto area having wallowed at the Stockades.
Yatta's group visits with a wild elephant
March 13th
Yatta and her group turned up at the Stockade just as the Youngsters were about to depart in the morning. Buchuma engaged Kora in a pushing game while Taita took on Galana. Later, the orphans separated, Galana accompanied by Wendi taking the youngsters to the Kone area while Yatta took her lot (Minus Wendi) to the Kalovoto area. Upon arrival at the mudbath Galana’s group was joined by 3 wild bulls, but only Sian was bold enough to join them while the others waited nearby for the bulls to leave. Just before 5 p.m. Yatta and her group, plus a wild friend, showed up at the Stockades and were joined by 7 other wild elephants. Since all could not drink at the same time, Yatta and her group stood aside waiting for the wild elephants to take their fill, but meanwhile were joined by 3 others, making 11 elephants in all wanting to drink! At 6.30 in the evening Yatta and her group accompanied by the wild friend and rejoined by Wendi got tired of waiting and left.
Galana with a wild elephant at the mudbath
March 14th
At 4.45 a.m. 3 wild bulls plus “Rafiki” turned up to drink, the first time Rafiki has been seen since the beginning of the year. He appeared calm, and took all the time he heeded to take water and relax before leaving. At dawn another wild elephant was waiting for the trough to be refilled and was joined by the Youngsters as soon as they were let out. The wild visitor then left, while the Youngsters got involved in their usual Stockade games. Yatta’s group arrived after the Youngsters had left, but having had a drink, they followed the youngsters to the Kone area, where they all settled down to browse. It was a fairly cool day so the orphans were not in a hurry for their mudbath. However, at 3 p.m. Makena headed to the mudbath to have her ration of milk. Just before 5 p.m. Yatta and her group separated from the Youngsters, leaving behind Wendi, Tomboi and Napasha who joined the Juniors to head back to the Stockades. There they met up with 3 wild elephants, and a short time later, Yatta turned up, and once the youngsters were settled, Yatta and her group, which included Wendi, Tomboi and Napasha left along with their wild friends. Throughout the night more and more wild elephants came to drink.
Sunyei, Rapsu, Galana and Ndomot at the mudbath
March 15th
Again, the usual late night wild visitor who finds the water trough empty, was waiting at dawn for a refill, and while he took his fill, the Youngsters respectfully stood aside, knowing that they can have water any time, whereas the wild elephant is not quite so fortunate!
Loijuk playing in the water
March 16th
Again, the late night bull was waiting for the Keepers to refill the trough first thing in the morning. After the Junior group had left for the feeding grounds, 3 wild dogs turned up for a drink. At noon Yatta and her group came to the Stockades for a drink, and at 4 p.m. the Junior group was joined by 3 wild elephants in the Kanziku area who were also heading towards the stockades for a drink. After a brief conversation the wild elephants took control and all returned to the Stockades together. Yatta and her group also returned to the Stockades for another drink in the evening.
March 17th
An hour after the youngsters had left in the morning, Yatta and her group turned up to drink. Two wild bulls were drinking at the time, so Yatta’s group joined them, and once the bulls had left, remained behind before heading eastwards following the direction the wild bulls had taken. However, Wendi decided to take a different direction, heading West, the direction taken by the Juniors. At 9 a.m. Wendi joined the youngsters as they were feeding and remained with them throughout the day, returning with them to the Stockades in the evening where they met up again with Yatta’s group who later left with Wendi back in the fold.
Napasha followed by Mulika
March 18th
Having left their Stockades in the morning, the Junior group joined 2 wild elephants who were drinking at the Stockades. Once the wild visitors had left, Galana led the Juniors to feed along the slopes of Ithumba Hill before attending the cooling mudbath, and later returning to the Stockades in the evening. At 6 p.m. 2 wild bulls came to drink at the stockade trough, joined soon afterwards by Yatta’s group, who left along with the wild visitors having quenched their thirst.
March 19th
The morning promised a very hot day, so the orphans fed slowly under shade during the morning, and enjoyed a lengthy cooling mudbath at noon.
Lualeni having fun in the mudbath
March 20th
A wild elephant was at the Stockade first thing in the morning, and joined the Junior Group as they headed out to feed. After arriving at the feeding area, the wild friend left. Loijuk led the way to the mudbath today, where they were joined by Yatta’s group who turned up with a wild friend. Later Yatta’s group and the wild friend left, leaving the youngsters relaxing under shade waiting for temperatures to lower.
At 3.45 p.m. 3 wild elephants came to drink at the Stockades and then departed.
March 21st
It was another very hot day as the Juniors left for the feeding area in single file. They thoroughly enjoyed the mudbath at noon, and fed calmly throughout the afternoon before returning in the evening. At around 3.30 p.m. a fearless baby bushbuck turned up at the Stockades and even accepted milk from the Keepers before sneaking away. At 6 p.m. wild elephants visited the Stockades for water, leaving again having drunk.
March 22nd
Sian led the Youngsters to the Kanziku feeding area today where the Juniors fed calmly throughout the day, but for a noon break at the mudbath. There was drama at 9 p.m. when 3 lions turned up at the Stockade waterhole where a herd of wild elephants, including Yatta’s group, were drinking and refused to give way. Yatta displayed amazing intelligence, for she escorted the younger members in her group between Galana’s Stockade and the Staff quarters, where the lions could not reach them, before returning to back up the stand of her wild companions. The lions eventually left having been denied access to the water, because Yatta and the wild elephants remained round the trough all night!
Wild elephatns at the stockade
March 23rd
Buchuma and Ol Malo who had been hidden by Yatta from the lions, with Napasha left to guard them throughout the night, emerged to join Yatta and her group. The wild elephants then left, while Yatta and her group joined the Juniors and escorted them out to the feeding grounds before separating and going their way, leaving Tomboi and Wendi with the Juniors. In the evening, soon after Galana and the Youngsters had gone into their stockade, Yatta’s group accompanied by a wild friend turned up to drink at the stockade, followed by many wild herds, who trickled in throughout the night. Wendi and Tomboi spent the night in with the Youngsters.
March 24th
The Juniors left their Night Quarters as usual, and joined the wild elephant who was waiting for the stockade trough to be refilled. Sian then led the Juniors off to feed, but Kora remained behind at the Stockades for some time before following the others. After the Youngsters had left another wild bull turned up at the Stockade trough, and put his front legs into the trough, so the Keepers turned off the inlet so that not all the contents of the trough became soiled. This angered the bull who wanted to drink the clean water and who then charged the Keepers who were cleaning the Stockades, even threatening to enter the Stockades! The Keepers hurriedly switched on the water again, and the Bull calmed down and took his drink!
At the noon mudbath the Juniors were joined by a wild elephant, and enjoyed a dusbath later, leaving the wild friend at the mudbath. Just before 7 p.m. Yatta and her group came to drink at the Stockades, and then left again.
Wild elephant at the mudbath with the orphans
March 25th
It was another very hot day, forcing the Youngsters to draw water from their stomachs to spray behind their ears in an attempt to cool themselves. They had a prolonged mudbath, with Lualeni displaying all her wallowing tricks. Rapsu then led the Youngsters back to browse before returning to the stockades in the evening. At 6 p.m. 7 wild elephants came to drink, and Yatta’s group of orphans turned up at 8 p.m. for a drink.
March 26th
Yatta and her group plus 2 wild elephants were waiting at the water trough first thing in the morning. While Sian went to scratch her body against the unloading bay, the others joined Yatta and the others, plus the wild friends, at the stockade trough. Kamboyo engaged Ndomot in a pushing game while Kamboyo tried his luck trying to mount Lenana. Midway out to the feeding grounds Yatta and her group separated from the youngsters, leaving Nasalot with the Youngsters, with whom she spent the entire day, escorting them back in the evening, and then relaxing around the stockades waiting for Yatta’s return. Yatta’s group duly arrived at 7 p.m. and Nasalot, who had meanwhile been joined by 3 wild elephants, trumpeted her joy at seeing her colleagues coming to collect her. Trumpets and rumbling filled the air as the orphans ran hither and thither enjoying the reunion. Shortly afterwards, Yatta, Nasalot and the ex orphans left, leaving the wild elephants at the Stockade trough.
March 27th
The Stockade Gates opened at 6 a.m. and the orphans left in a jovial mood, swinging their trunks from side to side. Once all had quenched their thirst at the Stockade trough, Sunyei led the group towards the Kalovoto lugga to feed, where they were joined by a wild friend. They so enjoyed the company of this wild friend that they even forwent the mudbath at their usual time, and browsed until 3 p.m. when the wild elephant decided to take the orphans back to the Stockades to take water. There, those that are still milk dependent had their milk ration while the others took water, after which the wild elephant led the group back to the browsing area. Just before 5 p.m., the wild elephant joined another wild herd, leaving the Youngsters to return to their Night Stockades.
Kora and Madiba strength testing
March 28th
Two wild elephants who were drinking at the Stockades were joined by the Junior Group when they emerged from their Stockades in the early morning. Later, Galana led the orphans to feed along the slopes of Ithumba Hill before heading to the mudbath where the Juniors were joined by another sub adult wild elephant, who remained with them during, and after, the mudbath and up until 3 p.m. before leaving and heading westwards. At 6 p.m. Yatta’s group arrived back at the Stockades before the Youngsters had returned, so were still there when Galana hurried in leading the Juniors home, and taking them straight into their Night Stockades.
March 29th
The Juniors left the Stockades in a very happy mood, swinging their trunks from side to side and bumping playfully into one another as Sian led them out to feed. At the browsing fields the boys, namely Madiba, Kora, Kenze, Kamboyo, Ndomot and Zurura were in a very playful mood, trumpeting and running through the thickets out of sheer joy which lasted for at least 20 minutes before they settled down to feed. All enjoyed the mudbath, except Kora, who is not fond of cold water, and opted for a dust-bath instead. In the evening there was a light drizzle of rain that at least dampened the dust and left the orphans exceedingly happy as they returned to their Stockades in the evening.
March 30th
Yatta’s group was waiting at the Stockades at dawn to join the Juniors and later escorted them to browse at the Kanziku area. The entire herd attended the noon mudbath together and remained together for the rest of the day, returning to the Stockades in the evening. Dark clouds obscured the sky, threatening rain. Madiba and Sunyei decided to upgrade themselves, and instead of joining their group in the Night Stockades, they remained with Yatta’s group, and left with them to spend the night out.
A wild elephant steps into the water trough
March 31st
A light drizzle fell throughout the night, so the orphans were glad to be out in the morning, greeted enthusiastically by Yatta’s group who arrived at the Stockades at first light. There was a lot of fun as the orphans played happily with one another at the compound before leaving for the bush. Buchuma played with Kenze and Rapsu with Tomboi, while Kora tried to mount Lenana, pushed away by Ndomot. Nasalot led the entire orphaned herd out to feed today, and later Yatta separated with her group, leaving Tomboi and Wendi with the Juniors. The two groups joined up again in the evening at the Stockades, when Tomboi and Wendi rejoined Yatta’s group and left with her and her satellites for the night.