June 1st
The Keeper Dependent Ithumba Juniors left the Stockades as usual in a jovial mood, having taken water from the trough, and settled down to focus on browsing out in the bush. The Ex Orphans, accompanied by 4 wild Elephant friends popped into the Compound for water at 1 p.m. but then left for an undisclosed destination.
Ex orphans at the stockade
June 2nd
Clear skies promised a hot day ahead as the orphans left in the morning, Kasigau choosing a suitable tree against which to rub off ticks while Ololoo and Sabachi enjoyed a brief Pushing Match. Later the weather became cooler, which suited the Juniors, although only Ololoo, Kalama and Kasigau wallowed, Ololoo who loves water, the last to leave. While the Juniors wallowed a wild bull came to drink from the mudbath water trough.
Sabachi and Ololoo strength testing
June 3rd
At the mudbath, the Juniors were joined by a huge wild bull today, to whom they gave way out of respect, allowing him to enjoy himself. At 2 p.m. the Ex Orphans accompanied by some wild friends again came to drink at the Stockades and in the evening a wild herd of 11 with a small baby also came to drink from the Stockade trough.
Wild bull joining the orphans at mudbath
Ex orphans and wild elephants at the stockade
Murka after a mud and dustbath
June 4th
Now that the dry season has tightened its grip, it was a morning without much fun for the Juniors, who were focused on browsing, Ishanga scratching herself against a huge rock on the way out. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by the Ex Orphans, the wild bull called “Half Trunk” and a few other wild friends. The Ex Orphans accompanied the Juniors to the afternoon browsing field and spend the entire afternoon with them, Kilaguni engaging Ex Orphan Kamboyo in a Pushing Game whereby he learnt some new techniques. Ishanga led the way back in the evening.
Half trunk and two other wild elephants
Kamboyo playing with Kilaguni
June 5th
This morning Ololoo engaged Mutara in a Pushing Match while Sabachi took on Kasigau. The Juniors browsed happily until it was mudbath time, the Ex Orphans accompanied by a few wild friends having visited the mudbath earlier, mingling with the Juniors when they turned up. Ex Orphan Lualeni opted to remain with the Juniors for the remainder of the day, escorting the Juniors back to the Stockade in the evening. Later Yatta’s wild recruit named “Mgeni”, accompanied by Kora, who is Lualeni’s closest Ex Orphan friend, came to collect her once the Juniors were safely in for the night.
June 6th
Just before 6 a.m. all the Ex Orphans turned up at the Stockade compound and intermingled with the Juniors as soon as they were let out. Today the Juniors browsed the Kalovoto area until Kitirua led the group to their milk and mudbath venue. Since it was too cold to wallow, the Juniors just had their milk, and returned to browse for the rest of the afternoon.
June 7th
The Orphans left the Stockades on a clear day, although it was windy and cool, heading for the Kone area to browse today. Soon after the Juniors had left, the Ex Orphans came to drink at the Stockades. Only Napasha was missing from the group. Shukuru led the first group to the milk and mudbath venue, but none ventured into the wallow, opting instead to continue browsing.
Ex orphans at the stockade water trough
June 8th
The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors at the Stockade compound for the Lucerne handout today. Ithumbah enjoyed playing with Kilabasi and later with Kalama while Tumaren and Shukuru found a suitable rock against which to scratch their body. Later the Ex Orphans headed in an easterly direction while Lualeni led the Juniors to the Kanziku area to browse. By mudbath time the sun was hot, so Ololoo, Kalama, Olare, Kandecha, Kamnjoro, Kasigau and Ishanga opted to wallow while the rest took water and returned to browse. In the evening Lualeni escorted the Juniors back to the Stockades for the night.
Ithumbah playing with Kilabasi
Ithumbah and Kalama strength testing
June 9th
Napasha was with the Ex Orphans today when they came to mingle with the Juniors in the early morning. He was with Yatta and her baby, Sunyei, Kora, Kinna, Nasalot, Kenze, Zurura, Orok, Naserian, Tomboi, Loijuk, Taita, Wendi, Lenana, Madiba plus “Mgeni” and a new Junior wild bull who joined the Ex Orphans at the Stockade. When the Ex Orphans decided to peel off, Lualeni again opted to accompany the Juniors out to browse, when a slight drizzle fell. At the mudbath a large wild bull came to drink at the trough when Kanjoro (who has an attitude) was the only Junior brave enough to join him while only Lualeni, Kasigau, Kalama and Ololoo wallowed and the rest returned to browse.
June 10th
Ex Orphan Big Boy Tomboi turned up to join the Juniors at the Compound this morning. It was too chilly to wallow today, so the Junior Boys enjoyed their usual Pushing Games while the Keepers took their lunch. Kasigau engaged Ololoo and later Sabachi. During the afternoon the Juniors browsed the slopes of Ithumba hill before returning to the Stockades. Meanwhile the Ex Orphans accompanied by 14 wild friends had already turned up, joined later by a wild herd who had a small calf. There was drama when Murka joined the wild herd rather than to back into the Stockade, engaging a wild age mate in a Pushing Match before focusing on a small wild baby. Murka spent a long time with the wild herd, but returned to the Stockades later, when the Gates were opened up for her to go back in
Sabachi strength testing with Kasigau
Murka plays with a wild elephant
June 11th
The Ex Orphans came early to the compound to enjoy the Lucerne handout. With them were 6 wild friends. Later the Juniors browsed the Kone area before Mutara led the first group to the milk and mudbath venue. Since it was cool only Kalama, Kasigau, Ololoo and Tumaren wallowed today, while the rest waited a few meters away. In the evening the Ex Orphans returned to the Stockades again.
Ex orphans join the yongsters for Lucerne
Ololoo, Kalama and Kasigau wallowing
June 12th
Having enjoyed their Lucerne handout, Kanjoro led the Juniors out to browse today, Shukuru, Kasigau and Sities pausing on the way out to scratch their bodies against rocks. The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors at the noon mudbath. In the evening the Ex Orphans turned up again at the Stockade compound accompanied by 6 wild friends, amongst whom was the Big wild Bull who had fathered little Yetu and Mwende, the babies of Yatta and Mulika respectively.
Exorphans & wild elephants coming to the stockade
Big bull who fathered Yetu and Mwende
June 13th
Ex Orphans Kora, Rapsu, Buchuma, Kenze, Wendi, Taita, Tomboi, Lenana and two wild elephants showed up in the morning shortly after the orphans had left for the field. Temperatures were moderate today so the orphans enjoyed searching the bush for suitable browse. At the mudbath only Makireti, Kasigau, Kalama, Kanjoro and Ololoo wallowed while the rest opted for a dustbath. On the way back in the evening, Lualeni came to join the Juniors and accompany them back home.
Makireti standing near the nudbath
Lualeni with the youngsters
June 14th
There were 3 wild elephants at the compound when the Juniors’ Stockades were opened this morning. After the Juniors had left to browse the Kalovoto area, Ex Orphan Napasha and 2 wild Bull friends came to drink at the Stockade trough. After the milk and mudbath, Makireti and Naisula began to lead the Juniors but were overtaken by Shukuru, who insisted on a change of direction, taking the group back to the Kalovoto riverbed rather than the slopes of Ithumba hill. At 1 p.m. in the afternoon the Ex Orphans returned to the Stockades for a drink from the trough.
Three wild bulls at the stockade early morning
Napasha and two wild bulls
June 15th
The Ex Orphans accompanied by 8 wild elephants turned up at the Stockades both in the morning and also again in the evening. The Juniors had a quiet day concentrating on browsing as usual. At the mudbath 2 wild bulls joined them, who remained behind at the wallow as the Juniors headed back out to browse. Ololoo enjoyed a solo rolling game before returning in the evening, where a wild herd of 6 with a young calf came to drink.
Ex orphans and wild elephants
Wild herd with a calf drinking water
June 16th
The Ex Orphans along with l0 wild friends came to drink in the morning, joining the Juniors for the morning supplement of Lucerne. When the Juniors headed off to browse, accompanied by Ex Orphan Nasalot and Lualeni, who decided to spend the entire day with the Youngsters, leaving the rest of the Ex Orphans behind at the Lucerne.
Shortly after the mudbath, Mshale showed up at the mudbath with 8 other Bulls. Mshale had not been seen for some months, his latest poisoned arrow wound having completely healed, leaving a large scar. (He is the huge Tusker who has had to be immobilized by the Trust’s Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit twice when he came to the Stockades with suppurating poisoned arrow wounds, which had they not been treated would ultimately have killed him. His name “Mshale” is the Swahili word for “arrow”).
June 17th
The Ex Orphans accompanied by 12 wild bulls were at the Stockades this morning when the Juniors were let out of their Night Stockades, the Ex Orphans opting to join just one of the Bulls at the trough. Shukuru enjoyed a scratch against a rock within the compound. At noon “Rafiki” (the Orphans first wild bull friend) came to drink at the Stockades. The Juniors were joined by 2 wild bulls at the mudbath today.
Rafiki at the stockade water trough
Orphans and two wild elephants at the mudbath
June 18th
It was a cool day, so the Juniors concentrated on browsing throughout. The Ex Orphans came to the Stockades in the morning to drink.
Shukuru and Makireti browsing together
June 19th
10 wild elephants were at the Stockade water trough at dawn. After enjoying their Lucerne supplement, the Juniors headed out to browse as usual. As it was a cool day, only Ololoo and Kanjoro wallowed, while the others browsed nearby and one lone wild bull drank from the mudbath trough. Shortly before 4 p.m. “Rafiki” was amongst all the Ex Orphans when they came to drink at the Stockade water trough.
Orphans feeding on Lucerne
Kanjoro and Ololoo in the mudbath
June 20th
At 8 a.m. the Ex Orphans plus some wild friends came to the Stockades to drink, followed by two bull buffaloes. Meanwhile the Juniors were focused on browsing.
Ex orphans with wild eles at the stockade
June 21st
2 wild bulls who joined the orphans at the Stockades in the morning remained behind when the Juniors headed out to the Kone area to browse. Shukuru led the first milk dependent group to the mudbath. Sabachi and Kibo engaged one another in a test of strength during the afternoon browsing session, Sabachi eventually having to surrender to Kibo.
Sabachi strenght testing with Kibo
Chemi Chemi enjoying some milk
June 22nd
Kanjoro led the Juniors out to browse today, and Chemi Chemi led the first group to the mudbath at noon, where Rafiki and 5 wild male friends had come to drink from the mudbath trough. When it was time for the Juniors to return in the evening Kitirua and Kandecha were reluctant to return, so the Keepers left them behind to return in their own time. They turned up just before dark and the Stockade Gates were opened up again so that they could join their peers. Meanwhile 33 wild elephants accompanied by the Ex Orphans had come to drink.
June 23rd
With the temperature moderate, the Juniors browsed the Kanziku area this morning, and none of them felt like a wallow. Only 1 lone bull came to drink at the mudbath trough. Kasigau enjoyed a scratch against one of the Acacia trees before the Juniors headed back out to feed for the rest of the day.
Kasigau enjoying a scratch
June 24th
The Juniors left the Compound at 6 a.m. after having joined a wild Elephant at the trough and enjoyed their Lucerne supplement. 18 wild Elephants were at the mudbath when the Juniors arrived, 3 large Bulls drinking at the trough while the others wallowed. Only Ololoo was courageous enough to join the 3 Big Boys at the trough. At 1 p.m. Mshale, Rafiki and 11 wild bulls came to drink at the Stockade where they were joined by the Ex Orphans. All then left together.
Orphans and a wild elephant
Orphans drinking with a wild bull
June 25th
As the Juniors were enjoying their Lucerne this morning, they were joined by Ex Orphans Kinna, Tomboi and Rapsu. Mutara engaged Kalama in a Pushing Game while Sabachi took on Ololoo. Kinna then led the Juniors to the browsing field, leaving Tomboi and Rapsu at the Stockades. Kanjoro led the first sitting to the milk and mudbath venue where only Kinna, Ololoo, Kalama and Kasigau wallowed. Just as the Juniors were leaving the mudbath venue, the Ex Orphans and l0 wild Elephants turned up. Kinna led the Juniors to browse the slopes of Ithumba Hill until it was time to return in the evening.
June 26th
On a clear morning the Juniors headed out to browse the Kanziku area. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by the Ex Orphans who had some wild friends amongst them
June 27th
6 wild Elephants were with Yatta and her baby Yetu, Mulika and little Mwende and Nannies Sunyei, Galana and Lenana when they came to join the Juniors at the mudbath today. Chaimu and Ololoo enjoyed the wallow before joining the wild Elephants who were drinking at the trough, after which they joined their Junior peers, leaving the Ex Orphans and their wild friends at the mudbath. Back at the Stockades a herd of 6 with a small calf came to drink, followed later by Rafiki.
Ololoo enjoying the water
June 28th
The Ex Orphans came to the Stockades after dark, and opted to sleep within the compound, waking up at 6 a.m. when the Gates were being opened to let the Juniors out. All shared the Lucerne supplement and took water at the trough. As the Orphans began heading out to browse, the wild elephants began turning up, among them “Half Trunk” in amongst a group of l0, followed by another 12 wild Elephants all of whom mingled with the 28 Ex Orphans who were already at the Compound.
Orphans and ex Orphans enjoying Lucerne
June 29th
As the dry season tightens its grip, and all the natural water pans out in the bush have dried up, many wild Elephant herds as well as the Ex Orphans come to drink both at the Stockades and also at the mudbath water trough, keeping the Trust’s Water Bower very busy throughout the hours of daylight, ferrying water to both venues. In the evening the Ex Orphans came to the Stockades accompanied by l9 wild elephant friends.
Bowser filling water for elephants
Wild elephants having some water
June 30th
Soon after the Juniors had left the compound today, the Ex Orphans showed up to drink at the Stockade trough and came to the mudbath as well, accompanied by “Half Trunk” and 6 wild friends. Later the Juniors browsed the slopes of Ithumba Hill where they were joined by the Ex Orphans and their wild friends, including Half Trunk. When the Juniors returned to the Compound in the evening, Rafiki and 27 wild Elephants joined the Ex Orphans.