Voi Reintegration Unit

June 2011

Daily updates

June 2011








June 1st

The orphans browsed the Southern side of Mazinga Hill today, and returned to the Stockades at noon for their mudbath, where students awaited them, having been brought in to see the orphans in the Trust’s Bus. Siria and Ndii entertained the children well, after which the orhans left to feed on the Eastern side of the hill. After the orphans had returned to their Night Stockades, a small family unit of wild elephants came to drink at the Stockade water trough, the orphans all crowding close to the wire to admire a wild calf within the visiting herd.

Ndii scratching on a rock

School children viting the Orphans

School children watching Siria in water

June 2nd

During the usual Stockade games, Siria challenged Mzima to a wrestling match and Tassia took on Taveta, Taveta pinning down Tassia with his short tusks which triggered the intervention of Wasessa. Taveta ran to hide behind Sinya, fearing impending punishment from Wasessa. At the noon mudwallow which took place at the Stockades, Kenia and Dida enjoyed a wonderful game in the water after which the group headed towards the Big Waterhole, where there was not much activity, all having had enough of wallowing. Ex kudu orphans Mkuki and Aruba came to the Stockades in the evening, the orphaned Ostrich dancing happily around them. They fed in Solango’s erstwhile enclosure for some time before returning to the bush.

Taveta (left), & Tassia wrestling

Wesessa & Tassia

Siria chasing Mzima

June 3rd

Having left the Stockades after the usual Stockade games, the orphans met up with Emily’s group on the Southern side of the hill and spent time with them. Siria engaged Morani in a restling match while Wasessa took on Mweya. Lesanju tried unsuccessfully to separate her unit from that of Emily, but only succeeded when it was time for their milk feed. As the orphans headed towards the milk venue, Mweya followed them for a while before rejoining Emily’s unit again.


Emily's group

June 4th

The orphans browsed the Northern side of the hill today, moving to the Big Waterhole at noon, Kenia tossing her trunk skywards happily trumpeting. Dida was tempted to join her in the pool, but decided against it when she noticed Siria and Mzima taking an interest. In the evening Ndii led the unit back home.

Kenia lying down & Dida playing

Mzima on the left with Siria

June 5th

Today Mweya and Thoma from Emily’s Ex Orphan Group came to join the Juniors at the Stockade and led them to the Western side of Mazinga hill to browse, Thoma remaining close to Siria as they browsed. Thoma and Mweya separated from the orphans 4 hours later, Siria following them for some time before returning.

Thoma with Siria

Siria and Moran playing

June 6th

At 3 p.m. Emily’s group visited the Stockades to enjoy supplements, the dependent orphans already browsing out in the field. Laikipia scratched his buttocks against the rocks. Loisaba was among them, looking rather lean while Mweya and Irima kept a tight watch over little Eve, occasionally touching her lovingly with their trunks.




June 7th

Lolokwe came alone to the Stockades early in the morning to escort the Youngsters out, enjoying a handout of Copra cake and Lucerne before leading Lesanju’s unit towards the Western side of Mazinga hill, Lesanju, who is never eager to share her group with the Ex Orphans, following moodily behind. Lolokwe left them when it was time to return for their noon milk feed. Sinya, Lempaute and Taveta enjoyed rock scratching before heading out to browse again.

Lolokwe infront

Lesanju with the others

Lempaute scratching

June 8th

The orphans browsed calmly all morning, reaching the Waterhole at noon. Since it was a cool day, all were reluctant at first to go into the pool until Mzima took the lead, soon joined by Siria, who put only his face in the water. Dida led the group part of the way home, before Kenia took over from her.

Mzima in the water

Dida down,Shimba left & Kenia soil bathing

June 9th

It was another cold morning. Tassia head butted Taveta, joined by Siria until Wasessa intervened, sending the two boys packing while protecting her favourite, Tassia. Lesanju then took charge and led the orphans out to browse the Eastern side of the hill. At the waterhole at noon Mzima, Kenia, Ndii and Taveta enjoyed lying on each other in the pool until Siria interrupted them, triggering a mass exodus.

Taveta left & Tasia wrestling


Lempaute left playing wit Tassia

June 10th

A cold wind blew across the Park today, so the orphans were reluctant to take a wallow at noon. Suddenly, all the orphans moved away in unison, and the Keepers noticed the reason – Siria had taken up a trunkful of water and was about to spray it over them! Browsing them resumed, Tassia keeping close to Wasessa to avoid being targeted by Taveta because of what took place yesterday between the two.


Orphans drinking water

June 11th

The orphans browsed the Eastern side of the hill reaching the Waterhole at noon. Siria decided to roll under an Acacia tree, reaching up to try and pull down another attached branch, unsuccessfully since it might have fallen on the other orphans.

Siria trying to break a dry branch


June 12th

A large wild bull joined the Orphans in the morning, Ndii and Dida screaming with fright when the Stranger suddenly appeared between them without them noticing his approach. All then browsed comfortably together, and when the Bull decided to leave, he was followed by Shimba and Siria for 20 minutes, before they turned back to rejoin Lesanju’s herd.


Orphans enjoying a bath

Wild elephants with the orphans

June 13th

Browsing preoccupied the orphans morning. In the evening Lempaute played with Taveta, Wasessa with Tassia and Dida while Kenia and Shimba teamed up for a wonderful dusting game. It was rewarding to see Dida joining in the game enthusiastically where previously she had been reluctant due to her health. Since being taken off milk, and instead fed coconut and porridge her condition has improved and she is now growing as she should, whereas before she was stunted for her age and not in good shape.

Lempaute left & Taveta playing together

Wasessa and Tassia playing

Kenia and Dida playing

June 14th

The orphans played wrestling games energetically once out in the field. Mzima challenged Kenia to a Pushing Match, eagerly watched by Dida and Ndii who became anxious when the game went on for a long time without an obvious winner! Eventually the Keepers separated the two, and all then browsed peacefully for the remainder of the day.


Kenia on the left with Mzima

June 15th

Today, the noon mudwallow took place at the Middle Waterhole, to reduce the distance the orphans have to walk at noon since there is more browse on the Northern side of the hill. All enjoyed the change, Shimba, Lesanju and Mzima very active in the water. They browsed close to it for the remainder of the day.

Orphans at the mudbath

Shimba lying in water

Lesanju with the herd at the mudbath

June 16th

A teenage wild cow left its herd to join the orphans as they browsed the Eastern side of the hill today, tenderly trunk touching the Youngsters. Lesanju became very jealous and began to lead her unit to the noon mudbath venue earlier than usual, forcing the wild cow to rejoin her herd who were feeding some distance away. Having reached the noon waterhole, Lesanju stood by looking back to make sure the wild cow was not coming! She kept a tight watch over her group for the rest of the day. In the evening a family of wild elephants came to drink at the Stockades after the Youngsters were already enclosed for the night.

Wild cow behind walking with the orphans

Lesanju reaching for higher branches

June 17th

It was a warmer day today, so all enjoyed the noon mudbath, Shimba remaining in after the others had left. Upon noticing that he was alone, he left in a hurry, kicking at bushes as he ran to catch up with the others, Siria running to meet up with him and challenge him to a wrestling match.

Shimba in the water

Siria playing

June 18th

Much to Lesanju’s discomfort, the Orphans encountered a wild group of elephants when they arrived at the noon mudbath. However, the wild elephants remained on the edge of the pool, watching the orphans take a bath with Lempaute and Siria putting on a Side Show. Later the wild elephants took a drink and left, followed by the orphans for a short distance as they headed towards the Airstrip.

Sinya in front with a wild group at the mudbath

Lempaute playing


June 19th

Siria tried to entice Sinya for a wrestling match, but Sinya was not having it. He then tried his luck with Lesanju until Mzima came to take over. A Chinese delegation led by their Director visited the orphans today and all were positive in their praise of the great work done by the Trust.

Siria right, approaching Sinya for games

June 20th

Today, out in the field, Kenia, Dida, Ndii and Taveta decided to browse apart from the others. Knowing they would not stray far, Lesanju did not mind. At the noon mudbath Siria, Lempaute and Mzima enticed the others in by their trumpeting. In the late evening they made their way back, this time led by Taveta.

Kenia having milk

Taveta playing

June 21st

Kenia, Dida and Ndii browsed together throughout the better half of the day, Lesanju coming to lay her trunk on Dida’s back, jealous that Kenia had been doing the same. After the mudbath all took a rest under shade, before resuming browsing as they made their way back to the Stockades in the evening.

Lesanju & Lempaute

Orphans resting

June 22nd

During a routine Monitoring Patrol, the Keepers came across Loisaba who was on her own about 20 Kms. from the Voi Stockades. The rest of Emily’s group were nowhere to be seen. The Keepers were surprised to find that Loisaba had lost a great deal of weight, so the Keepers de-wormed her. After a few minutes Emily’s group turned up, soon joined by three large wild Bulls who, after rumbling to them, went with them and Loisaba to a nearby waterhole. Having taken a drink, all then rested under shade. In the late evening Emily’s group left, with Loisaba remaining behind, so the Keepers walked her slowly towards the Stockades, but had to leave her at the Voi river when darkness set in.


June 23rd

The search for Loisaba resumed early in the morning before sunrise, but without success for the first half of the day. Near the Park boundary we came across Emily’s group who were still accompanied by the wild Bulls, but Loisaba was not with them. Eventually, we returned without having been able to trace Loisaba, who was quite obviously ailing, and appeared very short of breath.


June 24th

We feared that Loisaba could have died in the thick riverine forest of the Voi River Circuit, but fortunately during our search, she appeared at noon. The slow journey walking her back home ensued, but we could see that Loisaba had serious breathing problems. We had to rest her frequently and it took 4 hours to cover the 5 mile distance to the Stockades, where she was put in Solango’s Enclosure and fed her supplements and water.



June 25th

The KWS Vet attached to the Trust’s Mobile Veterinary Unit came to monitor Loisaba today and injected her. She seemed to respond positively thereafter, feeding on the Grewia branches. In the evening, she dozed propped against the Big Rock in the middle of the enclosure, and did not lie down.

Seraah with Idie's calf near the Stockades

June 26th

The Juniors all lined up outside the Gate to Loisaba’s enclosure in the morning, eager to join her, but the Keepers would not risk letting them in due to her condition. In the end they reluctantly left, disappointed not to have been allowed to comfort Loisaba.

Mukuki and Aruba at stockade

Mzima left & Siria

June 27th

The Vet injected Loisaba again with additional drugs sent down from Nairobi, but her condition has deteriorated, and she was having difficulty feeding, breathing very laboriously. Her energy was sapping fast. In the evening she lay down, and snored until death took her from us, without much struggle, at 5 a.m. in the morning.

The orphan Ostrich at the stockades

June 28th

Due to the death of Loisaba, the Youngsters were taken from the Stockades without passing by her Enclosure, since the Keepers did not want to distress them. Siria was reluctant to leave, wanting to return to see Loisaba, but the Keepers pushed him away. The Post Mortem examination took place later and it was found that Loisaba’s lungs were infected. Samples of tissue were taken for Laboratory testing.

The orphans at the mud bath

June 29th

It was hot today as the orphans browsed the Eastern side of the hill, moving to the waterhole at noon where Mzima, Kenia and Taveta were the first to jump in, soon followed by the others, Wasessa keeping a close eye on Siria when Tassia was close to him and Lempaute. All thoroughly enjoyed the mudbath today, returning to the Stockades happily in the evening.


Mzima with friends at the mudbath

Taveta jumping on Kenia

June 30th

All browsed eagerly out in the bush after the Stockade games today. At the noon mudbath Wasessa lay down in the pool so that Tassia could climb on her. Taveta then approached, but Wasessa rose rapidly, not about to allow him to do the same. Others:- A blind baby eland was sited by the Trust’s De-Snaring team at Dokata just outside the Park’s Eastern boundary. It is difficult to determine the cause of the elan’s blindness. It is feeding well on milk and is under medication.


Sweet Sally

Orphaned Eland calf

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