Voi Reintegration Unit

June 2000

Daily updates

June 2000








June 1st

Emily's group left with Imenti, Malaika, Edo and Lewa towards the Eastern side of the hill but Malaika left with her charges heading further East. However, they all joined up at the mudbath later, reporting back to the Stockades at 6 p.m. having been joined by Dika on the way. Natumi's group spent the day together as usual, returning to the Stockades at 5.30 p.m.

June 2nd

Emily's group left with Malaika and the 3 Big Boys (Edo, Ndume and Dika). Today Loisaba, Emily and Imenti had a great time in the mudbath and joined up with Malaika's group later. The babies spent the day as usual.

June 3rd

Both Emily's and Malaika's group headed towards the eastern side of the hill, but Malaika's group then headed North, resting under shade around 1 p.m. after which they joined 4 wild elephants, greeting them very fondly, with whom they spent 1 hour, reporting back at 5.45 p.m.

June 4th

The big elephants left for the Eastern side of the hill and spent the morning grazing on the edge. At 10 a.m. they were joined by Uaso, who came from the Eastern direction. The greeting was characterised by very jovial expressions, touching, moaning, trumpeting and cuddling him. They all wallowed together at 12.15 p.m. and then headed southwards, reporting back at 6 p.m. Catherine's group had earlier come to the Stockade at 12.30 p.m. to take water. Natumi's group spent the day as usual, but Salama had a bad eye, so we applied eye cream to it.

June 5th

Emily's group left with Edo and Malaika. They fed at the edge of the hill and went to the mudbath at 11.30 a.m,. but did not wallow because it was too cold. Imenti and Edo played, whilst Aitong busied herself chasing a waterbuck. Lewa stayed close to Malaika whilst Mweiga stayed close to Emily. Natumi's group spent the day within the fence, playing together after every milk feed.

June 6th

Emily's group left with Malaika's group and they were joined by Ndume after the mudbath. Natumi's group spent the day as usual, but Salama's eye is still bad, so eye cream was applied.

June 7th

Emily and Malaika left with their respective charges together and joined up with Natumi's group at 1 p.m., spending time together. Mweiga and Natumi's group took milk together, Natumi's group having left through the Eastern Spring Gate to the outside area. They wallowed at 11.30 a.m. Today we started mixing Loisaba's supplements with cooked barley and milk, on instructions from Nairobi.

June 8th

Emily's group left with Edo, Ndume, Dika and Malaika's group heading towards the Eastern side of the hill. At the wallow Emily and Imenti had a 20 minute play, and Dika and Ndume also played for some time. Afterwards they met a group of wild elephants with young, and Aitong and Edo went to meet them. Aitong got roughed up by the mother of a young calf when she approached it. Natumi's group spent the day as usual.

June 9th

Emily's group left with Malaika, Edo and Ndume. Imenti and Edo played at 12.30 p.m. the young ones passed a group of wild elephants, but did not interact.

June 10th

Emily's group left with Malaika's together with Edo. Malaika's group did a wide circle unlike Emily's group who were together all day. Natumi's group spent the day as usual, wallowing at 1 1.20 a.m,

June 11th

Emily and Malaika left with their respective charges heading towards the back of the hill. Edo came later and headed towards the hill. At 4 o'clock Ndume joined them, coming from a westerly direction, and they all reported back at the Stockades at 5 p.m. Natumi's group left as usual and played together, but Icholta was a little unwell, with loose stools.

June 12th

Today Loisaba declined her mixed supplements having tasted the normal one. Otherwise everything was as normal.

June 13th

Emily's group and Natumi's group left together and spent the morning together and also wallowed together. After mudbath they separated, but met up again at the Stockades.

June 14th

Emily's group left with Natumi's group and fed together below the Research Centre. Mweiga and Salama played together for about 5 minutes, before Emily's group left the babies to go on their own. Back at the Stockades Ndume and Dika were waiting, having been at the Stockades since 3.30 P.M.

June 15th

The babies left with Malaika's group, Emily's group and Edo and Ndume and were all together until 9.30 a.m. when Malaika Edo and Ndume left to go on their own. Emily's group were joined by wild elephants and Aitong tried to play with a young wild calf the size of Loisaba, and was knocked down by the mother. They left the wild group at 11.20 a.m. for the wallow and returned to the Stockades at 6.15 p.m.

June 16th

Emily's group left with Natumi's group at 6.15 a.m. and were all together until 10 a.m. when Emily's group joined some wild elephants and stayed with them until mudwallow when the wild group wallowed first, followed by Emily's group. It appeared that they were reluctant to wallow together. Natumi's group spent the day as usual and returned to find Edo and Ndume already up at the Stockade, having come back at 1 p.m.

June 17th

Emily's group left with Lewa and Uaso and went with Edo to the back of the hill. At mudbath Lewa was rough with Loisaba and for the rest of the day they remained far apart. Natumi's group had a normal day.

June 18th

Emily's group left with Malaika and went to the back of the hill. Dika and Ndume were at the Stockade when the other orphans returned at 6 p.m.

June 19th

Emily's group left with the babies, leaving Edo, Dika and Ndume behind at the Stockades. They all went to the mudbath at 11.30 a.m. but it was too cold to wallow. After the wallow Emily's group separated and headed towards the back of the hill.

June 20th

Emily's group left with Malaika's group towards the back of the hill, bypassing a wild group, whilst Natumi's group went to the usual area, leaving Dika, Ndume and Edo behind at the Stockades taking Copra cakes. The babies were startled by a waterbuck and had to be comforted by the Keepers.

June 21st

Again Emily and Malaika left the Stockades together with their respective charges, heading for the back of the hill. Emily and Imenti played at the mudwallow and were joined by Edo at 1 p.m. Dika and Ndume spent the day around the Stockades and the Babies spent the day as usual.

June 22nd

Emily and Malaika again led their charges towards the back of the hill with Edo in tow. Uaso and Lewa began playing at 7.30 a.m., whilst Imenti played first with Edo and then Emily and Aitong played with Mweiga. Natumi's group joined them at the mudwallow at 11.30 a.m.

June 23rd

Emily and Malaika again headed towards the back of the hill, and took a wallow at 11.30 a. m. They were joined by Dika on their way back to the Stockades and Edo and Ndume were waiting there when they got back. Natumi and the babies spent the day as usual, and were very playful after their mudbath.

June 24th

Emily's group left with Edo heading towards the back of the hill. At mudbath Imenti and Edo played. Dika and Ndume came back to the Stockades at midday and the babies spent the day below the Research Centre.

June 25th

Emily's group accompanied by Edo went towards the back of the hill. Malaika's group joined the Babies at 7.45 a.m. and they spent the day together, Malaika taking the role of mother.

June 26th

Ndume joined Emily's group at 3 p.m. whilst Edo met up with them on their way back to the Stockades. Malaika and her group spent the day with the Babies.

June 27th

Malaika and Emily led their groups towards the back of the hill and at 9.30 a.m. met up with Natumi's group. They all wallowed together and then Emily's group left, leaving Malaika with the babies. She showed good care of them and the youngsters responded well.

June 28th

Emily, Malaika, Edo and their charges met up with a wild herd at 9.30 a.m. and spent one and a half hours with them. Aitong played with Emily at the mudwallow.

June 29th

Emily and Malaika left with Ndume and Dika for the back of the hill and came to the mudbath at 11.30 a.m. Dika and Ndume then left heading East and came back to the Stockade at 6 p.m. where they met up with Edo, who greeted Malaika's group fondly when they arrived back.

June 30th

Edo accompanied Emily left with Malaika and their charges, but Malaika and Edo then left to meet up with Natumi's group with whom they spent the day. The babies were very playful, and they all returned to the Stockades in the evening where they found Dika and Ndume. Lewa played with Uaso at 2 p.m.

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