Ithumba Reintegration Unit

July 2022

Daily updates

July 1st

The orphans left the stockade early as usual. Mutara and her herd, who did not come to visit yesterday, joined the orphans as soon as they were let out. Esampu and Ndiwa took over looking after Mambo and his mother Mutara had no problem with the girls taking care of her baby. Soon after the orphans were done feeding on lucerne, the dependent babies parted ways with Mutara’s herd, much to Esampu and Ndiwa’s disappointment. The orphans headed north while Mutara’s herd headed west. Kamok teamed up with her favourite Ambo to browse while Sana Sana settled to browse with Larro, Malkia, Mukkoka and Naboishu. Mundusi, Rapa and Karisa walked far away from their friends, only to rejoin them later when they heard the Keepers whistling, and they knew it was time to head for the midday milk feed.

Naboishu who is very greedy when it comes to milk, decided that he should be in the first group. The Keepers allowed him and so he led Musiara, Ambo and Dololo to the feeding area. The orphans didn’t feel like wallowing today so only had milk and some water before slowly wandering back to the browsing field.

Musiara, who is becoming a comedian these days when he feels the herd is too quiet, decided to start some fun to awaken the group. He walked a short distance away and when he was out of sight, suddenly started trumpeting as if trying to scare an enemy away. Of course his trumpeting drew the attention of the entire herd. Kuishi, Esampu, Sana Sana, Pare and Jotto ran towards where the trumpeting was coming from whilst trumpeting too, in order to help Musiara scare away whatever was upsetting him. When Musiara heard his friends trumpeting, he felt happy and started running back to meet them. The others couldn't understand why Musiara was suddenly running back yet they had offered to come and assist him in whatever way! Musiara was all smiles as he stopped trumpeting and resumed browsing, leaving his friends disappointed having wasted their precious time in falling for one of Musiara’s pranks.

In the afternoon the dependent orphans were joined by Yatta and Mutara’s ex-orphan groups. Rapa, Mundusi and Sana Sana left with the ex-orphans, only to show up later shortly before seven o'clock late in the evening. 


Kamok leading

Musiara and Jotto

July 2nd

The sky was clear in the morning, meaning it would most likely be a hot day ahead. The orphans were let out soon after having their milk. The stockade compound looked deserted as no wild elephants or ex-orphans were present. The orphans enjoyed their lucerne without being disturbed by any outsiders. As soon as the orphans were through with lucerne, Mapia, Karisa and Mteto led their friends to the water troughs where they drank enough water to see them through the entire morning. Larro led the way out to browse for the day and her friends followed in a line behind her.

On their way out to the bush the orphans met with the ex-orphans who were on their way to the stockades. Esampu, Sattao, Mteto, Ndiwa, Malkia and Sapalan exchanged greetings with the wild born babies. Mteto and Esampu turned to follow the ex-orphans and their babies but the Keepers intervened by turning them back to follow their friends.

The orphans scattered across the bush as each tried to get as much food as possible before the temperature escalated. Sattao and Ambo decided to take a break from feeding to engage in a strength testing exercise. Their pushing game attracted Kauro and Enkikwe who started their own. Later, Malima led the first group to the mud bath while Dololo led the second. It was hot and as soon as the orphans had their milk, most of them participated in a cooling of exercise by getting into the water to wallow. Only Kauro, Jotto, Enkikwe and Maramoja didn’t feel like swimming. In the afternoon Karisa and Enkikwe sneaked off and returned to the stockades early before five o'clock in the evening. 

Larro leading the herd


Ambo playing with Sattao

July 3rd

The late-night gang led by Oltaiyoni arrived shortly after midnight. The group decided to lie down close to water the trough as they waited for daybreak. A wild herd led by the matriarch we refer to as ‘Queen’ arrived at dawn and positioned themselves strategically and just a stones throw away from our lucerne store. The moment the orphans were let out in the morning, the wild herd approached the stockade wall so as to get the first bales of lucerne distributed by the Keepers. A period of calm descended on the whole compound as all the elephants concentrated on feasting on their piles of lucerne. An hour later, Queen and her family left after feeling like they had had enough. The orphans walked down to the water troughs to wash down the lucerne they had eaten and to make sure they had enough water for the morning before Ndiwa led everyone out for the day.

Later in the morning, Sapalan ran into trouble with Pare when he attempted to climb on him without permission. Pare turned and defended himself by pushing Sapalan. Sapalan fought back but luckily enough Kauro passed by and separated the two boys, thus bringing an end to what could have been an endless fight. Later, Mapia engaged Jotto into a strength testing exercise that didn't last for long as Mapia ran away when he saw Malkia approaching. Malkia happens to be one of Mapia’s roommates and he feared that Malkia would fight him when they got back to the stockade later in the evening.

The orphans browsed along the upper Kalovoto seasonal river up to mud bath time when Kauro left early and used a different route to the mud bath to wait for the milk vehicle. The car arrived and Kauro was the first one to get his share of milk just as he had hoped. He walked off and ten minutes later, the first group, led by Sattao, arrived at the mud bath at the normal time for their bottles. The sun was hot and Pare was the first one to get into the mud bathing water, followed by Dololo. The rest of their friends followed. Kithaka and a wild bull emerged from the west and joined the orphans in wallowing. Kithaka was still limping a bit but is slowly recovering. Mapia and Kamok emerged as the swimming stars of the day and had a really great time in the water and were the last to leave.

Later the dependent orphans settled to browse in between the Imenti area and Ithumba Hill. Later in the evening we were delighted to see wild bull ‘Dad’ who we haven’t seen for a very long time – he arrived at the stockade compound in a group of thirty wild bulls. Enkikwe, Sapalan, Ambo and Karisa left their friends and returned to the stockades thirty minutes early before the normal time.

Sapalan trying to climb on Rapa

Mapia playing with Jotto


July 4th

Three wild bulls joined the orphans in the morning. Lucerne was served and the orphans were happy to share it with the wild bulls. No ex-orphans came to visit. Soon after having enough of the lucerne, Esampu led the way out to browse.

Jotto engaged Ndiwa in a pushing game that lasted for quite sometime. Mapia wasn't happy that Jotto chose Ndiwa as his playmate and he showed his frustration by nose diving and digging at the soil with his tusks in anger. Eventually he grew tired since there was nothing he could do and he simply resumed browsing.

The orphans settled to browse in the Kanziku area and when it was for their noon milk feed, Sattao led the first group to the mud bath while Naboishu led the second one. It was another hot day and most of the orphans decided to wallow in the main mud bath. Only Jotto, Kauro, Esampu and Mundusi boycotted the wallowing exercise, which is what we have come to expect of them. Ex-orphans Wendi, Wema, Kinna, Kaia and Kama arrived and joined the orphans in the water. Kama ran into trouble with the dependent orphans when she tried to push Esampu. Mteto, Maramoja, Ndiwa and Sana Sana all ganged up together to defend Esampu and they managed to drive Kama away. Mapia and Musiara emerged as the stars of the day as they had a prolonged wallowing session and were the last ones to leave the water. The comedian Musiara got out of the water charging and trumpeting. His friend Mapia joined him and the two boys trumpeted as they headed south. Their trumpeting drew the attention of Malkia and Maramoja, who ran to check what was happening. Of course, they found that the two boys were just doing it for fun, and they walked off shaking their heads.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet all the orphans concentrated on browsing for the rest of the day.

Jotto playing with Ndiwa

Musiara charging

Mapia and Musiara in the water

July 5th

The orphans settled for lucerne in the morning as soon as their stockade gates were opened. The ex-orphans Wendi, Kinna, Lualeni, Loijuk, Lenana, Chyulu and their babies joined the orphans. Malkia had a disagreement with Wiva that ended in a pushing game. Mundusi and Pare joined Malkia and together they defeated Wiva, and Wiva ran back to her mother. The orphans didn't follow Wiva because they knew how unfriendly Wendi can be so they dare not get close to her! As soon as they were done, Sana Sana and Naboishu led the way out to browse.

Kauro came across a baobab tree where the bark had been peeled by wild elephants and started pulling what was left hanging. Usually elephants don’t go for baobab trees unless conditions are extremely dry, so that just shows what things are like in the area at the moment. The orphans browsed calmly while heading north west as they tried to utilise the time very well and spent most of their time browsing and not messing about.

The ex-orphans joined the orphans at the mud bath at noon as well. Maramoja, Esampu, Ndiwa and Mteto left with the ex-orphans as they tried to play nanny to the young babies, but the ex-orphans brought them back to the stockade compound later in the evening. Mutara’s herd didn’t mix with Wendi and the others as they remember all too well what Wendi did to Turkwel and Mambo! (Last month, Wendi pushed Turkwel, who fell onto Mambo, creating a big drama in the process.) Mutara’s herd chose to stand a short distance away and only approached the compound when Wendi’s left. Mutara’s herd and Wendi’s have become like oil and water who will never mix even if you put them together. About one hundred elephants visited the compound for water this evening.

Kauro peeling bark

Sana Sana and Malkia

Maramoja with Mutara's herd

July 6th

It was a quiet morning today. The orphans settled for lucerne as usual. Half an hour later, the ‘crazy’ wild female with her baby in the company of Kitirua and Kalama arrived and joined the orphans too. Mteto, Esampu and Maramoja walked over to the baby and played nanny for a while before parting ways. Sattao had a small pile of lucerne that he later threw on his head as he walked to the water trough. Nabulu followed behind Sattao and later Mapia led the way out.

Out in the bush the orphans got in a playful mood: Sana Sana started a game with Pare and their pushing game attracted Malkia who played with Jotto. Sapalan played with Musiara and later turned on Rapa. Mapia played with Kuishi while Ndiwa played with Maramoja. Eventually game-time was over and the orphans settled for more serious browsing.

At mud bath time the orphans were joined by the late-night gang who had teamed up with the crazy female and her baby. The visit to the mud bath was brief as the orphans were in a hurry to get back to browsing. Rapa climbed on Mapia's back to show some authority but Mapia wasn’t happy about it. As soon as Rapa got down Mapia turned and faced him, demanding an explanation. Rapa seemed to just smile and inform Mapia that he is just a junior, so Mapia moved forward and to attack Rapa for demeaning him in the presence of the others. A wild bull walked over and saved the day as Rapa and Mapia went in separate directions soon after spotting the wild bull approaching.

Later Mukkoka engaged Ambo in a strength testing game that lasted for quite sometime. In the evening, Mukkoka led the first group back to the stockades for the night. 

Sattao throwing lucerne on his head

Sana Sana playing with Pare

Rapa climbing on Mapia

July 7th

It was a quiet morning. The orphans settled to have some lucerne soon after leaving their stockades. No wild elephants or ex-orphans joined in the lucerne feeding time today. The orphans had the whole compound for themselves and enjoyed each moment and freely moving about the place without avoiding any seniors. Later, Larro rumbled, giving the signal that she was ready to leave. Mukkoka joined her and together started heading east. The other orphans started leaving one by one so as to catch up with Larro and Mukkoka.

Sapalan engaged Ndiwa in a pushing game while Jotto played with Mapia. Mundusi played with Pare while Malkia played with Kuishi. Ndiwa decided to quit playing with Sapalan to have her own game of rolling on the ground but Sapalan followed her and took advantage of Ndiwa lying down to climb on her. Mundusi ended up overpowering Pare and turned to climb on his back.

At mud bath time the weather was chilly and none of the orphans wanted to wallow in the mud bath. Esampu, Enkikwe, Malima and Mteto only had a short soil dusting exercise before catching up with their friends who had already left to continue browsing. Later in the afternoon, Jotto and Mapia continued with their pushing game which only came to an end when they were too exhausted to continue, and they needed to continue browsing to replenish their energy! The rest of the day was quiet as the orphans concentrated mostly on browsing. 

Larro in the lead again

Sapalan climbing on Ndiwa

Mundusi and Pare

July 8th

It was a very cold morning as the babies had their milk bottles and walked down to the lucerne feeding area. They found some ex-orphans already there with Lenana and her baby Lapa among them. The dependent orphans and ex-orphans shared lucerne with some wild elephants that were there too – it was then that the Keepers noticed that ex-orphan Vuria, who has been away for a long time now, was also with Lenana’s herd! It was lovely to see him and looking so well. A buffalo appeared from the bush to share water with the wild bulls at the water trough, where we admired a huge wild bull with long tusks drinking water too. Baby Lapa was busy playing and scratching her neck on a large rock in the lucerne feeding area. Mteto started playing with Lapa just as the orphans were starting to wander out to the bush to begin their day of browsing, and she had to run to catch up with them.

It remained a cold morning and the orphans didn’t go far, and they stayed huddled together as a group to keep warm as they browsed.

When the orphans made their way to the mud bath, they found only a few wild bulls there. They arrived in groups for the milk feed led by Mukkoka, Ambo and Dololo, and when they were done, they went for some water and then straight back out to browse without wallowing due to the cold weather. Even the wild bulls were just milling around and drinking water without playing in the water.

The orphans continued browsing in the afternoon the same way they had during the morning – all huddled as a group without any of them wandering off to browse separately on their own. Sana Sana, Malkia and Esampu made sure all the youngsters in the group were okay.

When the orphans arrived back at the stockades in the evening, they found Mutara’s herd there with baby Mambo, who had come for water and some supplement lucerne. They got both and then relaxed around until late in the night.

Wonderful to see handsome Vuria

Mteto and Lapa playing


July 9th

Outside the stockades this morning the dependent orphans met with ex-orphans from Wendi, Mutara, Kinna and Lenana’s herds with their babies. They all interacted in the lucerne feeding area with Ambo playing with Maramoja while she watched over him too. Mambo played with Sana Sana, Larro and Ndiwa before moving to scratch his belly on a rock while playing. Mapia was busy playing with Mundusi before he started rolling on the ground and showing off. Ambo had moved on to play with Mteto. When it seemed like they were done with all their fun and games slowly the orphans started to file out to the bush led by Larro.

It's still very dry in the area and the orphans were clearly searching the area for the best vegetation to eat. Fortunately for the orphans we provide them supplement food and grass in the morning and evening when they return.

Mapia and Mteto led the orphans to the mud bath for their noon milk feed. After having their bottles, they walked straight to the water trough to drink water. Some minutes later Mutara's herd arrived with Mambo rushing for water. They were clearly very thirsty. Lapa started playing with Musiara and when they were done in the mud bath area the orphans walked off to continue browsing, but they didn’t go far as the Keepers were still finishing their lunch.

It was a hot and dry afternoon and some of the orphans had to seek some shade for awhile. As the orphans browsed the Keepers came across a newborn dik dik antelope that was only about a day old. It was with the mum in its territory and didn’t run away from the Keepers; we thought it was very sweet. Naboishu and Larro led the orphans back to the stockades in the evening for their supplement food and milk feed.

Mambo with Sana Sana, Larro and Ndiwa

Mambo with Maramoja

Mutara's herd arriving at mud bath with Mambo

July 10th

The orphans had their breakfast milk feed by 6am as usual and walked out to share lucerne with some ex-orphans who were waiting for them including Mutara, Kinna, Lenana and Lualeni with their babies. Some wild bulls who had come to drink water were also at the stockade compound and they slowly started to wander off as they had their fill. 

Karisa led the herd out to browse where they made their way towards the Imenti area to find some good vegetation. It was another cold day so the orphans huddled together in a group to browse again. Jotto took a break from browsing to play with Mapia for a short while, before scratching against a tree and looking a little restless. Eventually he started walking off to the mud bath area ahead of the others as he seemed keen for his milk bottles.

Today some of the orphans decided to play in the mud bath after having their milk bottles. Mteto and Pare were having a great time, along with Ambo and Sapalan who were playing separately. Kamok came over to join in their game. Mapia and Jotto continued with the game they started playing this morning and were enjoying wrestling with each other. Mutara, Mambo and the rest of her group arrived and walked straight to the water trough for some water. Ambo and Sattao started playfighting just as their friends started to file out to continue browsing and they had to smell the air to check which way they had gone before catching up with them, leaving Mutara’s herd behind.

All the orphans looked very busy this afternoon as they concentrated on browsing. Malkia browsed together with Jotto while others like Sapalan, Sana Sana, Mukkoka, Musiara, Dololo and Naboishu decided to rest under some shade. Later Nabulu led the herd back home in the evening for their evening milk bottles. When the orphans arrived home they found a big group of wild elephants along with some ex-orphans including Wendi, Kinna,and Lualeni with their babies. They all enjoyed some supplement lucerne.


Mteto and Karisa

Nabulu leading the herd home

July 11th

It was very cold as the orphans had their milk bottles early in the morning before walking out of their night stockades to feed on lucerne. There was a big group of ex-orphans and wild bulls waiting outside too who had come to share lucerne and water. Kinna's herd arrived later with her babies Kama and Kaia. The orphans soon walked out to the bush under the leadership of Karisa, leaving behind the ex-orphans and wild elephants.

All the orphans were busy browsing for a while until some of them wanted to take a break. Kauro started playing with Jotto while Mundusi and Rapa also started playfighting. Pare and Sattao were having their own separate chat as they played on their own. Sapalan and Rapa started walking together as they looked for something to feed on until it was time to walk to the mud bath for their next milk feed. When they arrived, they found a group of wild bulls who came to drink water. The orphans had their milk as usual before a few of them chose to have a mud bath including Ambo and Pare. Mapia and Jotto started playfighting while the rest drank water from the water trough.

Back out in the bush Mapia started playing with his good friend Jotto. It was another cold afternoon so the orphans grouped together again without wandering too far. When it was time to begin making their way home they followed behind the Keepers slowly back for their evening milk bottles.

Naboishu and Larro led the first group home. When we arrived we found a big group of wild elephants and ex-orphans with their babies already there, including Wendi, Kinna and Galana. They were happy to get some lucerne before walking off into the night.

Sapalan and Rapa

Pare and Ambo wallowing

Jotto and Mapia playing

July 12th

It was a beautiful morning today with the dependent orphans drinking their morning milk bottles before walking out to feed on their lucerne supplement breakfast. Some ex-orphans were in the compound as well, including Lenana, Wendi and Kinna with their babies. The dependent orphans shared lucerne with the ex-orphans and some wild bulls too. Malkia was busy playing with Lili and Rapa was wrestling with Ambo before the dependent orphans left the ex-orphans and walked out to begin their day.

Out in the bush Malkia started playing with Maramoja, while Sattao started digging down at the ground for some tasty roots to eat. This is typical during the dry season when elephants turn to things like bark, baobab trees and roots for sustenance.

When the orphans made their way to the mud bath for their noon milk feed it was it was very chilly and most of the orphans chose not to wallow in the mud bath after their milk feed. Kuishi looked like she wanted to get into the water but none of the others wanted to accompany her so she just splashed a little mud on herself before walking off. Karisa and Nabulu were having a dust bath with Larro who had also splashed a bit of mud on herself and she now decided to dry off on the pile of loose soil. Slowly the orphans started to file out to continue with the day of browsing.

Later in the day, we came across ex-orphan Ithumbah —and we were met with the most wonderful surprise! She was slowly walking to the stockades with her newborn baby in tow! Only yesterday, she was at the stockades and still heavily pregnant, so she must have had the baby only last night. We walked back where we gave her some supplement lucerne and dairy cubes. Her baby looks very strong and healthy, even only at a day old! We were so excited to meet her first born baby, a little girl who we are calling Iman. We love that she wished to share this moment with us. All the dependent orphans returned to the stockades this evening, and no one was left out in the bush for the night.

Malkia with baby Lili

Malkia playing with Maramoja

Ithumbah with her newborn Iman

July 13th

It was a very busy morning today as the dependent orphans were met with ex-orphans from both Mutara and Wendi's herd – who seem to have joined up again at least for the time being. They all enjoyed the lucerne grass together. After a while Ithumbah arrived with her baby who has been named Iman, but for some reason she has decided to remain alone with Iman and she doesn’t have the assistance from any other nannies at the moment. For this reason she was even getting pushed around a bit in the lucerne feeding area. Emanuel, the Head Keeper on duty, decided to open up the compound to her so she could feed in peace inside there, but she refused. He then used a different tactic of taking a bale of lucerne around the back of the compound near the Keepers’ kitchen and this worked; Ithumbah followed him and enjoyed her own tasty supplement food in peace. Perhaps with time some other females will join her and they will become their own little herd – we will just have to see what happens. Emanuel was happy his plan worked as after walking away for a bit, Ithumba returned to the same spot later and found some more lucerne put there especially for her, away from the others. 

Meanwhile the dependent orphans left the compound with the Keepers to begin their day of browsing. A lot of them were spotted digging at the ground for some nutritious roots which also hold water too. Malima, Maramoja, Malkia and Sana Sana were showing Larro and Naboishu their best techniques at digging for roots.

When the orphans went to the mud bath for their noon milk feed it was very hot and a number of them decided to play in the water after having their milk bottles. It’s been a while since so many of them decided to play in the mud wallow as it has been pretty cold, although it has remained dry without any rain. They later walked to the loose soil to roll around and dry off.

It continued to be a very hot afternoon and many of the orphans chose to hide in the shade, but they emerged later to continue browsing for a short time. Mapia and Jotto were the most playful today both in the bush and also while at the mud bath earlier. Sattao later led the whole herd back home in the evening for their milk bottles again.

There was a big group of ex-orphans when the orphans arrived home in the evening, who had come for water. Ithumbah arrived on her own a bit later on and went to her own special corner to feed on more lucerne.

Iman suckling from Ithumbah at the stockades

Ex-orphans in the stockade compound

Sattao leading the herd home

July 14th

It was a cold and quiet morning today as the ex-orphans from Kinna's group arrived at the stockades to join the orphans for lucerne. Baby Kaia was leading the group running towards the area where the dependent orphans have their lucerne. The area was already full of wild elephants and other ex-orphans, including Ithumba and her new baby Iman, Wendi with her two babies Wiva and Wema, Lualeni with her two babies, Lulu and Lexi, and Lenana and Lapa. They all fed on lucerne together.

Out in the bush Mapia and Sapalan were very happy and playful and they played wrestling games all morning – it was very cold again so the Keepers thought they might be playing so much to keep warm! The rest of the orphans huddled together again.

The day started to warm up though and by the time the orphans made their way to the mud bath for their noon feed it was a bit warmer, and some of the orphans and ex-orphans decided to go for a swim. Lualeni got in the water with her younger baby Lexi and started wallowing together with a wild bull. Wanjala was the most playful elephant in the water though, and he rolled around with just his trunk sticking out as a snorkel. Pare, Maramoja, Sana Sana and Musiara also splashed about for a bit and later came out to dry off on the soil pile. Pare and Naboishu started a play fight just as the orphans started to wander off back into the bush to continue their afternoon of browsing, and this afternoon it seemed they were more intent on feeding rather than playing. They met with some ex- orphans from Kinna's herd and Wendi too. Everyone was scared of Wendi and her mischievous behaviour, but she stayed away from the Keepers. It was Naisula who was being the most friendly and choosing to spend a lot of time with the dependent orphans. As the time to return to the compound drew closer, the orphans started to make their way home in the company of the ex-orphans as well.

When the orphans arrived back they found Ithumbah waiting there for something to eat as well. The Keepers called her and walked with her around the back again to her special place so that she could have some lucerne in peace, as she is still getting pushed around a bit. This system seems to work perfectly though as she returned to the same spot later for more – and little Iman looks healthy and strong!

Kaia leading Kinna and Makena

Sapalan and Mapia


July 15th

There was very little commotion in the stockades this morning as only a small group of ex-orphans shared the compound with the orphans. Lualeni and Chyulu and their babies Lulu, Lexi and Cheka arrived just as the orphans were finishing up with their supplement breakfast, so the dependent orphans really enjoyed themselves moving about freely from place to place and having the whole lucerne feeding area to themselves.

The dependent orphans were really well-behaved this morning and none of them strayed far as they huddled together again for warmth. When it’s warm, the orphans are really relaxed and wander off freely in different directions covering quite far distances, but now that it’s cold they seem to be doing the opposite. Kauro was concentrating on browsing from a tasty shrub he had found, while Mapia and Jotto decided to take a break and were busy playing. These two seem to be very close friends and sparring partners at the moment.

At the mud bath Pare, Malkia, Nabulu, Mteto, Esampu, Larro, Naboishu and Ambo played in the small mud wallow off to the side of the main water hole. They really splashed about there as all the cloud cover had burnt away and it was quite a hot afternoon. Musiara stayed behind at the feeding area to beg for another milk bottle, holding his trunk up in the air and smelling to see if there might be any more, but the Keepers told him he had finished his share and to go and join his friends in the mud. Maramoja enjoyed rolling in the loose soil, covering her whole body to dry off. Larro struggled to get out of the little mud wallow and had to use her tusks to anchor herself as she climbed out. 

Later in the afternoon all the orphans concentrated on browsing as they had all had so much playing while at the mud bath. When it was time to return to the stockades for the night, Nabulu led the way home.

Today we were happy to see that ex-orphan Makena stayed with Ithumbah and her new baby Iman for the whole day. Ithumbah and some of the ex-orphans visited the stockades during the day, but Ithumbah knew where to go to safely have some lucerne supplement without being pushed around by any of the other elephants. 

Lualeni and Lexi, and Chyulu and Cheka

Musiara asking for more milk

Nabulu leading

July 16th

Some female wild elephants and their babies visited the stockade compound this morning. They drank water from the stockade water troughs and then left. The dependent orphans had their share of lucerne which they shared politely with the few ex-orphans who had decided to visit.

Out in the bush the orphans didn’t want to waste any time playing and they all concentrated on browsing as it is still very dry. Sattao, Musiara, Dololo and Ambo later led the orphans to the mud bath area to be in the first group for the milk feed. It was quite warm by now and most of the orphans opted to play in the mud bath, led by Esampu. They had a lot of fun splashing, rolling about, and climbing on each other while it was easy to do so in the water. Lualeni arrived with her babies Lulu and Lexi together with Wiva. Wendi and her other baby Wema arrived a bit later and decided to join the dependent orphans in the mud bath, where Nabulu was shining as the most playful elephant of the day. Some wild bulls also came to the mud bath to have some fresh water from the water trough.

Later we watched Maramoja expertly strip the bark off a branch she had found. Larro was also busy browsing on her own, while Jotto and Esampu decided to browse together and feed from the same bush. Later Esampu led the herd back home in the evening.

Lualeni, Lexi, Lulu and Wiva

Wendi with her baby Wema

Maramoja stripping bark

July 17th

The orphans settled for lucerne soon after leaving the stockades this morning. Ex-orphans Chyulu, Cheka, Lenana, Wendi, Wema, Wiva, Naserian, Njema, Loijuk, Lili, Lenana and Lapa were also at the compound to share lucerne. Shortly later, the late-night gang arrived led by Oltaiyoni.

It was Larro who started to lead the way out to browse once she was done with lucerne, and we could see the late-night gang trying to make up their mind about whether to follow or not. They decided to join the orphans briefly before parting ways. Dololo, who suffered heartbreak after being dumped by Mutara’s group once she had her own baby, now seems to be enjoying the company of the late-night gang members more than his own, slightly younger, group. Dololo, Enkikwe and Karisa disappeared off with the late-night gang without the Keepers seeing, and they only realized later at mud bath time when they were organising the orphans to head for their milk bottles. Dololo who is outgoing and adventurous, appears to be the first one in his group to want to join the wild in the near future. He has made his mark by choosing to spend several nights out with his seniors, and other times reporting back to the stockades very late in the evening. These are indications of him preparing for his independence of the human family and entry to a new life in wild, but it remains to be seen when this will happen and only time will tell.

Sapalan and Mteto held a brief conversation as they waited for their turn to be allowed to go to the mud bath to have their share of milk. Despite the heat, none of the orphans stepped into the mud bath; they had their milk then headed over to join the wild bulls drinking water. They were later joined by the ex-orphans too!

In the afternoon, Mukkoka challenged Sattao to a pushing game that lasted for quite some time while the rest of the herd concentrated on browsing. In the evening, Naboishu led the first group back to the stockades. Dololo was escorted back later by the late-night gang shortly before seven o'clock in the evening, as they knew it would be best for him to sleep in his stockade for the night and he is still quite young. Karisa and Enkikwe also reported back around the same time. 

Chyulu with baby Cheka

Enkikwe following the late-night gang


July 18th

A wild family herd was waiting outside when the orphans came out of their stockades this morning. The wild family decided to join the orphans as they headed for their lucerne grass supplements, and Malkia and Mteto kept themselves busy by interacting with the babies. Shortly later, Orwa, Bomani, Garzi, Lemoyian and the late-night gang arrived and joined in too. When all the elephants were done feeding the late-night gang left with the wild herd while the Ithumba dependent orphans headed east. Dololo decided to stay with the dependent orphans today and followed them instead of Oltaiyoni and the others. Some of the bulls were obviously in a playful mood which they expressed through pushing games. Jotto played with Mapia while Dololo played with Musiara. Pare tackled Sapalan as Mundusi tested his strength against Kauro. Shortly later, the boys settled into a serious browsing session. Sana Sana, Malkia and Ndiwa separated themselves from the rest of the herd as they browsed and engaged in some girl-talk.

The weather was chilly and at mud bath time none of the orphans dared to step into the mud bathing water. The orphans had their milk bottles then headed to join some wild bulls who were drinking water. The bulls didn’t want to let them through at first but soon the Keepers intervened and asked them to step aside, so the bulls moved and allowed the orphans to drink.

The afternoon was quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing. Enkikwe and Karisa sneaked off and returned back to the stockades early before five o'clock in the evening. The wild bull known as Dad with fifteen friends visited the stockade compound and left two hours later after having enough water.

Orwa and Bomani

Jotto playing with Mapia

Ithumbah with baby Iman

July 19th

A group of ex-orphans and their babies were comfortably sleeping outside the compound under the watchful eye of Chyulu, who was awake. As the dependent orphans had their milk bottles and came out of their stockades, the ex-orphans woke up and started moving over to the lucerne feeding area as they know the morning routine! Fifteen wild bulls were enjoying drinking water at the stockade water troughs. Kauro decided to go back into the stockades to look for any leftovers while Kuishi walked down to inspect the water truck before settling to drink some water.

Esampu spotted two buffaloes down at the water trough and decided to scare them away by trumpeting. The buffaloes turned to walk away simply because they had already finished drinking water, but Esampu felt very pleased with herself as she believed she had singlehandedly managed to chase the buffaloes away! When it was time for the orphans to head out for the day, Sana Sana led the way followed by Naboishu.

Out in the bush Sattao started the day activities by having a lone game of rolling on the ground. Jotto engaged Pare in a strength testing exercise while Ambo engaged Mapia in their own sparring match. Mukkoka tackled Musiara but ended up losing the game to Musiara. Pare and Jotto's games ended in a draw while Mapia won in his game against Ambo, which he signaled by climbing on his back. Mteto, Enkikwe and Karisa left with the ex-orphans Lenana, Lapa, Chyulu, Cheka, Loijuk and Lili.

It was quite hot when the orphans arrived at the mud bath for their midday milk bottles, but only Sana Sana, Nabulu, Esampu, Kauro and Pare decided to wallow. The others headed to drink water before walking back out to the bush to continue browsing. The afternoon was a quiet one as the orphans concentrated on browsing. Karisa, Enkikwe and Mteto were brought back by the ex-orphans late in the evening. 

Ex-orphans sleeping, Chyulu keeping watch

Kuishi inspecting the water truck

Sana Sana in the water

July 20th

It was a chilly morning and it actually even drizzled slightly which was very exciting. Only six wild elephants and no ex-orphans showed up for water this morning and the wild bulls left immediately after taking enough water. The orphans had an easy-going morning as there was no disturbance from their seniors. When they were all done, Ndiwa led the way out to browse.

The orphans enjoyed the cool morning temperature which helped them browse comfortably. Jotto and Mundusi decided to warm-up through a wrestling match. Shortly before mud bath time, Mteto, Maramoja, Rapa, Ambo, Nabulu, Malkia and Kamok took sometime off from browsing to roll on the ground to play in the damp soil. As soon as they had enough, Larro, Naboishu and Mukkoka led the way to the eleven o'clock milk feed. The weather was still chilly from this morning and none of the orphans dared to step into the mud bathing water. The mud bath almost seemed deserted as there weren’t even any wild bulls around which is normally the case. The orphans had their milk bottles then headed straight to the water trough where they enjoyed drinking in peace.

In the afternoon the orphans continued to enjoy the cool weather as this enabled them to browse without having to find shade. In the evening all the orphans returned safely as the most out-going ones like Dololo, Enkikwe, Karisa, Mteto and Sapalan had no one to sneak away with as there weren’t any seniors around! 

Mundusi playing with Jotto

Orphans rolling on the ground

Malkia rolling on Mteto

July 21st

Ambo led the way out from the stockades this morning. Chaimu, Kasigau and the late night gang of Oltaiyoni, Olsekki, Siangiki, Roi and Wanjala were waiting for them outside and they all went for lucerne together. A lone buffalo reported for water and none of the elephants even bothered to chase it away like they normally might try to! The buffalo left immediately after quenching its thirst. Mteto led the way out to browse today, and the orphans settled to browse in the Kone area. Malima teamed up with Larro to browse while Ambo joined Sattao. Mteto came across some loose soil and decided to roll around on it. Pare, who was browsing a short distance away, came running over in a hurry to take advantage of climbing on Mteto while she was on the ground. Kamok came running over to save Mteto from being bullied by Pare and pushed Pare away. Mteto got up and seemed to thank Kamok for driving Pare away.

At mud bath time the orphans were joined by Challa, Kilaguni, Meibai and twenty-five wild bulls. Only Pare and Mundusi wanted to swim in the mud bath, while Jotto, Esampu, Mukkoka, Kauro, Sapalan and Nabulu opted for a soil dusting exercise.

In the afternoon Ndiwa took Naboishu and they browsed for the rest of the day together. When the orphans returned back to the compound this evening they found the area full of ex-orphans and wild elephants totalling nearly one hundred! As darkness approached the elephants started leaving one by one however, after drinking enough water. 

Malima and Larro

Ndiwa and Naboishu

Meibai and a wild bull

July 22nd

Ex-orphans Kinna, Kama, Kaia, Wendi, Wiva, Wema, Ithumbah, her baby Iman, Meibai, Buchuma, Loijuk, Lili, Lenana, Lapa, Lualeni, Lulu, Lexi and Tomboi were present in the morning during the lucerne feeding time. Mteto, Esampu and Malkia interacted with Kaia for a while before Kama came over to pick her sister up. On the way to join their mother Kinna they met with the unfriendly Kamok. Kamok was her usual bad-tempered self and she pushed Kaia, causing her to cry out for help as her sister looked on helplessly as she was still too small herself to retaliate and push Kamok back. Kama was disappointed in Kamok's behaviour and left wondering what kind of mother she might be one day! Maramoja, Mteto, Sattao, Jotto, Esampu and Larro protested by rumbling at Kamok's behaviour, and they offered to escort Kama and Kaia over to join their mother. Meanwhile, Lapa invited Malkia to a pushing game. Malkia honoured the invitation and the two enjoyed their game for quite some time since it looked like Malkia was more teaching and training Lapa in new tactics, other than engaging him in a normal pushing game. Eventually the ex-orphans parted ways with the dependent orphans so Lapa left to join his mother and the others.

The dependent orphans had a quiet morning as they all concentrated on browsing without any major distractions. At mud bath time, Naboishu, Jotto and Sana Sana were in the first group to the milk feed. Though the sun was shining, the orphans decided not to go into the water after finishing their milk feed because of the cold wind that was blowing. Larro splashed water behind her ears twice before following her friends who were heading for a fresh drink of water. In the afternoon, Dololo, Karisa, Sapalan and Rapa decided to dodge the Keepers and sneak off, but returned to the stockade compound later by themselves shortly after six o'clock in the evening. 

Malkia playing with Lapa

Kauro and Kamok


July 23rd

Ex-orphans Wendi, Wema, Wiva, Kinna, Kaia, Kama, Ithumbah, Iman, Vuria, Narok, Loijuk and Lili arrived early at the stockade, moments before the orphans were let out. They didn't want to miss the lucerne feed! Two buffaloes showed up for water. Malkia spotted the two buffaloes and decided to try and chase them away. She ran trumpeting towards the buffaloes, who got scared at first and ran a few metres away, but then stopped and turned around, probably to check the size of the trumpeter and if this was a real threat or not! The buffaloes realised that the elephant who was trying to intimidate them was just a baby, so they stood their ground, prompting Malkia to surrender and walk back to join her friends.

Later in the morning, as everyone was getting ready to head to the mud bath, it became apparent that at some point, Kuishi, Naboishu and Ndiwa had sneaked off and were missing. Then on the way to the mud bath, Karisa, Rapa, Enkikwe joined a group of ex-orphans who they met and so they failed to turn up to the mud bath too.

At the mud bath the orphans were joined by a wild bull as they wallowed, but they got out of the water when the bull started bullying them and being a bit stand-offish. Instead, they went for a soil dusting exercise before heading back out to browse. Half an hour after the orphans had left, Ndiwa, Naboishu and Kuishi reported to the mud bath and expected their milk bottles from the Keepers who were still sitting there having their own lunch. They had their bottles before walking off to find their friends. They were lucky the Keepers were still there! With her trunk in the air, Ndiwa guided Naboishu and Kuishi until they caught up with their friends.

In the afternoon Jotto engaged Mundusi to a pushing game that ended when Jotto surrendered. The orphans were joined by Mutara and her group. Both groups browsed together till evening, time for getting back to the stockade. Maramoja abandoned her Musiara and attached herself to mambo. Rapa, Enkikwe and Karisa reported back later in the evening at the stockade still in the company of the ex-orphans. 

Wendi and her baby Wiva

Musiara and Kuishi

Mapia and Mundusi

July 24th

The orphans settled for lucerne soon after leaving their stockades. Ex-orphans Wendi, Kinna, Loijuk and their families, who visit the Ithumba stockades at least twice a day at the moment, joined the orphans for the supplement feeding session. Kithaka showed up later and his hind-leg is still slightly swollen, probably due to a muscle injury or something he did to his knee. He was put in a stockade and given some lucerne and pellets separately so he could enjoy them without any disturbance. The ruthless Wendi gave the young ones a hard time as she tried to push them whenever they came close to her share of lucerne. Malkia and Mteto had nice time with baby Kaia before deciding to follow Mundusi who had started leading the dependent orphans out to browse. 

Jotto engaged Sapalan in a pushing game while Sattao played with Kauro. The sky was clear and the sun was beating down, but the orphans browsed calmly throughout the morning session. At mud bath time, Larro, Naboishu and Pare were in the first group to the mud feed while Musiara, Maramoja and Sana Sana formed the second group. After finishing her milk, Larro got into the water and started wallowing. This caught the attention of Karisa, Naboishu, Sana Sana, Pare, Malima and Dololo who all decided to join her. Fifteen wild bulls were present too and the Keepers had to move them aside from the water trough to make way for the orphans who needed a drink too. Kauro was the last one to drink before running to catch up with his friends. The orphans settled to browse west of the Ithumba Hill in the afternoon. Enkikwe sneaked off as usual, but returned later to the stockades in the company of Barsilinga, Tusuja Olsekki and Galla. 

Lucerne feeding time



July 25th

Kinna and her little herd spent the night just outside the stockade compound and were happy to join the dependent orphans in the morning for some supplement lucerne. Kamok attempted to bully Wema but Wema ran for protection to her mother. Of course, Kamok wouldn’t dare get too close to Wendi because she is aware that Wendi can be quite aggressive! Wendi pointed at Kamok with her trunk which is a warning signal from an elephant – it was as if she was putting Kamok on notice since this wasn’t her first time bullying Wema. Kamok left with Kuishi and walked down to the water trough were the two enjoyed drinking water.

Out in the bush, Jotto engaged Mundusi in a pushing game that ended in a draw. Pare played with Ambo and just as it looked like Ambo was about to lose his game to Pare, Kamok emerged and picked him up and they walked away together. Kauro and Sattao took a break from feeding to have a game of rolling on the ground. It was getting quite hot and at mud bath time the orphans had a spectacular wallowing session, with the exception of Kauro, Dololo and Rapa who opted to boycott the exercise. Esampu, Naboishu, Ambo, Nabulu, Maramoja and Mteto participated in a soil bathing exercise soon after wallowing, in order to dry off. Enkikwe and Karisa didn't turn up for the mud bath as they had joined the ex-orphans in the morning.

In the afternoon, Kuishi settled to browse with Nabulu. The two girls had also a lengthy conversation. Perhaps Nabulu was trying to find out from Kuishi if she has ever experienced a drought like this since coming to Ithumba. Musiara stuck with Maramoja for the entire afternoon while Mukkoka and Naboishu teamed up with Ndiwa. In the evening, Karisa and Enkikwe returned to the stockades safe and sound, about an hour after all the other orphans had already arrived.

Kuishi and Kamok

Maramoja and Musiara

Karisa and Nabulu dust bathing

July 26th

Buchuma and Kanjoro joined the orphans briefly in the morning. After sharing lucerne with them, the two boys left and walked off back into the bush. Enkikwe, who has been spending time with the ex orphans, left with the late-night gang led by Oltaiyoni.

Out in the bush, Maramoja and Sapalan came across a tree that had been broken by wild elephants. The two orphans were so happy as they settled to feast on the tree thinking how lucky they were this morning. The orphans understood that for them to be able to bring down such a big tree, it will still be a few years before they have such strength! Mukkoka ran into trouble with Sattao when he tried to pick up a fallen branch that Sattao had set his eyes on. Mukkoka decided to defend himself by fighting back and luckily for him, Malima was feeding close by and intervened by separating the two boys. After separating the two boys, Malima picked up the branch, causing the conflict for herself! Esampu took a break from feeding to have a game of rolling on the ground. Her game attracted Malkia, Ndiwa, Pare and Dololo who came to join her. Malkia stood up and decided to scratch her belly against Ndiwa. 

When the orphans made their way to the mud bath for their 11am milk bottles, it was very hot and they all fully participated in a wallowing exercise, where they were joined by seven wild bulls. When they returned to browsing, they settled in the Imenti area for the rest of the afternoon. Pare engaged Rapa in a pushing game while Mundusi played with Mapia. Ndiwa teamed up with Naboishu and Larro to browse. The rest of the day was quiet as the orphans tried to make sure that they had enough to eat before returning to the stockades in the evening for the night. 

Sattao playing with Mukkoka

Malkia scratching on Ndiwa


July 27th

Four buffaloes arrived in the morning and joined some wild bulls drinking water. One of the buffaloes decided to walk to the smaller water trough which was currently occupied by the junior orphans. Mapia, Esampu, Mundusi, Pare and Maramoja made it impossible for the buffalo to drink in peace however; these girls and boys charged and trumpeted at the buffalo and eventually the noise and disturbance was too much for the buffalo and so it decided to leave. It seems that Esampu was just waiting for the buffalo to turn its back on them and she gathered the courage to even trumpet and follow the buffalo. Malkia joined Esampu and together they drove the buffalo away.

Larro led the orphans out to the bush where Ambo and Mapia started the days activities by engaging in a pushing game. Ambo lost to Mapia and decided to move to Sana Sana to request for some training to acquire some new wrestling techniques. Sana Sana accepted Ambo's request and trained with him for some time before letting him go to have something to eat. Pare and Jotto teamed up together to browse and later decided to take a break and stand under a tree and have their own private conversation.

At the mud bath, the orphans had their milk bottles and then went for a soil dusting exercise. The weather was chilly and none of the orphans wanted to wallow. The rest of the day was quiet as the orphans settled to browse in the Imenti area again. Kauro, Enkikwe, Mundusi and Rapa parted ways with their friends and disappeared to look for the ex-orphans. The four boys returned to the stockades shortly before eight o'clock at night in the company of the late-night gang.

Malkia and Musiara

Sana Sana and Ambo

Milk feeding time

July 28th

Mutara and her herd joined the orphans in the morning again. Mteto, Esampu and Maramoja took their time looking after Mambo, who they absolutely love, but Mambo wasn’t as interested in their company and went off in search of his mother. Shortly later, ex-orphans Kinna, Wendi, Loijuk and Lualeni with their children turned up and joined in the feeding. An hour later, the group parted ways.

Jotto, who is trying as much as he can to become dominant over Mapia, engaged Mapia in a strength testing exercise. Dololo, Ambo and Musiara stood to the side as if they were spectating, waiting to see who would emerge as the winner. Unfortunately, the game between the two young bulls ended when they saw Bomani and Lemoyian approaching. Both the spectators and the competitors left as they knew that Bomani and Lemoyian would push them aside. Ambo walked towards Lemoyian as if to inquire why he was approaching, but Lemoyian greeted him gently and perhaps informed Ambo that they were only passing by. Ambo exchanged greetings with Lemoyian and they stood with their trunks entwined; moments later, Lemoyian and Bomani left. Sapalan engaged Rapa in a pushing game while Musiara, Malkia, Sattao, Pare, Naboishu and Mukkoka took a break from feeding to enjoy a game of rolling on the ground. Later, Naboishu engaged Ambo in a pushing game that ended when Naboishu surrendered. 

It was quite cool at the mud bath when the orphans visited later, and only Mapia, Pare, Esampu and Larro decided to wallow in the waterhole. Later, Ambo, Sattao, Dololo, Mapia and Mteto had a roadside show, rolling along the sandy road embankment and showing off. Mapia played with Jotto as Ambo teamed up with his favourite girl Kamok to browse until it was time to return home. 

Mutara, baby Mambo and Chaimu

Jotto and Mapia

Lemoyian and Ambo

July 29th

It was a very active morning. After the dependent orphans finished their milk bottles, they walked down to share lucerne with ex-orphans and wild elephants who joined them this morning. Ithumbah and Iman were among the ex-orphans and we couldn’t help but remark how beautiful and sweet Iman looked, and very active. Dololo and Jotto started playfighting with each other once their stomachs were full of lucerne. Chulu and Cheka were present too and very much enjoyed their lucerne supplement this morning. Cheka got distracted watching Ambo and Larro, who were having their own wrestling match, and she had to run to catch up with her mum who has started walking away from the feeding area. The ex-orphans decided to follow the dependent orphans as they walked into the bush to begin their day, including Kinna, Kama and Kaia. Sana Sana started playing in the soil by digging down at the ground with her tusks and throwing the chunks of soil on her head. Enkikwe approached and started a pushing game with her. Wiva was being very playful and charging the Keepers about the bushes as they watched over the dependent orphans browsing.

When the orphans visited the mud bath, they had their bottles and went for a soil dust bath without wallowing, as it was a cold afternoon and no one wanted to get in the water. Only one wild bull walked in and started splashing water on his body.

The orphans concentrated on browsing in the afternoon without playing too much, as they had to focus on filling their tummies. In the end, it was Malima and Pare who decided it was time to head home, and they led the group back for the night.

Malima and Dololo

Sana Sana and Enkikwe

Malima and Nabulu

July 30th

It was a very quiet and cold morning today. The orphans had their milk bottles and walked down to feed on lucerne as usual. Not as many ex-orphans decided to visit today so the dependent orphans had more of the feeding area to themselves, which they always enjoy. There was a small group of wild bulls present who had come to drink water. A lone spotted hyena passed in front of the stockades, perhaps on their way home to their den, as they are a nocturnal animal.

The orphans looked happy and active in the bush this morning. Some were playing games. Ambo was playing with Mapia and Rapa was playing with Ndiwa. Esampu and Sattao played off to the side in some loose soil that they found along the roadside. The others all concentrated on browsing until it was time to head for the noon milk feed.

At the mud bath as it was still cold no one bothered to get into the mud hole to wallow, not even the wild bulls who were present drinking some fresh water. Malima and Jotto started a playfight after finishing their milk bottles and later Jotto went on to playfight with Dololo. Dololo then went in search of his old Nursery friend Musiara to play with. When it was time, the orphans returned home in the evening for their evening milk bottles and to go to bed.


Rapa playing with Ambo

Musiara and Dololo

July 31st

It was quiet morning again today with only a few ex-orphans choosing to visit us. Kinna, Wendi, Mutara and Loijuk with their babies Kaia, Kama, Wema, Mambo and Lili were present. The dependent orphans were fed their milk bottles and then came out to join them. While the orphans were interacting with the ex-orphans and enjoying their lucerne, a buffalo came up to the water trough to drink and Garzi went down to share water from the same trough. Mambo was enjoying the security from his nanny Sities and his wannabe-nanny Malkia. Later, Turkwel came to join Malkia who was very much enjoying being so protective over Mambo who is her favourite little baby out of all the wild born babies.

All the orphans looked happy this morning and were very active in the cool weather. Loijuk and Wendi with their babies Lili and Wema joined the junior orphans for a bit as they browsed, but the orphans weren’t very comfortable and didn’t like their company very much because Wendi can be so naughty. The orphans decided to walk towards the mud bath for their milk bottles, led by Larro, and left Wendi and Loijuk behind.

As it was another cool day, the orphans decided not to wallow in the mud bath after having their milk bottles. Instead, they had their bottles as usual then walked over to the water trough for a drink where they joined two wild bulls. They shared some water and then started wandering back out to the bush to continue with their afternoon of browsing.

The cool morning suddenly gave way to a much warmer afternoon however as the clouds burnt off, and some of the orphans took a break from browsing to rest in the shade. Mukkoka was seen stretching high with his trunk to reach some tasty branches to eat. Sapalan and Larro came over to share leaves from the same shrub that Mukkoka had found. Mapia led the herd back home in the evening and everyone returned home safely for the night.

Kinna and Kaia

Loijuk and Lili


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