Voi Reintegration Unit

July 2020

Daily updates

July 1st

Tagwa enjoyed a private early morning dust bath before the rest of her friends came to join her while Arruba walked along the lower side of one of the stockade terraces feeding on Lucerne pellets. Sagala and Tamiyoi took the lead of the group out to the Park for the day once all the stockade activities were over.   

The orphans spent the morning browsing in single file before making their way to the waterhole for the noon milk feed. As the orphans were arriving at the baobab tree waterhole for a drink of water, they saw a wild herd coming in to join them. One wild elephant cow was rather aggressive and tried to chase the orphans away from the water trough. The commotion this caused made Tagwa quite nervous and she ran away, making sure to separate herself from the wild herd and the orphans. Tamiyoi went to comfort Tagwa and get her to rejoin the orphans once the wild herd moved away. Once the wild herd left the orphans were able to enjoy a drink and their time at the waterhole before resuming with their browsing activities.  

Arruba enjoying Lucerne pellets

Tagwa at the dust bath

Tamiyoi right browsing with Tagwa

July 2nd

The milk dependent orphans came running out of their stockades this morning, greedily taking their milk bottles from their Keepers and downing the contents before heading to the supplement feeding area to enjoy the Lucerne pellets that had been put out for them. Sagala went to sit on the favourite rock in the stockade compound, where she enjoyed a scratching session.   

The orphans headed out to the Park where they slowly browsed their way to the baobab tree water hole. They had their milk feed and then made their way to the water trough where they encountered a wild group having a drink of water, and the orphans slowly made their way to join them. The wild herd had three small calves among them which caught the orphan’s attention, as they love playing with other babies. Emoli wanted to greet one of the wild calves but was prevented from doing so by an older sibling who stood between Emoli and the youngster. Rorogoi went straight up to a big wild bull drinking at the waterhole and he stopped drinking to welcome Rorogoi who joined him, while Mbegu was approached by another wild bull. Mbegu was not interested in interacting with the bull and quickly moved away. Tamiyoi stood close to a bull at the dust hill and enjoyed a dust bath while she watched. 

The afternoon browsing session took place on the southern side of the waterhole with Arruba and Ndotto enjoying a sparring session just before the orphans decided to make their way back to the safety of the stockades for the night.  

Sagala enjoying a scratching session

Rorogoi greets a wild bull

Mbegu and a wild bull

July 3rd

It was a perfect beginning to the day as the stockade dependent orphan elephants emptied their morning milk bottles before settling to enjoy the Lucerne pellets, after which they engaged in dust bathing games on the stockade dust piles. Nelion was the earliest caller to the stockade compound this morning; he was on his own but he joined the dependent orphans as they made their way out to the Park for the day.  

The orphans spent the morning browsing slowly with Sagala, Tagwa, Tamiyoi and Godoma enjoying a private browsing session together before the entire group made their way to the baobab tree water hole where they had their noon milk feed, before meeting up with a wild herd having a drink of water at the water trough. The orphans enjoyed socializing with their wild friends with Mbegu enjoying playing with two teenagers, but she made a quick exit when a wild bull tried to climb on a friend that she was playing with. Tahri also enjoyed playing with a wild friend while Pika Pika tried to leave with the wild group but was prevented from doing so by Mbegu. Rorogoi stayed with the wild group at the waterhole while the rest of the orphans left for the afternoon browsing session, but she came running up to rejoin her orphan friends after a short while. 

Tahri playing with a wild friend

Pika Pika at the water trough with wild eles

Mbegu playing

July 4th

It was a morning full of fun and games as the stockade dependent orphans enjoyed playing around the stockade compound following the morning milk and supplement feeding. Today all the members of Kenia’s herd came to join the juniors with Ishaq-B lying on the ground to play while her friends stood in a semi-circle around her watching. Tahri joined Ishaq-B on the ground with their rolling game attracting the attention of most of the orphans who stood watching them play. When they were done, Ishaq-B got to her feet and went to greet and hug Godoma. Emoli and Ngilai enjoyed a sparring session while having a dust bath with Arruba and Ndotto enjoying their own strength testing game. 

 Arruba later pushed Ndotto away and signaled that it was time to head back out to browse, taking the lead as the rest followed. The orphans spent the morning browsing before heading to the baobab tree waterhole hole where they had their noon milk feed and interacted with a visiting wild herd after which they returned to their browsing activities close to the waterhole. 

Ishaq-B on the ground playing

Emoli and Ngilai sparring

Ndotto and Arruba sparring

July 5th

The morning was good with the orphans enjoying their milk and Lucerne pellets before engaging in various activities around the stockade compound. Lasayen enjoyed a buttock scratching session against the orphan’s favourite rock with little Pika Pika waiting patiently for Lasayen to finish so that she could have a turn. Godoma was busy rolling around on the ground and didn’t notice her friends heading out for the day. Once she got to her feet she realized that she was on her own and took a short cut down the stockade terrace to catch up with the rest of the group.   

Once out in the Park, Ngilai and Emoli took a break from browsing to engage in a sparring session. Tagwa, Ngilai, Tamiyoi, Embu and Murit took the lead to the milk feeding area at noon after which the orphan herd made their way to the baobab tree water hole for a drink and a mud bath. A wild herd was seen browsing close to the water hole but waited for the orphans to leave before coming in for a drink from the water trough. Rorogoi had a lovely time in the mud bath, charging and running around in the water before rejoining the orphan herd who were ready to return to their browsing activities.  

Lasayen in the morning

Rorogoi having fun at mud bath

Godoma at the stockade terrace

July 6th

Another day dawned and the orphans were busy with the usual morning activities which began with their morning milk bottles before heading to the supplement feeding area where Suswa fed on the pellets while anchoring herself against a rock close to the stockade water trough. Embu and Araba stood in a queue to enjoy a scratching session against a rocky outcrop at the stockade compound before joining their friends who were preparing to leave the stockade compound for a day in the Park.  

The orphans settled to browse in single file before making their way to the waterhole for their noon milk bottles, after which they relaxed under a commifora tree close to the waterhole. They all had a drink from the water trough before Mbegu led them into the mud wallow for a mud bath. Rorogoi enjoyed playing with Tamiyoi and got quite excited, sitting on her bottom in the water while tossing her trunk in the sky, trumpeting loudly. The entire group enjoyed mud bathing today, spending a longer time than usual in the water with Arruba sticking close to her adopted baby Pika Pika throughout the mud bathing session. 

Diria and Nzuki, the orphan baby zebras, are very good friends, although Diria will always sneak away from Nzuki when he tries to suckle from Diria! 

Suswa scratching

Embu browsing

Pika Pika and Arruba

July 7th

The sky was blanketed by thick clouds this morning which covered the sun and a cold wind blew making it a rather cold day for the orphans. They enjoyed playing on the soil piles after having their milk bottles, trying to warm up. 

Tagwa, Sagala and Tamiyoi took the lead of the orphan herd out to the Park today and they all spent the morning browsing peacefully, before visiting the baobab tree waterhole at noon. After they had a drink of water, they enjoyed interacting with a wild herd that was at the mud bath. Nelion and Rorogoi had fun greeting and playing with their wild friends while Tamiyoi hid behind the baobab tree and watched the wild herd drinking from the water trough. The orphans spent a long time interacting with several wild herds today, all of whom came to the water trough for a drink, with Pika Pika leaving with one of the wild herds. The Keepers called Pika Pika several times to rejoin the orphan herd and she eventually heeded their calls and returned to the group; she still has a lot to learn and does not yet have the social skills to make it on her own with the wild herd and is still milk dependent too.  

Ivia and Cheza, the orphan buffalos, have been enjoying feeding close to the elephant orphans during the day. Rorogoi seems to be the most unaccommodating of the two buffalos and often charges at them in an effort to chase them away. 

Rorogoi left playing with a wild friend

Nelion left playing with a wild friend

Ivia left and Cheza

July 8th

The morning was calm and it was a cold day again as the Voi dependent orphan elephants exited their stockades for their morning milk bottles, followed by the Lucerne pellet feeding. The orphans then enjoyed playing dust bathing games, with Godoma lying down at the edge of the terrace while the rest played on the piles of soi. When the games were over Tamiyoi, Sagala and Tagwa led the orphan herd out to the Park for the day.   

The orphan elephants spent the morning browsing peacefully before Tamiyoi, Tahri and Pika Pika started running to the baobab tree water hole for the noon milk feed. The orphans all downed their share but were reluctant to wallow in the mud bath as it was a chilly day. They spent quite a lot of time drinking from the water trough where they were joined by a friendly wild elephant herd. Mbegu, Tamiyoi and Rorogoi were very interested in three wild calves in the group and wanted to greet them, but they were unable to do so as they were kept away by their older family members.  

Mbegu sat at the edge of the water hole to play where she was joined by Emoli and Tahri. Sagala found the opportunity to play with a wild calf a little younger than her. The orphan herd then resumed their browsing activities, missing a second wild elephant herd that came for a drink from the water trough.  

Pika Pika browsing

Tamiyoi atop the terrace enjoying pellets

Mbegu sitting playing with Emoli

July 9th

After the early morning milk and supplement feeding, Tagwa enjoyed a soil bath on the red earth piles where she was joined by Tamiyoi, Sagala and Godoma. Arruba was engaged in a scratching session against the orphan’s favourite rock with Pika Pika taking a turn as well, while Ngilai and Emoli were busy playing a strength testing pushing game.  

The orphan herd left the stockade compound for the Park, spending the morning browsing before visiting the baobab tree waterhole for the noon milk feed and a drink of water. A wild herd came for a drink as well and stood nearby waiting for the orphans to finish before having a drink themselves. Arruba waited for the wild herd to arrive but when she saw that they were taking their time, she left to rejoin her friends who had given up waiting for her. 

Later on in the afternoon in started to rain, and Ndotto enjoyed a chasing game with the buffalo Cheza who was happy to entertain Ndotto by running away. In the evening Tamiyoi browsed close to Ivia and Cheza who were lying down for a rest, with Tamiyoi making sure not to disturb them. 

Arruba left and Pika Pika

Ngilai browsing

Ndotto browsing

July 10th

The dependent orphans came out of their stockades this morning and gathered for their morning milk bottles and the Lucerne pellet feeding after which they hung around the stockade compound for a while before heading out to the Park for the day.   

It was drizzling as the orphans made their way to browse, with Tagwa lagging behind as she was enjoying a dust bath on the soil piles. They all enjoyed the morning browsing session before heading to the waterhole for their milk feed and a drink of water. The orphans then stood at the edge of the mud bath and tested the temperature of the water, finding it too cold for a swim. Suswa enjoyed a scratching session against the water trough before sitting against a rock to try and soak up some warmth. Embu waited to take Suswa’s place but ended up having to give up as Suswa had no intention of leaving; she only ended up doing when the rest of the orphan herd left the mud bath area to resume with their browsing activities.  

Tagwa dust bathing

Suswa playing

Embu stretching her trunk

July 11th

The morning was full of fun and games as the dependent orphan elephants played around the stockade compound following the milk and supplement feeding. Ngilai enjoyed a scratching session against a small rock before Emoli came and engaged him a sparring session; Emoli climbed on top of the stockade terrace to give him a height advantage over Ngilai. Godoma caught the attention of the two bulls playing when she started a sliding game from the top to the bottom of the terrace. Emoli finished playing with Ngilai to go and play with Pika Pika, while Ndotto lay on the soil piles and tried to entice Arruba to come and play with him. 

The orphan herd browsed their way to the waterhole where they joined a wild elephant herd that was having a drink of clean water from the water trough. Tamiyoi was busy watching the wild elephant calves as she contemplated going up to greet them. After interacting with the wild group for a while the orphans left the waterhole to join up with Mashariki, Mudanda, Nelion and Tundani, who were browsing along the northern foot of Msinga Hill. The four independent orphans returned to the stockades with the juniors and remained at the stockade compound for an hour before returning to the Park.  

Ngilai crossing his legs

Emoli coming off the terrace

Ndotto left and Arruba

July 12th

The milk bottles were ready and waiting for the orphans when they exited their stockades this morning. They ran to the milk feeding area and downed their bottles in a matter of seconds before proceeding to the Lucerne pellet feeding area. There were brief games around the stockade compound with Ngilai and his best friend Emoli enjoying a sparring session while Godoma stood on the stockade terrace watching Emoli and Ngilai play, and Tamiyoi enjoyed a scratching session against the orphans favourite rock.  

The orphan herd left the stockade compound for the Park under Sagala and Tagwa’s leadership. They spent the morning browsing before making their way to the baobab tree waterhole at noon. After the milk feed they ran to the waterhole for a drink of clean water from the water trough before going to the mud bath where Embu was the only one to fully immerse herself in the water, with Lasayen standing in the water to oversee Embu’s game.  

A big herd of buffalo totaling over one hundred came for a drink at the waterhole after the orphans had left to resume their browsing activities.  

Tamiyoi having a scratching session


Embu having fun in the water

July 13th

Nelion, Mudanda, Mashariki and Tundani visited the stockades early in the morning and patiently waited for the stockade dependent orphans to come out for their milk and so that they could join them for the Lucerne pellet feeding. Tamiyoi then invited Tundani for a sparring session after which Tundani took on Ndotto while Suswa had a scratching session and Nelion took on Godoma for a wrestling game. Tundani and Nelion then engaged in a pushing game to showcase their tactics to their younger friends while Mbegu invited Rorogoi for a soil bathing games.  

The entire junior group left for the Park along with their independent orphan friends. After the noon milk feed the group made their way to the baobab tree waterhole where they had fun interacting with the visiting wild herds. When they had finished socializing with the wild group the orphans resumed their browsing activities along with Mashariki, Mudanda, Nelion and Tundani, who stayed with them for the afternoon and escorted them home in the evening. The four independent orphans returned to the Park later that night. 

Tundani left and Nelion

Suswa scratching

Rorogoi and Mbegu dust bathing

July 14th

The dependent orphans assembled at the Lucerne pellet feeding trough to enjoy the supplements that had been put out for them before teaming up in groups to play. Ngilai enjoyed a sparring session with Tagwa with Ngilai kneeling down on the ground to give Tagwa an advantage and keep her engaged in the game for longer. Emoli, who usually enjoys sparring with Ngilai, took on Sagala today, while Lasayen took on Murit and Godoma kept herself busy playing on one of the stockade terraces.  

The morning was spent browsing peacefully with the orphans making their way to the baobab tree waterhole at noon for their milk feed and a mud bath. Arruba and Rorogoi enjoyed competing in rolling games in the water with Arruba then sitting on Rorogoi so that she couldn’t exhibit her wallowing skills. After a while Arruba moved away and went to lie in different part of the waterhole. A wild elephant herd came to the mud bath after the orphans left. Emoli caught sight of them and had the group turn around so that they could join up with their wild friends and interact with them for a while before returning to the afternoons browsing activities.  

Sagala scratching

Lasayen scratching

Mbegu and Emoli drinking

July 15th

Once the morning milk and supplement feeding was over the orphans engaged in different activities around the stockade compound. Lasayen and Murit enjoyed a scratching session against the terrace before taking on one another for a sparring match, which Murit won when Lasayen surrendered and walked off, conceding defeat.  

The orphans then left the stockade for their usual day out in the Park and settled to browse along the northern flatter area near Msinga Hill, where they spread out to feed on the tall grass, before making their way to the baobab tree water hole at noon. 

After they downed their milk bottles, they assembled around the water trough to quench their thirst. They then congregated at the waterhole but did not wallow as it was a cold and cloudy day again. Embu was the only one to enter the water and lie down in the mud rolling around oblivious to how cold it was. Tahri went to stand by Embu and watch her playing only to have Embu grab her with her trunk in an effort to get Tahri to join her.  

The afternoon was spent browsing peacefully until it was time to return to the safety of the stockades for the night.  

Lasayen and Murit sparring

Godoma playing

Arruba on Msinga Hill

July 16th

After the morning milk feed, the dependent orphan elephants interacted with Nelion, Mudanda, Mashariki and Tundani at the Lucerne pellet feeding area. It has become apparent that the four are separating from Kenia’s group which is made up of Kenia, Araba, Ndii, Ishaq-B and Ndoria, all of whom are females. 

Tundani invited Ndotto for a sparring match as their friends were preparing to leave for the Park. Their game did not last long however as they had to catch up with their friends who were ready to begin the days browsing activities.  

At noon the milk dependent orphan elephants downed their milk bottles before joining the rest of the group at the waterhole. Arruba led her friends into the mud bath where she showcased her bathing skills before lying on the red earth piles at the edge of the waterhole, where she was joined by Suswa and Rorogoi, who then went to the water trough for a drink of water. A big wild elephant bull came to join them and Rorogoi ran off, but when she saw that Suswa stayed behind and was enjoying the company of the wild bull she came back and rejoined the two. More wild elephants came in for a drink as the orphans were ready to resume with their browsing activities. 

Tundani sparring with Ndotto

Arruba playing

Suswa coming down the road

July 17th

After the morning milk feed, Suswa, Pika Pika and Arruba walked straight to the stockade water trough for a drink of water while Ngilai invited his best friend and play mate, Emoli, for a sparring game. Tahri hung out with Arruba. Tagwa, Sagala and Tamiyoi cuddled together, while Mbegu invited Rorogoi for a sparring match.  

Ndotto was seen standing with one leg raised and resting on the stockade terrace while he tried to engage Suswa in a wrestling match but was unsuccessful in doing so as Suswa was uninterested in playing with him, so Ndotto engaged Arruba in a pushing game instead, which worried Pika Pika who thought they were really fighting and went to break up the two. Ndotto then tried to climb on Arruba’s back before lying on the ground to let Arruba control the game, which seemed to reassure Pika Pika that everything was fine between the two.  

The walk out to the Park took place under Sagala and Tagwa’s leadership as the two enjoyed a wrestling match in front of their friends as they led them out for the day.  After the noon mud bath the orphans enjoyed playing on the dust piles where Rorogoi had fun sliding from the top to the bottom, before joining her friends who were ready to return to their browsing activities. 

When the orphans were leaving the waterhole, four male buffalos arrived for a drink with Ivia and Cheza watching them intently. The two orphan buffaloes seemed to be very interested in the wild buffaloes but were not yet ready to greet and interact with them. Rorogoi, who was in a playful mood today, came back to the waterhole, and began chasing the orphaned buffaloes all around the mud bath.  

Arruba left, Pika Pika and Suswa having a drink

Tahri with Arruba

Sagala and Tagwa

July 18th

Suswa led the orphan elephant herd in an early morning dust bath alongside Embu, Emoli, and Lasayen. Emoli stood at the top of the dust hill enjoying throwing red earth onto his back and then engaged Godoma in a sparring game. Sagala became the centre of attention at the dust bath as she rolled around on the earth piles before going for a scratching session against the orphans favourite rock. When she was done scratching she gathered the orphans together and led them out to the Park for the day.  

The orphans settled to browse on the northern grasslands with Emoli, Pika Pika, Tamiyoi, Tagwa and Murit taking the lead to the baobab tree waterhole at noon.  The orphans had their noon milk bottle and then gathered for a drink from the water trough but did not wallow as it was a cold day. When the orphan herd left the waterhole some wild elephant herds started streaming in for a drink. The orphans spent the afternoon browsing to the west of the waterhole.   

Emoli sparring with Godoma

Sagala playing at dustbath

Orphan herd at the water trough

July 19th

The day was off to a good start as the stockade dependent orphan elephants gathered at the milk feeding area where they downed their morning milk bottles before proceeding to the Lucerne pellet feeding area where they joined up with Nelion, Mudanda, Mashariki and Tundani who had arrived at the stockade compound this morning. 

It was a fairly cold day as the orphans engaged in activities around the stockade compound with Sagala and Lasayen leading the group for a scratching session with Arruba enjoying a trunk scratch, while Nelion tried to engage her in a sparring session which she managed to avoid as she was anxious of his long tusks.    

The orphans headed out for the day and spent the morning browsing in single file before visiting the baobab tree water hole at noon. After having their milk and a drink of water, they headed to the mud bath where they enjoyed splashing water over themselves. A wild elephant herd came in as the orphans were leaving for the afternoon browsing session.   Mbegu, Godoma and Sagala stayed behind and watched some wild calves drinking from the water trough, after which they ran off to catch up with their friends who were busy browsing.    

Mashariki at the stockade compound

Mudanda at the stockade compound

Wild group having a drink at the water trough

July 20th

The orphan elephants exited the stockades in a jovial mood, with the milk-dependent babies swinging their trunks as they headed to the milk feeding area for their morning milk bottles, after which they joined their milk-weaned friends at the supplement feeding area for Lucerne pellets.  Embu then went to enjoy a scratching session against the stockade terrace before Emoli came in for a turn, evicting Embu in the process and taking her place while Mashariki and Godoma stood nearby waiting a turn. Emoli went on to engage his best friend Ngilai in a sparring game after which the orphans headed out for a day in the Park.  

At noon the orphans made their way to the baobab tree waterhole where they had their milk bottles and a drink of water but avoided the mud bath as it was another cold day. Half an hour after the orphan herd left the waterhole area wild elephants and a herd of zebra with tiny babies came for a drink. Diria and Nzuki the orphan baby zebras are doing very well with their friendship bonds growing every day as the two spend all their time together. 

Embu scratching against the terrace

Emoli sparring with Ngilai

Godoma walking down the road

July 21st

It was a routine morning for the orphans who assembled for their milk bottles and Lucerne pellet feeding. The dependent orphan herd was visited by Mashariki and Mudanda today with the two independent orphans joining the youngsters for the supplement feeding. Once the feeding was over the orphans enjoyed playing around the compound with Sagala, Emoli and Tamiyoi playing on the dust piles where Sagala paid particular attention to Emoli, as she doesn’t often get a chance to play with him due to the fact that his attention is usually taken up by Ngilai. There were some baboons at the stockade compound today and Sagala was kept busy running here and there in an effort to chase them away. 

On the way out to the Park, the eland Tawi decided to follow the orphan elephants and buffaloes out for the day which did not sit well with Godoma, who turned around and charged at Tawi, driving him back to the stockades.  

The morning browsing session went well with the elephant orphans taking a break at noon to visit the baobab tree water hole where they had their milk bottles and some water. When the orphans were ready to leave, a wild herd of elephants arrived. Mashariki, who was at the front of the group, welcomed the wild herd and the orphans then made way for their wild friends. Arruba and Suswa stayed back with the wild group for a few minutes before leaving to catch up with the rest of the orphan herd who had returned to their browsing activities.  

Sagala playing with Emoli

Mashariki scratching

Godoma charging Tawi

July 22nd

The milk dependent elephants came running out of their stockades for their milk bottles with Mbegu’s herd of six being the first to arrive at the milk feeding area, followed a few minutes later by Embu and Rorogoi who came charging in, not wanting anyone to steal their share.  

After the morning milk feed, Tagwa went for a dust bath together with Tamiyoi and Sagala. 

Godoma stood nearby watching them before taking the lead of the orphan herd out to the Park for the day. Mbegu, Lasayen and Ngilai followed Godoma closely while Ndotto and Suswa brought up the rear. Once at the browsing grounds Arruba and Pika Pika diverted the group uphill in search of green vegetation while Tamiyoi, Tahri, Sagala, and Godoma settled around the rocks below where they browsed and played. 

At noon the orphans made their way to the baobab tree water trough for their milk bottles and a drink of water. On arriving at the water trough they were joined by three wild bulls who had come to quench their thirst. As the orphans left the waterhole more wild elephants were seen coming for a drink.  

Rorogoi at the dust bath while baboons watch

Godoma on the rocks

Tamiyoi coming down the hill

July 23rd

Mashariki, Nelion, Tundani, and Mudanda arrived at the stockades this morning and joined their younger friends for the supplement feeding. Nelion then engaged Ndotto in a sparring session while Tundani scratched his back leg against a rock boulder.  

Out in the Park the orphans made their way to the eastern foot of Msinga Hill with Godoma heading up the rocky side to get to the top, while Suswa and Murit also maneuvered their way to the peak in search of green vegetation. The orphans spent the morning browsing and interacting with one another before heading to the baobab tree waterhole for their noon milk feed.  

Today there were no wild elephants around the waterhole and the orphans enjoyed having the water trough to themselves, making sure to get their fill of the fresh clean water before splashing it over their bodies. As it was a cold day none of the orphans were interested in entering the mud bath, choosing instead to return to their browsing activities for the rest of the day.  

Mashariki, Mudanda, Tundani and Nelion escorted the stockade dependent orphans back to the safety of the stockades for the night. The four independent orphans remained at the stockade compound for a couple of hours before returning to the Park.   

Tundani coming to the stockade

Mbegu browsing


July 24th

It was a wonderful start to the day with the orphan elephants enjoying playing around the stockade compound following the morning milk and supplement feeding. They all gathered at the dust hill for a dusting session. Suswa tried to engage Tagwa in a game but Tagwa wasn’t interested, choosing instead to go and join Godoma who was enjoying a scratching session. Murit stood on top of one of the stockade terraces where he extended his trunk towards Emoli, inviting him for a strength testing game. Murit then sat on his bottom to level the playing field for Emoli. Sagala was watching the two play and came to engage Emoli for a quick game before it was time to leave for the Park. 

Murit took the lead today with Lasayen, Godoma and Rorogoi being the first to follow him. Independent Nelion also joined the group as they headed out for the day.  Once in the Park Suswa teamed up with Godoma and Emoli for a private browsing session atop Msinga Hill. At about 10am the group slowly started making their way to the waterhole. 

After the noon milk feed the orphans had fun playing mud bathing games before going for a dust bath. At the soil piles Mbegu enjoyed climbing on Nelion’s back while Murit rolled around on the ground showcasing his dusting skills.  

Murit standing on the terrace with Emoli below

Lasayen browsing on Msinga

Godoma busy browsing

July 25th

The day started with the milk dependent orphans running out of their stockades and downing their milk bottles before joining their milk-weaned friends for the supplement feeding. Nelion and Tundani had arrived early enough to join the juniors for the Lucerne pellets. Arruba enjoyed browsing on some leaves from an acacia tree. She then had to run to catch up with her friends who had left the stockade compound for their day of browsing.   

Mashariki and Mudanda, who are usually always with Nelion and Tundani, came to the stockade compound at 8:30 for a drink of water from the stockade water trough after which they enjoyed feeding on some fresh Lucerne that had been put out for them. The two then left for the Park headed in the opposite direction taken by that of the dependent orphans earlier in the morning.   

The orphans spent the morning browsing along the western and northern sides of Msinga Hill before making their way to the baobab tree waterhole at noon. There was a lot of evidence of wild herds having visited the water trough prior to the orphans’ arrival. The wild elephants had drunk a substantial amount of water leaving the trough rather empty with just enough water for the orphans to have a drink too. The Trusts water bowser fills the water trough every morning and evening for wild elephants and other animals, and after the orphans have drunk as well, from the Mzima water pipleline.   

Tundani busy browsing

Emoli playing

Arruba left, Embu and Suswa

July 26th

It was a good beginning to the day with Emoli, Pika Pika, Sagala and Tahri running at top speed to be the first to arrive at the milk feeding area for their morning milk bottles followed by Lucerne grass and pellet feeding. There were brief games around the stockade compound before the orphan herd followed Sagala, Tagwa and Tamiyoi out to the Park for the day.  

The orphans spread out to browse grabbing as much green vegetation as they could as it is drying fast in the area. They then made their way to the baobab tree waterhole for their noon milk bottle. While drinking from the water trough a wild herd came and waited patiently for the orphans to finish so that they could quench their thirst. The water bowser was re-filling the water hole and Mbegu went to inspect it before approaching the wild herd to look at some little calves that were among them. Emoli went up to greet a big wild bull elephant, walking straight up to him. The bull was surprised to see the youngster approach him so confidently but was happy to welcome the youngster.   

Mbegu inspecting the water bowser

Sagala and Emoli sparring

Arruba and Pika Pika browsing

July 27th

It was an early beginning to the day for the orphans who exited their stockades at first light for their morning milk bottles and supplement feeding before engaging in games on the stockade soil piles. Rorogoi loved lying on the soft soil piles but gave up her attempt to showcase her dusting talents when Ndotto came and climbed on her back. Tagwa, Tamiyoi, Sagala and Pika Pika, who were watching Rorogoi, ran off when Ndotto arrived and left Rorogoi to struggle to get out from under Ndotto on her own.  Once back on her feet, Rorogoi took on Ndotto in a pushing game while Murit tried to climb on Sagala’s back, and Pika Pika sparred with Emoli. Arruba and Mbegu had fun playing with Nelion who was the only independent orphan to visit the stockade compound this morning.  

The orphans spent the day browsing peacefully, momentarily pausing their browsing activities for the noon milk feed and mud bath. Arruba, Suswa and Rorogoi came running and charging up to the waterhole where Emoli enjoyed riding on Mbegu’s back while she was sitting on the dust hill. Once the noon mud bath games were over, the orphans returned to browsing for the afternoon, before returning to the safety of the stockades for the night.   

Rorogoi sparring with Ndotto

Sgala sparring with Murit

Emoli riding on Mbegu's back

July 28th

It was a beautiful beginning to the day with the dependent orphan elephants quickly downing their morning milk bottles before proceeding to the supplement feeding area where they enjoyed feeding on copra cake. Nelion arrived early this morning and had a drink of water from the stockade water trough before joining the orphans for Lucerne pellets.  

Soon after the orphans had finished feeding, Mbegu lay on the ground and started rolling around playing. Ndotto approached her, touching her back with his trunk, before trying to climb on her back but she quickly got to her feet, preventing him from doing so. Tamiyoi went to the top of the dust hill where she scooped chunks of soil with her trunk and enjoyed a dust bath. Tahri was lying on the ground playing while simultaneously watching what Tamiyoi was doing.  Godoma came to enjoy a dust bath while rolling on the ground, inviting Emoli to come and climb on her back. Rorogoi went to lie down for a nap which had Embu coming in to investigate. When Embu found that Rorogoi was fine she called Ndotto in to her get Rorogoi back on her feet.  

The walk out to the Park started in earnest as the orphan herd made their way to flatter grounds at the base of Msinga Hill where they settled to browse. The group then made their way to the baobab tree waterhole where they had their noon milk feed.  The orphans had a lot of fun playing mud bathing games and when they were done wallowing, they enjoyed a dust bath on the dust piles before resuming with the rest of the days browsing activities.  

Sweet Tahri

Tamiyoi dust bathing

Embu checking on Rorogoi

July 29th

The morning began with the dependent orphan elephants exiting their stockades full of energy as they ran to their morning milk bottles, after which they settled to enjoy the supplement foods that had been put out for them. When they were done eating they teamed up in groups to play. Ndotto enjoyed scratching his body between two trees while Emoli pursued him for a sparring session. Ngilai seemed to feel a little jealous that Emoli was ignoring him and came in to climb on his back. Emoli got out from under Ngilai and moved away, at which point Ngilai engaged Tagwa in a gentle pushing game before the orphans all left for browsing.

The orphans had a wonderful morning browsing before making their way to the baobab tree waterhole. Soon after the orphans left the waterhole following a fun mud bath, many wild elephant herds came through to have a drink of water.

Today the zebras Diria and Nzuki spent some time exploring the Park, following the elephant orphan herd to the northern side of Msinga Hill. The two kept close to their Keepers while also keeping their distance from the orphan elephants.  Tawi today left the stockade compound for the Park, heading down the Voi river circuit, and did not return to the stockades in the evening. 

Ndotto and Emoli sparring

Tagwa left sparring with Ngilai

Diria and Nzuki

July 30th

The morning started as normal with the orphan elephants exiting their stockades in happy mood ready for their morning milk feed.  Emoli was full of energy and in a greedy mood as he tried to push Pika Pika away and steal her milk bottle. Pika Pika was not about to let him steal her milk and walked to the other side of the stockade water trough to have her milk in peace. The orphans then congregated around the dust hill for a soil bath before heading to the Park.   

The orphans spent the morning browsing on the northern side of Msinga Hill before making their way to the baobab tree waterhole. On the way to the milk feeding area they encountered a big wild elephant bull, but did not stop to interact with him as they were in a hurry to get to their milk bottles.  At the waterhole the orphans took time to splash water over their bodies but did not fully enter the mud bath to wallow as it was a somewhat chilly day.  

The orphans had a wonderful browsing session in the afternoon as they spread out to feed, with each orphan grabbing as much browse as they could now that the dry season has really started to set it. Diria and Nzuki were close to the orphan elephants and buffalos, but made sure to keep a safe distance from them while making sure to never stray too far from their Keepers.  

Pika Pika above Emoli

Mbegu browsing

Diria and Nzuki close to the orphans

July 31st

It was a wonderful beginning to the day with the orphan elephants downing their morning milk bottles before settling to enjoy the Lucerne grass and range cubes that the Keepers had put out for them.  It was then time for fun and games, with Sagala and Tagwa relaxing atop the terrace wall while Lasayen invited Emoli for a sparring session and Ndotto took on Arruba for a pushing game. Ngilai enjoyed scratching against a rock while Tagwa, Sagala, Tamiyoi and Murit had a dust bath. 

Tundani, Mudanda, Mashariki, and Nelion joined the dependent orphan herd as they headed out to the Park for the day. The orphans spent the morning browsing before making their way to the waterhole for the noon milk feed and a mud bath. While at the mud bath, a wild elephant bull came charging in, chasing the orphans away from the waterhole which resulted in them beginning the afternoons browsing session.  The four independent orphans Nelion, Tundani, Mudanda and Mashariki returned to the stockades in the evening, remaining at the compound for an hour before returning to the Park for the night. 

Sagala browsing

Ngilai dusting

Mudanda and Mashariki dust bathing

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