Even though the mornings and evenings in Tsavo during the month of July are cold, the rains have long since ended and the dry season is now in full swing. Our two orphan groups (that of Emily and Natumi), who have joined up to form one large herd, were not seen at all during the course of the month. Neither of the two groups has returned to the stockades since the beginning of May, when Natumi’s group last paid the keepers at Voi a visit. The duration of the month was spent searching for the former orphans. We covered vast areas, visiting Irima, Msinga, Ndii, Manyani, Mudanda rock, Aruba, Ndololo and Ngutunyi looking for them, to no avail. The search for both Emily and Natumi’s group continues and we hope to catch site of them soon
Even though the mornings and evenings in Tsavo during the month of July are cold, the rains have long since ended and the dry season is now in full swing. Our two orphan groups (that of Emily and Natumi), who have joined up to form one large herd, were not seen at all during the course of the month. Neither of the two groups has returned to the stockades since the beginning of May, when Natumi’s group last paid the keepers at Voi a visit. The duration of the month was spent searching for the former orphans. We covered vast areas, visiting Irima, Msinga, Ndii, Manyani, Mudanda rock, Aruba, Ndololo and Ngutunyi looking for them, to no avail. The search for both Emily and Natumi’s group continues and we hope to catch site of them soon
Serena and Rongai have had the run of the stockades with Serena not leaving Rongai’s side for even a moment. The young zebra has enjoyed her company immensely, with the two being separated only in the evening when they each go to their respective stables for the night. The two are both doing well and spend their time browsing and frolicking in the bush during the daylight hours, always in the company of a keeper. This month the two orphans have not had any contact with wild zebras, who have been chased off by the numerous lions roaming Msinga hill and the pipeline area. For this reason, the keepers have not been venturing far from the stockade, having encountered lions on two occasions on both the northern and western side of Msinga.
A lioness came and gave birth to her cubs only three kilometers from the stockade. She remained in the area for four days and thankfully neither Serena nor Rongai crossed her path during that time.