Voi Reintegration Unit

July 2002

Daily updates

July 2002








July 1st

(The orphans' mudbath has had to be moved near the vicinity of the Voi seasonal river due to the very arid nature of the vegetation during this dryer than usual dry season. It is currently near Simon Trevor's house, enabling the orphans access to vegetation bordering the seasonal Voi river, which still has a tinge of green. Most of the wild elephants also utilise this area which makes things somewhat difficult for the Keepers. Not only do the orphans (now numbering 24) have to cross several main tourist routes, during which the Keepers have to hide in order to keep out of sight, but they need to be careful not to be seen from the two large tourist lodges that have sprung up just outside the Park boundary fenceline. Rules regarding the visiting of the orphans down in Tsavo are very rigid, for fear of the elephants being "corrupted" with hand-outs from tourists and tour drivers that will encourage them to rubbish pits and community areas in the future, and thus jeopardise their lives. Only foster parents and those with special written permission from Daphne Sheldrick have access to the Tsavo orphans, and this is in the interests of the orphans themselves) Today, at the mudbath, as usual Mweya and Sweet Sally were leading the group, anxious for their noon milk feed, when they were highly scared by a waterbuck that happened to be drinking at the pool. They fled very fast back to the Keepers, screaming. Back at the Stockades Salama was trying to inhibit the others from access to the Copra cake, so Emily intervened, pushing him away, and standing close to Tsavo, Natumi and Edie so that they could have their share.

July 2nd

At l0 a.m. Lissa's group joined that of Emily. Aitong, Emily and Mpenzi (Lissa's Nannie) intertwined trunks and stood silently together as though discussing some important matter. Later on Nyiro felt very thirsty this morning, so he decided to leave the others and go by himself to the drinking drums. When none of the others followed him, he got annoyed and started kicking the drums over, whereupon Kinna, Nasalot, Mulika and Ndara came rushing to drink before it was all spilt. Nyiro was reprimanded by the Keepers and ran off. During the mudbath Laikipia filled his trunk with water and poured it over the back of Ilingwezi, who ran off, and refused to come near the mudbath again.

July 3rd

Aitong was testing her strength against a flimsy tree which broke and fell on Laikipia. This scared him greatly, and he rushed to the Keepers for help. Yatta gave chase to a squirrel and squashed a stone, as though this was the intruder.

July 4th

During the morning Emily tried to chase off a male giraffe, but the giraffe refused to respond. Salama gave support by rushing around trumpeting, until the giraffe moved away. Mweya and Maungu initiated a wonderful game during the mudbath, rushing in and out with a great deal of splashing. The game was so good that Salama, Nyiro, Natumi, and Kinna joined in. The game came to an abrupt end when Salama accidentally collided with Mweya, making her cry out in pain.

July 5th

The orphans intermingled with a wild herd this morning, but Aitong was shoved hard by a wild female when she tried to touch the cow's baby. She sought refuge with the Keepers. During mudbath Kinna and Yatta started the running in and out game while Mweya and Nyiro mudwallowed happily, Mweya lying flat with her trunk parallel to the ground. Kinna then stepped on it, which made Mweya cry out and this brought Sweet Sally to her rescue. A tug of war broke out between Natumi and Salama, which was watched closely by Edie. When Salama won, pushing Natumi down, Edie came to help her, chasing Salama off and then draping her trunk over Natumi to comfort her.

July 6th

At 9 a.m. Emily and Aitong went rushing off, flapping their ears, to greet Imenti, who appeared out of the bushes. He and Edo had left together the previous evening. After the mudbath, Natumi, Ilingwezi, Edie, Salama and Mweya formed a circle and lay down in the soft soil, stretching their trunks out to touch in the middle of the circle. This lovely circle was destroyed when Nyiro tried to join them, but accidentally stepped on Edie's head.

July 7th

The orphans met up with Lissa and her baby, Mpenzi and a young bull the size of Imenti, who flapped his ears and tried to chase away the orphans. Mweya and Sweet Sally were scared and sort refuge with the Keepers some distance away. Emily played with Lissa's baby during the mudbath, and later followed Lissa's group for a short distance, before returning to the orphans.

July 8th

At l0.20 a.m. Edo joined the group and took Aitong away in order to mount her which he did. Yatta, Kinna, Nasalot, Mulika and Mukwaju joined forces to chase a herd of impala whilst Emily ran behind them just to make sure that nothing went amiss. Later Salama and Natumi had another pushing match, which was interrupted by Edo suddenly appearing round the bush, which scared them.

July 9th

At 8.20 a.m. Salama and Laikipia engaged each other in a pushing contest which was won by Salama. The mudbath was a joyous event, with the orphans trumpeting happily. This attracted a wild group that was feeding nearby. Mweya made friends with a wild calf with whom she played. Meanwhile Aitong tried to take a nine month old calf away from the wild group, but was chased off by the mother.

July 10th

At the noon mudbath Salama and Mulika shoved Mukwaju in. (Mukwaju does not like going into the mudbath). Salama decided to play with Lissa's baby, Lara, today, but Lissa came and pushed him away, so he took refuge with the Keepers.

July 11th

The orphans joined a wild group of elephants and Mweya decided to tag along with the wild elephants, amongst whom was her friend, a calf of her size. Emily went to retrieve her, pulling her back with her strong trunk. On the way back to the Stockades, Edie, Salama, Laikipia and Natumi formed a straight line, Laikipia leading and Natumi at the back. Each one of them placed their trunk on the others' back, pacing together like a train. Edo and Imenti had a wonderful pushing game in the evening, over which Emily presided, watching closely, and eventually coming in to help Imenti push Edo away. Edo did not apply all his strength, and seemed happy to allow Imenti and Emily to win over him.

July 12th

Nyiro tried to mount Kinna, but Icholta did not like this, and pushed him down. At the noon feed Mweiga pushed away Sweet Sally who tried to take her bottle of milk.

July 13th

This morning the orphans grazed far afield in the bushes, but emerged for the mudbath along with Lissa and her group. Imenti was grumpy today. He left the other orphans and went alone to the mudbath, where he began pushing over the drums of water. The Keepers warned him.

July 14th

At 8.10 a.m. Nyiro and Lolokwe wanted to mount Sweet Sally, but she was too fast for them, running away. After taking the noon milk feed, Mweya pushed Mweiga down, but Emily immediately came running to lift her.

July 15th

Ilingwezi accidentally put her leg in a hole whilst chasing away a flock of guinea fowl. The Keepers rushed to see if she was injured, but she was O.K. Meanwhile Imenti was pushed down by a wild cow and took refuge with the Keepers, closely followed by Tsavo and Loisaba, who were concerned.

July 16th

Mweya, Mulika and Ilingwezi joined a wild group of elephants and surrounded a baby of about 10 months. The mother watched closely, but did not push them away. At 3 p.m. the orphans were scared by a herd of buffalo which was grazing near them. Aitong charged the buffalo, but was in turn charged herself by a bull, who pushed her down. Aitong screamed and Emily rushed to her rescue. The two of them then together chased off the buffalo herd.

July 17th

Today, Mweya, Mweiga and Sally left the others and went to intercept the tractor bringing their milk. They were given their bottles. In the evening Edo chased Aitong, wanting to mate her, but she ran away. Emily rumbled to her.

July 18th

At 6 a.m. in the morning, Emily, Aitong, Mweiga, Tsavo and Loisaba uplifted their trunks and began moving in a different direction. After some minutes, a huge bull appeared, with very big tusks. This scared them, and they sought refuge with the Keepers. Having spent the night away with Edo, Imenti joined the orphans at the noon mudbath in a bad mood. He charged the Keepers forcing them to seek refuge behind some rocks. Nasalot had a wonderful mudbath today, which came to an end when Mulika lay on top of her and Lolokwe trod on her head. Nasalot screamed for help from the Keepers. Later, Edie initiated a game in which Salama, Natumi, Laikipia and Ilingwezi joined, rushing here and there, breaking down small bushes. The fun ended badly for Laikipia, who fell over a tree stump. Natumi tried to lift him up with her small trunk.

July 19th

Natumi's group and the babies were feeding separated today, but Natumi came to escort Mweya, Sally, Kinna and Mukwaju whilst Edie took Yatta, Nasalot and Nyiro. They fed far apart, but all joined up at the mudbath. During the morning Edo was with a wild group, mounting a young wild cow. He chased off another young bull. Emily remained behind with the wild group when the other orphans proceeded to the mudbath. She was chased by a wild cow when she tried to take away the baby, but Edo came to her rescue, and chased off the wild cow. Meanwhile, Aitong, Tsavo, Maungu and Loisaba were restless due to Emily's absence, and began rumbling to call her. She came running to join them leaving Edo with the wild group. During the mudbath, Mulika seemed a little unwell, standing apart from the others. Daphne Sheldrick noticed this, and questioned the Keepers closely, but was told that Mulika sometimes seemed to suffer from a stomach disorder, which soon passed.

July 20th

In the morning Emily's group joined that of Lissa, and they spent the day together, all joining in the mudbath. In the afternoon Lissa and her family remained with the orphans, but Nyiro and Laikipia decided to feed far from all the others, joining them later.

July 21st

Aitong was busy scratching herself on a tree trunk when Ndara went underneath her. This made Emily a little jealous. She went to extract Ndara, and pulled her towards herself, gently laying her trunk over her affectionately. During the morning Edo and Imenti enjoyed a pushing game, and were left behind. They joined the others at the mudbath.

July 22nd

Laikipia and Salama left the other orphans, to feed apart for about half an hour. Today, they decided not to appear at the mudbath, but when Emily heard the tractor bringing the milk, she led those that have milk at noon back to take their bottles.

July 23rd

Emily's group joined a wild herd at 7.30 a.m., but Imenti was scared of a large cow who had long tusks. He stayed apart, but followed. Mweya and Sweet Sally ran to the Keepers when they were scared by a swarm of Quelea birds that settled in a nearby tree. Natumi led a charge against some baboons who came to drink at the mudbath. One baboon was very rude, but became scared when Natumi trumpeted at him.

July 24th

Mulika spent most of the day feeding alone, pushing the others away whenever they approached her. Nasalot accidentally pushed Ilingwezi, mistakenly thinking it was Kinna. The Keepers had to intervene to separate the two when Ilingwezi wanted to take revenge. Meanwhile Emily and Imenti enjoyed a game together, which Emily won.

July 25th

During the morning, Imenti arrived and took away Salama and Laikipia to feed with him apart from the others. At the noon milk feed, Nyiro, Icholta and Kinna ganged up to try and take Mweya's share. They had to be warned by the Keepers.

July 26th

At 6.45 a.m. Mweya knocked down Maungu, who had a tasty branch in her mouth. Aitong came rushing to help Maungu get up. At 11.30 a.m., Laikipia chased off a Kingfisher who was at the pool, and Salama and Natumi joined in the chase!

July 27th

During the mudbath, Ndara sprayed water over Emily, just as Emily usually does to her. She trumpeted with happiness and started doing it even better when Emily enjoyed the shower. Afterwards, the orphans joined the wild herd led by Naomi and they all spent the rest of the day together. In the evening, it was Mweya and Maungu who led the group back to the Stockades.

July 28th

Mulika knocked Mweiga down whilst she was taking her noon milk feed. Aitong rushed to Mulika's rescue. Edo joined the orphans at the mudbath today, and they all had a wonderful time. Later, Edo took Imenti away with him, but Imenti returned to the Stockades in the evening. Maungu refused her evening milk today, but had taken four bottles at noon.

July 29th

During the mudbath, Imenti made all the orphans very happy by lying down so that they could climb all over him. Meanwhile Mweya and Sally ran to the tractor at noon, gulping down their quota milk so fast so that they could try and block Ndara and Maungu from having theirs. The Keepers warned them, and they retired, unsatisfied. In the evening, Natumi was holding a branch of Grewia bicolour in her mouth, which touched the electric wire of the new Stockade, and gave her a small shock. She hurriedly dropped the branch and screamed. Emily came to escort her safely in.

July 30th

Emily, Tsavo and Loisaba chased away the baboons who were at the mudbath today. Mweya and Sally had a tough disagreement over the noon milk feed when Sally tried to take Mweya's share. Kinna watched closely but did not separate them.

July 31st

At 10 a.m. Kinna and Yatta had a disagreement over a root they both wanted. Kinna won the battle when she bit Yatta's tail. Salama put his leg in a pighole whilst chasing Laikipia after a wonderful mudbath. He cried in pain, but was not badly hurt. Ndara joined Emily's group, remaining behind when the others were coming for their noon milk feed. She heard the tractor but was scared to go alone, so started crying. Emily came and escorted her to get her share of the noon milk feed.

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