Voi Reintegration Unit

July 1999

Daily updates

July 1999









July 1st

On the lst the orphans joined Lissa's group, Dika, Edo and Ndume up the hill. Lissa had left the Stockade at midnight the day before. Lewa and Uaso were very impressed with Lissa's baby and did not want to come home, so Malaika was out all night with them. Only Imenti returned.

July 2nd

On 2nd the orphans fed around the back of the hill where they were joined by Ndume and a wild Bull. Edo and Dika turned up at the Stockade in the evening.

July 3rd

On the 3rd the orphans joined the Boys at 10 a.m. up the hill again and at 2.30 p.m. Lissa and her group arrived to join them. Once again Imenti came back ahead (he is very fond of Emily who arrives at the Stockade with Aitong and Mweiga ahead of Malaika). Malaika came back with Uaso and Lewa at 9.30 p.m.

July 4th

The 4th again saw Malaika up the hill where she joined Dika, Ndume and Edo who accompanied her back to the Stockades in the evening.

July 5th

On the 5th Malaika's group, Edo and Ndume were joined by a large wild herd with whom they spent 4 hours. The Boys remained behind with the wild elephants but arrived up at the Stockades later.

July 6th

On the 6th Malaika spent the day with a wild herd.

July 7th

Again on the 7th Malaika joined a wild herd of 6 behind the hill at l0.15 a.m. and was with them until 3.45 p.m.

July 8th

On the 8th only Edo joined Malaika's group. On the 9th Malaika, still with Edo, met a wild group of 10 with two Lewa sized calves. They were with them until 10 a.m.

July 10th

The 10th was uneventful, but on the 11th the orphans spent 2 hours with a wild herd at their mudbath.

July 12th

On the 12th only Edo was in attendance.

July 13th

On the 13th the joined Lissa's group and Dika at 9 a.m. They all went to the mudbath together and Lewa and Uaso were very excited to be with Lissa's baby "Lara".

July 14th

On the 14th Edo and Ndume spent the day down at the river with Malaika. On the 15th Malaika joined a wild herd of 7 adults and 2 young below Daniel's house and were with them for 2 hours, afterwards feeding along the hill.

July 16th

On the 16th Malaika, Edo and Ndume were joined by a cow with 2 babies at the mudbath and they all wallowed together.

July 17th

On the 17th Malaika accompanied by Edo, Ndume and Dika joined Lissa's group and Mpenzi up the hill.

July 18th

On the 18th Edo and Ndume joined Malaika's group at the river joined later by Catherine and her family. They all came together to the mudbath after which Catherine and her family left. Dika and Lissa's group were waiting at the Stockades when the orphans returned.

July 19th

On the 19th Malaika and Edo were joined by 3 wild cows and 2 calves, one the size of Lewa and the other the size of Imenti with whom these orphans played.

July 20th

On the 20th Edo and Ndume joined Malaika and they fed around the hill, meeting up with many wild herds during the course of the day. Lissa's group and Dika were at the Stockades when they returned.

July 21st

The 2lst was uneventful but for again meeting Dika and Lissa's group at the Stockades.

July 22nd

On the 22nd our orphans were joined down at the river by l wild elephant and 2 calves the size of Lewa and Uaso, who had a good time playing.

July 23rd

On the 23rd another baby elephant from the Masai Mara was flown in. She was named Siabei and was about 14 months old, but was very emaciated and not interested in feeding. By 4.45 she showed signs of weakness, dropping her head and trunk downwards and wanting to fall. We supported her, but then lay her down. We lifted her and she took some milk but could not stand unaided. By the next morning she was dead.

July 24th

On 24th Malaika's group left following Lissa's group amongst whom were Dika, Ndume and Edo. They were all together all day. The next day Edo and Ndume joined Malaika and Dika arrived at the Stockades in the evening

July 26th

On the 26th our orphans met a wild herd of 3 females and 4 calves n the East side of the hill and spent an hour with them. Back at the Stockades they were joined by Lissa's group and Mpenzi and Dika, Ndume and Edo.

July 27th

On the 27th the orphans joined Lissa's group on the East side of the hill and spent an hour with them. At 2.30 p.m. Edo arrived to join Malaika.

July 28th

On the 28th our orphans met Dika, Lissa's family, Ndume and Edo at the mudbath and spent the rest of the day with them, returning all together to the Stockades in the evening.

July 29th

On the 29th Malaika's group was joined by a wild herd at the mudbath. Lewa and Uaso enjoyed playing with calves their size.

July 30th

On the 30th our orphans spent an hour with a wild group which they met at 10 a.m.

July 31st

On the 3lst met another wild group on the West side of the hill with whom the orphans were with until it was time for the mudbath.

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