Umani Springs Reintegration Unit

January 2023

Daily updates

January 1st

The elephants were not feeling energetic this morning. They stayed browsing close to the stockades within the Umani Springs area. 

Kapei the favourite little boy was very greedy and demanded another milk bottle. After realising that the Keepers were not going to give it to him, he decided to steal one from Amali. The Keepers were quick to get the bottle off Kapei, but he started shouting, which attracted the attention of the older girls and they came running to his defence. Amali happily finished her bottle in the company of her good friend Mwashoti, knowing that he would protect her. 

After finishing her bottle, she rushed to the waterhole to cool off. Amali found that Kapei and the older girls were already monopolising the waterhole, so she took a detour over to an anthill, to scratch her bottom. 

The orphan herd relocated to the shrubs around the waterhole to browse for the afternoon. 



Mwashoti with a mouth full of grass

January 2nd

The orphan herd was peacefully eating lucerne in the pellet corner, when Kapei decided it was time to move off. He rumbled, upset that they rest of the herd were not following him. Lima Lima, Quanza and Kiasa all rushed over to Kapei in response. 

The orphan herd moved to the Umani Springs, where they found a big wild bull already wallowing. When the wild bull saw them, he went straight over to Sonje. Murera rumbled to Sonje in warning, which convinced Sonje to move away from the bull. The orphans separated and ran into the bushes to get away from the wild bull. Amali got confused in the commotion and almost followed the wild bull, luckily the Keepers got to her first.

Kiasa with Lima Lima on the right



January 3rd

Little Amali and Mwashoti have remined very good friends. Mwashoti really loves Amali, he even abandons his nightclubber friends to be at the stockades early in the morning to collect Amali, when she is let out of her stockade. Amali seems very happy despite the older girls still not warming to her

While the orphans were eating at the pellet corner, Sonje gave Amali a little kick. She was being protective of Kapei, who was eating next to her. Mwashoti called Amali over to eat next to him, where she would be safe. Kiasa tried to follow Amali, but Mwashoti stopped her, doubting her intentions.  

At the waterhole Amali is always the first one into the water, and she remains the best swimmer. All the orphans joined in rolling around and enjoying the mud bath. Kapei saw Ngasha approaching and he started shouting for his bodyguards, Quanza and Sonje, who came rushing over. Ngasha, as usual, pushed the babies out of the way to make space for himself. The orphans all evacuated the mud bath leaving Ngasha to wallow on his own.

Amali and Mwashoti



January 4th

This morning the rain interrupted the normal routine. Once the rain had stopped the orphan herd moved to the Umani Hills. They found lots of ant hills to scratch on, and places to roll in the mud. Mwashoti, Kiasa and Kiombo were very playful this morning, they were all very happy about the rain. 

The rain started again later in the day. The Keepers were worried that Kapei and Amali would be upset with the rain, but they found them both enjoying the mud. Kapei pushes Amali around, so she found a muddy patch to play in, separate to where Kapei was wallowing.

Lima Lima raised her trunk up, smelling the air, then she moved to protect Kapei, warning the Keepers that something was coming. Then a herd of wild elephants, with tiny babies, appeared from the bushes. Murera, Mwashoti and Amali moved away from the herd, while the others were happy to go and greet the wild elephants. Lima Lima and Enkesha were welcomed into the wild herd. They were so focused on the tiny babies they almost walked away with wild herd. Luckily Maktao went and got his friend Enkesha to come back with him.

Kiasa and Kiombo playing in the mud



January 5th

Alamaya convinced Ngasha to follow him to the Chyulu Hills area. The orphan herd was happy to get some peace from Ngasha.

Along the Kenzili road, Ngasha heard some wild dogs. He turned to Alamaya for reassurance, but Alamaya was also looking towards the noise. They were ready to run back to the Keepers for protection. The wild dogs ran across the path, some distance in front of Ngasha. He got such a fright and trumpeted very loudly to try and scare them away. He succeeded in defending himself and the wild dogs quickly disappeared into the bushes. 

Ngasha decided to go back to the orphan herd, and he joined them at the mud bath. He was very happy to be with friends and away from the scary wild dogs.


Ngasha playing in the mud

The orphan herd drinking

January 6th

Amali stayed in her stockade this morning, even when the Keepers had opened her door. The Keepers had to coax her out, because she wanted to stay sleeping in her stockade. Eventually she charged at the Keepers, making them laugh, and ran out to join Mwashoti. Mwashoti received her very warmly and shielded Amali from Maktao and Kiombo, while she ate pellets in peace.

Kapei decided to walk deeper into the Kibwezi Forest. This forced Sonje, Enkesha, and Kiasa to follow him, all wanting to protect their favourite little boy. Sonje and Murera have taken over leadership of the Umani herd, now that Lima Lima is now spending more time away. However, Kapei took over leading the Umani herd for today. Kapei was happy to see that the whole herd was now following him, it gave him confidence to keep going deeper into the forest. 




January 7th

Quanza usually leads the orphan herd back to the stockades in the evening, but today she didn’t want to leave her new friend. A wild bull followed Lima Lima and Zongoloni back to the orphan herd. They introduced him to Quanza, who welcomed him warmly. Quanza separated herself from the herd to be with Zongoloni and the bull. Lima Lima stayed with the herd to spend time with Kapei. 

When the orphans got back to the stockades, and they were going into their rooms for the night, Quanza was nowhere to be found. Enkesha, Kiasa, Sonje and Lima Lima made sure all the other orphans were home and happy. Mwashoti was also there to make sure Amali was safely in her room. 

Later in the evening the Keepers heard loud trumpeting from the bushes, they concluded that it was Quanza coming back from her adventure. The Keepers walked out to open the gate but Quanza went back into the bush, letting the Keepers know that she was ready to be a nightclubber. 



Lima Lima and Sonje

January 8th

Lima Lima and Mwashoti came back early this morning from their night out. They were accompanied by their latest recruit, Quanza. Quanza was eagerly waiting at the gate to great Kapei. Kapei ran out, straight past Quanza, to catch up with Kiasa. Quanza followed Kapei, putting her trunk over him. She wanted to know how his night was, and to tell him about her night out. Quanza explained that there was plenty of food to browse on all night, but it was also scary, as there were lots of weird noises. Lima Lima is now used to all these situations, so she was able to comfort Quanza.

Mwashoti moved away from Amali, walking over to join his other good friend Murera. He did not want Murera to feel abandoned by him, so he went to catch up with her. Amali followed; she did not want to be left with the older girls, as they are too focused on Kapei to look after her.



Kapei and Lima Lima

January 9th

This morning, there were two big wild bulls that were waiting by the stockade gates as the orphans were having their milk bottles. Murera froze when she saw the bulls by the gate and stood firm, waiting for them to move away. Sonje walked straight out with no hesitation, which was not a good idea. One of the bulls spun round to face her, ready for a chase. Sonje ran off trumpeting. Little Kapei got upset that Sonje was leaving him, so he tried to follow. Kiasa, Enkesha, Kiombo and Maktao also ran after them. They were all running after Sonje, charging at the bushes and causing chaos. When the Keepers walked out, it was clear that the wild bulls were afraid of people, as they retreated back to the bushes. 

Ziwa appeared with his wild family; they joined the orphan herd heading towards the Umani hills. Ziwa’s herd did not stay for long. When he left, Lima Lima and Alamaya went with him. 

When the orphans arrived at the waterhole for their milk feed Murera was in a bad mood, she did not come for her bottle. 

As they were drinking their milk Amali and Kapei saw many butterflies around them. Amali started to chase them, Kapei and Kiasa joined in on her game. They had a lot of fun running around and sliding about in the mud. 

Ziwa enjoying Lucerne pellets


Lima Lima

January 10th

Ngasha, Mwashoti, Alamaya and Zongoloni decided to go for a secret adventure. They didn’t want to tell Lima Lima, Sonje or the others where they were going. Everyone was happy that Ngasha would be gone for a couple of days. It would give older girls and the babies some peace. Murera was especially happy. 

Ngasha followed Zongoloni, crossing over to the hills. Along the way, they met some wild elephants. Zongoloni stopped to greet them, but the big bull was aggressive towards Ngasha. Zongoloni saw Ngasha was scared of the bull, so she stepped in to diffuse the situation. Ngasha was forced to be submissive, then they went their separate ways, in peace. 

Little Kapei was in the middle of the herd for protection, but even from his safe place under Sonje’s belly he was still rumbling, causing the older girls much distress. They didn’t know why he was unhappy. The Keepers think that Kapei just likes the attention. Amali does not behave like Kapei, she is happy to peacefully and discreetly browse with Mwashoti and Murera.

Ngasha and Mwashoti enjoying the dust bath



January 11th

All orphans were very thirsty, so they stopped at a waterhole to drink some water. They were happy to share and take turns drinking. When Amali had had some water she moved away, giving Sonje space to drink. Murera rumbled to Mwashoti, telling him to go and get baby Amali before she got pushed around by the others at the busy waterhole. 

Amali spotted some butterflies and started chasing them around, which is her new favourite game. The butterflies started landing on her back, which she found infuriating. Eventually Amali had enough of the game and decided to go swimming.

Lima Lima came along with Kiasa, Kiombo and Kapei to the mud bath, where Amali was already swimming. Amali saw her rival, Kapei, coming over and she decided to get and join Mwashoti browsing. Mwashoti welcomed her; he remains very protective of her.

Kiasa enjoying the green grass

Mwashoti and Amali


January 12th

It was very hot today. After their midday bottle feed the orphans got into the mud bath, nobody missed the chance to cool off. Murera waited for the crowd to move away so that she could enjoy the mud bath without being pushed around. After chasing the warthogs out of the eater, Murera had the whole mud bath to herself. 

Kiombo and Enkesha had a disagreement over a stick. Enkesha found the stick first and was enjoying stripping the bark off it, when Kiombo started a tug of war. Kiombo thought it would be easy to take the stick off Enkesha, but she was determined to keep her stick. Lima Lima and Quanza saw the tug of war and went over to separate them. Quanza was very smart and she took the stick from both of them, ending the tug of war. Enkesha joined Sonje and the other nightclubbers around the Chyulu Hills area.

Enkesha on the left, and Kiombo

Quanza with Lima Lima in the background

Murera feeling great after her mud bath

January 13th

Mwashoti and Ngasha have been getting along well and spending more time together. Now that Murera doesn’t have Mwashoti to walk with, she has started spending time with Amali and Kiasa. Luckily Murera has adopted Amali, so she is not left alone when Mwashoti spends time away. While Kapei is lucky to have many babysitters, Amali really misses Mwashoti when he is away. Mwashoti must have given Amali advice before he left, he said to be careful around Kiombo and Kapei, but he said Murera would look after her.

Many wild elephants have been visiting the Umani Springs area recently. A wild herd came to join the orphan herd, and Ngasha was with them. First to arrive were two wild bulls and Ngasha, a few minutes later the females arrived, along with some tiny babies. One of the babies got lost in the tall grass and started trumpeting. Quanza and Sonje panicked, thinking it was Kapei, but he appeared from behind Kiasa and they realised it was one of the wild babies. Quanza went to go check on the baby, but the mother was not happy to see Quanza near her baby.

Mwashoti and Ngasha playing in the mud

Amali and Kiasa

Sonje and Kapei

January 14th

Amali and Kapei were racing each other out of the stockades this morning, Amali was in front, but the jealous Kapei pushed her into the gate. Amali squealed for help, so Murera and Kiasa rushed over. Lima Lima, who was waiting in the bushes outside the stockade, came over to see what all the commotion was about. By the time she got there, the situation had been resolved, and the orphan herd was heading out to the bush to browse. Alamaya and Zongoloni also arrived. They had heard Amali’s screaming too, but it had taken them a longer to get to the stockades.

The day got very hot. Sonje decided it was time to cool off in the mud bath, so she led the orphans to the waterhole. The others, all in agreement, followed Sonje eagerly to the water. The Keepers stayed on alert and kept Ngasha away until the babies, Amali and Kapei, had finished playing in the mud bath.



Lima Lima

January 15th

Amali and Mwashoti spent the day together. Amali was very happy to have her friend and protector back. Kapei tried to join them but Mwashoti chased Kapei away; he knows that Kapei bullies little Amali. Kapei reverted to his usual trick of screaming for the older girls. Sonje, Quanza, Kiasa, and Enkesha all rushed to his side, they put their trunks over him trying to find out what had happened. Eventually they all disbanded and Kapei walked away with Sonje and Quanza. Murera didn’t get involved in any of this; she watched quietly from a distance.

Kapei is very greedy, always demanding more milk. He has decided that two bottles are not enough. The Keepers cannot allow him to have more milk, because he needs to eat more greens instead.

Zongoloni, Faraja and Jasiri joined the orphan herd in the Chyulu area. The Keepers were happy to see the Zongoloni and the big boys as they been away for some time. Lima Lima had helped Sonje find Zongoloni; she knew where Zongoloni was and directed Sonje to her. The Keepers were very impressed that Lima Lima knew where to find her friends.

Kapei holding his own milk bottle

Faraja and Sonje


January 16th

It was nice to see Jasiri and Ziwa arrive together. Faraja arrived later, and he looked very dark after wallowing in the mud. Ngasha saw that his rival, Jasiri, was back so he made himself scarce for the day. Sonje and Murera were very happy to have their friends, Jasiri and Faraja, with the orphan herd again. It was an added perk that Ngasha disappeared. The babies felt the same, they celebrated the arrival of the older gentle bulls.

Two wild bulls came to join the orphans from the Umani hills. First, they introduced themselves to Quanza, but she did not welcome them. Next, they went to Sonje but she was not welcoming either. They were forced to leave the orphan herd and carry on into the bush. Kiombo found himself in their way and he panicked, running over to Sonje for comfort.

Mwashoti and Ziwa

Ngasha and Faraja sparring

Kiombo and Quanza

January 17th

There have been many more wildfires around the far side of the Kibwezi Forest, much more than ever before. These fires have made it very difficult for the animals that normally reside in that area. It seems that the animals are moving closer to the Umani Springs area. There have even been zebra and giraffe seen in the area, which is unusual.

A big wild bull came to the mud bath while the orphans were there cooling off. He was not worried about the Keepers, and when Sonje and Mwashoti went to greet him, he raised his trunk. Sonje took this as a warning and moved the orphan herd and the Keepers away from the bull. When he finished wallowing, the wild bull moved off. He did not show any interest in the orphan herd waiting in the shade. 

Another wild herd of females and some babies came through, the Keepers realised that Zongoloni and Jasiri were with them. Zongoloni and Jasiri came over to greet the orphans. Kiasa ran to Zongoloni, happy to see her good friend, Zongoloni was also happy to see Kiasa and stayed browsing with her for the day.



Kiasa and Zongoloni

January 18th

This evening, as the orphans were coming back to the stockades for the night, they found a wild herd drinking from the water trough outside the stockades. The Keepers were very happy to see Ziwa amongst them. They called to him and he came over to greet them. The Keepers brought out some lucerne pellets for Ziwa. Mwashoti, Quanza, and Lima Lima helped Ziwa finish the pellets, they were all very happy to spend time with their friend. Ziwa was so happy to be with his friends that when his wild family rumbled to him, he turned them down, he stayed with the orphan herd.

Later on, Lima Lima and Quanza stared to move away from the stockades. Ziwa was not convinced about following them, but then he heard another rumbling from his family, this time he joined them.



Lima Lima scratching her tummy

January 19th

Today Amali and Kapei had a little confrontation. Kapei got jealous of Amali being with Sonje, so he pushed Amali over, forcing her to run away. She went straight to Mwashoti. He had seen the incident and was already walking towards her, to check on her. Mwashoti placed his trunk over Amali, comforting her, then he walked her away to join Murera in the shade. Mwashoti advised Amali to stay away from Kapei, as he is the favourite and the older girls will not help her if she gets in a fight with Kapei.

Lima Lima and Kiasa moved to where Sonje, Kapei and Kiombo were browsing.  They had a discussion and decided to move to the waterhole to cool off. The orphans were having a lot of fun at the waterhole, all showing off and playing games.

A wild bull came over and wanted to join in on the fun. The Keepers did not think that would be a good idea, especially as Murera was also in the mud bath. The Keepers called the orphans away, leaving the bull to wallow alone, but he didn’t want to swim by himself. He went back to the bush.


Sonje on the left, Kapei and Lima Lima

Murera drinking

January 20th

Kiombo and Maktao had their usual pushing match. Maktao started by pushing Kiombo, then Kiombo retaliated, he tried to climb on Maktao, who quickly turned to face him. Then Kiombo pulled Maktao’s tail, so Maktao pulled Kiombo’s trunk. Then the play fighting got a little too serious and Enkesha stepped in to separate them. Unfortunately, the two boys didn’t listen to her so she called in Quanza, who was successful in stopping the fight. Quanza was happy when she restored peace between the two boys.

On the way back to the stockades from the Kibwezi area, Sonje took the orphans via the mud bath to cool off. She splashed around in the mud bath and a baby crocodile escaped, not wanting to get stood on. Luckily Sonje and the other orphans didn’t see the crocodile and happily carried on wallowing. The Keepers knew that the orphans would have skipped the mud bath if they had seen the crocodile, which would have been unfortunate as it was so hot. 

Maktao and Kiombo play fighting



January 21st

This morning Kapei was the one leading all the orphans to the midday bottle feed. The Keepers saw Kapei appear from the bushes first, then the big girls were close behind him, followed by the rest of the orphan herd. Lima Lima used to be the first one to arrive at the midday feed, however, since she has joined the nightclubbers she has no need to rush, as she no longer gets a bottle. It appears Lima Lima has handed the baton to Kapei.

Kapei finished his two bottles so fast, then as usual he stood demanding more milk. The Keepers refused to give him any more, so he reluctantly moved away. Kiasa, Quanza, Sonje and Lima Lima all moved to where Kapei was standing. Maktao and Enkesha rumbled to Kapei, trying to convince him to go to the salt lick. The older girls didn’t like this idea and surrounded him, creating a wall. The Keepers were only able to see Kapei’s little trunk through the wall of bodies.

Amali was left with Mwashoti, who takes his carer role very seriously. Murera is the only older girl who does not dote on Kapei. She prefers the quiet Amali to the demanding Kapei.


Lima Lima

Enkesha and Maktao

January 22nd

Murera wanted to spend time with Mwashoti today. Every time Mwashoti started to move away, Murera would start rumbling and calling him back. Amali also wanted to be with Mwashoti, so she stayed close to him, and the three of them browsed peacefully together. Murera put her trunk up, smelling something in the bushes, then four buffaloes appeared. Murera and Mwashoti stepped forward to protect Amali.

The Keepers saw the bushes shaking, then two huge wild bulls came out fighting. The commotion scared little Kapei, who went running to Sonje and Kiasa for protection. The two girls moved Kapei away. Lima Lima also came over to protect her favourite little Kapei from danger. With all the big girls behind him, Kapei suddenly found his courage, he started flaring his ears and trumpeting at the wild bulls. Luckily Lima Lima was in control of the situation and moved the whole herd away from the wild bulls.

Mwashoti after his dust bath



January 23rd

Ziwa and his wild friends joined the orphan herd again this morning. Ziwa integrated with the babies; he demanded a milk bottle, but there were none left so he had to settle for lucerne pellets. Ziwa’s wild herd browsed a little distance away, they waited to see if Ziwa would join them, or if he would abandon them for his friends in the orphan herd. Ziwa happily ate pellets with the orphan herd for some time, enjoying their company until he decided it was time to leave. Sonje and Lima Lima tried to persuade Ziwa to stay, he didn’t listen to them, he really loves his wild family too much to leave them. Ziwa’s wild family took him away with them to the Chyulu Hills, they encircled him protecting him and making sure he didn’t leave the herd. Alamaya joined Ziwa and his wild family. 

Amali trumpeted to Mwashoti, who was browsing with Murera. When Mwashoti heard Amali, he rushed over to check on her. Mwashoti collected Amali and took her over to the shade of a big tree where he and Murera were relaxing. Mwashoti loves Amali and Murera is slowly warming to her.


Lima Lima

Alamaya scratching

January 24th

After the orphans had finished their milk bottles, Lima Lima, Quanza and Enkesha led the orphans over to the mud bath. When they arrived at the mud bath, they found a herd of buffalos already wallowing. The buffaloes were very happy in the mud and they did not want to leave.

Amali did not seem to realize that there were buffaloes in the water; she must have thought they were dark rocks. Amali kept getting closer, wanting to go in the water, with no fear of the buffaloes, so the Keepers had to intervene. The Keepers pushed Amali away from the mud bath, which made her start screaming. Amali’s screams brought all the herd out of the bushes, wondering what had happened.

All the ruckus scared the buffaloes out of the mud bath, leaving it free for the orphans to cool off. Kapei was the first one into the water this morning, followed by the older girls. They took up all the space leaving Amali outside the mud bath. The orphans were really enjoying playing in the mud, they wallowed and had swimming competitions. Amali was upset that she couldn’t find any space in the water so she moved over to the water trough, where Mwashoti was drinking.



Kapei and his bodygaurds

January 25th

Kiombo and Maktao started their usual pushing match, but today Kiombo seemed to be on a mission. He was pushing Maktao very hard and he looked very serious. Mwashoti noticed that this was a more serious fight and he stepped in to sperate them. Lima Lima, being a good aunt, also came over to stop the fight. Just as the two boys stopped fighting, Sonje came over, they could tell that Sonje was upset with them, so they ran away into the bushes.

Quanza had her trunk raised, smelling the air, she could sense that something was coming. Faraja and Zongoloni appeared from the thickest bush. Sonje and Kiasa joined Zongoloni at the water trough for a drink.

Ngasha saw that Faraja had also joined the orphan herd and he was not happy. Ngasha walked over to challenge Faraja. He was feeling brave as Jasiri was not around, but Faraja was wise to Ngasha and moved away so that there would be no fight.

Murera likes Faraja. She moved to her old friend and put her trunk over him. Murera and Faraja interlocked trunks, telling each other all of their stories.

Maktao and Kiombo sparring

Kiasa and Sonje


January 26th

Lima Lima was browsing with the other nightclubbers in the Umani Hills when she heard a tiny baby elephant screaming. Without the others knowing Lima Lima snuck off to find the baby. Lima Lima rushed to the herd and found out that it was Kapei that had been making all that noise. She put her trunk over him, trying to find out what had happened.

The resident crane birds flew over the orphan herd. Amali heard the noise of the birds flying over and rushed to hide under the bigger orphans. Mwashoti came to the rescue, he took her over to where Murera was and he calmed her down, reassuring her she was safe. Murera has also become protective of Amali, she does not let any of the other orphans hurt her.

The Keepers called all orphans to the Umani hills to browse before they had to return for their midday milk feed and mud bath. The orphans enjoyed the mud bath. Luckily, they all had time to cool off before Ngasha arrived. Sonje and Murera called the orphans away so Ngasha could have the mud bath to himself.




January 27th

After walking for many kilometres in the very hot sun, Amali was desperate to cool off in the mud bath. Mwashoti and Murera walked with her to the water, then tested the water first. Murera rumbled to Amali that it was safe, and Amali jumped in immediately. She had the best time wallowing and swimming, with her bodyguard, Mwashoti, standing right beside her to make sure she wasn’t pushed around by the others.

When Kapei arrived at the mud bath he found that Amali had already finished swimming and she was getting out, so he joined Kiasa and Kiombo. Kiasa and Kiombo knew that Sonje, Lima Lima and Quanza were all watching Kapei carefully, so they were cautious not to push him or upset him.

Kapei had wandered off into the bushes, then he made a strange noise. The big girls rushed over to find out why he was screaming. They found nothing. Kapei had screamed knowing the girls would come to him, and he didn’t want to browse alone. 

Murera and Amali


Kiombo scratching behind his ear

January 28th

Faraja and Alamaya appeared today from the Kenzili area. They joined the herd and happily caught up with Sonje and the others. A short time later Zongoloni also appeared. Kiasa was very excited to see her friend and went running over to greet her. Kiasa stayed with Zongoloni, telling her all the stories that she had missed.

A wild herd came toward the orphan herd. Lima Lima saw them first and went to greet them, she had to make sure they were friendly before they got into the herd and close to the babies. Murera saw the wild herd and moved away, as usual. She does not like to be in situations with unknown elephants, she only really allows Mwashoti and Amali to get close to her.




January 29th

Some vervet monkeys were playing in the trees above the pellet eating corner. One of the monkeys fell down next to the orphans. Kapei got scared and rushed over to Sonje. Sonje got annoyed at the monkeys for scaring her favourite little elephant, so she turned and chased the monkeys away. The whole herd got involved, trumpeting, and charging at the trees until the monkeys fled across the treetops.

Murera and Mwashoti walked slowly behind the rest of the herd, as Murera still moves at her own pace. Mwashoti is always there for her, to keep her company, or help her if anyone tries to push her around. Now their group has a new addition, little Amali.

Ngasha was spending more time away from the orphan herd, he followed Faraja, Jasiri and Zongoloni to the Kenzili area, but recently he has been staying much closer to the orphan herd.

The Keepers know that Jasiri and Faraja are staying around the Kenzili area. They saw them when they went to cut greens for the stockades. Jasiri came to greet he Keepers before moving back to join Faraja, who stayed browsing deeper in the forest.

Sonje and Kapei

Mwashoti having a dust bath


January 30th

The orphans woke up very joyful this morning. They rushed over to the pellet eating corner and greeted all their friends. Kapei decided to lead this morning, moving off as soon as he gotten his fill of pellets. Sonje and Kiasa quickly caught up with him, but they let him lead. Murera, Mwashoti and Amali followed behind, walking slowly for Murera.

Kiombo and Maktao started their usual pushing match, unfortunately Kapei got pushed in the commotion. Kapei screamed and ran to Sonje. Sonje got upset with Kiombo and Maktao, she went into protection mode, and chased them away.

When the Keepers arrived at the midday bottle feeding location, they found a big wild bull had already occupied the space. The wild bull stood firm, defending his space, so the Keepers moved to the side of the open grassy patch, separating themselves from the wild bull. As the orphans arrived, they called Sonje to lead the herd over to the other side. The bull then moved, blocking the orphans from reaching their bottles. The Keepers had to come up with a different solution. They called in the tractor, hoping this would help them chase the wild bull out of the space. It worked; as soon as the bull saw the tractor coming, he moved off. 

Kapei and Kiasa


Maktao on the left, and Kiombo

January 31st

As the orphans were enjoying their morning lucerne pellets. Maktao and Kiombo started their daily game. Kiombo initiated the pushing this morning. Maktao has having a tummy scratch on a rock, so he was reluctant to start with, but Kiombo kept badgering him. The pushing got stronger and stronger, Maktao seemed to be winning. Their game drew the attention of the others this morning, they were not sure if it was playing fighting or if they were really fighting. Kiasa decided to intervene, but they would not listen to her, so she went to consult with Sonje and Lima Lima. The two older girls decided to sperate them.

Sonje led the orphan herd up into the Umani hills to browse. Mwashoti and Amali stayed with Murera down at the base of the hills. Up at the top, a wild bull came out of the thick bush and was already amongst the orphan herd without the Keepers realising. Luckily Lima Lima and Quanza were very smart and alerted the Keepers to move away from the wild bull. The Keepers were grateful to Lima Lima and Quanza for rescuing them. The wild bull appears to be friends with Ngasha, as he followed Ngasha to the orphan herd and he stayed browsing with them for the day.




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