Ithumba Reintegration Unit

January 2022

Daily updates

January 1st

It is the beginning of another year. As dawn broke the sky was clear as the orphans came out of their stockades to begin their new day. The orphans walked to the tune of birdsong who were also expressing their joy at the morning light of a new year. Malkia and Sana Sana entwined their trunks in a happy new year greeting. 

Out in the bush, Sattao settled to browse with Esampu while Karisa teamed up with Malkia. The orphans settled to browse west of the stockade compound, and slowly marched in the direction of the mud bath. Malima enjoyed the company of naughty Wanjala, but later Wanjala, in true form, turned against her and pushed Malima away. Malima didn't try to plead or force herself to stay, as she knows Wanjala’s character and was just happy to have spent some time with him, but left immediately to team up with the soft and shy Sapalan instead. 

Shortly before mud bath time the orphans were joined by Ishanga. Ishanga showing up to meet up with the juniors was clear a indication that the ex-orphans are clearly in the area! Ishanga escorted the orphans to the mud bath and later left, most likely to link up with her ex-orphan friends again. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse on the slopes of Ithumba Hill and later, on the way back to the stockades, they decided to have fun for a while, by playing along the edge of the road and the loose soil that settles there and is excellent for playing and dusting with. 

Malkia playing with Sana Sana

Esampu and Sattao


January 2nd

The orphans left the stockades early as usual and headed to the Kanziku area where they settled to browse. An hour later, ex-orphans Yatta, Yetu, Yoyo, Yogi, Kinna, Kama, Kaia, Sunyei, Siku, Saba, Loijuk, Lili, Galana, Gawa, Ishanga, Makireti, Olare, Wendi, Wiva, Wema, Makireti and her new baby boy, Nasalot, Nusu, Noah, Naserian, Njema, Makena and Teleki passed by the stockades, heading west. The ex-orphans ran into the dependent orphans, who decided to spend time with newest baby who is approximately one and half week old. Malkia, Mteto, Ndiwa, Roi and Esampu tried their best to have time with the new baby but faced resistant from the nannies Makireti, Gawa, Ishanga, Olare, Siku and Lili. The orphans eventually gave up, knowing there might be another time when hopefully the nannies would grow tired and stop following the new baby everywhere! Only then will they have the opportunity to play with the new baby. Roi had a disagreement with Gawa and warned her that one day they will meet again when her mother Galana wouldn’t be around to defend her! Naseku followed Yatta and Yogi as she tried to befriend little Yogi. 

The dependent orphans headed for their milk at eleven o'clock and thereafter headed west of Ithumba Hill where they browsed calmly throughout the remaining part of the day. The late-night gang as you usual decided to lag behind and returned back later at night. 

Siku, Saba and Sunyei

Kilabasi, baby Kofi and Makireti

Ndiwa, Kofi and Makireti

January 3rd

As the gates were opened for the orphans to come out, Malima decided to have a morning stretch exercise still inside her stockade. Ambo, who was passing by on his way out, decided to join Malima, not for a stretching exercise, but for a pushing game instead. Kauro and Mundusi entwined their trunks in morning greetings that later turned into a pushing game. The sky was clear thi morning and this was a clear indication of a hot day a head. The orphans settled to browse in Kone area. The orphans came across a water hole where they drank some water before having a bush mud, smearing themselves with red mud. 

Shortly before mud bath time, the orphans were joined by the senior ex-orphans and they all walked together to the mud bath. Mteto, Roi and Naseku decided to interact and socialize with little Yogi on the way, who cooperated with the girls and played with them for a while, before running back to his mother. Shortly later, the orphans parted ways with the ex-orphans. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill. The sun was bearing down and this prompted Enkikwe, Mundusi, Mapia, Kauro, Rapa and Kuishi to go for a mud bath along the roadside to cool off. In the evening, the orphans returned safely to the stockade compound. 

Orphans out browsing in the bush

Kuishi and Kauro

Roadside mud bath

January 4th

Roi and Mundusi appear to have slept dreaming about each other last night, for as soon as they came out of their stockades today they walked right up to each other, and locked their trunks in a fight. The cause of the fight was not immediately established! The two fought for some time and finally ended in a draw. 

Out in the bush, Ambo, who was feeding close to Sana Sana, decided to put his pushing skills into practice; the very same skills he has recently acquired from Sana Sana! Ambo played with Sana Sana but finally lost the game; and realised how hard would be to defeat his teacher! Sana Sana harboured no grudge but accepted to teach the young bull some more pushing games. Malkia, who still loves spending time with Musiara, walked over to him and spent time with him. Maramoja didn't mind, Later, Musiara moved to feed with his bed mate Nabulu. Karisa teamed up with Pare to browse but this didn't go on for long as Karisa annoyed Pare when he started picking grass from his mouth. Since Pare was not feeling confrontational, he decided just to walk away for the sake of peace. 

At mud bath time, the orphans had their milk then Olsekki and Mundusi visited the mud bath water trough to have a drink. In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill. It was still very hot as the orphans made their way back to the stockade compound for the night, so they passed by the mud bath to cool off quickly. 

Ambo and Sana Sana

Malkia and Musiara

Musiara and Nabulu

January 5th

Ambo and Musiara started their pushing game while they were still inside the stockade this morning. The late-night gang, who had arrived shortly before dawn, walked into the stockade as the gate was opened. Siangiki decided to separate Ambo and Musiara, then walked out to the bush with Ambo. Musiara was upset at being left behind, and his rumbling brought Maramoja running over to find out why he was complaining. Maramoja informed Musiara not to get so stressed out because she is always there for him. 

The orphans settled to browse in Kone area where Ambo enjoyed Siangiki and Roi’s company. Mapia attempted to climb on Jotto but Jotto resisted and walked away. Shortly before mud bath time, the orphans were joined by Zurura, Nasalot, Noah, Nusu and Olare. Mteto, Esampu, Ndiwa, Sana Sana and Mundusi surrounded Noah just to say hi to the small boy. Wanjala had the audacity to challenge Zurura, and he couldn't believe it when Zurura pushed him out of the way just like a small unwanted object. 

The dependent orphans headed west of Ithumba Hill while Nasalot and her team headed north. In the afternoon, Galla, who was feeding with Mapia, decided to turn against him. Galla climbed on Mapia’s back which Mapia wasn't happy about at all, but there was nothing he could do since Galla is his senior. In the evening, the late-night gang including Siangiki, Olsekki, Oltaiyoni, Naseku and Roi didn't return back with rest of the herd. 

Roi, Ambo and Siangiki

Zurura with the orphans

Mapia leading

January 6th

Mist covered the peak of Ithumba Hill this morning when the orphans were let out. Jotto settled to scratch along the terrace wall in the compound as Karisa led the way out to browse. Malima teamed up with Nabulu and had girl to girl talk as they browsed. Musiara, who has found a new friend in Malkia, decided to spend time with her before moving to browse with Maramoja. 

The morning was a quiet one as the orphans browsed calmly in Kone area. On the way to the mud bath, the orphans came across a water hole and had fun in it. Shortly later, ex-orphans Mulika, Mwende, Mkuu, Kinna, Kama, Kaia, Olare, Challa, Zurura, Nasalot, Nusu and Noah joined the dependent orphans at the small water hole. Nabulu decided to spend some time with Noah in the water. Mteto and Sana Sana played with little Kaia who wasn’t comfortable with the two slightly exuberant girls. Shortly later, the ex-orphans left. Zurura and Challa lagged behind and had fun in the water for a little longer.

In the afternoon the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill and had a quiet afternoon. In the evening, Nabulu led the first group back to the stockades for the night.

Malima and Nabulu

Malkia and Musiara

Kinna and baby Kaia

January 7th

Yatta led the ex-orphans to join the orphans for some lucerne pellets in the morning. After sharing lucerne for a few minutes, the ex-orphans left. This morning the most wonderful news was that Lualeni had a new born girl with her, just about four days old! After spending a few minutes in the compound with the Keepers meeting Lualeni’s new baby, the ex-orphans headed south east, with four bulls who seemed to be following Makena which suggests she is in season. Meanwhile the dependent orphans headed south, led by Esampu, and settled to browse in Kone. Jotto, Wanjala and Rapa decided to pass by the dam there and have some water, before going back to browsing. Mundusi teamed up with Sapalan to browse and later they had a game of rolling on the ground with Pare and Dololo. 

On the way to the mud bath, the orphans met with Challa, Kinna, Kama, Kaia, Kilabasi, Makireti, Ithumbah and baby Kofi. Mteto, who these days has become something of a baby lover, decided to take off with the ex-orphans just to baby sit Kofi and Kaia. 

Later on at the mud bath, where the orphans went for their noon milk feed, they were joined by Zurura who wallowed with juniors for nearly twenty minutes. In the afternoon, Kauro and Mundusi had a strength testing exercise that lasted for quite sometime. At last, Kauro emerged as the winner and to show his dominance over Mundusi, he climbed on Mundusi's back. In the evening, Kinna and her team brought Mteto back to the stockades before disappearing off into the bush again. 


Ithumbah and Makireti

Kauro climbing on Mundusi

January 8th

The dependent orphans left the stockades early as usual but it was a big day for the them today, as this was the day the three new babies were expected to arrive from the Nairobi Nursery in the early hours of the morning. For this reason the orphans stayed close by to welcome them. Maramoja, Nabulu, Sattao and Musiara were the first ones to meet Larro Mukkoka and Naboishu, for of course they would remember Nabulu well from the Nursery! There was much excitement as all the orphans arrived and surrounded the new babies. Malkia, Nabulu, Ndiwa, Roi, Maramoja, Malima and Sana Sana competed who among them would win the hearts of Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu. The seven girls kept wooing the babies for the entire day! At mud bath time, Larro, Mukkoka and Naboishu had their first mud bath at Ithumba which they thoroughly enjoyed, particularly Larro! The three new babies enjoyed wallowing to the fullest! 

In the afternoon, Rapa started bullying Naboishu and Mukkoka a bit, but was stopped by the Keepers. Jotto and Pare tried to familiarise with the new babies but were blocked by Oltaiyoni and Roi. The wooing competition was also too much for Maramoja. She decided to quit the race and went back to her beloved Musiara. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu have arrived at Ithumba at the right time, when there is more than enough vegetation around due to the good rains we eventually received towards the end of last year. Mukkoka and Larro appear completely at ease and comfortable with their new environment; Naboishu seems a little confused at the moment but we know it will only be a matter of time and he will soon get used to his new environment. Malkia and Nabulu made sure that the three new babies felt at home.

In the evening, the new arrivals were handed over to Nabulu and Musiara to escort them back to the stockades. Naboishu, Larro and Mukkoka appears to be fast learners, and understood exactly what the Keepers meant by allowing them to follow Nabulu. They seemed to know this meant home-time! After arriving at the stockades, the three new babies copied exactly what Nabulu was doing. Nabulu lined up along the stockade fence for her milk and so the new babies did exactly the same, and after they were through, they followed Nabulu to feed on the lucerne pellets and green branches placed inside the stockade for them. Yatta and her team passed by the stockade compound late in the evening as they headed east.

Larro welcomed by Malima, Sana Sana and Jotto

Ndiwa, Mukkoka, Naboishu and Larro


January 9th

It was the first morning at Ithumba for Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu. Makena, who is trying to escape from the five bulls who have been following her, joined the dependent orphans as soon as they were let out this morning. Makena clearly wanted to have a slight break from these bulls. Zurura and Challa, who were among the wild bulls trying their luck, came and fished out Makena from the orphans. Makena ran away heading south amidst trumpeting from the orphans, especially the girls who were in disapproval of so many bulls persisting after one female. Shortly later, Kinna emerged from east with Kaia, Kama and Ithumba. Kama, who happens to be a tough girl, didn't take it lightly when Mundusi pushed her. The two had a pushing game for quite sometime as the dependent orphans left and headed north east. The game kept Mundusi so occupied that he didn’t even notice his friends leaving, but he ran to join up with them after his game with Kama ended in a draw. 

Malkia and Kuishi made sure that Naboishu, Mukkoka and Larro were doing alright as they took turns looking after them. Sattao tried to bully Naboishu but was pushed away by Malkia. At the mud bath Malkia, Nabulu and Kuishi encouraged the Nairobi babies to take a bath by leading them and walking into the water. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu who are disciplined and fast learner's, duly followed their teachers into the water. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse east of Ithumba where Roi decided to spend sometime with Naboishu, Larro and Mukkoka. In the evening, Enkikwe decided to lag behind with the late-night gang but returned early before them, shortly before six o'clock in the evening. 

Kinna, Kaia, Mundusi and Kama

Naboishu and Mukkoka

Malkia, Kuishi, Naboishu and Ambo

January 10th

The dependent orphans briefly settled for lucerne. Shortly later, Karisa led the way out but was overtaken by Larro and Mukkoka. Out in the bush, Larro teamed up with Musiara for sometime before moving to join Mukkoka and Naboishu. Pare had fun rolling on the ground. Sapalan took advantage of Pare lying down and came over to play on him. Pare wasn’t happy about it and when he got to his feet he decided to tackle Sapalan to warn him not to do such a thing again. Sapalan just smiled and took Pare's threats like hot water that cannot burn a house; he just sauntered off with his tail swinging to continue browsing. Oltaiyoni took Larro, the only girl that came down with two boys from Nairobi, aside. Oltaiyoni enjoyed spending time with the young girl and Larro seemed to enjoy her company too. 

Yatta and baby Yogi joined the orphans on the way to the mud bath where they found other ex-orphans already having fun. Mteto, Karisa and Rapa decided to go with ex-orphans when they left the mud bath. The Keepers tried to separate them but the three orphans totally refused and ran a head of the ex-orphans. The main reason Mteto likes the company of the ex-orphans is because of the wild born babies that she has come to love so much. 

In the afternoon the orphans settled to browse calmly in the Kanziku area for the rest of the day. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu had great day as they enjoyed the lush vegetation. In the evening, being the good students as they are, Larro, Naboishu and Mukkoka followed Nabulu back to the stockades for a second night. Rapa and Karisa came back later as Mteto opted to stay back with the ex-orphans. 



Oltaiyoni and Larro

January 11th

It was funny weather in the morning given that this is January. We had cloud, mist and light drizzle which is not normal weather for January. The orphans came out and briefly settled for lucerne before rushing for the lush vegetation that was awaiting them out in the Park. 

Jotto met with Sana Sana and had a brief chat that led to pushing game as it appears Jotto had a disagreement with Sana Sana. Karisa settled to play with Ndiwa while Jotto moved on to play with Pare. Oltaiyoni took care of Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu. The orphans settled to browse in the Kanziku area where they enjoyed the funny cool weather this month is exhibiting. Kamok, Enkikwe and Galla teamed up and moved away from their friends. These three totally refused to go to the mud bath and the Keepers decided to leave them behind. 

The weather was chilly but this didn't deter Mundusi from enjoying getting into the water to wallow! Olsekki kept himself busy by playing with Oltaiyoni while Rapa enjoyed climbing on Mapia. Roi joined Mundusi in wallowing and they had fun pushing each other until they had enough of their game. In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse east of Ithumba Hill where they continued to enjoy feeding on the lush vegetation. In the evening, Rapa lagged behind and returned back shortly before seven o'clock in the evening, after the others. 

Karisa and Ndiwa wrestling

Pare and Jotto wrestling

Mundusi mud bathing

January 12th

Mukkoka was limping slightly this morning. The Keepers checked his leg but there was nothing to worry about as it appears that he had a thorn, but it had since come out. The orphans settled to browse north of the stockades where they happened to meet with a group of the ex-orphans. Mteto, as usual, went for the wild born babies and abandoned her friends. Larro teamed up with Nabulu to browse while Sattao paired up with Kauro. Later, Malkia took over the care of Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu. Malkia then escorted everyone to the mud bath for their eleven o'clock milk feed. Soon after milk time, Enkikwe, Mundusi, Mapia, Malkia, Mukkoka, Larro, Naboishu, Dololo, Esampu and Rapa participated in a bush mud bath. Later, Rapa settled for a soil dusting exercise. 

In the afternoon, Mteto, who had disappeared with the ex-orphans, returned back and joined his friends. The afternoon was quiet with Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu having learned so much in just three days; they are already a part of the Ithumba herd! In the evening, Nabulu as usual led the new babies back to the stockades for the night. 

Nabulu and Larro browsing together

Sattao and Kauro walking

Esampu after her mud and dust bath

January 13th

The orphans awoke from their slumber this morning to the sound of their milk being prepared for them. They had their bottles and then walked out to have some lucerne pellets. The three new babies, Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu are really enjoying life here at Ithumba. They have friends to guide and protect them, especially Malkia, Maramoja and Nabulu who have taken on this role with gusto. The orphans weren’t really interested in their pellets this morning but were eager to walk straight out to feed on the fresh green grass and leaves. Mukkoka and Larro were browsing together with Ndiwa. Siangiki was busy rolling and playing on the ground and it wasn’t long before Naseku went to join her. Mapia decided to keep Larro and Naboishu company and browsed together with them. Jotto and Malima seemed to be having their own private conversation. Mundusi and Siangiki had a playfight for a short while. A small group of orphans including Kuishi, Ambo and Mteto found a puddle which they started playing in. Later this group linked up with their other friends and they all walked to the mud bath area for their noon milk feed. Some of the orphans decided to go for a swim but others didn’t, namely the ones that had just enjoyed a bush mud bath!

It’s still very green and lush everywhere at the moment and the orphans are really enjoying their days of browsing with ease. Larro was seen busy browsing alone and later Naboishu and Mukkoka came to join her. They started patting each other with their trunks. Sapalan and Mundusi were busy playfighting in the bush and later the whole herd walked back home in the evening for their milk. As usual, Siangiki, Olsekki, Naseku, Roi and Oltaiyoni were left behind, to come back of their own accord. Tusuja and Barsilinga haven’t been seen since they joined a herd of ex -orphans two weeks ago and we assume they are doing well in their company. 

Ndiwa browsing with Larro and Mukkoka

Kuishi browsing

Naseku and Siangiki enjoying rolling around

January 14th

It was a lovely morning today and the new babies Larro, Naboishu and Mukkoka looked happy and bright-eyed. They joined their friends for some lucerne pellets but didn’t feed on them for long before they started to walk off into the bush to browse; they aren’t that used to lucerne as they do not really feed on the pellets in the Nursery, but no doubt with time they will enjoy the supplement food as much as the others. These are still times of plenty when there is a lot of nice fresh food out in the bush, but when it is a bit drier we are sure they will like and appreciate the lucerne more! Dololo started playing and rolled on the ground, accompanied by Esampu, Rapa and Musiara. When they were done rolling and stretching, they got up and joined their friends who were already walking out to the bush for the day.

It's still lovely and green and the new babies were evidently enjoying all the fresh greenery. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu stuck together and walked along browsing close to one another. Dololo stopped browsing for a while to enjoy scratching his neck on a rock.

Ex-orphans Zurura and Challa passed by and came to say hi to the dependent orphans. Later on Yatta's herd with Sunyei and their babies passed by as well, but they just greeted the orphans and carried on with their patrol. Their wild born babies look so strong and healthy which is lovely to see – they are so energetic and run about everywhere. Kauro found a muddy puddle and decided to play in it, but it wasn’t long before the orphans had to walk to the main mud bath area for their noon milk feed.

It was quite warm today, unlike previous days, and the orphans decided to swim in the mud bath after having their bottles today. Zurura then appeared out of the bush to join them too. He joined Naseku, who was busy playing on the pile of loose soil to dry off after her swim. Naboishu, Larro and Mukkoka enjoyed a mud bath too, but Naboishu got out first before the others.

The orphans continued to enjoy browsing in the afternoon. Naboishu, Larro and Mukkoka are slowly becoming good friends with Mapia and Sattao as well as Musiara too. The herd slowly made their way towards the dam along the roadside for a drink of water before heading home in the evening. Siangiki, Olsekki, Naseku, Roi and Oltaiyoni went a different direction from the others, but returned to the stockades later during the night. They are learning to be independent, and yesterday they came back at midnight. 

Zurura browsing

Challa arriving

Sunyei browsing

January 15th

All the orphans came out of their stockades this morning after having their milk bottles to feast on lucerne and begin their new day. Enkikwe tried to play with Oltaiyoni before setting off to the bush. 

Dololo was patting Rapa affectionally while they browsed next to one another. This morning Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu were browsing together but under the security of Malkia and Maramoja. Sometimes we observed Naboishu leading his two friends Mukkoka and Larro. He directed them towards a small puddle which Mukkoka and Larro really enjoyed playing in. Mteto and Jotto joined them, until Mteto came out wiping her eyes with her trunk as she had got some mud in her eyes. The orphans then walked to the main mud bath area for their noon milk feed.

Most of the dependent orphans enjoyed swimming in the main mud bath today after having their bottles as it was another warm day. The ex-orphans, led by Wendi, arrived with their babies as well. We had Mulika with Mwende and Mkuu, Naserian with Njema, Sunyei with Siku and Saba and Kilabasi with Kofi – all at the mud bath. They all enjoyed a swim with the dependent orphans. Olare was with Sunyei's younger baby Saba most of the time in the mud bath and she is clearly a very good and vigilant nanny. 

Roi got out and start playing on the mound of soil to dry off. Rapa was busy playing with Jotto in the water. Then Sunyei got out of the water and took her family Siku and Saba off into the bush; Naserian and Njema followed them. Yatta’s daughter Yetu got excited and started charging around as the Keepers started gathering the orphans to walk back out to the bush with them, but eventually she followed the rest of the ex-orphans, and the dependent orphans decided to go back to browsing too.

The orphans browsed peacefully for the rest of the day and returned home in the evening on time, but Enkikwe decided to follow Class Five who are weaned off milk and are starting to explore their independence and stay out at night; they didn’t return home this evening and Enkikwe stayed with them. Wendi’s herd arrived during the night to have some water, before walking off into the bush again.

Enkikwe wrestling Oltaiyoni

Naserian, Njema, Olare, and Saba at the mud bath

Olare and Malkia with Sunyei, Siku, and Saba

January 16th

It was a sunny morning today and the orphans were enjoying their lucerne after their milk bottles. The three new orphans love the green vegetation the most and don’t really like hanging around feeding on the lucerne pellets. They impatiently stand about at the periperhy of the herd, desperate for the new friends to hurry up and get moving with the day! Eventually as the herd started to make their way out to the bush, Naboishu got fully stuck in and started browsing with fervor. Larro and Mukkoka browsed together. Dololo and Nabulu were busy playing separately from Malkia and Jotto who were patting one another and having their own private conversation. Galla started climbing on Mapia while they were playing a pushing game. Pare and Musiara then went to greet one another and they started walking off together towards the mud bath area for the noon milk feed, so everyone decided to follow them. 

After the milk feed, Rapa and Wanjala went to get into the water for a swim and really enjoyed playing together. Olsekki then came over to interrupt their game by climbing on Rapa. Enkikwe, Dololo, Kauro and Musiara all came to join them as well and enjoy a swim. Later, Naboishu led them out of waterhole to the loose soil to dry off, before finally walking back out to the bush to browse.

All the orphans were browsing and enjoying the green vegetation they can still find in abundance everywhere. They had a quiet afternoon and then walked back to the stockades for the night. Around dusk, ex-orphans Nasalot, Noah, Nusu, Lili and Loijuk visited for water. They had a drink then walked off out to the bush again. While yesterday Enkikwe stayed out with Oltaiyoni’s herd who are becoming more independent, tonight he joined his group and returned to the stockades for the night.

Naboishu getting stuck in with his browse

Dololo wrestling Nabulu

Rapa and Wanjala wrestling in the mud bath

January 17th

It was another sunny morning today. The orphans didn’t stay in the compound for long and walked out to the bush to browse quite early, eager to begin their day. Today Larro, Mukkoka and Naboishu tried a bit more of the lucerne grass so we think they will come round to it with time.

Once again Naboishu was fully enjoying the nice fresh vegetation with his new friends. He was together with Mukkoka, Ndiwa and Wanjala. Kuishi was browsing on her own off to the side. Sana Sana was checking on Larro while browsing alongside her. Later the three new orphans reconvened and started browsing as their own little group. Ambo decided to take a break from browsing and was busy playing and rolling on the ground, enjoying the weather, while Mundusi was busy scooping and tossing soil in the air and some on his back. 

Later on at the mud bath, ex-orphans Sunyei and her two babies Siku and Saba, Kilabasi with her baby Kofi, and Makireti arrived, but they only had some water before walking away again. It wasn’t as hot today and only a few of the orphans decided to wallow in the mud bath before walking back out to browse.

We haven’t had any rain recently, so it has started to dry out a bit, but there is still lots of food to eat. It was Mukkoka who led the herd back home in the evening. Everyone came into the stockade for the night except for are no longer milk-dependent - Siangiki, Olsekki and Roi. Oltaiyoni and Naseku arrived later in the evening and were locked into their stockade for the night. 

Sana Sana checking on Larro

Ambo playing on his own

Mukkoka leading the herd back to the stockades

January 18th

Ex-orphans Kilabasi, Kofi, Makireti, Zurura, Lualeni, Lexi and Siku joined the orphans for lucerne in the morning. Makireti, who happens to be Kofi’s main nanny, tried to shield Kofi from orphans like Naseku and Maramoja who were desperate to greet him. The two girls only wanted to assist in taking care of him! Naseku and Maramoja were annoyed by Makireti's harsh security and so decided to go and join Lualeni and her family, where they were afforded the opportunity to interact with Lexi. 

The orphans had a quiet morning and enjoyed the company of Kilabasi, Kofi and Makireti out in the bush. Naseku decided to try her luck on spending some time with Kofi again, but she still didn't succeed. 

At mud bath time the orphans were joined by Kinna, Kama, Kaia, Sunyei, Saba, Olare and Siku. Kama ran into trouble with the dependent orphans when she tried to block them from getting close to Kaia. Esampu, Mundusi, Sattao, Maramoja and Malkia ganged up against Kama. Kama couldn't withstand their combined force and decided to run away. She is a good mother and to avoid any further fracas, Kinna decided to play it safe and just get into the water with her baby. The orphans decided to wait patiently along the edge of the water for Kaia to come out. After their mud bath, Kinna and her friends parted ways with dependent orphans and left with the late-night gang Oltaiyoni, Olsekki, Siangiki, Roi and Naseku. Later, Enkikwe, Sapalan and Galla dodged the Keepers as well and followed the ex-orphans. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse east of Ithumba Hill where Naboishu, Larro and Mukkoka took sometime time off from feeding to enjoy a game of rolling on the ground. 

Lualeni with her newborn Lexi

Makireti and Kofi browsing

Kina and Kaia in the mud bath

January 19th

The late-night gang arrived early at dawn and waited outside the stockades for their friends to be let out. Mapia and Ambo apparently dreamt about fighting each other as the first thing they did this morning was lock trunks in a tussle. Their pushing game went on for quite sometime until Olsekki, who was passing by, intervened and separated the two boys. Wanjala settled to play with Mundusi while Ambo later played with his friend Sattao. Malkia developed an itchy ear and so decided to scratch against a tree. 

Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu, who have now fully settled into Ithumba, browsed quietly without interruptions or stopping to play; they continue to be good learners as they follow their friends and learn everything there is to know about Ithumba and living in the wild. Esampu and Kuishi took Naboishu off to browse with them and spend some quality time with him. 

At noon while at the mud bath, the orphans were joined by Zurura, who left shortly afterwards. In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse east of Ithumba Hill and in the evening, some of the ex-orphans passed by the stockades again with their young ones. Rapa reported back later after his friends had settled in for the night. 

Sattao and Ambo wrestling

Kuishi, Naboishu and Esampu browsing

Malkia scratching her ear

January 20th

Enkikwe, who joined up with Class Five a couple of weeks ago, woke up at the stockades today in a playful mood as he engaged his long-time friend Olsekki in a strength testing match. Mukkoka was limping slightly, suggesting that he might have slipped in stockade during the night, or slept funny, as he was walking fine yesterday. The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area where they were briefly joined by the ex-orphans. Malkia, Ndiwa, Mteto, Esampu, Sana Sana and Nabulu spend some time with Kaia, Lexi, Njema, Yogi and Noah. The ex-orphans were just passing by however, and they disappeared a few minutes later. 

Malkia and Ndiwa took sometime off from feeding to have a game of rolling on the ground. Mapia played with Ambo while Mundusi played with Sapalan. Challa joined the orphans on their way to the mud bath. Challa encouraged the orphans to get into the water by showing by example, and being the first one to get into the water. The orphans duly followed and ended up having a wonderful time in the water. Rapa enjoyed climbing on Dololo, who these days is missing the love and attention that he used to get from Mutara’s herd, who have been away for a while now. After wallowing, Jotto led a small group of orphans for a soil dusting exercise. Challa parted ways with the orphans soon after mud bath. The orphans settled west of Ithumba Hill and had a quiet afternoon. 

Olsekki and Enkikwe wrestling

Mapia showing off his ears

Sapalan heading off to browse

January 21st

The orphans left the stockades early as usual and settled for lucerne before making their way out to browse. After Karisa had enough lucerne, this streetwise boy led the way out. Enkikwe and Ambo lagged behind as they tried to clear up all the leftover lucerne their friends had left.

Out in the bush, Jotto combined browsing with a scratching session, as Pare isolated himself from his friends and moved off a short distance away to browse on his own. Larro, Naboishu, Mukkoka and Musiara teamed up with Malkia to browse. 

At noon when the orphans visited the mud bath, Rapa, Nabulu, Mundusi, Enkikwe, Mteto, Ndiwa, Kuishi, Esampu, Ambo, Mapia, Sana Sana and Kamok all decided to get into the water and have fun. Esampu was the first one leave however, running and trumpeting as she ran into the bush; she is still a little drama queen! Mundusi and Enkikwe were the last ones to leave the water. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill and they had a quiet time browsing. Later, the orphans came across a small water hole where they decided to have a bush mud bath. In the evening, Larro led the first group back to the stockades for the night, while Nabulu led the second one. 

Musiara and Ambo wrestling

Jotto enjoying a scratch

Karisa off browsing

January 22nd

Olsekki and Ambo walked to the water trough soon after they were let out this morning, as the rest of their friends settled for lucerne. Shortly later, Karisa led the way to browse again. On the way, Olsekki, Mukkoka and Larro came across some rocks that they used to scratch against. 

Later, Ambo had a disagreement with Musiara that led the two boys to engage in a pushing game. Malkia passed by and separated the two boys before carrying on with her journey. Naboishu, who we are finding to be quite an independent boy who isn’t very attached to Mukkoka and Larro, settled to browse with Olsekki, but left when Olsekki attempted to bully him. Mapia teamed up with Kamok while Sana Sana took care of Mukkoka and Larro. 

The ex-orphans passed by the stockades shortly before eleven o'clock, heading to an unknown place. At the same time the dependent orphans were heading to the mud bath for their noon milk feed. Nabulu, Sattao, Ambo, Enkikwe, Mundusi, Sana Sana, Esampu, Kauro and Larro decided to have fun in the water while Mukkoka, Naboishu, Kamok, Jotto, Musiara, Dololo, Rapa, Wanjala and Malkia opted for a soil dusting exercise. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill and later in the evening they passed by the mud bath again for an evening cool-off. When he was done cooling off Enkikwe decided to have a strength testing game with Olsekki, and then all the orphans slowly made their way back to the compound for the night.

Olsekki enjoying a morning scratch

Larro and Mukkoka also scratching

Nabulu and Sattao striking a pose

January 23rd

The orphans settled for lucerne soon after leaving the stockades. The late-night gang arrived sometime during the night and had slept in the stockade compound. Naboishu walked over to Roi and settled to share lucerne with her. Roi was kind enough to allow Naboishu share lucerne and give the young boy some attention. Later, Naboishu walked to join Mukkoka and Larro. 

Out in the bush the orphans were joined by Kibo and Tusuja who have been away for quite sometime! Mukkoka briefly teamed up with Ambo before walking off in his own direction again. The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area again. Pare and Sattao isolated themselves from the rest of the group and browsed a short distance away. It's not clear why the two boys distanced themselves from their friends or what they were talking about! The two boys re-joined their friends later on the way to the mud bath. 

Soon after coming out of the mud bath, Wanjala, Rapa, Esampu and Kuishi spotted two Egyptian geese beside the water trough. Led by Esampu, the four orphans trumpeted and charged as they headed for the birds. The birds were clever though and flew away the moment they heard the orphans trumpeting. 

In the afternoon the orphans settled to browse in between Ithumba Hill and Imenti. Later in the evening, shortly before going back to the stockades, the orphans came across a small water hole that they used to cool themselves off in. After they had enough of wallowing, Nabulu led the way back to the stockades for the night. 

Roi arriving at the mud bath

Kibo drinking with the dependent orphans

Wanjala enjoying the fresh greens

January 24th

Naboishu, Larro and Mukkoka settled for scratching along the stockade wall when they were let out this morning. After they were through with the scratching exercise, the three new orphans joined their friends to feed on lucerne. Karisa, who enjoys the role of leading his friends out in the morning, led the way today towards the west. Sana Sana, Nabulu, Malima, Mteto and Malkia seemed to disagree with the direction Karisa took however, and the five girls changed direction towards the southeast, rumbling to signal to whoever was interested to follow them instead. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu turned and followed the girls. Later, the rest of the group followed too. Mundusi and Galla took sometime time off from browsing to engage in a strength testing exercise. Mundusi couldn't withstand the strength of Galla however and when the going got too tough for him, Mundusi surrendered and walked away. 

The orphans had a quiet morning and at eleven o'clock in the morning, went to the mud bath for their milk. They had a soil dust bath and a drink of water before resuming browsing without mud bathing today. They settled to browse in the Kanziku area. Karisa teamed up with the late-night gang and left. The temperature was moderate and the orphans enjoyed every moment browsing until the evening, when Larro led the first group back to the stockades for the night. Karisa and his team returned back later at nine o'clock. 

Naboishu, Siangiki, and Olsekki drinking water

Malima and Nabulu browsing together

Mteto walking with Mundusi

January 25th

After the orphans had enough lucerne this morning, Larro tried to lead the group towards the east. Challa emerged from the same direction and made a brief stop at the water trough. The orphans who had started to follow Larro turned back and followed Challa instead. At the water trough, the boys Enkikwe, Mundusi, Rapa, Sattao, Mapia and Wanjala stretched their trunks out to say hi to Challa. Challa wasn’t bothered by the little orphans at all, but left walking in a slow measured walk, heading west. Five hundred metres away, the orphans stopped following Challa as it appeared that he wasn't in the mood to talk with them. The orphans settled to browse in the Kanziku area instead. 

Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu teamed up with Mteto, Sapalan and Esampu to browse. At mud bath time, the sun was shining, and the orphans participated fully in a wallowing exercise, with the exception of Rapa and Kamok who boycotted the waterhole. After wallowing the orphans dried themselves off at the pile of loose soil, before heading back out to browse. 

At they set off the orphans decided to spend their afternoon west of the Ithumba Hill. Naboishu was pushed away by Kamok when he tried to move close to her. We’re not sure why Kamok behaved in such a way as she is a young female who normally like to look after those younger than them, but sometimes she isn’t as nurturing as some of the others. It was a very hot afternoon and the orphans decided to pass by the mud bath for an evening wallowing session. Mteto, Karisa and Esampu teamed up with the late-night gang and headed north of the mud bath, and reported back at the stockade compound on their own shortly before 7pm.

Challa and Enkikwe at the water trough

Wanjala and Mteto browsing

Kamok browsing

January 26th

Mist covered the tip of the Ithumba Hill this morning when the orphans were let out and settled for lucerne. Mukkoka and Musiara had enough of lucerne and decided to walk down to the water trough for a drink. Shortly later, Larro led the way out, but Mteto, Malkia, Esampu and Sana Sana couldn't allow Larro to lead as she doesn’t know the area well enough yet, so they hurried a head of her and walked together with the courageous girl. 

The orphans headed to the area known as Kone where they settled to browse. Galla and Pare took a break from feeding and engaged each other in a strength testing game that ended when Pare decided to surrender. Ndiwa played with Karisa as Malkia settled to browse with Mukkoka and Naboishu. Mteto teamed up with Esampu while Sapalan attempted to ride on Galla. 

On the way to the mud bath, the orphans were joined by Loijuk, Lili and a one-tusked female that used to be quite aggressive at one time but now she is much more settled around the Keepers and the orphans. Loijuk escorted the group to the mud bath. Ndiwa, Roi, Mundusi, Malkia and Rapa took turns in playing with Lili. 

At the mud bath Jotto played with Rapa as Dololo played with Musiara and as they made their way back to the stockades, Dololo and Musiara took up their game again. They were fully invested in their wrestling match, and it wasn’t until the Keepers were close to the stockades that they realised the two boys were missing. Two Keepers went back to look for Musiara and Dololo and found the two boys, still in their pushing game and totally oblivious that their friends had left them behind and that it was time to return home. The Keepers separated them and led them to the safety of the stockades for the night. 

Malkia and Karisa in the bush

Enkikwe, Dololo, Kauro, and Musiara

Galla browsing

January 27th

The orphans left the stockades soon after finishing their milk. Kauro and Mundusi greeted each other this morning by starting a pushing game. Their game ended when Olsekki intervened and pushed them away as he informed them that it was too early for such games. Mundusi looked rather confused at Olsekki's actions because he too is partial to a morning pushing game every now and then, and he concluded that he was just jealous that he didn’t have anyone to play with. Mundusi walked away for fear of being bullied by Olsekki. 

The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area. Malkia, Kuishi and Sana Sana spent their entire morning feeding with Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu. Jotto rumbled, signalling that it was time for the midday bottle feed. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu responded quickly and followed Jotto who had started walking off towards the mud bath. The rest of the herd did the same when they saw the three new babies following Jotto. The orphans had their milk and shortly later, headed off to browse again, without wallowing. They settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill. As the day wore on it got hotter though, and the orphans opted to pass by the mud bath to cool off. 

Kuishi and Kauro browsing

Olsekki and Mundusi drinking

Jotto and Naboishu dust bathing

January 28th

The orphans settled for lucerne soon after leaving the stockades. Sana Sana and Roi shared their lucerne with Naboishu and had a brief chat with him, encouraging Naboishu and offering his positive thoughts. Esampu engaged Mapia in a pushing game that was cut short by Sapalan who came up behind Mapia and pushed him away. 

The orphans found themselves in the Kone area again, where Sana Sana spend the entire morning browsing with Naboishu who has become her favourite little baby. Musiara played with Mapia and later tackled Dololo. At mud bath time, Nabulu led the first group for the milk feed while Esampu led the second group. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu were in the last group. 

It was very hot and the orphans participated fully in the wallowing exercise with the exception of Sapalan and Jotto who opted for a soil dusting exercise instead. They then settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill and had a quiet afternoon. In the evening, the orphans passed by the mud bath and cooled off there before heading back to the stockades for the night. Later, Esampu, Karisa, Mteto, Sapalan and Wanjala dodged the Keepers and ended up coming back to the compound late at night. 

Sana Sana, Naboishu and Roi enjoying Lucerne

Sapalan browsing

Mteto and Esampu browsing

January 29th

Mutara, Sities, Sugata, Kainuk, Turkwel, Kalama, Melia, Rapsu and Lemoyian were the guests of honours this morning. Mutara and her group had been away for quite sometime. The group was happy to find some new babies at Ithumba! Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu didn't show any interest in the big girls and almost appeared to be avoiding them. Nabulu and Wanjala stayed close to the three new orphans. Suguta and Turkwel tried to go back to Dololo, but it seems as if Dololo was wise to them now and avoided the two girls like the plague! It appears he didn’t want to be let down again when the ex-orphans would just decide to wonder off again anytime, or show more attention to a new born wild calf than him, and he went on his way as if the girls didn’t exist. Mukkoka, Larro and Naboishu did the right thing not to get too attached to the big girls, for sure enough, as soon as Mutara’s first baby comes along any day now, they will all be jostling for their nanny positions with her new baby! Sities decided to say hello to Musiara and later Enkikwe. Lemoyian played with Galla while Jotto embraced the spirit of sharing by inviting Sapalan to feed with him. Mutara and her herd joined the dependent orphans on the way to the mud bath. The weather was chilly and only Nabulu decided to wallow in the mud bath. The others opted for a soil dusting exercise. 

In the afternoon, the dependent orphans parted ways with Mutara’s herd who took Siangiki, Olsekki, Oltaiyoni and Roi with them. The rest of the orphans took a break from feeding and relaxed under a tree for some time before going back to browsing. Pare had a brief conversation with Musiara before parting ways. In the evening, Yatta and her herd reported to the stockade compound and left an hour later. 

Mutara enjoying the Lucerne hay

Lemoyian and Galla wrestling

Dololo and Turkwel browsing

January 30th

Soon after arriving out in the bush, the orphans were joined by Mutara, Sugata, Sities, Turkwel, Kainuk, Lemoyian and Kibo. Mist was everywhere and it almost looked as if it was snowing. Suguta and Turkwel tried to sweet talk Dololo again after abandoning him for so long, but Dololo would hear none of it. Mutara and her group left about an hour or so later. 

Ambo, the only baby that Kamok really loves, rumbled and Kamok, who was quite far away, ran to respond to Ambo's call. Kamok found that Ambo had started a game of rolling on the ground and she stayed to watch over him in case any of the other boys decided to come and bully him while he was playing. After Ambo had enough of rolling and playing, Kamok took him and they walked together while browsing. Jotto engaged Sana Sana in a pushing game while Pare found a suitable tree that he scratched his belly on. Later, Kuishi, Malkia and Malima had a game of rolling on the ground too. 

It was quite chilly when the orphans went to the mud bath for their bottle, and they decided to only dip their feet in the waterhole after their feed. Enkikwe totally to get into the water at first, but later decided to do what the others were doing and washed his feet too. 

In the afternoon, Mutara and her herd joined the orphans again west of Ithumba Hill. When it was time to return to the stockades, Enkikwe, Karisa, Mteto, Sapalan and Rapa disappeared and were no where to be seen. The five orphans reported back later in the evening shortly before 7pm in the company of the late-night gang. 

Kainuk at the mud bath

Kibo arriving

Ambo greeting Kamok

January 31st

Ex-orphan Kibo joined the orphans for lucerne in the morning. Its not clear where he had left Mutara and the others who he had been with yesterday. An hour later, Mutara, Turkwel, Suguta, Sities, Kainuk and Lemoyian joined the orphans in the Kone area. Turkwel and Suguta went up to Dololo as they apparently continue to beg for his forgiveness, promising not to leave him again soon. Dololo appeared to soften a bit and stopped playing so hard to get, as he was then seen following the two girls. 

Malima, Kuishi and Esampu took a break from browsing and decided to have a game of rolling on the ground. A wild bull in the company of Nasalot, Nusu, Noah, Ithumba and Naisula passed by close to where the orphans were feeding. Ndiwa and Mteto ran to catch up with Noah, and the Keepers had a hard time trying to get the two girls to go to the mud bath just before noon, as they wanted to stay with Noah. Suguta and Turkwel escorted Dololo for his milk bottle and later they all had a soil dusting exercise together. 

In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse west of Ithumba Hill. Jotto engaged Sana Sana in a pushing game while Lemoyian played with Rapa. Dololo settled to browse with Turkwel while Wanjala settled to browse with Mteto. In the evening, the late-night gang lagged behind with Enkikwe, Galla, Wanjala, Mteto and Rapa, and showed up at the stockades an hour after the others had already gone inside for the night. A wild herd with two small babies checked in briefly at the stockade compound and left immediately after taking water. 

Ndiwa and Malima browsing

Sana Sana and Jotto wrestling

Nasalot and Noah arriving

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