January 1st
Nasalot and Mulika took the other orphans to the East of Ithumba Hill. Wendi fell foul of Napasha, having shoved him during the milk feed.
Napasha sitting and Wendi scratching
January 2nd
Napasha and Taita played a charging game around a small bush. Wendi was scared by a dikdik, and ran to the Keepers for protection. Olmalo and Tomboi had a wonderful mudbath, wallowing happily and teasing each other.
Orphans having fun in the mud
January 3rd
Napasha, Wendi and Tomboi lay down to allow Taita and Olmalo to try and climb on top of them. They played for at least 30 minutes. Kinna, Mulika and Nasalot led the others to the East of Ithumba Hill again, but it was Wendi who led the way back to the Stockade in the evening.
Tomboi on the right and his friends
January 4th
Today Napasha and Taita enjoyed a playful morning. Wendi and Selengai played but their game was interrupted by Kinna.
Kinna sitting down in the middle of the others
January 5th
The orphans headed to the Eastern side of Ithumba Hill again where Kinna and Yatta enjoyed a “round the bushes” running game, watched by Olmalo.
Yatta Taita and Selengai playing in the mud
January 6th
The orphans had a surprise at the mudbath today – a lone buffalo, who ran away as soon as he spotted the Keepers. The orphans, led by Wendi, were scared, and ran to their Keepers for protection, leaving Tomboi behind, who courageously made a lot of noise before running to join the others.
Olmalo on her belly while Yatta sniffs the air
January 7th
It was a chilly morning, so the orphans crowded together for warmth until the sun broke out at l0.30 a.m. Only Olmalo took a mudbath today; the rest dusted themselves with red soil
Orphans having a soil bath
January 8th
Shortly before mudbath, Selengai accidentally knocked against Napasha, who wanted to retaliate immediately. However, Selengai ran to Mulika for protection and Napasha just stood and stared at her, unbelieving at how she had managed to escape retribution.
January 9th
Mulika, Yatta and Kinna led the convoy to the East side of Mazinga Hill. At mudbath, the orphans had a wonderful time wallowing. In the evening the Keepers spotted a troupe of monkeys and some buffalo, which were not noticed by the elephants.
The orphans wallowing in muddy water
January 10th
Nasalot and Napasha had a wonderful play pushing game, which looked like a real battle, but was only play. In the end Napasha surrendered. They had a super mudbath, wallowing and soiling themselves.
Napasha having a rest from all the fun and games
January 11th
It was a very hot day, so the elephants had to cool themselves by flapping their ears. They were eager for the mudbath, and ran into it, enjoying it immensely.
Orphans trying to keep cool in the shade
January 12th
Today was chilly, in contrast to yesterday, but it turned hot by mudbath time, so the elephants enjoyed the mud and had to flap their ears to remain cool.
Orphans on the way to the mud bath with a keeper
January 13th
It was another very hot day. Nasalot and Napasha played happily, pushing each other around for most of the day.
Napasha having some lunch
January 14th
It was another scorching day, so the elephants spent time under shade. Npasha and Wendi led the team to the mudbath, which they enjoyed greatly, Kinna and Napasha playing together, whilst Tomboi and Selengai enjoyed a game.
Taita pulls Tomboi & Selengai swings her trunk
January 15th
Kinna was the team leader today, and because the day was coolish, the orphans went about 4 kms. from the Stockades. They enjoyed their mudbath at noon.
The orphans heading to the mudbath
January 16th
Another hot morning. The elephants played with each other, chasing, pushing and lying down playfully. At the mudbath Napasha pushed Taita trying to keep him from his share of the milk, so the Keepers warned Napasha by pointing their fingers at him. He took the hint.
Yatta standing while Napasha plays with Taita
January 17th
An uneventful day spent on the East side of Ithumba Hil, having been led there by Yatta and Nasalot.
Mulika, Yatta & Nasalot lead the way
January 18th
The group left early, as usual, and at 8.30 a.m. spotted a herd of impala. Kinna and Napasha charged and when the impalas saw the dust raised by the elephants, they fled, leaving Kinna and Napasha wondering where they had gone!
January 19th
It was another scorching day, so the orphans browsed under shade until mudbath hour, when they had a wonderful time in the mud.
The orphans enjoying a soil bath
January 20th
Kinna and Selengai had a wonderful game, pushing each other for around 20 minutes, and breaking vegetation. At mudbath Napasha, Taita and Olmalo rolled in the mud and then enjoyed a dust-bath.
Olmalo throwing on her back
January 21st
It was a pleasant day, which the orphans enjoyed, feeding peacefully without any major incidents.
Orphans sleeping after a long day
January 22nd
The day began as usual, until Taita and Tomboi spotted a warthog, and gambolled towards it. However, it disappeared down a hole, and the elephants were left puzzled as to where the quarry had gone!
January 23rd
Just before dawn, a red Spitting Cobra tried to enter the elephant Stockades, and became electrocuted by the electric wire. It was removed and burned. Out in the bush, Yatta lay down and Napasha came and tried to climb on her.
A dead red spitting cobra
January 24th
Today Yatta broke down a tree branch, and took it aside to feed on it without interference from the others. Today, at bottle feeding time, Napasha held the bottle with his trunk, without any help from the Keepers.
January 25th
Wendi is very mischievous, and enjoys playing tricked on the other elephants. Today, she pretended something scary was nearby, so she ran around trumpeting and breaking the vegetation. Mulika, Nasalot, Kinna and Yatta are wise to her tricks, and took no notice, but the others reacted by running to the Keepers, which pleased naughty Wendi!
Mulika munching on a branch
January 26th
Olmalo, who normally likes being close to the Keepers, decided to attach herself to Yatta, whilst Selengai battened onto Mulika. It was a cold day, so none of the elephants went into the mud, but enjoyed the soil instead.
Napasha nose dives on the way to the stockade
January 27th
Shortly before 10 a.m. Napasha decided to take a nap, whilst Taita fed close to him. At mudbath, Kinna had to go onto her knees in order to extract a piece of grass, whilst Taita found himself wedged between Yatta and Selengai. In the evening, Napasha surprised everyone by sitting on a rock and resting his head on Taita’s rump!
Our orphans leaving the mud wallow
January 28th
After leaving the Stockades, the elephants were in a jovial mood, playing together by pushing whatever they found on their way. Wendi pulled up a small shrub and tossed it in the air; Taita picked it up, then ran away with it, which annoyed Wendi who gave chase. When Taita saw Wendi homing in on him, he rapidly dropped the shrub and escaped.
Orphans led by a keeper to a mud bath
January 29th
Yatta and Wendi led the group into the bush today, but since it was a scorching day, the elephants went under shade quickly, and arrived early at the mudbath, which they greatly enjoyed, led by Wendi.