January 1st
Nyiro and Lolokwe spent most of the morning trying to mount each other, testing dominance. At noon Icholta begged for Ndara's bottles of milk, but was admonished by the Keepers. Similarly Nyiro and Laikipia met the milk tractor hoping for milk, but since they are being weaned there was none, and Ndara and Maungu were fed separately. After mudbath the orphans, led by Emily, chased some warthogs, whilst Aitong kept watch over Maungu and Ndara.
January 2nd
Yatta tried to follow a different route, but then returned to join the others. Emily's group, which included that of Natumi, joined a herd of 4 wild elephants, Aitong and Tsavo being the first to make contact. Our orphans spent a short time feeding amongst this wild herd and then left. Aitong spent time feeding a little apart from the rest in the afternoon.
January 3rd
Emily collected Ndara from the Junior Stockade. Natumi's group decided to spend the day with Yatta and the smaller set today. Natumi and Ilingwezi surprised the Keepers when they started a quarrel for no apparent reason, which lasted a long time until both were tired. Loisaba and Edie dominated the mudbath and Nyiro begged for a bottle of milk at the tractor, but retired when none was forthcoming. Later Aitong indulged in a bush-bashing charging game. Back at the stockades in the evening Nyiro pushed Yatta which resulted in a brief but forceful encounter.
January 4th
Laikipia and Salama had their usual pushing and mounting game this morning which was won by Salama. Mukwaju and Nyiro indulged in a fierce pushing match during mudbath today until Icholta came between them to end the encounter. Later Ndara rested beneath Emily's breasts, as though to suckle, whilst Aitong stroked Ndara's back and sniffed her bottom in a gesture of affection. Emily escorted Ndara to her milk at noon, with Maungu leaving the group to get her quota. In the afternoon Icholta was rubbing herself against a stump when Salama pushed her, which brought a sharp reaction. Back at the Stockades Tsavo was scared by the appearance of the resident Monitor Lizard.
January 5th
During the morning Yatta's group stayed close by the Keepers to feed, whilst Emily and the others fed further afield. Two zebras appeared, which Yatta saw off. Tsavo tried to demonstrate his skills by teasing Salama, encouraging him to spar. Salama obliged and soon Tsavo went running off towards Aitong. During mudbath Yatta barged into Mweiga, pushing her down, and Aitong rushed to lift Mweiga up again, stroking her back to comfort her. Later Edie, Natumi and Ilingwezi joined Emily and Loisaba in charging a waterbuck which made a surprise appearance.
January 6th
Once out in the bush Emily left with Natumi's group to feed further afield, leaving Yatta and the youngsters with the Keepers. A flock of birds scared them sending them running to their Keepers for protection, after which Nyiro remained close by to suck the Keepers' fingers. Mukwaju pushed Maungu, almost knocking her down, and later on Maungu retaliated and ran to the Keepers before Mukwaju could do anything about it. During mudbath Mweiga slipped and fell on the bank, yelling, which brought Aitong at the double to her help.
January 7th
After mudbath today Nyiro and Lolokwe both wanted to jump onto Kinna, so a tussle ensued, which was won by Nyiro. However, Kinna was having none of it. Then Tsavo tried his luck, mounting Icholta, but was rebuffed. On the way back to the Stockades, Mweiga lagged behind, so Aitong returned to keep her company.
January 8th
The orphans had a wonderful mudbath today. At 4 p.m. Mvita got scared by some monkeys, running away into the bush. The Keepers found her hiding in a thicket, and brought her back to the group. Back at the Stockade in the evening Emily escorted Yatta, Kinna, Mvita and Icholta to the new electrically fenced Stockade funded by IFAW to which they are gradually being introduced.
January 9th
It was cold today, so the orphans spent most of the time feeding. At around 10 a.m., whilst some were playing in the mud, Imenti arrived with two Keepers, walking very fast with his trunk extended towards the other orphans. Yatta's baby group was the first to greet him, surrounding him and sniffing his body all over. Aitong and Emily joined later, reaching out to him hesitatingly at first in disbelief, and then clustering around him as he and Emily stood with their heads together for a long time, all the orphans wanting to be close to him. Back at the Stockades Emily and Imenti played again, as they used to before he left.
January 10th
Today Imenti joined Emily in going to fetch Ndara from the Stockade. Yatta and Kinna enjoyed a game this morning. All enjoyed the mudbath, Imenti lying down so that the young elephants could clamber on him. Mweiga and Tsavo played briefly, until Tsavo left to join up with Emily who had wandered further afield feeding. At 2 p.m. Natumi gave chase to an antelope, after which Imenti indulged in a tree bashing game, hurling the broken bits high in the air.
January 11th
The day was cool so the orphans went further afield to feed on new pastures. Nyiro tried his luck for a bottle when Ndara and Maungu took theirs but was out of luck, so he pushed Maungu, but got reprimanded by the Keepers. In the afternoon Mukwaju trod on Yatta's trunk, which brought a sharp reaction. Back at the Stockades Imenti had a long game with Emily, whilst Tsavo got scared by the Monitor Lizard. Aitong came to chase the lizard away.
January 12th
The orphans had a lovely day feeding, interrupted by an encounter with two buffaloes, which Emily and Aitong chased off. The mudbath was filled with activity, after which Emily and Imenti had their usual game. In the evening Mvita and Icholta raced each other back to the Stockades, each trying to be first, whilst Ndara stayed close to her adopted mother, Emily.
January 13th
During the morning Yatta's group met some buffaloes. Yatta and Nyiro attempted a charge but the buffaloes were unimpressed, so Yatta and Nyiro ran towards Emily's group who were feeding a little apart. Ndara spent the day very close to Emily, whilst Imenti kept going off to feed by himself further afield, encouraging the others to come with him. Salama and Laikipia had their usual bout and at 4 p.m. Ndume turned up at the Stockades for a drink before taking off again.
January 14th
During the morning, the baby group met some impalas. Nyiro and Mukwaju chased them away, after which Nyiro came back swinging his trunk happily from side to side, showing satisfaction. Emily stood by Ndara when she and Maungu went for their milk. Mweiga fell down again during mudbath, shoved by one of the others, so Emily lifted her up.
January 15th
The orphans were in a happy mood today, rushing around trumpeting and playing with one another and the bushes. Emily broke dry branches from a tree and played with them. Loisaba and Laikipia dominated events during mudbath and in the afternoon Maungu played with Mweiga and then Mvita. Back at the Stockades Natumi and Laikipia enjoyed a game.
January 16th
All the orphans were together this morning, but Nyiro and Lolokwe went to feed apart from the others, coming late for mudbath. Lolokwe followed Maungu to the milk tractor and tried to hijack her ration of milk, but was rebuffed by the Keepers. In the afternoon Natumi, Ilingwezi, Salama and Laikipia were very adventurous, feeding far from the others, until a flock of birds scared them and sent them running to Emily.
January 17th
It was very hot and humid today, so a good deal of time was spent wallowing. At mudbath Natumi cried for help when Edie pushed her head under water. The Keepers ran to the rescue, as did Aitong. In the evening Imenti and Emily enjoyed their usual game.
January 18th
The morning was spent feeding. When the tractor came to deliver the drinking water to the drums, the orphans ran towards it, and this time, surprisingly, Mweiga won the race. At noon Lolokwe again tried his luck with Maungu's milk but was restrained by the Keepers. In the afternoon, a wild Bull Elephant joined the baby group briefly. Nyiro and Mukwaju were very interested, sniffing and walking around him, before he left to go on his way.
January 19th
This morning the baby group grazed with the others for a while, and then the older elephants left to go further afield. A wild cow elephant with two youngsters then turned up to join the baby group. Yatta and Kinna enjoyed playing with the youngest calf.
January 20th
Before leaving the Stockades, the orphans enjoyed rolling in the sand. Imenti then decided to take charge, walking behind the group, and trying to steer them in the direction he wanted. On the way to the mudbath Yatta's group all chased away two zebras who were drinking from a puddle. Only Maungu refrained. After mudbath Imenti and Emily had their usual game and later Imenti again tried to steer the orphans in the direction he would have liked to go.
January 21st
A "screaming" squirrel terrified the baby group, causing them to race towards their Keepers. Shortly before mudbath, they met up with Emily and the others and all headed for the mudbath. Salama and Laikipia had their usual mounting bout whilst Nyiro clambered over Loisaba, who lay down. Mweiga again slipped and fell and had to be lifted up by Aitong who later enjoyed a bush bashing session.
January 22nd
A Helicopter passed overhead, scaring the entire group who rushed to the Keepers. Aitong then raced back to see if anyone was left behind. Imenti instructed Salama in how to fight, allowing Salama the advantage. In the afternoon a wild bull joined Emily's group, and tried to mount on Emily, who ran away.
January 23rd
A roaring lion scared the orphans today, so they remained close to the Keepers. All had a fantastic mudbath with Loisaba, Edie, Tsavo and Ilingwezi rolling about in the pool, whilst Imenti squatted on the side, allowing Salama to play with him. Nyiro then had a go but could not clamber up, so Aitong helped him. After mudbath Emily took her group away, and Ndara's milk had to be taken to where she was.
January 24th
The day began with a sand game near the Stockades. Then a group of baboons passed by making a lot of noise which sent Yatta's and Natumi's groups running to the Keepers. Emily, Aitong and Imenti yelled at the baboons and sent them on their way, after which Edie and Nyiro spent time charging and kicking the bushes. Tsavo played with Mvita before going to join Emily. All enjoyed a dramatic mudbath after which Imenti tried to push the orphans in the direction he thought they should go. Natumi and Icholta chased an antelope away and at the Stockades Emily played with some visitors, kneeling down in front of them.
January 25th
Yatta and Kinna led the way out today. In the afternoon Emily's group met a wild group of 2 adult cows and 3 young calves. Loisaba and Tsavo had a wonderful time with the young ones. In the evening Emily and Imenti played together, after which Imenti picked up dry branches, laid them on his back and carried them around. Ndume appeared at the Stockades at 11 a.m. drank, and then left. Kinna, Yatta, Icholta and Mvita spent their first full night in the new electrically fenced Stockade.
January 26th
Imenti collected all the orphans and led them out into the bush. Kinna "mothered" Maungu. At mudbath, Nyiro playfully knocked over the drums, spilling the water and Laikipia and Salama had their usual game. At 2 p.m. Aitong left with a wild group, returning at 4.30 p.m. to return with the others to the Stockade.
January 27th
Natumi, Salama and Laikipia went to feed away from the others on their own, joining the main group again just before mudbath. After mudbath Imenti and Emily played. Then Imenti tried to steer the group towards the bush to feed. Back at the Stockade, Maungu and Ndara were introduced to a newcomer whom we Keepers had named "Mtego", (The Swahili word for "trap"). This baby had been rescued having been seen from the Helicopter near Bura, lagging behind the herd, with a steel cable noose tight around its neck and ear. The snare was removed, but had already cut deep into the flesh of its neck and throat, almost severing one ear.
The new calf tried to mount on Maungu and Ndara, who were scared. Later Maungu gave him a shove, but since he was wounded, Maungu was removed. Meanwhile, Emily and Aitong, who were in the Stockade, extended their trunks, sensing the presence of a newcomer, while Yatta's group greeted the new baby with curiosity, extending their trunks to sniff his wounds. The new calf's name was later changed to "Burra" by Mrs. Sheldrick, to signify his origin on the migration route between Tsavo West and East, beyond the Park boundaries. The new calf's wounds were cleaned and he was offered milk and greens, but he had no appetite.
January 28th
By morning, Ndara had made friends with the new calf, and he would have liked to follow her when she left. Emily and Aitong waited outside the Stockade, wanting the new baby, but he had to remain inside because he was wounded and wild. Eventually Emily settled only for Ndara and joined the others out in the bush at the base of the hill to feed and await the arrival of the two Nursery Elephants, Nasalot and Mulika, who were en route from Nairobi.
Mulika and Nasalot arrived at 11 a.m. Having disembarked, they were offered milk and water, which they declined. Natumi's group were brought first to meet them, since Mukwaju, Kinna and Yatta had shared the Nairobi Nursery with them. They all surrounded them excitedly, smelling them, before enjoying a mini mudbath together. Then Emily's group were brought in to be introduced, surrounding the newcomers eagerly. Emily and Aitong sniffed their underparts and mouth and then lay their trunks lovingly across their backs to welcome them warmly and lovingly.
The two newcomers spent the rest of the day with Yatta's baby group, sharing their Stockade that night when there was quite a lot of pushing here and there. Imenti had left Emily's group at 1 p.m. but returned at 10 p.m. that night to wait near the Stockades for morning.
January 29th
Again, the new baby "Burra" would have liked to join Ndara, who was escorted away by Emily. Nasalot and Mulika went out with Yatta's group, but were more attached to the Keepers than the other elephants. When a helicopter passed overhead all the orphans, except Aitong, ran back to the Keepers. Aitong charged in the direction of the sound. The rest of the day was spent familiarising the two Nairobi orphans with the others in both Yatta's and Natumi's groups.
Burra was loaded into the lorry that had brought Nasalot and Mulika and left for Nairobi.
January 30th
Mulika and Nasalot left the Stockades with the others, and began to go their own way, but finding themselves alone, returned to join the others. Ndara, as usual, joined Emily's group. They all wallowed together because the day was hot. Emily dashed around the pool, striking the water with her trunk. Salama shoved Mweiga, who fell, and was lifted up by Aitong. Back at the Stockades in the evening, Emily played with Imenti.
January 31st
Nasalot and Mulika wallowed immensely in the big pool, but suddenly realised that the others were leaving, so rushed out to join them. Kinna stroked Maungu lovingly, resting her trunk on Maungu as they took a rest under shade after the mudbath. Tsavo spent most of the day trying to mount Icholta. Emily and Imenti were busy leading the group to new pastures.