February 1st
A very interesting morning when the elies became aware of the wild impala. The whole group charged and the Impala leaped to safety, obviously very bewildered by this scene. In the charge Lualeni was left behind and became very frightened causing to cry out. Sunyei immediately came running back to comfort her gently and reassure her everything was infact fine, it was only a game. When they then walked on Lualeni was allowed to be in the front with Sunyei resting her trunk protectively on Lualeni’s back.
February 2nd
It was 6.00am when a serious fight erupted between Naserian and Galana over who should escort Nalitu today. Naserian left her stable in the morning in a hurry and immediately waited at Nalitu’s door. Galana then did the same and they both met outside Nalitu’s stable door as she was late to emerge. When Nalitu finally came out they both started to fight. While these two fought over who should spend the morning with Nalitu Sunyei gently whisked Nalitu away from them both!
The orphans on their way to the mud bath
February 3rd
Naserian got clever this morning, opening her stable door by herself and immediately went to Nalitu’s stable, in time to scoop Nalitu up first! Lualeni was very animated at the mudbath, running around kicking the football and chasing the warthogs. She is really beginning to play and is quite visibly enjoying herself. The warthogs were persistent, desperate to have a mudbath too because of the hot weather, but every time they got close Lualeni was after them again.
February 4th
Again Naserian would not feed today until she was satisfied that Nalitu had taken her bottle, and only then would Naserian feed.
February 5th
Today Nalitu was walking very slowly towards the mudbath, and Galana, who is normally the greedy one and first in line for the milk bottles with the midday mudbath today shocked us all and stayed behind to escort Nalitu. Nalitu really enjoys nestling under the bulk of Galana, who really feels like Mum.
Nalitu in the middle of the older orphans
February 6th
An aeroplane flew over very low, prompting all the orphans to run around screaming, they all ran towards the Keepers with Naserian taking the time to calm the two little ones down.
February 7th
When Buchuma started pushing Lualeni about Galana was at Lualeni’s side like lightening, giving Buchuma a very serious warning with a trumpet. Buchuma immediately retreated to Ndomot and then started pushing Ndomot around.
Ndomot on the left with Buchuma on the right
February 8th
Lualeni and Nalitu communicated with their trunks in each others mouths for a long time. Then Nalitu pushed Lualeni who became furious, retaliating hard. The Keepers had to come in and rescue the situation which was fast getting out of control, as Lualeni seemed strong, and the fact that Nalitu was smaller than her she didn’t seem to take into consideration.
John with Nalitu and Lualeni
February 9th
Buchuma really revealed that he is the naughty boy in the group today by becoming enraged when Galana tried to prevent him from pushing Lualeni. He went for Galana, fighting her aggressively, but Galana retaliated. The Keepers had to intervene and separate the two. Still in a rage he went and fought Ndomot, who eventually retreated, anything for peace! Buchuma grazed alone for the rest of the day, and when another elephant came close he would push them away. Both Madiba and Naserian were pushed to the ground! This was a difficult day as we the Keepers had to constantly separate Buchuma from the others, and keep a close eye on the babies. Ndomot shares a stockade next to Shida, and the two of them are so close, always spending time together through the metal gate. Shida enjoys the massage Ndomot gives his face, almost falling asleep on his feet.
Ndomot and Buchuma sparring
February 10th
It is Buchuma again today who wants to constantly be in the lead, which ever direction we go, and he also has to be first when chasing the warthogs, who were in the distance. When he returned he found that Sunyei was in the lead. This caused him to fight her, and she neglected the fight, allowing him to take the lead.
Lualeni lying near the mud wallow
February 11th
Today was a very cold morning, and the orphans made a circle around Nalitu and Lualeni in an attempt to keep them sheltered from the cold. All the elies were taking responsibility for Nalitu and Lualeni and Nalitu seemed to notice this and really respond to it. Shida while out in the forest with his Keepers bumped into Makosa, who was interested in tracking Shida, and followed them around for a long while. This is the reason we have to be sure Shida is accompanied at all times as he is very vulnerable to the wild rhinos and Makosa and Magnum too.
Naserian, Sunyei & Galana with Lualnei & Nalitu
February 12th
Madiba acted very responsibly when Nalitu charged the warthogs, but instead of them running away they held their ground with her. Protectively Madiba gave a ferocious charge scattering them in all directions. He then went back to Nalitu to ensure she was fine.
February 13th
Nalitu slowly started playing with the football for the first time, under the guidance of Madiba, who is the official football coach of the orphans, as he loves nothing more that kicking the ball around, and leaping around in the huge tractor tube.
February 14th
Naserian prevented the warthogs from going into the mudbath close to Nalitu and Lualeni, giving a trumpet to alert all the other elephants who immediately ensured the warthogs didn’t approach from another direction. Poor pigs, as all they wanted was a cool mudbath, but they were fair game and all the orphans enjoyed a good warthog charge.
The orphans enjoying theri time at the mud wallow
February 15th
Today was a cold day, again the orphans tried to protect the little ones from the wind. Because of the overcast weather non of them wanted to go into the mudbath at midday.
Nalitu with a blanket to keep her warm
February 16th
The Buchuma Ndomot fighting dominated the day, with Ndomot never really exerting his full strength again Buchuma. Sunyei would intervene from time to time, concerned that it may be getting too serious. Shida loved his mudbath session today, and really entertained the visitors with much huffing and puffing, head tossing with circular skips – He seemed in a very skittish move.
February 17th
All the orphans were clustering close feeding with Nalitu taking greens from the others and placing them in her mouth and tried to chew them. Lualeni brushed passed Nalitu, who immediately became very angry, and pushed Lualeni hard requiring Keeper intervention.
February 18th
The orphans visited some new areas today, and really enjoyed it. Makosa was sighted in the distance.
The nursery eight out and about in the bush
February 19th
The stuggle for Nalitu continues, with Naserian, Galana and Sunyei all trying to get her undivided attention. Lualeni prefers to stay close to the Keepers. Lualeni loves to share the Keepers mattress in the night stables rather than her own, she loves to cuddle.
February 20th
Buchuma continued his bullying streak but Galana wasn’t having it, and he was reprimanded severely. The BBC crew were with us all day. Toby the BBC camera man had Lualeni lying all over him, and she really seemed to enjoy resting close to him.
Lualeni lying on BBC camera man Toby Strong
February 21st
When the group first went into the bush they came across a warthog family. The elephants all trumpeted and chased them into the bushes, Lualeni following and even she managed to let out a trumpet. She also trampled the bushes with ears raised in excitement. Today we were joined by the Samburu Warriors who rescued Ndomot when he fell into the sandy well in the Northern Frontier District. The four guys were amazed at how big he had grown and also the whole relationship the elephant orphans and Keepers had. They spent the day feeding the elephants and interacting with them, and we the Keepers spent a lot of time explaining the intricacies of the project.
The Samburu warriors who rescued Ndomot visit him
February 22nd
Sunyei’s calm guidance was evident today when she came to calm Nalitu when Lualeni accidentally knocked Nalitu in an effort to reach her bottle quickly. Sunyei didn’t reprimand Lualeni, merely calmed Nalitu down. The Samburu guys were here again today and spent time observing the mudwallow time, the visitors, and the project as a whole.
The Warriors that rescued Ndomot visited.
February 23rd
A lion with three lionesses scared the elephants terribly this morning. We happened upon them in the forest. The lions appeared to be as startled as our group. The elephants immediately ran to the Keepers for safety, including Galana, and they all huddled close to Galana who showed great courage. The orphans were disturbed for a large part of the day after this encounter.
The nursery eight and their keepers
February 24th
Today there was an interesting development with Galana pushing Sunyei and trying to exercise some domination over Sunyei. Naserian immediately came to Sunyei’s defense, but Galana chose to walk away rather than retaliate.
Ndomot standing on his own
February 25th
A fun day had by all, lots of pushing, warthog chasing, mudbathing, and all the orphans appeared to be exceptionally happy today.
February 26th
Makosa came to visit today, walking right up to where the Keepers were seated. Buchuma was unbelievably bold charging Makosa, ears out, face to face with him. Makosa lowered his head and eyeballed Buchuma alittle bit puzzled by what to do next and eventually snorted and walked off in the opposite direction. Buchuma had a definite bounce in his step, obviously feeling he had overcome a formidable force. The weather has been unbelievably hot, temperatures reaching 39 degrees.
The nursery orphans having a refershing drink
February 27th
Madiba a Sunyei spent time today uprooting the roots of plants, then gently peeling the back off and eating the succulent root. Sunyei was much for proficient at this that Madiba, which eventually really annoyed him, causing him to cry for help. Another unbearably not day, which caused the Keepers and elephants to rest up in the shade.
Madiba under the shade of a tree with a keeper
February 28th
Today the Buchuma Ndomot show began again, the pushing and sparring for hours. This quite clearly annoyed Sunyei who stood between them for a long time causing them to find something else to do, but eventually the urge to continue proved to much for them and they started nudging her out of the way in order to continue. Sunyei obviously realized that she was in a compromised position so moved off to spend time with the little ones. Again another very hot day, which made the elephants quite listless.
Madiba lieing down with Lualeni standing