December 1st
It was a quiet and cold morning and the orphans headed out from their night stockade. After their milk feed they were not very active, obviously feeling a little numbed from the cold. Orwa & Narok did their favored scratching on the large granite boulders which are abundant around the stockades. Later they walked out to the bush to browse and graze and thanks to the recent rains the choice of food is plentiful. In fact the orphans fill their tummies up fast with so much food now at their disposal. They browsed close together for companionship with Shukuru next to Sities and Bomani next to Teleki. Chyulu also came to keep them company and they all enjoyed the new green browse. At mud bath time they were reluctant to partake due to the cold weather and just had their milk feed and headed off back to browse and play.
Shukuru led them back to the stockades in the evening where they were met by semi dependent orphans Suguta, Melia, Tumaren, Kibo, Kandecha, Kalama & Chemi Chemi who are all doing very well in the wild and drank water before returning to the bush. There was no rain but there were chilly winds.
December 2nd
It was wet in the morning following 13 mm of rain received overnight. Led by Mutara, the orphans settled a few metres from the stockade to browse. Bongo started the day’s activities by throwing wet soil onto his back and Turkwel and Mutara browsed together hanging out together for much of the day. Bomani managed to pluck grass for feeding at the same time as scratching his buttocks against a tree. One hour after the orphans had left the stockade, the rain started again and the orphans became very playful savoring the slippery mud and water puddles. Shukuru started the frolicking by lying on the ground to play with the wet soil. As the rain continued, Shukuru was joined in her game by Sities and Narok. They rolled on the wet soil as the rain continued to pour down and soon the rest of the orphans joined in. By then the wet soil had turned into mud. Shukuru stood up and decided to scratch her buttocks on Narok who was busy rolling on the ground. After a while the orphans looked like anthills they were so caked in think mud and earth.
At mud bath time, the rain took a break for half an hour. Shukuru suckled her trunk soon after finishing her two bottles of milk, a favourite pass time of hers, while Garzi and Vuria started playing with the running water. Narok with her trunk up walked a few metres from the mud bath and started browsing, clearly she was collecting scents from the air of maybe some ex orphans close by. Shukuru and Mutara walked to the road where Shukuru inserted her trunk into Mutara’s mouth as if communicating something to her. Vuria and Garzi also walked up to the road and scratched against each other. Orwa rolled on the ground and later went to scratch against an anthill. Turkwel came across a fallen branch and tried to push it out of her way. When she was unsuccessful she just decided to clamber over it. Bomani scratched against an acacia tree as he made his way back to the browsing field.
The rain resumed again at mid day and the orphans concentrated on browsing. The rain was so heavy such that it washed off all the mud on orphans, turning them back to grey again. 60 mm of rain had fallen by the time it stopped at four o'clock. For us Keepers it was a very sodden and wet day, but fun to see the elephant loving it so much.
Bongo throwing mud onto his back
December 3rd
It was cloudy in the morning as the orphans strolled nonchalantly out from the stockade. Rain water puddles were everywhere. Mutara left with a stick in her mouth which she chewed tossing it aside for some delicious soft green grass which is a great favourite for the Ithumba elephants, as much of the year soft green grass is absent due to the arid conditions. Orwa tried to scratch his ear using his trunk but it not satisfying enough so he walked to a nearby rock that he used to scratch himself instead. At the browsing field, Mutara and Shukuru shared browse from the same tree. Turkwel took a break from browsing to scratch her belly on a rock that was close by. Bomani developed an itchy chin and decided to scratch it against the tree he was feeding on. Towards ten o'clock in the morning, Teleki paired with Vuria and performed some wet soil dusting and later lay down to relax. Bongo went to an isolated place and did some wet soil bathing by loosening the ground with the use of his one long tusk then using his trunk to scoop up the soil. Kanjoro was not left out as he also did some soil bathing. When Bongo saw Narok playing by lying down on the ground he stopped soil bathing, walked over and attempted to climb on her. Narok resisted; making a noise, standing up and leaving. Kainuk was the last to perform the soil dusting.
At mud bath time Bomani and Shukuru suckled their trunks soon after taking their milk while Vuria relaxed his trunk on Garzi’s back. Mutara, who is now fully weaned passed where the empty bottles were and grabbed one, thinking that it still contained milk. The keepers reprimanded her and she dropped it. At the water trough, Kanjoro slipped and fell down but rose up quickly and was thankfully unhurt and left to browse. Mutara, with her trunk up, led the way to the bush while Garzi lagged behind scratching against any available trees. Towards four o'clock in the evening the clouds cleared giving way to sun shine. The orphans came across a dam full of water and decided to wade through it for a cool off.
December 4th
The orphans embraced the day heading out early without lingering at the stockades. They concentrated feeding on the new browse and special grasses and delicious flowers and lilies that littered the ground.
The day warmed up and they had their midday mudbath with Bongo leading the way of course, later joined by water baby Mutara. The others joined in with the exception of Shukuru who chose to get her feet wet but just looked on while sucking her trunk, a favorite pass time of hers.
In the afternoon the orphans spent time resting under the shade of some large acacia trees
Shukuru sucking her trunk
December 5th
Melodies from singing weaver birds filled the air as the orphans left the stockade. With the onset of the rains a celebratory mood surrounded Ithumba, with birds and squirrels and everything living thing seemingly enjoying the wet season. Our orphaned dependent babies were no different.
Mutara led the way to the browsing field where Kanjoro, Teleki and Narok formed a group of three and went separate ways from the rest disappearing into the dense undergrowth and were not seen for a couple of hours. The orphans concentrated on feeding on grass, a new treat thanks to the rains. Towards mud bath time two dik-diks ran past which startled the elephant orphans and they all hurtled towards their keepers for comfort. The keepers calmed them down and this gave Vuria Teleki and Kanjoro the courage to charge at the dik-diks or at least the direction they had come from as the dikdiks had long disappeared.
At mud bath, Shukuru as usual inserted her trunk into her mouth suckling as she stood contentedly thinking, while and Teleki scratched his chest using his trunk. Narok placed her trunk on Vuria's back as she stood still, both replete and rested. A little later the orphans were joined by independent ex orphans Madiba, Ololoo, Lualeni, Orok, Kora, Challa, Kenze, Kina, Meibai, Sidai Yatta, Yetu, Sunyei, Nasalot, Naserian, Chyulu, Ithumba, Galana, Wendi, Mulika, Mwende, Makena, Loijuk, Lenana, Zurura, Taita, Napasha, Rapsu, Tomboi, Buchuma and six wild elephants. The ex orphans were all looking well and in a jovial mood enjoying the many waterholes spread far and wide and the freedom plenty of water brings them.
Lualeni teamed up with Narok, Teleki, Vuria and Bongo in wallowing in the now full mid day mudbath which with the rains was now a lake. The rest of the herd went to drink water at the water trough. Teleki, Bongo, Narok and Vuria stopped wallowing when the wild elephants and the ex orphans came to join them so as to avoid the rough play of he junior bulls.
In the afternoon Teleki and Vuria were feeding together and Kainuk and Shukuru shared feed from the same tree. Orwa stood under a tree and relaxed for a very good long time, sleeping on his feet. Later in the day Kanjoro and Bongo dodged the keepers and headed towards the Kalovoto River. The keepers soon realised they were missing from the group and tracked them down, finding them deep in the Kalovoto River browsing without any fear. When they saw the keepers Bongo and Kanjoro realized their misconduct and quickly started to return to their friends.
Narok resting his trunk on Virua
December 6th
It drizzled at night again and in the morning heavy dew covered the grass everywhere. Kainuk left the stockade with a leftover grewia branch in the mouth that she chewed outside the stockade as some of the other orphans kept themselves busy feeding on the fresh grass. Narok, Sities, Orwa, Bomani and Turkwel scratched on the nearby rocks. Later Turkwel engaged Teleki in a pushing game. At the browsing field Narok, who was feeding on a hilly area, slipped as she stretched her trunk to pluck some leaves high above her. She had a dramatic slip down the hill but quickly rose up to try her luck again so was clearly unhurt and unfazed.
At mud bath time our ex orphans big bull Napasha and Rapsu were busy wallowing as the orphans checked in for their eleven o'clock milk feeds at the midday mudbath. Soon after taking milk, Vuria and Garzi went and stood at the edge of the mud wallow watching the ex orphans enjoying wallowing, clearly both our little dependent bulls were watching in awe at the big boys. The dependent elephants stood by the dams water edge with their trunks in the air smelling as they watched the frolicking ex orphans. Mutara, Teleki, Vuria, Narok, Laragai, Kanjoro and Bomani eventually plucked up the courage and joined them in wallowing. Bongo joined them later after having a mini mud bath in a separate small water hole.
After ten minutes or so the dependent orphans led by Mutara, stopped wallowing and headed out as Rapsu started troubling Teleki by mounting him and being rough with his games. Once the orphans were out of the water Shukuru comforted Teleki by placing her trunk on his back. Napasha and Rapsu continued wallowing long after the baby group left.
Out in the bush, the sun was hot. Vuria kept flapping his ears to cool down. Garzi fed close to Orwa while Kanjoro and Kainuk kept their trunks up for some time to check if the surrounding was still safe. Later during in the day Vuria and Bongo came across some dry soil and used it to dust themselves. As time progressed bongo Narok, Bomani and Kanjoro found some stagnant water and started to play with it. Vuria led baby group back to the stockade at the end of the day.
Shukuru comforting Teleki
December 7th
Soon after leaving the stockade Kanjoro led the way to the browsing field where he teamed up with Mutara and Shukuru and climbed a nearby hill to enjoy the lush vegetation. Later they were joined by semi independent orphans Makireti, Kilabasi and Kasigau. Teleki paired up with Kasigau and moved some metres away from the others so that he could hang out with his older friend.
Vuria communicated with Makireti by inserting his trunk in Makireti's mouth. Garzi and Narok also came close to Makireti and stretched their trunks to sniff at her. Later, Orwa went close to Garzi and rested his trunk on his back. Kasigau took a break from feeding and performed a soil dusting exercise before resuming browsing. Shortly before mud bath time, Teleki and Bongo engaged each other in a strength testing exercise for a few minutes. As the orphans drifted into the bush to browse the semi independent orphans wondered off into the bush with them.
At mud bath time, the sun was extremely hot by now, Makireti arrived flapping her ears and headed straight in to wallow to cool down. Laragai had a mini mud bath in aseparate very muddy water hole before going swimming in the big dam. All the orphans had a spectacular wallowing with the exception of Garzi and Bomani who just stood in the water knee deep watching the others. After mud bath Narok, Orwa and Shukuru shared the same tree to scratch against and just rest up in the heat of the day.
When the orphans returned to the browsing fields Garzi and Vuria browsed close to the keepers as older semi independent orphans Kilabasi, Makireti and Kaigau plotted how to snatch some of the dependent orphans. They pretended to be feeding while walking slowly up Ithumba hill and, when they were out of sight of the keepers, quickly hurried with the others leaving just Garzi and Vuria behind. An hour later, the keepers whistled to find out if the orphans were close by. To their surprise only Vuria and Garzi responded. The keepers then realized something was up and started tracking the others knowing that it was the three ex-orphans who had spirited away their team. Two hours later they were found a kilometre way and the three ex-orphans, knowing that their mission had backfired, continued to walk further away as the keepers called Mutara’s group back. The keepers took Mutara’s group back to join Vuria and Garzi, as they are still very much milk dependent orphans. Soon after the orphans returned to the stockade 5mm of rain poured down making the ground good and wet once more.
Teleki strength testing with Bongo
December 8th
With all the good rain the landscape has turned even greener with every tree and bush in full leaf creating an almost impenetrable jungle. Wild flowers and everywhere, and Ithumba has been transformed.
Semi independent orphans Makireti, Kasigau and Kilabasi again reported at the stockade compound early and waited patiently for the orphans to come out. They were clearly hatching a plan. Kanjoro was the first one to leave the stockade with his ears raised. Shukuru was the last to leave as she sucked her trunk while Vuria placed his trunk on Garzi’s back. After leaving the stockade, the orphans joined Makireti, Kasigau and Kilabasi and walked down to the water trough. After drinking enough water Kanjoro led the way to the browsing fields. The orphans stopped on a rocky terrain where they browsed for sometime before moving to another place. Teleki joined Turkwel to browse together but then begun to get irritating always putting his trunk in her mouth. Turkwel got tired of this behavior and pushed Teleki away, and he finally got the meassage. The independent Bongo as usual browsed some distance away from the others. At one time Bongo developed an itchy ear and used his trunk to scratch it, with the finger of his trunk carefully helping to scratch his ear. Sities broke a big branch from a tree and then feasted on that for quite some time and later even carried it away when she saw Mutara approaching. Clearly she was in no mood to share her delicious meal. On the way to the mud bath Vuria came across a pile of hard red soil and tried to kick it so as to loosen it but it was too hard so he gave up and engaged with Teleki in a strength testing game instead. Orwa and Shukuru also tried unsuccessfully to kick the red soil mound which was made solid and impacted by the rain. Eventually they gave up.
At mud bath time, Kainuk warned Orwa by pointing at him with her trunk but it was not clear what the warning was for. Kasigau led the whole team except Kainuk, Shukuru and Bomani into the mud bath for an excellent swimming session. Soon afterwards Kanjoro led the way to the browsing field where Teleki and Orwa browsed close to each other while Kanjoro teamed up with Laragai. Makireti, Kasigau and Kilabasi. The keepers kept and eagle eye on the naughty trio to make sure they did not spirit away any milk dependent babies again. Bongo went to where Vuria was feeding and pushed him from behind but Vuria merely stepped aside for him to pass. Mutara and Shukuru enjoyed sharing leaves from the same shrub as Bomani and Garzi enjoyed feeding on the delicious soft grass which is now in abundance everywhere.
Ithumba looking lovely and green
Vuria strength testing with Teleki
December 9th
The orphans left the stockade early as usual soon after their morning milk. Kanjoro led the way to the browsing field and Garzi raised his trunk up to check it was safe. On the way Narok bumped into Bomani as she tried to overtake him and Shukuru stopped to scratch her behind on a huge rock. At the browsing field Bomani tried to mount Vuria but he resisted by running away although later they had a soil bathing game together before resuming browsing when they were joined by Narok and Kainuk.
Today the juniors were briefly joined by Mulika and Yatta’s group of ex orphans who were in the company of a very big wild bull. Vuria had a brief conversation with ex orphan Makena as they entwined their trunks. As the ex orphans withdrew from the juniors Sities was left with her trunk up in the air as if saying farewell to her seniors, torn as to whether to follow them. The independent Bongo took a break from feeding, lay down to relax and threw soil over his body using his trunk. Then he lay there in a state of bliss.
At mud bath, the orphans had a spectacular wallowing with only Shukuru Garzi and Kainuk not participating. Mutara was the star of the day as besides wallowing she did backwards somersaults several times in the water. Sometimes totally submerged with only her feet showing. Afterwards they headed off to browse where Kainuk became playful and charged at bushes with her trunk coiled. All the trumpeting and bush bashing encouraged some of the others to join in the fun. In the evening Mulika’s group of ex orphans consisting of Mulika, Mwende, Rapsu, Loijuk, Makena, Lenana, Kenze, two wild bulls, Challa and Taita, showed up at the stockade. Rapsu engaged Challa in a pushing game while Lenana comically tried to climb a rock close to the stockades whilst Kenze scratched his neck on the same rock. Rapsu pulled up some grass and placed it on his head as the two wild bulls engaged each other in a strength testing exercise. Later, Mulika led the group away as Kenze tried to get a free ride on Lenana.
Mutara doing somersaults in the water
December 10th
Kilabasi, Makireti and Kasigau who appear to have seceded from Suguta’s group to form their group of three, reported at the stockade early before six o'clock in the morning. These three are very interested in increasing their group with some new recruits from the milk dependent group, so the keepers are onto their naughty plan. The dependent orphans were welcomed by them as they left the stockade and Kilabasi tried to hold Bomani's trunk but he resisted. Kasigau lay down to play and his game attracted the young babies who love to clamber over him while he is lieing. Teleki was there doing just that. Kasigau then stood up and tackled Teleki properly at which Teleki surrendered sensing the game was getting rougher and went off to browse. Orwa engaged Garzi into a pushing game but he was too strong for Garzi these day so Garzi tactfully retreated and went back to join Bomani in browsing. Later, Turkwel paired with Teleki in a soil bathing exercise while Bongo, who was browsing close to Vuria, also soil dusted and afterwards put his trunk into Vuria’s mouth.
At mud bath time the temperatures were moderate and Shukuru, Garzi and Orwa didn't participate in wallowing but just stood in the water with Orwa relaxing his trunk on Garzi’s back. Kanjoro and Teleki had a strength testing exercise while still in the water. When Kainuk had enough of wallowing, she stepped out of the water rumbling and went to rest against a large acacia tree enjoying the side rub and the shade. Soon the rest of the herd stopped wallowing and followed Kainuk with Turkwel trailing last.
At around two o'clock in the afternoon it started to rain again with 9mm in total falling. The ground was extremely slippery and Sities slipped and fell while climbing up a hill. Shukuru helped Sities back to her feet but she then lay down and smeared herself with the wet soil that Sities had fallen on.
Kasigau and Teleki strength testing
Kanjoro and Teleki strength testing in the water
December 11th
It was a day without much activitiy. Garzi scratched on a rock as the orphans headed off to browse, and was almost left behind at the stockades. Teleki had a brief wet soil bathe and his exercise attracted Vuria who joined in. Orwa paired with Bongo to browse and Teleki browsed on fresh grass with Bomani. Later Vuria and Bongo paired to have a soil bathing game which later turned to a strength testing exercise. Moments later Vuria lay down and Bongo climbed on him as Laragai stood close by watching.
Soon after taking their eleven o'clock milk the orphans went to wallow but Orwa, Garzi, Kainuk Narok and Shukuru didn't participate. Teleki and Vuria were playing a game of mounting the others in water. In the afternoon it was hot and Orwa opted to relax under a tree, waiting for the temperatures to go down. Shukuru tried to dig wet soil which she used to throw under her ears to cool off. Later in the evening.
Bomani grazing on fresh grass
Vuria strength testing with Bongo
December 12th
Armed with a branch in his mouth Garzi leaned on a rock with his front leg folded. Afterwards he scratched on the rock while enjoying chewing the branch and then joined his friends who had moved ahead of him. It was a wet morning once again following 6mm of rain overnight. Garzi teamed up with Sities to browse and touched her mouth; Sities rumbled then they resumed to browse. Bomani took a break from feeding and had a wet soil dust by throwing the soil into his back. This game took up a good long time as he savored the wet conditions. Sities moved over to where Turkwel was peeling the bark of an acacia tree and Kanjoro and Teleki had a brief moment of entwining their trunks together bonding. Whilst browsing, Mutara, Garzi and Turkwel crossed a valley which was steep, slippery and hard to climb to browse on the other side. They folded their front legs, supporting themselves by bending down so their tusks could grip the ground, and finally succeeded in crossing.
Shortly before mud bath time, Bongo and Narok came across some stagnant water that they used to have a mini mud bath.
Bomani, who knows how to hold his milk bottle by himself and no longer needs the keepers to help him, decided to run away with the second bottle amid shouts from the keepers to return the bottle. Bomani dropped it after emptying the contents. Though the temperatures were low, the orphans had a great time wallowing and swimming. Narok and Teleki enjoyed riding on the backs of their friends in water. Shukuru, Bomani and Orwa stayed out. In the afternoon, the orphans settled to browse on the slopes of Ithumba hill. Kainuk had great time rolling on the ground and smearing herself with red soil as Bomani scratched his buttocks against a tree for what seemed like an hour.
Bomani having a wet soil bath
Turkwel de-barking a tree
December 13th
The orphans, led by Kanjoro, headed straight to the browsing fields soon after leaving the stockade. There Bomani leaned against a tree as he enjoyed pulling on grass to feed. Mutara took a break from feeding and lay down to play. Garzi used a nearby rock to scratch himself then lay down to roll on the ground. Shukuru relaxed her trunk on Orwa's back. Vuria engaged Bongo in a pushing game that ended in a draw. Later, Sities broke a tree branch that she enjoyed feeding on for some time before dropping it to feed on grass. The orphans are spending their days playing now as their tummies are filling up fast food is in such abundance. All of them are fat as ticks with the exception of Shukuru, who looks fine but has not put on the condition you would expect with the rains.
Ex orphans Lualeni with Ololoo, Kenze, Orok, Kora, Rapsu and two junior wild elephants showed up at the stockade briefly then headed back to the Kalovoto river. An hour later Mulika and Yatta’s groups, with a wild bull that had an arrow wound in his side passed by the stockade also heading towards the Kalovoto.
At mud bath time, Laragai and Bongo had a mini mud bath in a small water hole close to the mud bath dam. Mutara, Kanjoro, Narok, Bongo, Teleki and Vuria went into the deep part of the mud wallow and the others just stood in the water watching them wallowing. Teleki, as usual, was climbing on whichever orphan that wallowed close to him. After wallowing Mutara scratched against a nearby acacia tree and once she had finished Shukuru scratched her ear against the same tree.
The case of the injured bull had been reported to Angela who arranged for the DSWT funded mobile veterinary unit to arrive with the Trust’s helicopter to try to locate the bull and separate him from the others in order to provide timely treatment. The vet arrived at midday and the bull was located with the orphans about three kilometers from the orphans stockades on the Kalovuto river. The helicopter separated him from the rest and over a span of 20 minutes guided him to the open ground close to the stockades so that the ground teams could reach him easily. He was darted from the air once in a good spot. His wound was treated and he was soon back on his feet and he will make a full recovery. In the afternoon the orphans settled on a hilly area to browse. Orwa had an enjoyable game of rolling on the ground which also attracted Vuria to join in. At this time, Sities was busy using her one tusk she to debark a tree and eat the bark. The temperatures were still high in the evening and Teleki, Bomani, Bongo and Kanjoro continuously flapped their ears as they browsed. On the way back to the stockade Bongo came across some stagnant water and immediately started splashing water under his ears to cool off.
Garzi scratching and rolling
Shukuru scratching her ear
Laragai having a mud bath
December 14th
Narok left the stockade with a piece of a branch in her mouth as Laragai led the way to the browsing field. With her ears raised, Sities charged at the bushes while trumpeting, and some of the others followed her lead. Garzi developed an itch under his ear and scratched it against a tree vigorously. Towards mud bath time, the temperatures skyrocketed so Orwa to fed under a tree that had a good shade. After milk, Bomani, Teleki, Orwa and Vuria played with mud in a drying water hole and shortly after all the orphans except Shukuru went to wallow in the big dam. Orwa was the last to leave the water and slowly followed his colleagues. Bomani passed a nearby tree and relaxed under it as he scratched his buttocks. Orwa walked while throwing dust at his back. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing with Orwa close to Teleki. In the evening, shortly before returning back to the stockade, Bongo and Vuria came across some stagnant water that they used to have an evening mud bath which is quite unusual. Neither the ex orphans nor the wild bull that was treated for the arrow wound were seen today.
December 15th
Laragai saw some grass she really likes under a fallen tree and tried as hard as possible to squeeze herself under the tree to get to it. She worked herself into such a small spot that when it was time to stop she had to reverse to get out. Orwa opted to scratch against a tree that was close to where he was browsing which prompted Garzi to also go and scratch. Bomani was feeling playful and lay down to roll on the ground, then soil dusted before resuming to browse. Shukuru developed an itchy buttock and luckily she was feeding close to a big rock that she turned to for a scratch. Her scratching session turned into a full body scratch. The orphans do this to dislodge parasite like ticks. Kainuk and Garzi also took time to enjoy a wet soil bath.
At mud bath time Laragai suckled her trunk after taking her milk. After wallowing Kainuk went to where Shukuru was standing and tried to scratch her trunk against her. Shukuru as usual just stood in the water drinking and watching her friends. After mud bath, Vuria headed straight to a tree that he used to scratch himself. In the afternoon, Teleki paired with Garzi to browse. Later in the day, Turkwel, Bomani and Bongo came across some stagnant water that they used to bathe in. Shortly before five o'clock in the evening it started to drizzle once more prompting Mutara to lean on a rock she feeding close to so as to benefit from its warmth.
Shukuru scratching on a rock
December 16th
Today ex orphans Challa, Lenana, Zurura, Chyulu, Sunyei, Yatta, Ithumba, Nasalot, Yetu, Mwende, Kinna, Galana, Makena, Taita, Sidai, Loijuk, Naserian, Wendi, and two wild bulls were at the stockade in the morning when the orphans came out of their stockades. Kanjoro, the baby boy with an attitude, sniffed at Nasalot, Kinna and Wendi as he left the stockade. Orwa had an exciting pushing game with Makena where he got to learn some new pushing tactics. Teleki sucked his trunk as he left the stockade and had a wet soil bath before starting to browse. Sities scratched on a tree as Yetu, Yatta’s wild born baby, battled Narok for no apparent reason. Narok decided not to avenge herself for fear of being victimized by Sidai and Lenana, who were acting as Yetu's nannies that morning. Shortly afterwards Yatta led the ex-orphans away. Bongo teamed up with Kanjoro to feed. Towards ten o'clock in the morning, the orphans came across some stagnant water and Bongo, Teleki, Vuria, Bomani and Mutara had a mini mud bath before heading for official mud bath.
At the mud bath only Bomani and Shukuru abstained from wallowing and just stood in the water. At the browsing field Teleki and Kainuk fed close to each other and from time to time Teleki put his trunk into Kainuk's mouth. Sities and Bongo enjoyed digging soil in a valley they were feeding close to and used the soil to bathe in. Late in the evening Vuria led the first group back to the stockade.
Bongo and Kanjoro browsing together
December 17th
Bongo loves water so much that he had an early morning mud bath when he found some new little mudwallows. Shortly afterwards Narok and Turkwel joined him. After Narok splashed water behind her ears, she lay down for a full rolling session in the puddle.
At mud bath time, Shukuru, Sities and Bomani sucked their trunks after taking their milk. It was very hot which prompted Shukuru to join her wallowing friends with only Kainuk, Orwa and Bomani not taking part. Shukuru wallowing is a rare sight. While wallowing Narok climbed on Vuria while Kanjoro climbed on Teleki and Mutara played a game of sitting with her head upright. The orphans splashed around while swallows dived bombed them picking up the insects that were stirred up from the water with all the action going on. Before leaving the wallow Teleki and Bongo had a strength testing game that ended into a draw. Sities charged as she left the water, trumpeting and kicking the water with her front feet as she raised her ears.
Later in the day, Vuria came across a fallen tree that he tried to push so as to clear it out of the way. It was big and heavy and he couldn’t budge it so he climbed over and continued browsing. In the evening the sun was still hot and at one time Turkwel hid his head under Sities ear. Sities wasn't comfortable with that and decided to move forward leaving Turkwel standing pondering his next move.
Bongo going for yet another mud bath
Teleki playing with Makena
December 18th
It was a morning full of activities when ex orphans Lualeni, Kenze, Ololoo, Kora, Kilabasi, Makireti and Kasigau joined the juniors early in the morning. Ololoo had brief strength testing lessons from Kenze. Ololoo then picked on Kasigau to have a strength testing game but Kasigau surrendered after Ololoo proved to be much stronger. The babies looked on at all this action with awe and wonder. Ololoo tried to mount Garzi but Lualeni warned him off. Ololoo jumped on Kasigau and got a free ride as Kasigau tried hard to disengage himself. Teleki the boldly engaged Kasigau in a pushing game but soon surrendered after Kasigau pushed him hard. Kenze and Kora engaged in a strength testing game for a long time as young bulls so often do. Rough play for young bulls is the norm. At the browsing field, Kainuk devised her own game; uprooting grass and throwing it over her head. Orwa got some pushing tactic lessons from Makireti. Later Kasigau moved over to where Kora was and persuaded him to give some pushing lessons. As the day progressed, Loijuk and Lenana emerged from the nearby bushes and joined the orphans. Kanjoro walked over to Lenana and sniffed at her then moved over to Loijuk where he inserted his trunk into her mouth for greetings. Vuria came across some drying mud and rolled in it. Bongo came across some red stagnant water and enjoyed an early mud bath, coming out red he then went and scratched on a tree. Today our dependent young were surrounded by many of the older ex orphans and there was action unfolding at every corner.
At mud bath time, Shukuru, Sities and Orwa sucked their trunks after taking their milk. Bomani Orwa and Shukuru got to the wallow first but stood under the acacia tree waiting for their friends. Teleki enjoyed free rides from his colleagues as he climbed on them whenever they jumped into the water. Many of the dependent babies swam as the ex orphans chose not to follow the babies to their midday feed.
At the browsing field, Turkwel scratched her belly on a fallen tree. Later in the day, Vuria, Teleki and Bomani enjoyed playing in a drying water hole. Shortly before returning back to the stockade, the orphans passed at the Kone dam where they had an evening mudbath.
Ololoo strength testing with Kenze
Kasigau and Teleki strength testing
December 19th
Once at the browsing field, Shukuru, Bomani, Sities and Garzi started the day by scratching on the rocks close to where they were feeding. Orwa and Bongo browsed together with Bongo communicating to Orwa from time to time by putting his trunk in Orwa’s mouth. Bomani browsed next to Vuria and at one time relaxed his trunk on Vuria’s back. At 10am the orphans settled near Kone dam to browse and Bongo, the water lover, jumped into the dam and spent some time wallowing. He was later joined by Mutara. The others came across a water hole that had just a little warm water and all got in and rolled for quite some time.
At mud bath time, only Bongo, Mutara, Sities, Narok and Vuria wallowed. The rest skipped it having only just been in the small water hole. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans concentrated on browsing and wallowing whenever they came across stagnant water. In the evening on the way back to the stockade, Shukuru pushed Garzi from behind telling him to hurry up it was time to go and have the evening milk.
December 20th
It was a morning full of activities. Soon after leaving the stockade, Sities passed under the large acacia tree at the stockade compound and picked up weaver birds’ nests that had fallen down and started tossing them up in the air. Kainuk scratched her ear against Orwa and later engaged Teleki in a pushing game. Bongo and Vuria, who always ends in a draw whenever they engage each other in a strength testing exercise, started the day with their usual pushing games. Shortly afterwards, ex orphans Loijuk and Kenze emerged from the eastern side of the stockade. Loijuk was welcomed by Orwa, Sities, Laragai and Narok who surrounded Loijuk, each trying to sniff at her. Orwa later lay down to play and Kainuk climbed on him. Turkwel scratched on the nearby rocks then moved over to where Orwa was and pushed Kainuk away. Orwa stood up and had a friendly pushing game with Turkwel. Later, Teleki, Bongo and Vuria moved over to where Kenze was and carefully sniffed at him for fear of being punished for lack of discipline. Kenze and Loijuk browsed with the orphans for two hours then disappeared. The orphans then headed to browse at Kone dam where Bongo as usual got into the water and started wallowing. Bongo’s love of water is legendary – he simply cannot pass water without wallowing, and this happens whatever the weather.
At mud bath time, the temperature was moderate and only Bongo, Sities, Mutara, Teleki and Narok wallowed. Teleki had his usual game of riding on Vuria’s back. In the afternoon, the sun was hot and the orphans took a break to relax under a tree as Vuria, Kanjoro, Bomani and Shukuru soil dusted. Later the orphans resumed browsing. In the evening, Vuria and Bomani broke big branches that they feasted on before going back to feed on grass.
Vuria strength testing with Bongo
Shukuru and other orphans having a dust bath
December 21st
It was a less active day. Soon after leaving the stockade, Shukuru, Vuria and Garzi had a brief scratch on the rocks. The orphans settled to browse in the Kone area, Kainuk, Teleki, Bomani and Orwa spent some time playing by rolling on the ground. A few metres away, Vuria soil dusted using his trunk. After the eleven o'clock milk, Shukuru stood near the keepers with her trunk in her mouth as the rest walked to the mud wallow. Suddenly a biting fly buzzed over her which prompted Shukuru to run into the water to avoid it. The afternoon was quiet as the orphans browsed calmly. An hour after returning back to the stockade, Teleki and Orwa engaged each other into a strength testing exercise and Kanjoro and Bongo had a pushing game.
December 22nd
Turkwel left the stockade in a jovial mood, swinging her trunk as she headed to the bush. Kainuk collected some dry grass and ran with it as she followed Turkwel. Shukuru and Narok started the day by scratching on rocks on the way to the browsing field. At the browsing field, the orphans were joined briefly by ex orphans Naserian, Kora and Lenana. Narok sniffed at Lenana by stretching her trunk towards her but she kept on moving with Narok following until her curiosity was satisfied when she resumed browsing. Lenana passed near where Bomani was feeding; she sniffed at him then continued with her journey. The orphans moved on and settled to browse near Kone dam. Bongo, as usual, got into the water and started wallowing, later joined by Mutara. Narok lay at the edge of the dam and relaxed awhile before she resumed browsing.
At mud bath time, the temperatures were high and all the orphans wallowed for a good long time. With the dam so full of water the orphans actually are able to swim. Shukuru had a pushing game with Teleki while still in water. On leaving the mud bath, Sities tried to block Bongo but he just found another way to exit the mud bath. Mutara led the group in soil dusting and later Shukuru and Turkwel shared a tree to scratch their buttocks. At the field, Shukuru took a break from feeding and relaxed her trunk on tree branch. Bongo and Kanjoro stood under tree when the sun got hot. Sities and Mutara had a friendly pushing game for a few seconds. Orwa moved a few meters away from the group and he stood under a tree to relax. On their way back to the stockade in the evening, the orphans came across a drying water hole where they had an evening mud bath, enjoying the think caked mud. A layer of that prevents any biting insects from irritating them.
December 23rd
Early before 6am, ex orphans Kora, Orok, Ololoo, Kenze and Lualeni were at the stockade compound. Kora and Orok kept themselves busy with a strength testing game as they waited for the orphans to come out. Ololoo got hold of Kenze for some strength testing training but after receiving a few pushing tactics he relaxed and waited for orphans to come out, waiting to put into practice what he had learned from Kenze. Ololoo then picked on Orwa for a pushing game which went on for some time until Lualeni interrupted by pushing Orwa. Orwa was not happy and even turned to tackle her but unfortunately Lualeni was big and strong so he lost the battle. Ololoo went to Mutara was and attempted to climb on her but she resisted and ran away so he moved on to Kanjoro, the boy with an altitude, and engaged in a pushing game. Kanjoro remained unmoved until Orok intervened by pushing the two of them out of the way. The five ex orphans left after an hour. Vuria and Bongo had a misunderstanding that they decided to settle by fighting but it ended into a draw and Vuria headed off to soil dust while Bongo resumed browsing.
At mud bath time, the orphans were joined by ex orphans Yatta, Kinna, Nasalot, Mulika, Wendi, Sunyei, Galana, Naserian, Rapsu, Challa, Sidai, Orok, Kora, Lualeni, Kenze, Loijuk, Zurura, Lenana, Makena, Chyulu, Meibai, Ololoo, Mwende and Yetu. The baby orphans didn't stay for long at the mud bath as they were scared of being bullied by the seniors whilst wallowing so they dissolved into the nearby bushes to fee. The ex-orphans had a wonderful time in water swimming and frolicking for over an hour. Ololoo was mounting on Lualeni, Orok and Rapsu had a pushing game and Kenze and Kora strength tested, all in the water. Mulika, Mwende, Nasalot and Loijuk left wallowing to soil bathe but soon returned back to the water. Loijuk left the wallow to charge at some swallows that were flying around. The ex orphans once they had finished their mudbath they dusted themselves and then headed off into the bush and disappeared leaving the juniors to remain with their keepers.
In the afternoon, Kainuk soil dusted and was joined by Vuria and Garzi. In the evening Shukuru did soil bathed as Turkwel stretched her trunk towards Teleki to warn him about something.
Today was a special day as we received a report from Voi that ex orphans Emily had given birth to a baby girl. Our own ex orphans Kinna, Wendi and Sunyei are about to have babies, with Kinna pretty close to giving birth we think.
December 24th
Yatta and Mulika’s groups arrived early in the morning at the orphans stockade. The wild bull that was treated for his arrow wound was looking in fine condition with his wound healing well. Galana was feeding on a branch in her mouth as she approached the stockade. When the orphans were out, Teleki familiarized himself with Sunyei by putting his trunk in Sunyei's mouth. Yatta and Wendi played with dry grass that was at the stockade compound, throwing the grass on their heads. Orwa met with Mwende and engaged in a pushing game that was disrupted by Loijuk and Lenana when they came in between the two. Kenze and Orok were involved in strength testing that lasted for few minutes then Orok went to engage Challa in a pushing game. An hour later, the ex-orphans parted ways with the juniors. Sities took some time to scratch her ear against a tree and later charged around for fun. Shortly before mud bath time, Turkwel and Teleki had a friendly pushing game that lasted for few seconds. The weather wasn't appealing for wallowing and only Bongo went in. The others drank then headed off to soil dust. In the afternoon, Bongo took a break from feeding and soil dusted for some time before resuming browsing. Kanjoro uprooted grass and walked round the others holding it in his trunk. In the evening, Vuria led the first group back to the stockade.
Yatta playing with the dry grass
Turkwel playing with Teleki
December 25th
Christmas day the keepers were presented with a huge feast by Angela and Daphne so that was prepared for lunch time to be taken at the midday mudbath. Led by Mutara the orphans left their stockades and headed to the water trough to have their fill. Teleki noticed a dik-dik and charged at it with his ears raised. Kainuk joined in and the dik-dik ran for its life with Teleki and Kainuk in hot pursuit. The dik-dik dodged Kainuk and Teleki, confusing them and leaving them knocking down empty bushes. When they got tired Kainuk and Teleki returned to browse. Bongo and Vuria had a brief strength testing exercise which was disrupted by Mutara. Laragai came across a narrow valley and walked in it as she dug at the soil with her tusks and used it to dust herself. Bongo, Vuria and Teleki joined Laragai playing in the narrow valley. Bongo took advantage of Vuria who was lying down and climbed on him.
At mud bath time the temperature was moderate and everyone wallowed except Shukuru, Kainuk and Bomani. Afterwards they headed off to soil dust. Orwa lay down to roll in the soil while the rest stood to dust using their trunks. On the way back to the browsing field, Garzi and Mutara scratched their buttocks against a tree. In the afternoon the temperature skyrocketed and the orphans to converged under a tree to wait for it to cool down when they returned to browse calmly for the remainder of the day. Today the ex orphans did not visit.
Laragai playing in the narrow valley
Daphne with Shukuru on Christmas day
December 26th
Makireti, Kilabasi and Kasigau reported at the stockade predictably again early in the morning and waited for the juniors. The juniors joined them and went to drink at the stockade water trough. Makireti scratched her buttocks against the water trough and Garzi walked to a nearby rock to scratch but was pushed away by Bomani. Kasugai had a brief strength testing exercise with Teleki who then left to tackle Mutara, trying to climbing on her. Later, Kasigau lay down to play but it was a trick to entice the orphans and once they started to lay on him he turned the table and began to climb on them instead. Vuria, Orwa, Turkwel and Garzi fell for it and as they lay down to play Kasigau got up quickly and started to climb on Turkwel. Turkwel struggled to free herself as Vuria, Orwa and Garzi stood up and ran away.
At mud bath time, the temperature was cool and only Bongo wallowed then had a brief strength testing game with Vuria. In the afternoon, the sun became hot and luckily, the orphans came across a water hole while browsing in the bush and all went into the mud for a cool down. Then the orphans browsed, heading towards Kanziku, mainly feeding on grass, a rainy season delicacy.
Kasigau climbing on Turkwel
December 27th
Bomani and Vuria had a standoff over a place Bomani wanted to use as a scratching post with Vuria eventually surrendering then went to feed close to Bongo. The morning was peaceful and the orphans fed on grass up to mud bath time.
Soon after taking their midday milk feed the orphans went to wallow but before they got into the water the ex orphans showed up in full force, pouring out of the bush en masse with a wild bull in tow. The juniors soon vactated the waterhole and the games became far to boisterous with 37 large elephants swimming and playing. This lasted over an hour. The juniors left to give them space. Only Bongo and Teleki were bold enough to remain behind and compete with the seniors in wallowing. Teleki learned some pushing tactics from Kora later practiced them on Makena. Makena proved to be strong and experienced and so Teleki surrendered and went off to follow his friends. In the wallow, Wendi had a pushing game with a wild bull while Kenze and Kora had a pushing game at the edge of the mud bath. Rapsu enjoyed free rides from Lualeni. After a mud bath which was nothing short of spectacular, some of the ex orphans had a soil bath. Then they all got excited, trumpeted, charged and broke down bushes as they disappeared to an undisclosed location. Kinna is looking like she might surprise us any day with a baby, we are hopeful! In the afternoon, Bongo who never gets tired of water, came across a water hole and continued mud bathing.
It was a lovely hot day and the orphans were full of good food, comfortable with the many mud-wallows and full of fun and games.
December 28th
Once the orphans were out of the stockade, Orwa, Shukuru and Garzi spent some time scratching on the nearby rocks. Vuria and Garzi had a strength tested for a few minutes. Vuria sat down to tackle Bongo until Kainuk came to intervene. Later, Lualeni, Ololoo and Kenze joined the juniors. Ololoo had a brief strength testing game with Orwa which ended when Orwa surrendered.
At mud bath time, the three ex orphans escorted the juniors for their eleven o'clock milk feeds. Lualeni then led them into the mud bath. Shukuru, Bomani, Laragai, Kainuk and Orwa skipped opted out and soil dusted instead. In the wallow Ololoo was riding on the junior boys but Kenze warned him not to and pushed him out. When the orphans had enough of wallowing, Mutara led the way back to the browsing field. Kenze, Lualeni and Ololoo were left in water. Lualeni’s mission to snatch a baby had failed they opted not to follow the juniors in the afternoon. In the evening, the orphans passed by Kone dam where they had an evening mud bath and later Vuria led the way back to the stockade.
Orphans having a soil dust bath
December 29th
Soon after leaving the stockade compound, Vuria and Bomani had a strength testing exercise. Bomani’s intention was to climb on Vuria once he defeated him, which Vuria made easy when he opted to play sitting down. Kainuk, who was playing just nearby, was not happy about Bomani riding on Vuria so she came and pushed him away. After that Vuria had a friendly pushing game with Kainuk and later tackled Laragai. Laragai proved to be tough and so Vuria surrendered and walked off to a fallen tree to practice his pushing skills and strength.
At the usual midday mud bath time, the weather was chilly and only Bongo wallowed. The rest opted to soil dust. In the afternoon, Bongo and Sities came across a drying water hole and got in to mud bath to ensure the drying thick mud. Vuria took some time off from feeding and had nap under a tree for awhile. Shukuru stood under a tree to relax when it was too hot for her. In the evening the orphans passed by Kone dam where Mutara and Bongo had an evening wallow before returning to the stockade.
Laragai playing with Vuria
Vuria testing his strength on a dead branch
December 30th
At 6am Kanjoro, who no longer has milk, took a piece of stick and knocked the gate with it, letting the keepers know that he is not happy about waiting until the others had finished their milk before the gate was opened. The keepers obliged and once the gates were opened, Vuria left with a stick in his mouth while Bomani and Teleki had a brief strength testing exercise. Sities took a weaver bird nest that had fallen down and tossed it up before picking it up again and putting it in her mouth and swallowing it. It had no inhabitants inside thankfully.
At mud bath time, the temperature was moderate and only Bongo, Kanjoro, Narok, Mutara, Vuria, Teleki and Garzi wallowed. Orwa relaxed his trunk on Bomani’s back and the rest opted for soil dusting. In the afternoon, the sun extremely hot forcing the orphans to converge under a tree until the temperature dropped before returning to browse.
In the evening, Orwa, Shukuru, Vuria, Bomani and Garzi had brief soil dust and on the way back to the stockade, the orphans passed Kone dam where Kanjoro, Bongo and Mutara had an evening wallowing to cool off.
Bomani strength testing with Teleki
Sities eating an empty birds nest
Orwa relaxing his trunk on Bomani's back
December 31st
Kainuk left the stockade in a jovial mood, expressed by swinging her trunk. Orwa lay down rolling as Laragai tried to remove something under her feet with her trunk. Bomani and Sities scratched on the nearby rocks. Half an hour after leaving the stockade, the orphans were joined by Tomboi and later the rest of the ex orphans followed. Wild born baby Yetu engaged Orwa in a pushing game but Orwa proved to be strong so Yetu surrendered. At the field, Vuria took some time off feeding and tested his strength by pushing a tree.
At mud bath time all the orphans wallowed except Orwa and Shukuru. In the afternoon, the orphans relaxed under a tree when the sun became hot and Kainuk relaxed lying down. Later the herd returned to browse. The orphans browsed calmly without incident until 4.30pm when Sities, Bongo, Mutara and Kanjoro passed Kone dam and had an evening wallowing before returning to the stockade.
Laragai removing something from her foot