December 1st
When the young orphans exited the stockades they headed straight for the water trough for a drink. Mzima, Siria, Tassia, and Wasessa separated from the group and headed for Msinga Hill while the rest waited for the Keepers. They then joined Wasessa’s group who were browsing nearby. Later they all had a mudbath together. Mzima & Wasessa played in the mud long after the others had had enough. The orphans spent the afternoon feeding before returning to the stockades for the night.
Wasessa and the others enjoy a dust bath
December 2nd
The orphans spent the majority of the morning feeding calmly. They all had a dust bath at their usual soil bath spot before heading to the stockades for their milk. While at the stockades the orphans decided to have a playful splash at the stockade water trough. Mzima being the most playful when it comes to water games entered the water trough and splashed and played on his own while the others resumed feeding. Realizing he was left behind Mzima rushed out and ran to catch up with the others.
December 3rd
The orphans spent the morning on the southern slopes of Msinga Hill. Since the arrival of the rains the vegetation is beginning to recover from the drought and the orphans are relishing the new greens. During mudbath Tassia, Mzima, and Wassesa played together. As the orphans were finishing their mudbath Emily & Edie’s group appeared accompanied by the wild bull about the same size as Emily. The ex- Orphans gave the young dependent orphans a warm welcome as they approached and they all played together. Lolokwe and Sosian took a liking to Kenia while Mweya favoured Shira. Wassesa concentrated of guarding her favourate baby, Tassia from the older ex orphans.
Orphans feeding at Msinga Hill
December 4th
The Keepers decided to lead the orphans to the north side of Msinga hill. As they got there they found a wild elephant herd there which forced the Keepers to keep a distance. The orphans had a brief encounter with the wild group before following the keepers for their midday milk feed. At mudbath Edie’s group arrived. The young orphans were initially frightened by the surprise visit but soon settled and went over to meet the ex orphans. Laikipia had a soft spot for Siria, he played strength testing games with Siria letting Siria push him back despite Laikipia being much bigger and stronger. Sosian and Salama tried to interact with Siria but Laikipia took over and invited Siria for another strength testing game. Laikipia later went to try and woe Lesanju who showed no interest. Lempaute was most interested in Edie’s young calf. She kept trying to touch the baby as it was hiding under Edie. Mweya and Mzima spent time together playing and Salama played with Kenia.
Laikipia playing with Siria
Edie (left), her calf & Lempaute
December 5th
Kenia led the orphans into the Park as they settled to feed she initiated a game of Hide and Seek with Shira & Mzima who would hide while she searched for them. After mudbath Shimba & Siria led the orphans out to the field to feed for the rest of the day.
Shimba stuffing grass in his mouth
December 6th
The orphans spent the morning concentrating on feeding on all new vegetation that’s grown since the arrival of the rain. At mudbath Taveta & Tassia enjoyed running around tossing chunks of soil with their trunks.
Orphans heading to the field
December 7th
During the mornings feeding time in the Park Tassia took some time to suckle of Wassesa’s ear as she fed. The day was cool with occasional drizzles of rain so the orphans opted to remain feeding throughout the day and skip the mudbath.
Wasessa & Tassia browsing together
December 8th
It was a cool and wet day. The orphans spent the day feeding in the Park. As the rains came and went the temperature dropped slightly. Lesanju lay down and invited others to come nearby and keep her warm while she took a rest. The keepers received a call from a Community Warden about an orpahned Eland. A rescue team was assembled and a new little orphan arrived at the Voi stockade. The Eland was named Manga after the area he came from.
December 9th
The orphans had their copra cake and milk first thing in the morning followed by a drink at the stockade water trough. Lesanju took her leadership role and led them out towards the western side of Msinga Hill where they spent the morning feeding on fresh grass. During the mudbath Shimba was the first to go in to the water. Since it was a cool day the orphans had a quick dip before heading back out to feed. Kenia and Shira led the way to the stockades for the night.
Orphans on the western side of Msinga hill
Shimba leaving the mudbath
December 10th
It was a sunny day and the orphans were keen to get to the field to feed on all the new vegetation. They spent the morning on the slopes of Msinga Hill before coming down for their milk feed and mudbath. During mudbath games Mzima and Shira played a strength testing game.
Orphans at the water hole
December 11th
Lesanju, Tassia, Shira, and Kenia could not leave the stockades until every last bit of copra cake was eaten. During mudbath Wassesa and Shimba had a friendly tussle with one another. The rest of the day was spent near Msinga Hill.
Orphans enjoy bathing in plenty water
Mkuki & Aruba with Impalas nearby
December 12th
It was a sunny day as Kenyans celebrated their Independence Day, the orphans where led out by Lempaute towards the western side of Msinga Hill. By midmorning the heat of the day was setting in and the orphans took to resting under the shade of a tree. The Keepers led the orphans to the larger mudbath of the two that are normally used. They all ran into the water, lay down and rolled around in an effort to cool off. Lempaute and Shira were the most playful. The orphans spent the rest of the day feeding and stopping occasionally to rest in the shade before returning to the stockades for the night.
Shira having fun in the water
Lesanju & Taveta in the shade
December 13th
The orphans took charge of the direction to be taken this morning. Wasessa affectionately suckled on Tassia’s ear while the orphans browsed. During their midday mudbath Shimba & Shira rolled in the mud pushing one another with their legs while Kenia splashed water with her trunk. The orphans spent the early part of the afternoon feeding intensely leaving them so full that Tassia and Lesanju lay together under a tree for a rest before the Keepers led the orphans back to the stockades for the night.
Orphans enjoy bathing in plenty water
December 14th
The orphans spent the morning feeding on the western side of Msinga Hill. On the way to the mudbath Lempaute and Lesanju carefully went into an eroded trench to play and have a good scratch on its sides. They all enjoyed a mudbath before returning to feed for the rest of the day.
Orphans playing in the trench
Mzima having fun in the trench
December 15th
Tassia has bonded strongly to Wasessa, today he spent the whole day near her feeding and getting guidance from her. The orphans were busy feeding throughout the day, little Kenia tried to entice others to play with no luck. Later Lempaute was in a playful mood making a toy out of a tree stump poking her tusks into it. Siria lay down for a rest. Lesanju took this opportunity to sit on him and use him as scratching post! Little Taveta is most attached to Sinya and spent the whole day with her.
Lempaute playing with a tree trunk
December 16th
It was a cold and cloudy day as the orphans led by Siria and Mzima headed out into the bush. They spent the whole morning feeding on the Northern side of Msinga Hill. By midday the sun had come out prompting the orphans to opt for the mudbath. To the Keepers surprise Shimba, who normally doesn’t like to play in the mudbath, was the most playful in the water. Shimba, Lesanju, and Siria were in a particularly cheerful mood, trumpeting and running around. They decided to split from the younger orphans and the keepers and went off alone. They later re-joined the others near Msinga Hill. Shira & Kenia led the way back to the stockades.
Mzima left & Siria in water
December 17th
Mzima impressed the Keepers during this mornings milk feed by grabbing the milk bottle on his own by twisting his trunk around it drinking without the keepers assistance. At the noon mudbath only Shira had a short dip in the water while the others had a drink. They then had a brief rest under the shade of a tree before carrying on feeding for the rest of the afternoon. Shimba & Kenia led the way back to the stockades for the night.
Mzima hold his milk bottle
Mzima getting some warmth
December 18th
During the midday mudbath all the orphans played together and had a wonderful time. Mzima tried to mount Shimba while he was lying down, much to his surprise Shimba got up and gave him a shove. Wasessa and Tassia are getting very close, they spent the whole day together feeding at a distance from the rest of the group. On their way to the stockades for the night the orphans saw a tortoise on their usual path, this made them deviate and go a different route.
Orphans in mud bath enjoyment
December 19th
Lempaute led the orphans out of the stockades towards the Msinga Hill at dawn. They fed for the first part of the morning and as midday approached they all began playing together, mounting one another as they waited for their milk and mudbath. After playing in the mudbath they resumed feeding for the rest of the day before being led back to the stockades by Kenia.
December 20th
Following this mornings milk there seemed to be some confusion amongst the orphans about which direction to take. Lempaute got a little nervous and nearly broke the electric fence at the stockade compound. The Keepers settled the orphans and led them to Msinga Hill. Being a cool day they did not have a mudbath and instead took their milk and relaxed under a tree dosing. The orphans seemed jumpy throughout the day, getting a fright and running to the keepers whenever they herd a noise. Wasessa and Shimba took the lead when the time came to return to the stockades for the night.
Sinya left & Wasessa with others
Mzima on the ground with the others around him
December 21st
During the mornings feeding activities Mzima lay down inviting all the orphans to play with him. They all came over to him and took turns to mount him. The orphans spent the whole day near Msinga Hill only going to the Stockades for their midday milk feed.
December 22nd
The orphans were in a cheerful mood this morning, walking with a bounce in their step towards their feeding grounds. Edie’s group came by to visit the orphans and Siria & Wassesa gave them a very warm welcome. Siria & Laikipia immediately began playing together. The ex orphans spent the morning with the babies before separating when the time came for the dependent ones to have their noon milk feed. At the midday mudbath they all took to standing at the waters edge spraying water on their bodies. They spent the rest of the day feeding, with Lesanju leading the orphans back to the stockades for the night. The Keepers noticed all the orphans have gained weight and were all looking rather pot bellied.
December 23rd
The orphans had a good feed in the morning. Being a cool day Shimba was the only one to dip his feet in the water whilst the rest all had a dust bath & played in the soil. Mzima & Siria played a mounting game followed by a strength testing game.
Lesanju heads for the dust bath
December 24th
Kenia took the lead as the orphans headed out of the stockade compound early in the morning. The orphans browsed their way towards the big water hole where they had a wonderful time. They later went to the north side of Msinga Hill for the rest of the day. Lesanju led the orphans to the stockades for the night.
Mzima playing with a tractor tyre
December 25th
At the noon mudbath all the orphans enjoyed playing together in the water, Lesanju and Siria lay down playing by pushing each other with their feet. Taveta really got stuck in during today’s mudbath, he played with everyone splashing and rolling around. Lesanju & Kenia led the orphans back to the stockades after spending the afternoon feeding on Msinga Hill. The Keepers had a special Christmas meal.
Mzima charges in the water
December 26th
It was another beautiful morning in Voi, the orphans all played together in the compound before heading out to feed. They concentrated on browsing for the first 3 hours of the morning; Siria then lay down and invited the two boys, Shimba & Mzima, over for a game. Mzima happily accepted the invite and went over to play while Shimba stood aside and watched. It was a cool day so the orphans did not have a dip in the water after their noon milk feed.
Siria touching Mzima's back
December 27th
At today’s noon mudbath Mzima showed off his swimming skills. He swam up and down the length of the mudbath and rolled around inviting the rest to join him. Siria and Wassesa joined him while Lempaute & Sinya remained with the young babies and watched. The orphans spent the afternoon on the slopes of Msinga Hill with Shimba leading the way to the stockades at dusk.
December 28th
It was a cool day with intermittent showers. Lesanju instigated a dust bath game after the noon milk feed. Wassesa, Tassia, and Mzima played together in the soil. They rolled around taking turns to mount one another with Wassesa keeping a watchful eye on Tassia and how Mzima was playing with him.
Mzima left & Shimba sizing up
December 29th
Lesanju took the lead as the orphans headed to the western side of Msinga Hill. As they made their way they couldn’t resist grabbing a bite here and there from all the lush new vegetation. Since the arrival of the long awaited rains the landscape has transformed and the orphans love the availability of all the new food. They all enjoyed a wallow at noon and spent the rest of the day eating peacefully before being led back to the stockades by the Keepers.
December 30th
Lempaute & Lesanju enjoyed chasing the baboons, who were trying to steal their morning copra cake ration, around the stockade compound. They seemed quite pleased with themselves when the baboons scattered in fear and hung back as the orphans fed on their copra cake undisturbed. After spending the morning near Msinga Hill they could not wait to have a swim in the big mudbath. They gulped their milk down in a hurry and ran into the water to play. Mzima & Shira wallowed together, with Mzima strutting his skills and Shira trying to do the same. The orphans spent the rest of the day feeding before being led back to the stockades by Lesanju.
Mzima plays with a tree trunk
December 31st
This morning the orphans were very curious about the arrival of a new Keeper from the Nairobi Unit. Some of the orphans recognized him from their days at the Nairobi Nursery and gave him a very warm welcome, all huddling near him to smell and touch him with their trunks. At the noon mudbath the orphans had a quick dip before returning to Msinga Hill to feed for the rest of the day.
Edies group drinking at the stockade