Voi Reintegration Unit

August 2017

Daily updates

August 1st

It was a nice beginning to the day with Lempaute, Dabassa and Layoni joining the stockade dependant orphan elephants in feasting on copra cake and Lucerne grass. They had a wonderful feeding moment together with Kenia and Ndii being in no rush to go to the park as it is quite dry there and they wanted to enjoy the lucerne. After a wonderful supplement feeding moment the orphans and the three Ex Orphans assembled at the stockade water trough for a drink before Kenia, Naipoki and Kihari taking led the orphan herd to the park. Mbirikani stayed behind as she seemed to want to join the three Ex Orphans. She soon changed her mind and ran to catch up with her group as the three Ex Orphans headed in a different direction.

Layoni and Lempuate join the ex-orphans

Dabassa with Layoni and Lempuate

Mbirikani wanting to join the ex-orphans

August 2nd

It was another wonderful beginning to the day with the stockade dependant running out of their stockades to their milk bottles which they emptied before settling to enjoy some supplements together with Lempaute, Dabassa and Layoni. After a peaceful supplement feeding, it was games as usual with Layoni enjoying some dusting games with Arruba. Dabassa saw that Nelion’s tusks were growing quite large and decided to engage him in a strength testing and pushing game. The two herds later left the stockade together with the juniors walking at a fast pace, leaving the Ex Orphans behind. Kenia stuck with her adopted baby Araba as Ajali was bumper to bumper with Pasaka for the day’s browsing activities.

Lempaute at the stockades

Layoni and Arruba dusting games

Dabassa testing Nelion

August 3rd

This morning the orphans once again settled to enjoy their Lucerne grass and pellets supplements following their morning milk bottle. The Ex Orphans were not present this morning but were seen browsing high up Msinga Hill. There were some brief chasing games with Arruba playing with Suswa, and Mudanda playing with Ishaq-B after which the group followed Kihari and Naipoki to the browsing grounds. They browsed onto the northern side of the stockade with the browsing pace becoming deliberately slow to get as much food as they could. The orphans visited the middle water hole in the afternoon where they had a lot of fun enjoying mud bathing games before heading back to the browsing fields. In the evening, Panda meant to lead others to the far northern side of the stockade to browse, but Embu and Rorogoi decided it was time to return to the stockades for the night. Panda fell in line and joined the rest for the trip back to the stockades.

Ajali browsing

Panda attempts to lead the orphans

Pasaka and Nguvu browsing

August 4th

The morning was good with Araba browsing in Ndii’s company for the morning while Pasaka followed Kenia around to browse with her. Araba saw that Pasaka was trying to fill the gap and ran to Kenia chasing Pasaka away in the process. Kenia embraced Araba welcoming him back to her side. The orphans browsed halfway up Mzinga Hill for the morning with Lentili and Tundani getting left behind when the group made their way to the waterhole in the afternoon. The two rushed down the hill to catch up with their friends, catching up with them just before they reached the mudbath. The group all enjoyed their afternoon milk bottle after which they enjoyed playing in the mudbath. The afternoons browsing session was spent close to the waterhole.

Lentili left behind

Naipoki enjoys browsing

Ishaq-B sniffing the air

August 5th

The day began with Kivuko, Lempaute, Dabassa and Layoni coming to the stockade compound just after the juniors had left and thus they missed meeting up with them. The three Ex Orphans had some copra cake and Lucerne grass remaining around the stockades for more than an hour, before leaving for the browsing grounds. The stockade dependant orphans went round Msinga Hill for the morning browsing session, before heading to the middle waterhole. Soon after they had finished their milk and some water a small wild elephant herd of two females and their two calves joined them at the main water hole. Mashariki, Lentili and Ajali were seen eying the two small wild calves in an effort to see how they might steal them away to play with them, but their mothers were very possessive would not leave their sides thus not giving the orphans a chance to get too close to their babies. In the afternoon the orphan elephants browsed their way up to the big water hole before turning around and making their way to the stockades under Rorogoi and Embu’s leadership.

Wild elephants drinking from a broken water pipe

Wild eles join the orphans at the watering hole

Ajali eyeing the wild calf

August 6th

Another day dawned with the stockade dependant orphan elephants concentrating on their milk and supplement feeding, after which they took off to the browsing grounds under the leadership of Lentili and Mashariki. They had a peaceful and calm browsing moment throughout the morning session before heading to the middle water hole. After downing their milk bottles and drinking some water, there was a lot of bathing competitions with Mbirikani, Panda, Mudanda, Nelion and Tundani taking part. When the competition became too intense Mbirikani sneaked away and tried to exit the water from the steeper side which resulted in her slipping back into the water. She covered her error by acting as if it was what she wanted to do and continued mudbathing. As the orphans were heading back to the browsing fields they enjoyed a roadside dustbath with Ndii, Naipoki, Mashariki and Ishaq-B having the most fun.

Ishaq-B down in the water

Mbirikani sliding mud games

Ishaq-B, Mashariki and Mbirikani dusting games

August 7th

It was a cold and cloudy morning as the stockade dependant orphan elephants came running out of the stockades, downing their morning milk bottle before settling for some supplement feeding. They enjoyed brief games around the stockade compound before leaving for the browsing grounds. Lempaute, Dabassa and Layoni spent the morning browsing on the western side of Msinga Hill after which they came and joined the stockade dependent orphans at the mudbath. It was a happy interaction with Dabassa engaging Panda in a strength competition while Layoni engaged Nelion. Panda and Nelion both lost to their older friends who celebrated their victory by riding on the youngsters backs. The two herds browsed together for the rest of the afternoon and the Ex Orphans returned to the stockade with the juniors in the evening.

Kenia being escorted by Panda

Naipoki leading the browsing

Dabassa engaging Panda

August 8th

The morning was beautifully bright with the stockade dependant orphan elephants coming out of their respective stockades in a happy mood, concentrating on their milk and supplement feeding before heading to the browsing grounds. Mbirikani and Naipoki took an early lead of the orphan herd driving them up Msinga Hill where there were a few green bushes for them to feed on. Ajali and Ndoria browsed all the way to the peak and when they noticed that they had been left behind they maneuvered their way down the hill as quickly as they could so that they could rejoin their friends. In the evening, once the orphans were back in their stockades, the team received a report of a stuck calf along the Mzima Springs-Mombasa water pipe line. The tour guide that reported the calf to the team informed them that it was stuck in a drying water hole and its family was unable to pull it out of the thick mud. The rescue team responded immediately and was able to get the calf free and reunite it with its mother and family. While rescuing the calf the team saw a hungry lion cub, that appeared to be alone, and they brought it some meat. They hoped that with some additional energy it would be able to be reunited with its lost family.

Ajali maneuvering himself on the slippery rocks

Ndoria browsing

Mbirikani scratching up

August 9th

The orphan elephants left the stockades for the browsing grounds as soon as they had finished their milk and supplement feeding. They browsed in single file for the day with Bada and Mbirikani enjoying a private browsing session away from the rest of the group. Bada noticed that they were getting left behind by the others who had started to make their way to the waterhole and the two friends had to run to catch up with the group. The orphans had a lot of fun playing mudbathing games, with Embu, Nguvu and Mudanda lying down in the water showing off their mudbathing skills. As the orphans were leaving the waterhole Nelion engaged Tundani in a brief strength testing game.

Bada gets left behind

Nelion and Tundani engaging

Dabassa resting

August 10th

The stockade dependant orphan elephants came out of their stockades to enjoy their delicious milk bottles before proceeding to the supplement feeding area. They then played hide and seek games around the stockade compound while chasing some baboons away. The orphans made their way to the browsing grounds under the stewardship of Bada, Nguvu and Lentili. After browsing for four hours, the orphans came across Dabassa, who was in a deep slumber under a tree, and Lempaute who was guarding her friend. Dabassa heard the junior’s rumbled greeting and got to his feet. He then followed Lempaute to the stockades where they had a drink from the water trough before enjoying some copra cake and Lucerne As the orphans continued to the mudbath they saw Kivuko browsing on the southern side of Msinga Hill but were too far away to greet him.

Lempaute browsing

Kivuko browses alone

Pasaka followed by Nguvu

August 11th

It was a wonderful beginning to the day with plenty of bird songs as the orphans dust bathed and played games of hide and seek around the stockade compound before they made their way out to the bush. The orphans walked and had a break from browsing on the northern foot of Msinga Hill. Once they settled there, Ajali consolidated his small herd of Nguvu and Pasaka in one area so that they could browse together a short distance away from the rest of the group. When the orphans arrived at the mudbath they had their noon milk bottle and then drank water from the half drum barrels. As it was too cold for a mudbath Kihari tired to introduce a dusting game by lying down in the soil but no one came to join her as they were already on their way back to the browsing fields. Later in the afternoon, Kivuko was seen walking towards the Voi River. He was by himself with Lempaute, Layoni and Dabassa nowhere in sight.

Bada and Tundani

Nguvu and Ishaq-B interacting

Embu scratching up

August 12th

The morning started well with the stockade dependant orphans welcoming Lempaute, Dabassa and Layoni at the Lucerne grass and the supplement feeding area before engaging in some socializing games around the stockade compound. Panda played a unique game of climbing onto the stockade wall terraces, showing off to Lempaute who was watching her games to see if she would succeed. Panda was successful in her endeavors which gained her high praise from Lempaute. On seeing that, Mudanda quickly went and sat on the edge of the terrace to try and get some attention as well but her efforts went unnoticed. Mashariki noticed Mudanda games and went to applaud and congratulate her. Dabassa enjoyed rubbing his neck on a big rock boulder close to the stockade water trough as Layoni anchored his bottom on the rock for a scratching session which Ajali watched closely. The two groups left the stockade together but parted ways once they got to the browsing fields.

Mudanda sitting on the terrace

Panda attempring to climb the terrace

Dabassa scratching his neck on the rock

August 13th

In the morning the juniors left the stockade compound for the browsing grounds as soon as the milk and supplement feeding was over. Lentili and Mashariki with help from Mbirikani and Embu propelled the orphan group high up Msinga Hill for the morning browsing session. Bada used his forehead to push Arruba and Suswa uphill as the two were lazy and stopped halfway up the hill. The weather was fairly cold but the orphans came down for milk before having a quick bath at the waterhole. Later in the day Mashariki succeeded in stealing Araba away from Kenia and enjoyed a soil dusting spree. Kihari saw them and followed them, but instead of joining them she stood close by and watched their games. The rest of the afternoon was spent browsing peacefully with Rorogoi and Embu enjoying a lead of the group back to the stockade in the evening.

Pasaka moves up hill to browse

Bada in the centre of all the orphans

Mashariki, Arraba and Kihari dusting games

August 14th

The orphans came running out of their stockades for their morning bottle of milk. They then proceeded to the supplement area where they enjoyed feeding on copra cake, range cubes and Lucerne grass, before making their way to the western side of Msinga Hill. The orphans knew that there was not much browse on the lower sides of the hill and decided to move further uphill to see what they could find. Mbirikani and Nelion who were leading, moved higher than the rest and rejoined them when it was time to head to the waterhole. Layoni visited the stockade alone an hour after the juniors had left for the field. He quenched his thirst at the stockade water trough and enjoyed some supplement foods before he left for the park. In the afternoon, Embu separated herself from the group for some quiet browsing time and a scratching session against a tree trunk. She rejoined the orphan herd about half an hour later. Nguvu enjoyed browsing with Naipoki and Ishaq-B until Rorogoi signaled that it was time to return to the stockades.

Layoni arrives at stockades after orphans left

Kihari and Lentili scratching on rockcs

Mudanda sniffing the air

August 15th

The morning was beautiful with the orphan elephants concentrating on their normal milk and supplement feeding before leaving for the browsing grounds. They browsed in single file for the morning, moving to the middle water hole in groups of five for their milk and to enjoy a mudbath. Mudanda was the first one to plunge into the water for a bath. Nelion was quick to follow and spoiled her games when he attempted to ride onto her back when she was lying down in the water. Ishaq-B saw Nelion’s naughty behavior and not wanting to become his victim chose to lie on the muddy walls outside the main water hole. Ajali, who always doesn’t like bathing, engaged Arruba head on in the water for strength testing games, disturbing Arruba’s wall scratching game. Today it seems that many of the orphans wanted to play rough games as Lentili went and pushed Naipoki away from her wall scratching position so that she could take it over. Embu was the last to leave the waterhole and was crowned the winner of the mudbathing games. When back in the browsing fields Mashariki and Panda enjoyed a scratching session against a tree trunk.

Ajali and Aruba wall games

Nelion riding Mudanda's back

Ishaq-B drawing moisture from the walls

August 16th

The morning was good with the stockade dependant orphan elephants leaving the stockade after the milk and supplement feeding. Bada who was in the lead as they browsed their way up Msinga hill made it all the way to the peak while the rest of the group stopped half way up. After browsing for four hours, Lempaute was seen without the other three members of her herd. Ajali and Mudanda watched her movements, wanting to join her but Lempaute seemed to be in a rush so they were not able to catch up with her. In the afternoon an orphan baby lesser kudu was brought to the stockade by the Kenya Wildlife service rangers. It had been rescued by a school boy in Chakaora close to Galana ranch. The boy had looked after the orphan baby for about a week before handing the orphan over to the rangers who in turn brought her to the Voi stockades. The orphan baby kudu was then moved to Kaluku where she can interact with the other orphan kudus being raised there.

Bada solo browsing

Nelion browsing

Mudanda watching the orphans

August 17th

It was a fantastic beginning of the day with the stockade dependant orphan elephants playing happily around the stockade compound after their milk and supplement feeding. They then browsed their way to the eastern side of Msinga hill, moving slowly around to the northern side. Today the orphan elephants visited the newly built baobab water trough which has a fantastic view of the Yatta plateau. It is a private and beautiful bushy water hole and trough which the orphan elephants loved and they had a lot of fun playing there. Ndii and Panda lay down next to the beautiful new water trough and had a lovely time rolling around in the dirt. There were so many different games taking place with Mbirikani, Mashariki, Rorogoi and Mudanda all securing a perfect scratching spot against a thick baobab tree. Kenia and Suswa enjoyed scratching against some big tree trunks of which there were many to choose from. Araba and Ishaq-B enjoyed rubbing their bottoms against the natural rocks around the trough while Ndoria admired Bada’s swimming games. Kivuko and Layoni visited the stockade in the afternoon, remaining there for about two hours before heading back to the park.

Ajali hoping to join Lempaute in browsing

Kenia scratching

Orphans drinks from the new water trough

August 18th

It was a nice beginning of the day with the stockade dependant orphan elephants coming out of their respective stables and running to their milk bottles which they quickly downed after which they settled down to enjoy dairy cubes and Lucerne grass pellets. Lempaute, Dabassa, Layoni and Kivuko came and joined the juniors at the supplement feeding area. The Lucerne grass pellets and copra cake had been placed in a newly built feeding basin close to the stockade water trough and they all congregated around it accommodating one another so that they could all have their share. Layoni followed the stockade dependant orphans when they left for the browsing grounds, leaving Lempaute, Kivuko and Dabassa feasting on acacia trees around the stockade compound. The orphans were thrilled to be able to introduce Layoni to the new water hole and trough at the big baobab tree. Layoni had a drink and then played at the end of the mudbath, seemingly very happy to have a new mudbath and water trough close to the orphans favourite browsing area, the northern side of Msinga Hill. Ishaq-B joined Layoni at the mudbath with Layoni extending a trunk in greeting, while at the same time inviting Rorogoi to join them. After the mudbath they enjoyed soil dusting before scratching against the many available trees in the area. Ajali and Bada showcased their scratching game against the big baobab tree to Layoni after which the entire group headed back to the browsing fields. Layoni returned to the stockades with them in the evening where he enjoyed feeding on a bale of Lucerne grass.

Lempaute and Layoni join the orphans

Layoni catching up with the orphans

Mbirikani at the new water trough

August 19th

It was a wonderful morning with the orphan elephants concentrating on their supplement foods following the milk feed. The orphans browsed their way from the southern side of Msinga hill to the new baobab water hole where they had their afternoon milk bottle and fed on range cubes that had been brought for them as there is very little vegetation around Tsavo due to the ongoing drought that is being experienced in the area. The orphans are happy to get the extra supplements which they thoroughly enjoy. Today Embu and Panda teamed up with both of them sitting on Kihari submerging her head completely in the water preventing her from shining in the mudbathing games as she was already proving to be the best swimmer of the day. Kihari screamed while she tried to free herself and the keepers had to intervene and stop Embu and Panda’s bullying behaviour. Mashariki went and took position against the scratching baobab tree, while Naipoki headed to a different tree for the same purpose and was able to watch her friends wallowing in the mudbath while she enjoyed her scratching session. The afternoon was spent browsing on the northern foot of Msinga hill.

Nelion and Rorogoi feed on range cubes

Suswa at mud-bath

Dabassa and Panda wrestling

August 20th

This morning the orphan elephants played happily at the stockade compound following the milk and supplement feeding. Lentili, Mashariki and Mudanda then took the lead of the others to the browsing fields and led them half way up the eastern side of Msinga hill where they spent the morning feeding until it was time to make their way to the baobab waterhole. Ajali settled with his adopted baby Pasaka and the two enjoyed their piles of range cubes before joining the rest who were also feeding as they moved towards the water hole. Ajali who doesn’t love mudbathing was today seen plunging into the water and enjoying wallowing with the rest of his friends. Soon after bathing, Suswa took the lead of the group in an attempt to lead them further down the northern side of the stockade but no one followed her as they were following Kenia and Lentili who were heading up the hill where there is better browse than the lower flat areas. Rorogoi and Mudanda led the group home in the evening.

Small wild herd at watering hole

Ajali welcomes Pasaka to feed on the cubes

August 21st

It was cold morning with light rain showers as the orphans exited their stockades and settled to enjoy their morning milk bottle and supplements before heading to the browsing grounds. Kenia kept close browsing ties with her adopted baby Araba, while Pasaka constantly followed Ajali. The orphans visited the new baobab tree water hole and drank from the newly constructed water trough but did not enter the mudbath as it was a cold day. In the afternoon, while the stockade dependant orphan elephants were busy browsing on the northern foot of Msinga hill, Lempaute, Dabassa and Kivuko joined them for a spell. Dabassa went straight to Panda and engaged her in a strength testing match while Kivuko spent the time browsing with Suswa before all three of them headed to the stockade where they had a drink from the water hole before enjoying some Lucerne.

Rorogoi plunges into the water

Wild elephant herd at the water hole

Nelion with the wild ele herd

August 22nd

The stockade dependant orphan elephants came running out of their night quarters and quickly downed their morning milk bottle before settling to enjoy the supplements that had been put out for them. There were some brief hide and seek games around the stockade compound before the group headed to the browsing grounds. One hour after they had left Lempaute and Kivuko followed closely by Bada and Layoni came to the stockade to enjoy Lucerne and copra cake. The four relaxed around the stockade compound for more than two hours before heading back to the park. After a peaceful milk feeding session at noon, Ajali took her adopted baby Pasaka for some private feeding time away from the others after which the group browsed their way to the middle waterhole arriving a little after 2pm. They interacted with a visiting wild elephant herd that was enjoying a drink of water. Embu plunged into the water for a swim while the rest of the group watched and the wild herd sprayed water onto their bodies after which they left for the Voi river circuit.

Ajali close to Mashariki

Arruba sucking on Suswa's ears

Kivuko visits the stockade

August 23rd

The morning was good with the orphan elephants playing scratching games against the rocks and soil dusting after which they enjoyed some Lucerne grass before leaving for the browsing fields. Under Kihari and Naipoki’s leadership the orphans browsed their way from the southern side of Msinga hill to the western side. Ajali and Pasaka enjoyed some range cubes while the others had milk after which they joined the two for some of the tasty supplements. On arriving at the new baobab water hole, the orphans were welcomed by a very big wild elephant bull that had quenched his thirst and was taking refuge from the scorching sun under a big acacia tree. After a wonderful greeting with him, the orphans went for a drink of water from the newly built water trough after which they dove in the waterhole. Mbirikani decided to keep the bull company rejoining her group when they left the mudbath to head back to the browsing grounds.

Mashariki chasing Ndoria

Wild bull in the background

Panda sliding in the water

August 24th

The orphans exited their stockades to the sound of the singing birds. Following their milk and supplement feed they enjoyed some copra cake, lucerne grass and pellets. Lempaute, Dabassa, Layoni and Kivuko came to the stockade soon after the juniors had left missing them by a hair. The four went to drink from the stockade trough before feeding on supplements. They left the stockades two hours after they had arrived. The orphans spread out to browse on the eastern side of Msinga hill coming for their noon milk bottle under Mbirikani, Mudanda and Bada’s leadership. The first group of five orphan elephants ran towards the baobab tree water hole for their milk bottle as the keepers held the second group back letting them go once the first group was done. Arruba went and grabbed Suswa’s ear, suckling it as she waited to be called for her milk. When browsing after the noon mud bath, Mashariki became uncomfortable when Ndoria kept following her from behind and eventually turned to chase Ndoria away, suspecting that Ndoria was wanting to bite her tail and she wanted none of that.

Ndii and Mudanda browsing

Araba takes refuge from sun behind Kenia's ear

Tundani browsing

August 25th

The morning was cloudy with light rain sprinkles torching the ground as the stockade dependant orphans assembled for their milk bottle after which they proceeded for Lucerne pellets, dairy cubes and copra cake. Lesanju, Layoni and Dabassa came and joined them for the supplements. After feeding, Mashariki, Lentili and Mudanda went to properly greet Lempaute and they all touched trunks. When all the greeting was done with the group moved towards the browsing grounds with Kenia’s herd separating themselves from the three ex-orphans who were busy having a drink of water. Later in the evening, the orphan lion cub that was fed on meat by the trust on 8th was seen and had to be taken to the stockades for treatment by the vet unit. It appeared that he had been attacked by a buffalo and had been injured. Sadly the lion cub did not survive the night.

Kenia scratches her itchy neck

Suswa leads the orphans

Orphans rushing to the watering hole

August 26th

The day started with great momentum as the stockade dependant orphans charged out of their night quarters downing their morning milk bottle before settling to enjoy the highly nutritious Lucerne pellets and dairy cubes. Kenia went to scratch her neck against a rock by the stockade water trough. The orphans headed to the browsing grounds under Mudanda, Kihari, Nelion and Mbirikani’s leadership. As the day progressed it became very hot and Araba sought refuge from the scorching sun by hiding behind Kenia’s ear. Rorogoi and Embu were the first to get their afternoon milk bottle by arriving at the milk feeding area well ahead of the others. They were followed a few minutes later by Bada, Mudanda, Ndoria and Pasaka. Pasaka wanted to be fed his milk a short distance from the others and the keepers were happy to oblige him. The rest of the orphans came for their bottles in groups of four. When all the orphans had been fed they headed to the baobab water hole where they had a lot of fun in the mudbath.

Wild herd seen in the Aruba area

Wild elephant herd head tothe Aruba pump

August 27th

The morning was good with Kenia seemingly in consultation with Panda, Naipoki, Arruba and Kihari over the drought situation once they arrived at the browsing grounds. Lentili soon joined them and they all murmured to one another before proceeding with the browsing activities. Bada and Mudanda enjoyed some wonderful diving games in the waterhole, with Naipoki challenging their game as she rolled around in the water. After the mudbath Suswa took the lead, with Rorogoi and Ajali walking as fast as they could so that they could overtake her and take the lead. Kihari saw what the two were trying to do and blocked the two from getting to the front so that Suswa could enjoy the lead. The afternoon was spent browsing close to the big waterhole.

Wild elephants at the watering hole

Ajali and Pasaka at the stockades

August 28th

The stockade dependant orphan elephants peacefully downed their milk bottle after which they headed to the browsing field with Kihari, Panda and Mashariki passing by to greet Dabassa and Layoni who were browsing on the southern foot of Msinga hill. In a wonderful noon mud bath, Kenia had a brilliant bathing moment with Kihari, Ndii and Naipoki. Bada and Ishaq-B showcased their expertise on a buttock rubbing game against the big baobab tree. Lentili admired Mudanda’s rolling games in the dustbath, before rejoining the others as they browsed their way to the middle water hole area which has become their favorite afternoon browsing are. Upon hearing some wild elephants mudbathing the orphans walked faster to get to the mudbath as quickly as they could. Unfortunately they were not fast enough and missed seeing the wild group.

Ndoria scratching whilst Nguvu waits for his turn

Tundani and Ajali tusking it up

Nguvu gets his turn to scratch

August 29th

This morning the stockade dependant orphans concentrated on their milk and supplement feeding at the stockade compound before moving to the browsing grounds. Arruba engaged Tundani in a strength testing pushing game with each one doing their level best to be the victor. Ajali and Pasaka were left behind as the others headed to the browsing grounds. Ajali screamed loudly to get them to wait for them as they were still enjoying the Lucerne grass pellets. The group did not want to wait and kept going so Ajali and Pasaka had to run to catch up with their friends. The orphans browsed in single file arriving at the baobab water hole in groups of four as for their milk bottle and range cubes. Ajali showed his leadership skills today by taking over the group for the afternoon and leading them home in the evening.

Ndii browsing

Bada browsing

Orphans browsing

August 30th

This morning Ndoria positioned herself for a scratching session against a big rock boulder at the stockade, with Nguvu waiting nearby so that he could enjoy the same when she was done. Today the orphan herd went up Msinga hill where they settled to browse for the morning. Layoni and Dabassa came to the stockade two hours after the stockade dependant orphan elephants had left for the field. Lempaute and Kivuko also visited after the two boys had left. The all enjoyed some supplement foods and a drink of water before heading back to the park. In a wonderful noon mud bath, Ishaq-B lay down and extended her trunk in invitation to Naipoki as she wanted her to join her for some diving games. Naipoki did not seem keen on wallowing and instead enjoyed scratching against the trunk of a baobab tree. After a brief mudbath the group browsed around the area until it was time to return to the stockades for the night.

Kivuko mudbath

Kivuko at the stockade

August 31st

This morning the orphans enjoyed playing games around the stockade compound following their milk and supplement feeding. Lempaute and Kivuko who seem to have separated themselves from the two boys Dabassa and Layoni visited the stockade as soon as the juniors had finished their milk bottles. Ndoria and Rorogoi invited the two ex-orphans for a drink at the stockade water trough and had a wonderful moment interacting with them as they all drank some water. Mashariki went to show off some buttock scratching game against a rock boulder on the stockade compound. Kihari saw the fund that Mashariki was having and ousted her from her spot so that she could take it over. Kenia as usual was in a hurry to head to the browsing grounds leaving the ex-orphans behind to do their own thing. Lempaute and Kivuko headed up Msinga hill above Malaika house and browsed there until the afternoon when they came back to the stockades for another drink.

Layoni enjoying the lucerne

Ngulia Tawi and Kore

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