Ithumba Reintegration Unit

August 2014

Daily updates

August 1st

The orphans settled for lucerne soon after leaving the stockade while ten wild bulls were drinking water at the stockade water trough. Bomani took some time to scratch on a nearby rock, as the rest of his friends continued enjoying the lucerne. Mutara led the way out into the bush, but she led them to a dry and barren place so the elephants struggled to find food. Almost all the plants have shed their leaves and now the orphans were feeding on the barks of trees instead. The peak of the dry season is a challenging time for all the wildlife of Tsavo. For the rest of the day, the orphans spent a lot of the time browsing, Garzi and Vuria stayed together and browsed alongside one another until they all walked to the mud hole. It was a cold day so none of the elephants played in the mud and instead they concentrated on the serious business of feeding.

Garzi and Vuria browsing together

Wild elephants taking water

August 2nd

In the morning, twelve wild bulls were drinking water at the stockade water trough when the dependent orphans were let out.. The dependent orphans were later then joined by the ex orphans. Madiba fed close to Teleki and Orwa which was a thrill for the young boys. Mutara again led her group to the browsing field, as they got to the fields the orphans kept themselves busy as they all searched for food. When the elephants went to the mud bath, there were a grand total of 60 wild elephants all playing in the mud hole. It was a truly spectacular scene. Given the company only Kanjoro and Shukuru plucked up the courage to join the wild elephants. The others all played in the powder soft red earth. Wendi, Yatta, Kina and Orok scratched themselves on a nearby tree as the junior orphans all watched them in awe. Eventually the orphans parted company from the wild elephants and headed home for the night.

Madiba and Teleki feeding closely together

Mutara leading the herd

Wild herd of elephants at the mud bath

August 3rd

Kilaguni, Chaimu and Sabachi joined the orphans in feeding on lucerne and slowly parted ways an hour later as they wondered back into the bush. The orphans walked to the Kanziku area where they spent most of their day. Soon after taking milk at the mud bath Garzi and Vuria headed straight to drink water. They were joined by the rest of the group. Ziwa left the group for a brief moment to go and scratch on a nearby Acacia tree. Shortly afterwards Vuria came and pushed poor Ziwa away so that he could use the tree. Later, two wild bulls emerged from the bush and joined the orphans in drinking water. Kanjoro took some time in sniffing the wild bulls In order to figure out who they were and what they wanted, it didn’t take long before Kanjoro was back in the safety of all the orphans.

Garzi drinking water

Garzi and Vuria browsing together

August 4th

Suguta and her semi dependent group joined the juniors in the morning for Lucerne. During this time Bomani decided to scratch on a nearby rock and few seconds later Shukuru pushed him away in order for her to use the rock. The then headed into the bush to feed for the early part of the morning and the later the orphans proceeded to walk to the water trough where they were joined by three wild bulls. At mud bath time, Suguta’s herd joined the juniors again. They all played amongst each other and then Suguta’s group slowly peeled away into the bush. During the evening feed, Vuria and Bomani decided to comfort themselves by sucking on Vuria’s ear. Vuria was not impressed and soon let them know.

The orphans and ex orphans playing in the mud

Bomani scratching on a rock

Bomani suckling on Vurias ear

August 5th

The sky was cloudy and the day cool as the orphans left the stockade in the morning. Five wild bulls came to drink water at the stockade water trough. Laragai, who had taken some time to scratch on the nearby rock, plucked up the courage to go and join the wild bulls. Laragai tried to maneuver himself between them but was suddenly warned off by one of the big boys. The wild bull pointed its trunk menacingly at Laragai prompting Laragai to go back to his herd, clearly he had overstepped his mark. In the evening, Suguta group came to the stockades in the company of two wild elephants to drink water. Shortly later, Kijana arrived, a young bull who we know intimately and who spends months at a time with the ex orphans. Kijana hadn’t been seen for over two months so it was extremely good to see him again after his absence.

Wild bull charging at Laragai

Kijana coming to visit the stockades

August 6th

Lualeni, Challa, Ololoo, Sidai and three wild elephants were at the stockades in the morning. The orphans greeted the elephants as they ate their lucerne. During the day Sidai has a disagreement with Kanjoro over a flake of lucerne that Kanjoro had stolen from Sidai. As Sidai tried to take it back, Kanjoro ran away so Sidai chased Kanjoro but he was too fast for Sidai. Bongo decided to join the three wild bulls that were drinking water, while Orwa went to scratch against the only remaining acacia tree at the stockade compound. Bongo’s presence in the company of these groovy big males was tolerated and this pleased him no end. Later Sities came to the same tree, forcing Orwa to leave and to proceed to the water trough where the wild bulls were busy taking water. After the bulls had taken enough water, two of them left into the bush while one remained at the water trough. All the other orphans joined the bull in drinking and sidled up as close as they could enjoying his company. At mid day mud bath time the dependent junior orphans joined three wild bulls that were taking water. Garzi, Vuria and Bomani were the first to arrive at the mud bath, sniffed at the wild bulls before joining them.

Ololoo coming to visit

Orwa scratching on a tree

Sities about to push Orwa away from her tree

August 7th

Kainuk started the day’s activities by vigorously scratching on a nearby rock and was then joined by Sities, as the rest of the herd was busy feeding. Later ex orphans Tomboi joined the juniors and spent about twenty minutes feeding with them At the browsing field all was quiet as the orphans browsed calmly up until mud bath time. Today there were no wild elephants or ex orphans at the mud bath, so the orphans enjoyed their time playing amongst each other. In the evening Kamboyo, who appears to have taken over leading Suguta’s group, came to see the orphans in their stockades. The ex-orphans drank water happily and ate the leftover lucerne from the orphans before they disappeared into the bush.

Kamboyo leading Suguta's group in the evening

Kanjoro playing in the mud bath

August 8th

Yatta’s group consisting of Yatta, Yetu, Kina, Challa, Galana, Ithumba, Meibai, Sidai, Chyulu, Naserian, Taita, Wendi and three wild bulls joined the dependent junior orphans in the morning. Yetu was busy pushing Orwa but the game ended when Yatta, Yetu’s mother, pointed at Orwa with her trunk warning him to stop his game before it became too rough. Orwa obliged. The keepers on duty left with their juniors leaving Yatta and her ex orphan herd at the stockade compound. The compound always has a couple of Keepers on duty to not only do the milk preparing, the clearing and cleaning but to generally keep an eye on proceedings. The Yatta herd was then joined by a wild herd of six and they proceeded to socialize together. At the browsing field, the sun was hot and the orphans chose to spend time in the shade, which was virtually impossible as all the trees barely had a leaf of them. At mud bath time, the orphans took their milk then headed straight to drink water and wallow in the cool mud. Soon after taking water, Narok busied herself scratching against a nearby acacia tree while Orwa and Kainuk opted to rest under a tree that had shade. In the evening Lualeni arrived who seems to of formed her own small group consisting of three bulls, Madiba, Kenze and Ololoo. They all came to drink water at the stockades in the evening before heading for the bush

Yetu's dad coming to visit

Narok scratching

August 9th

Kamboyo, in the company of Suguta’s group arrived at the stockade very early, before dawn. Since there was no water at the stockade water trough at that early hour, the group decided to wait until the water bowser filled the water trough. Shortly afterwards 16 wild elephants came to the trough to drink water. The orphans settled for Lucerne soon after leaving the stockade. Laragai, who loves adventures, left her group and was bold enough to walk straight to where the bulls were drinking their water. It wasn't water that she was after, instead she was showing off to all the juniors just how bold and brave she is. Laragai was there for a short period of time before retreating back to her herd feeling like she had impressed them all. She is a very outgoing little elephant. Yatta and Mulika’s ex orphan groups came to visit just as the juniors were about to leave to browse. At the browsing field it was all quiet as the orphans browsed calmly. Sities browsed close to Mutara while Turkwel fed under a tree as the temperatures soared. At mud bath time Vuria, Teleki and Garzi went straight towards a wild bull that was having a mud bath. The wild bull splashed mud at Teleki when he came to close, but Teleki seemed totally unperturbed and ready to join in. Kanjoro and Shukuru joined in at the mud bath. There was later quite a panic when Shukuru almost got stuck getting out as she used the drying wrong exit which made exiting very heavy going! Finally, she managed to pull herself out after struggling for some time. Eight wild bulls that had visited mud bath, left soon having their fill of water. In the evening it was all quiet with no ex-orphans or wild elephants showing up at the stockades.

Laragai trying to join wild bulls

Shukuru and Kanjoro in the mud bath

Kanjoro struggling to get out the mud bath

August 10th

As the orphans left the stockade this morning they were met by the handsome father of Yetu and Mwende, in the company of 8 wild bulls. They were patiently waiting for water at the stockade water trough. Once there was water in the trough the thirsty bulls were busy taking water which left no room for the orphans to squeeze in for a drink. The orphans raised their trunk sniffing the air but eventually realized that there was no room for them and gave up. They only returned to drink water when the bulls had left. A few minutes after the orphans had left; Mulika and Yatta’s group came for water. As the others were taking water, Wendi was busy with a stick trying to scratch her belly. In the browsing fields, the orphans were scattered all over the place all in search for food. The orphans were led by their keepers down to the mud bath, but despite it being hot, only Bongo participated in wallowing. Ziwa, Mutara and Sities instead opted to scratch against a nearby acacia tree as the rest enjoyed drinking water. Later, the orphans converged under a tree that had good shade; Mutara and Shukuru are the tallest in the group and had the advantage of plucking the high leaves while still resting under the tree. After the keepers finished taking lunch, they took the orphans to Kanziku area where they settled to browse; it is quite a struggle now to find food as it is the dry season.

Mwende coming to meet the orphans

Wendi scratching

Mutara feeding on the high branches

August 11th

Kilaguni, Kijana and a wild friend were at the stockade at 4am with Kilaguni having a slight constipation problem. At six o'clock in the morning the babies were let out and as they settled for Lucerne, we helped Kilaguni by squeezing his back and then gave him Epsom salts. Kilaguni seemed to feel much better afterwards and he showed his gratitude by swinging his trunk sideways, before heading back into the forest. Kijana joined the juniors in feeding on Lucerne while Shukuru, Bomani, Narok and Teleki were busy scratching themselves on a nearby rock. The orphans left for Kanziku area where they settled to browse and about half an hour later the Suguta group consisting of Kamboyo, Suguta, Murka, Melia, Olare, Chaimu, Naisula, Kandecha, Chemi Chemi, Sabachi, Kalama and Kitirua reported for water at the stockade. They left immediately after drinking enough water. At eight o'clock in the morning, Lualeni, who appears to be recruiting more members in her group, reported at the stockade with Madiba, Ololoo, Buchuma, Kora, Tomboi and three wild elephants., all of them bulls with Lualeni the only female. As soon as they took the water they needed, they also left but only after Tomboi and Buchuma had a strength testing exercise. At mud bath time, only Teleki enjoyed a good wallow. Ziwa was lucky to be splashed with mud as he passed behind a wild elephant that was mud bathing. The other orphans joined wild bulls that were drinking water at the mud bath water trough. Bongo, the water clown, did a funny thing and got into the drinking water trough but he was pushed out by one of the wild bulls. In the evening the orphans had a road side dust bath whilst Vuria had a strength testing exercise with Bongo which Vuria lost. To show his anger, Vuria nose dived and rolled on the ground before resuming browsing.

Kilaguni after being treated for constipation

Lualeni coming to see the orphans

August 12th

Early in the morning just before the orphans were let out, all the ex-orphans groups were standing outside the stockade waiting for water. Also present were several wild groups totaling twenty wild elephants. The orphans settled for Lucerne soon after leaving the stockade as the lorry filled the water trough with water. The water was taken in ranks as the big bulls took water first, then the ex-orphans and finally the juniors. The ex-orphans kept themselves busy by joining the juniors in feeding of Lucerne whilst they waited their turn. Laragai had a misunderstanding with Bongo about the Lucerne they were sharing and Bongo had to push Laragai away. It the browsing field, it was quiet as the orphans browsed throughout. At mud bath time, the weather was chilly and the orphans only took milk and water before returning back to the browsing field. In the evening, Ziwa spent some time soil dusting as Mutara looked for green leaves from the tall trees she could reach with her trunk.

Bongo playing in the dust

Ziwa playing in the dust

The orphans browsing

August 13th

The sky was clear in the morning as the orphans left the stockade and settled for Lucerne. Shortly later Yatta’s group consisting of Yatta, Yetu, Chyulu, Rapsu, Orok, Olenana, Naserian, Taita, Ithumbah, Loijuk, Kina, Nasalot, Wendi, Buchuma and 3 wild elephants came for water at the stockade. Buchuma joined the orphans eating Lucerne as the rest lined up for water. Bomani had a nice time scratching on the nearby rocks while Ziwa opted to give space to the ex-orphans when he saw them coming for Lucerne. Ziwa dislikes being pushed and that's why he always gives way to other elephants whenever he sees them approaching. After finishing Lucerne, the orphans left for browsing. Suguta and her group in the company of two wild elephants reported at the stockade an hour after all other elephants had left. Kilaguni was looking fine after he had some Epsom salts. At ten o'clock in the morning, the temperatures soared high forcing the orphans to feed under the trees. At mud bath time the sun was still hot but amazingly only Turkwel and Teleki participated in mud bathing; the rest went to share water with Half Trunk and two other wild elephants that were at the mudbath water trough. At one time Bongo was pushed by one of the wild bulls after he misbehaved. Bongo made a lot of noise which prompted the other orphans to stop drinking water. Teleki went to scratch against a nearby tree as Vuria and Orwa competed to use one tree for scratching with Orwa eventually pushing Vuria away from the tree. Kanjoro and Bongo returned later to share the water with the big bulls, but this time round Bongo was very careful not to mess with them. In the afternoon the orphans concentrated on browsing and browsed close together. In the evening all the groups; Yatta, Mulika, Lualeni and Suguta, reported for water at the stockade.

Bomani scratching on a rock

Kilaguni looking strong and healthy

Turkwel and Teleki olaying in the mud

August 14th

It was a quiet morning as the orphans settled for Lucerne. Garzi started the day's activities by scratching on the nearby rocks. As he was enjoying the scratching, Bomani came along and pushed him away from the rock. Bomani scratched on the rock for some time before giving Orwa a chance to do the same. Kanjoro and Narok were feeding close together but there must have been a misunderstanding as Kanjoro pushed Narok away from him. Shukuru was feeding close to Turkwel and she stretched her trunk to share a flake of Lucerne with her, but Turkwel resisted and ran away with the flake. Shukuru was not happy about that and therefore went to scratch on the nearby rocks and later headed straight to the water trough to drink water. At half past eight in the morning twelve wild bulls came for water at the stockade. At mud bath time Mulika and Yatta groups showed up. Sunyei went straight and sniffed at Bomani and later Vuria before heading to drink water. Six wild bulls also attended mud bath with the juniors as well as two warthogs. Kainuk spotted the warthogs and could not resist chasing them and trumpeting. The warthogs ran away and returned much later once the elephants had left. When it was time to leave, Kanjoro returned to the water trough where he spent some time drinking with the wild bulls. He later followed his friends back to the stockade. Today was a momentous day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Napasha, who had not been seen for eight months, finally showed up at the stockade. Approaching in a slow measured walk, Napasha settled for water at the stockade water trough. What is really strange is that he came all alone without any friend at all, but perhaps he hadn’t found the ex-orphans yet. We were so relieved and pleased to see him and wonder where he had ventured to for all that time. He looked wonderful and behaved like he had never been away.

Napasha coming to greet the orphans an keepers

Napasha returning home after many months

Napasha drinking water

August 15th

Three wild elephants were waiting for water just outside the stockade as the juniors left soon after getting their milk. Shortly later the wild elephants were joined by Suguta and her group. As the orphans settled for Lucerne, Bomani and Teleki opted to start the day's activities by scratching on the nearby rocks. Half an hour later, Mutara led the orphans to the browsing field. In the browsing field the orphans kept themselves busy in some of the better pastures since it is so dry at the moment. The wild elephants frequented the stockade water trough the entire day and by the end of the day thirty wild elephants had drunk water at the stockade. Mulika and Yatta groups didn't show up but Lualeni and Ololoo came to the stockade at four o'clock in the evening. As soon as they took enough water the two inseparable ex-orphans left back to the bush.

Shukuru taking water

Teleki attempting to push a tree down

Ex orphans coming to visit

August 16th

Yatta group, Yatta. Mulika, Nasalot, Kinna, Napasha, Wendi, Taita, Tomboi, Sunyei,,Galana, Madiba, Naserian, Rapsu, Buchuma, Challa, Sidai, Orok, Kora, Lualeni, Kenze, Loijuk, Kamboyo, Zurura, Lenana, Makena, Chyulu,Meibai, Ithumbah, Ololoo, Mwende, and Yetu. in the company of eight wild elephants arrived for water in the morning. Since Yatta’s group could not fit around the water trough with the wild elephants, they decided to join the juniors feeding on Lucerne. Bongo, Laragai and Kanjoro were bold enough to walk to the water trough and joined the wild bull’s drinking water. They withdrew shortly later to join their friends who had started walking towards Kanziku. At ten o'clock in the morning another six wild bulls came for water at the stockade. At mud bath time, Shukuru was sucking her trunk soon after taking milk. As Vuria, Teleki and Bomani were approaching the water trough, noise from baboons that were chattering nearby scared Vuria. Vuria, with his ears spread out, slowed down almost to a standstill. It's only after the baboons went quiet that Vuria hurried to the water trough. Soon after taking water Teleki and Bongo went for a soil bath that later turned to strength testing exercises in which Bongo carried the day. Back at the browsing field, Garzi and Vuria fed close to each other and they were kicking grass with their feet whilst holding it with their trunks to finally pulling it. Kainuk with her hind legs folded was enjoying sliding along a valley where she was browsing. In the evening, Narok tried to grab Laragai's tail. Laragai screamed loudly prompting the keepers to reprimand Narok. Late in the evening, a wild herd of ten elephants reported at the stockade.

Shukuru sucking her trunk

Vuri achasing off the baboons

August 17th

Kamboyo and Suguta’s group arrived at the stockade early before dawn and since there was no water in the trough yet, they opted to wait till day break. The Suguta’s group consisted of Suguta, Melia, Kilaguni, Chaimu, Tumaren, Kibo, Olare, Kitirua, Kalama, Chemi Chemi, Kasigau, KilabasI, Makireti, Kandecha, Murka, Naisula, and Ishanga At six o'clock in the morning, the water was turned on but three bulls arrived and pushed Suguta’s group away. Suguta and her group joined the juniors for Lucerne as they waited for the bulls to leave. Laragai, who always gets trouble with the boys because she doesn’t settle in one place was pushed by Kanjoro when she passed near him and stepped on Lucerne he was feeding on. Laragai went to where bongo was feeding and again stepped on Lucerne. Bongo chased her away. After being chased, Laragai headed to the water trough where she joined the three wild bulls in drinking water. When the bulls left, Suguta and her group went for the water while the juniors left for browsing. At the browsing field the orphans concentrated on feeding without any fun or games. At mud bath, the weather was chilly and none of the orphans wanted to jump in the cold water. The other orphans drank water whilst Teleki and Bongo had a brief strength testing exercise. Later Mulika with Mwende, Sunyei, Challa, Rapsu, Tomboi, Kina, Galana, Meibai, Kijana, Kenze, Nasalot, Makena and three wild elephants joined the juniors at mud bath. Teleki tried to challenge Rapsu but changed his mind. Nasalot went to where Vuria was standing and said hi to him. Later on Mutara led the juniors away leaving the ex-orphans at mud bath. Sunyei was very brave and opted to mud bath despite of the chilly weather. The orphans settled to browse at Kanziku area until the time of returning back to the stockade.

Suguta's group taking water

Bongo, Lraagai and Kanjoro at the mud hole

August 18th

It was a quiet morning as the orphans left the stockade soon after taking their milk. At eight o'clock in the morning, six wild elephants reported for water at the stockade and left immediately after drinking enough. In the browsing field each of our junior orphans fed separately due to scarcity of the browse. At mud bath time the orphans had milk and water and returned immediately back to the browsing field. The orphans settled along the dry Kalovoto river as this place has better browse. In the evening, Shukuru developed itchy feet and used a tree stump to scratch them. Late in the evening, Nasalot, in the company of Kijana and two other wild boys, reported at the stockade and later were joined by other six wild elephants.

Ex orphans with a wild elephant

Nasalot smelling Kilaguni

Shukuru scratching her feet

August 19th

Wild elephants started streaming in to the stockade compound as early as at four o'clock in the morning for water. At six o'clock in the morning, 16 wild elephants and a baby were at the stockade water trough ready to drink water as the orphans were let out soon after taking their milk. As the orphans settled on Lucerne, they were joined by a wild cow, a baby and his sister. Tomboi, Kinna, Nasalot, Rapsu, Madiba, Sunyei, Challa, Meibai, Galana and Zurura joined in and started sharingLucerne with the juniors. It was a morning with many activities. Shukuru started by scratching on the nearby rocks while the wild baby played a pushing game with Orwa. The naughty baby who loves playing and harassing some of the orphans, opted to try and play with Bomani. Bomani who never entertains nonsense from elephants that are smaller than him knocked the baby down prompting his sister to come running to help the baby up. Once the baby was up he went straight to push Ziwa and attempted to mount him. Later the baby played with Laragai, Kainuk and Garzi. As the orphans were preparing to leave, Ziwa who is definitely slower and weaker than the rest, passed near the wild cow and was pushed which caused him to fall down. The keepers shouted at the cow as Ziwa struggled to stand up. In the browsing field, Mutara was selecting the green leaves from the tall shrubs. At mud bath soon after taking milk, Teleki headed straight to roll on mud. Later he with the other orphans joined two wild bulls that were taking water at the water trough. Bongo and Mutara did their mud bath frolic soon after taking water.

Kanjoro and a wild bull

Bomani playing in the soil

Wild baby being pushed over by Bomani

August 20th

Vuria was limping slightly when he was leaving the stockade in the morning. It appears that he had a pushing game during the night that ended with him hurting his leg. When the orphans settled for Lucerne, Yatta group consisting of Napasha, Wendi, Loijuk Sidai, Chyulu, Ithumbah, Kora, Buchuma, Kilaguni, Yetu, Naserian and a wild boy joined the orphans. Two wild bulls arrived at the stockade water trough and continued to drink as the orphans and ex-orphans were still feeding on Lucerne. Kilaguni who is alright at the moment, opted to join the wild bulls in drinking. Ever since giving him the Epsom salts, he has not had a repeat of constipation. Laragai went to share water with wild bulls as Orwa and Yetu engaged in a pushing game. In the browsing field the orphans were scattered all over each trying to get enough food. Vuria led the way to the mud bath where Mutara, Shukuru, Narok and Kanjoro put on a spectacular wallowing show. At one time Narok nearly got stuck when she used the wrong way to get out. She struggled for awhile until she managed to stagger our. After the mud bath, Shukuru and Ziwa shared the same tree from scratching while Teleki used a different tree to scratch against. Scratching is an important routine to dislodge the ticks. Orwa tried to pull a root up using his feet but it was hard for him and he soon gave up. At soil bath time Shukuru and Kainuk did their best as the rest disappeared into the bush one by one. Vuria and his friend Garzi browsed together all afternoon while Shukuru fed close to Narok.

Kanjoro and Laragai playing in the soil

Sities scratching on Narok

August 21st

Seventeen wild elephants, a wild baby, Kibo and Kalama arrived at the stockade early before dawn and waited for the water trough to be filled. At six o'clock in the morning, the orphans took their milk and strolled nonchalantly out from the stockade. As they settled for Lucerne, Kibo, Kalama, the playful wild baby, his mother and sister joined them. The wild baby was chilled today and wasn't playful instead intend on taking flakes of Lucerne from his mother's mouth since she was piling lucerne in! On the other hand the baby’s sister was giving Kanjoro a hard time as she tried to confiscate flakes of Lucerne that Kanjoro had in his trunk. Kanjoro was wise and opted to run away from her trouble. Later Kanjoro passed near the baby sniffed at him then went and settled near Bongo. Shukuru, Laragai, Garzi and Vuria did their final touches of scratching before eventually leaving for browsing. The orphans passed at the water trough where the wild elephants were taking water. On seeing the juniors with the keepers, the wild elephants stepped back giving way to the orphans and the keepers. At the Kalovoto area the orphans browsed on shrubs. At mud bath time, only Kanjoro, Bongo, Mutara, Shukuru, Narok and Kainuk participated in the mud bathing exercise as the others watched from the banks of the mud wallow. Vuria opted to lie down under a tree for few seconds then woke up again. Soon after mud bath, Shukuru and Kainuk dusted themselves in red soil and later scratched against a nearby tree. The orphans later returned back to the browsing field where they occupied themselves in kicking grass to uproot and later putting it in their mouths to feed. In the evening, Suguta with her sixteen member team, in the company of Kamboyo, reported for water at the stockade. Later, Lualeni with her small group of Tomboi and Ololoo checked in for water. At the time of leaving, Kilaguni joined Lualeni as Suguta and her group headed east.

Baby taking lucerne from her mothers mouth

Wild baby plays with Laragai

Garzi, Kanjoro and Turkwel feeding together

August 22nd

The sky was clear in the morning as the orphans left the stockade. Ziwa left with a stick in his mouth that he was trying to strip the bark from. He kept himself busy with the stick until the keepers provided them with Lucerne. Three wild elephants were taking water at the stockade water trough as the orphans settled. Sities appeared to have woken up in a bad mood and pushed Bongo, Vuria and Bomani as she went round feeding on the Lucerne. Soon after finishing the Lucerne, the juniors, led by Mutara, passed at the water trough to arm themselves with enough water that would take them through the entire morning. By then the three wild bulls had already left. In the browsing field, the orphans were joined by Ololoo, Lualeni and Tomboi. The three ex-orphans parted with the juniors half an hour later. At mud bath time, the weather was chilly and only Bongo managed to have a mud bath. Laragai went to scratch against a nearby tree but her enjoyment was cut short by Teleki who came and pushed her away and used the same tree to scratch against. Ziwa was waiting a distance away for Teleki to finish his scratching exercise so as to do the same using the same tree. Bomani was scratching his trunk in a nearby shrub as Laragai picked a tree branch that appeared to have been dropped by a wild elephant and started to strip the remaining bark off the branch. As Mutara led the way back to the browsing field, the noise from a passing vehicle agitated Orwa and with his ears raised, he kicked bushes while trumpeting and running towards the others. Suguta, Kibo, Naisula and Murka attended mud bath but left after soil bathing. The rest of afternoon was quiet as the orphans browsed calmly throughout.

Sities soil dusting

Bongo wallowing in the mud

Laragai feeding on a stick

August 23rd

The sky was overcast in the morning as the orphans left their night stockade. Led by Mutara, the orphans settled for they morning fill of lucerne just outside the stockade. As soon as the orphans settled for lucerne, Sities who appears to be getting rough to her juniors, had a tussle with Kanjoro when she tried to take kanjoro's flake of lucerne by force. Kanjoro eventually resorted to taking his flake and distancing himself from Sities. Garzi who remains with a watery eye opted for scratching exercises before Shukuru led the herd for their water before heading further afield. It was a morning with no wild elephants visiting the stockades water trough. When it was time to leave, Vuria led the way while Bongo remained bringing up the rear. At the browsing field, Bongo and Vuria stopped feeding to settle their difference by engaging in a strength testing exercises which they finally tired of and got back to the serious task of dry season browsing. Mutara today was stretching her trunk so to reach some yet untouched green leaves high on the tree. At mud bath time, the temperatures were cool and the orphans went for a drink of water soon after taking their milk. After taking water, Teleki and Ziwa decided to scratch against the nearby trees. As was taking place, Sabachi from Suguta's group appeared unexpectedly. Sabachi that is not in good health, and is looking thin this dry season. He has had treatment but needs to add condition so we are helping him do just that. When he arrived at mud bath, there was no milk to give him. Sabachi stood close to where the keepers were taking lunch their and waited. A car went all the way to the stockade mix some extra milk for Sabachi. When the car arrived Sabachi new it was carrying milk just for him and walked towards the vehicle with his trunk outstretched. As soon as the orphans and Sabachi were out of sight and back browsing in the nearby bushes, two wild bulls emerged from the other side of the road and came for water at the mud bath water trough. One of them a water waster but finally they left having had their fill. In the afternoon the orphans browsed apart from each other up to the time of getting back to the stockade.

Shukuru playing her trunk on Vuria

Vuria playing with Bongo

August 24th

Twenty one wild elephants reported at the stockade early before dawn just as the sun was beginning to light the horizon. Amongst them was a regular bull we call half trunk, and he had come with a wild baby and it's mother. At six o'clock in the morning, the juniors were let out soon after getting their milk. As soon as the orphans settled for their lucerne, the wild baby, its sister and mother joined them. The baby was feeding close to his mother and from time to time he was removing lucerne from his mothers mouth. Kanjoro happened to pass near the baby, the baby warned Kanjoro by pointing it's trunk at him. Kanjoro didn't heed the warning and for a second time kanjoro passed near the baby. The baby at this point pushed Kanjoro hard. Kanjoro was sensible enough to walk away since retaliating meant inviting the wrath of the mother. As this was happening, Narok was content scratching on the nearby rock while Shukuru had a funny exercise of kneeling on her front legs and stretching. Later the wild baby had a friendly pushing game with Laragai that seemed to be acceptable to his mother. Just As the orphans were preparing on leaving for browsing, eleven more wild elephants checked in at the stockade just to have water. At the browsing field, Garzi was feeding close to his friend Vuria while Kainuk was with Turkwel, best friends since tiny babies. At mud bath time, the orphans had their milk and thereafter Mutara Kanjoro Narok Kainuk and Bongo headed straight for wallowing. Ziwa charged at two warthogs that were coming for water. The warthogs remained unmoved and so Ziwa opted to surrender and skulked off for a dust himself with soil. Bomani and Laragai rolled on the dry red soil for what seemed like hours while Vuria scratched himself on the concrete bench at the mudbath. Back to the browsing fields in the afternoon the orphans continuously flapped their ears due to the high temperatures in an effort to remain cool. At one time Bongo took some time off from feeding to have a soil dusting exercise in the evening Sabachi arrived for his milk and extra dairy cubes.

Half Trunk at the stockades

Half Trunk drinking close to her firends

Wild baby warning Kanjoro off

August 25th

Suguta's Group reported to the stockades very early in the morning coming to check on their missing member Sabachi. Sabachi had reported the following evening and stayed overnight in the stockade. He had not gone unmissed and so it was that the whole of Suguta's herd arrived to check up on him. At 6.00am they were there to keep a close eye on him The Suguta group along with the dependent orphans stayed around enjoying their morning Lucerne, and then together drifted off browsing. The Suguta group snatched Teleki from the Keeper dependent orphans and spirited him away with them unnoticed by the Keepers. At 8.00am a group of fifteen wild elephants arrived at the stockade water trough for their fill of water. It was not long before the temperatures soared. Shukuru, Laragai, Bomani, Garzi, and Vuria were forced to relax under shrubs with shade due to the heat. The Keepers then headed to the cool of the mudbath and only then noticed the absence of Teleki. They suspected that Suguta and her herd of partially dependent orphans had snatched Teleki so went about searching for them, and when they finally caught up who was blissful in their midst but Teleki feeling all grown up. They returned with Teleki as he is still very much milk dependent still. Meanwhile at the mudbath the dependent orphans were joined in the mudbath by two big wild bulls. Teleki, Kanjoro, Mutara, Sites and Bongo participated fully in the wallowing exercise. Garzi rolled in the red dry soil while Bomani busied himself scratching against a nearby acacia tree. Ziwa hung out with a big bull drinking water. In the evening only wild bull Kijana, Tomboi, Sunyei, Galana and Taita showed up at the stockades to check in and have their fill of water from the trough.

Sabachi coming to the stockades

Teleki and Bomani hiding from the mid day sun

August 26th

Twelve wild elephants in the company of Yatta's group reported at the stockade at four o'clock in the morning. Yatta's group consisted of independent orphans Yatta Yetu Napasha Zurura Wendi Madiba Sunyei Kora Ithumbah Nasalot Kinna Sidai Challa Galana Loijuk Rapsu Naserian and Chyulu. At six o'clock in the morning, the juniors were let out and immediately were joined by Yatta's group who relished catching up with the young ones. Orwa opened up the days activities by scratching on the nearby rock and later it was Garzi and Shukuru's turn. Yetu who was feeding close to Mum Yatta turned hostile to sities by pushing her and later pushed Laragai as well for no apparent reason. At seven o'clock in the morning, the wild bulls started leaving after having their fill of water and so paving way for the ex-orphans to drink. The orphans settled to browse at Kanziku area and at ten o'clock in the morning the sun was so hot forcing Shukuru and Orwa to relax under trees in search of shade as they flapped their ears. Laragai and Bomani also relaxed under a tree each with a stick in their mouths for chewing. At mud bath, fifteen wild elephants and Yatta's group all tuned up and were enjoying a cooling mud bath and others taking water as the dependent orphans checked in for their milk and water. For the first time Orwa who rarely steps into mud bath water, was the third to take the plunge after Teleki and Laragai. Later Loijuk and Zurura joined them in mud bathing. Vuria, Ziwa, Bomani, Garzi and Kainuk didn't even think of going near the mud bath but only took water and went to stand under the nearby trees to have a siesta. Later on, the orphans returned back to the browsing field leaving the ex-orphans and wild elephants at the mud bath. The evening was quiet as no elephants wild or ex-orphans showed up at the stockade water trough.

Orwa playing in the soil

Yatta playing with the juniors

August 27th

It was a bright morning as the orphans left the stockade and settled for lucerne. The stockade water trough was clear as not a single wild elephant or ex-orphan showed up that early for water. The orphans At eight o'clock in the morning after the juniors had left for the Kone area, four wild bulls reported for water. They were joined by Suguta and her group but they soon left after drinking water. At mud bath time, it was all quiet with no ex-orphan or wild elephants visiting with only the dependent juniors present. After the babies had their milk, Teleki as usual was the first one to go into mud. Amazingly enough, Vuria, who is not water friendly and has not been participating in wallowing for a long time was the second one to get into the mud for a cool off. Then, Bongo Shukuru, Turkwel and Laragai joined in. When it was time to get out, Vuria, who is not familiar with the mud wallow, used the wrong way and nearly got stuck. Teleki, Bongo, Laragai and Kanjoro had a prolonged wallowing session, but it was Teleki that broke the record as he was the first to get in and he was the last to leave the mud bath. Bomani and Garzi stood back to back soil bathing as Shukuru left the mud bath and also headed for soil dusting. Teleki at one time tried to block Turkwel from getting out of the mud but after a friendly pushing Turkwel managed to get past him. Orwa didn't step into the water today but was busy scratching against the acacia trees. At soil dusting time, Laragai and Kanjoro were the best performers of the day and Orwa was the last one to do his soil bathing. After the soil bathing fun, the orphans returned back deep into the bush to feed. When it was time to return to the stockade, the keepers noticed that two of the orphans were missing; naughty Kanjoro and Bongo had dodged them. Since it was getting late, the group that was ready was escorted to the stockade and then the keepers went back to the bush to trace the missing ones. At six o'clock in the evening, Kanjoro and Bongo were found in Kalovoto still browsing without minding of the time. The keepers took them back to the stockade and ten wild bulls were taking water at the stockade water trough when Kanjoro and Bongo finally checked in for the night.

Teleki running for the mud bath

Orphans playing in the soil

Kainuk scratching

August 28th

Nasalot, Madiba, Buchuma, Ololoo and Lualeni reported at the stockade very early before dawn and just waited outside patiently for the dependent orphans to get out of their stockades. At six o'clock in the morning, the juniors were let out having taken their milk and were immediately joined by the ex-orphans. After feeding on the Lucerne for a while Ziwa started rumbling, calling the others to leave for browsing. In a short while the group responded and joined him at the water trough. Soon after that they all headed off into the bush to feed. Sabachi joined the group briefly then left to an undisclosed location. By ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was hot and Shukuru stopped feeding and started soil bathing as she continuously flapped her ears in an effort to remain cool. At mud bath time, Yatta's group consisting of Napasha, Kinna, Chyulu, Galana, Loijuk, Zurura, Sidai, Tomboi, Challa, Ithumbah, Wendi, Naserian, Sunyei, Kora, Lenana, Yatta, Yetu, Nasalot, Nuchuma and three wild bulls checked in at mud bath as the juniors were taking their milk. Soon after taking their milk the juniors joined the ex-orphans briefly but they didn't mud bath apart from Bongo who could not resist a wallow with the ex-orphans. The other little dependent orphans appear self conscious about romping in the mud with the bigger orphans, and opted to cool off by standing in the shade or dustbathing. Orwa, Kainuk, Shukuru, Laragai enjoyed their soil dusting exercise and were joined by Nasalot. At one o'clock at the stockade, there was drama when a warthog opted to drink water from the water trough that as oppose to the natural water hole. The warthog miscalculated it's steps and ended falling into the water trough. He then tried to get out but could not manage due to the concrete sides. Lucky enough, the drama was spotted by the Keepers and the warthog was helped out and immediately took off into the bushes positively traumatized by his experience! Hopefully he learned a lesson and next time he will drink from the water hole.

Madiba, Kenze, Ololoo & Lualeni feeding together

Oroko plays with Madiba

August 29th

Six wild bulls were at the stockade water trough in the morning as the orphans strolled nonchalantly out from the stockade. Shukuru and Ziwa waited patiently for the bulls to leave the water trough so they too could have a drink. Shortly later the bulls left leaving one behind. As Shukuru moved forward to join the wild bull for a drink, the wild bull started threatening her posturing and then by charging to her. Shukuru backed off only to try again later. When she tried again for the second time the bull remained calm, a signal that it was ok for Shukuru to join him in drinking. When Ziwa and Laragai saw that, they plucked up the courage and went ahead and also joined in drinking water. The orphans spent the morning feeding, scratching on the scratching rocks, and enjoying quiet time as well. At mud bath time Shukuru trunk sucking for ages having taken her milk, and Bongo predictably was the first one in the mud, later with Laragai for company. When Laragai tried to get out of the mud bath he met with fiece resistance from Bongo, who clearly was not ready to loose his bathing partner. Kanjoro, Sities and Teleki went into the mud soon after bongo and Laragai had left. Teleki was the last to leave the mud bath. Mutara led the way back to the browsing fields. While out there the orphans dispersed in all different directions and concentrated on getting enough feeding done before the day ended. In the evening Sabachi came for his milk and spent the night safely inside the stockade.

Sabachi at the stockades for the night

Mutara looking healthy and fit

Shukuru suckling on her trunk

August 30th

Early in the morning 25 wild elephants were outside the stockade waiting for water. At six o'clock in the morning, the orphans were let out and immediately they were joined by a baby, mother and it's sister in feeding of lucerne. Shortly later Suguta and her team arrived and joined the juniors in feeding of lucerne. The wild baby that always plays with the orphans whenever he is around, started his game of pushing which ever orphan came close to him. First it was Kanjoro then Laragai ,Teleki and later Orwa. The baby didn't get enough from the four orphans and then went to push Mutara. Mutara didn't waste time with the baby but knocked it to the ground. The baby that appears to be very strong headed didn't learn any lesson from Mutara and immediately but opted to try Makireti not knowing that she is another potentially grumpy prospect. The baby was pushed hard again. Finally it was Murka who knocked the baby down once he came pushing her. Finally the baby decided to quit after being pushed down three times and went to drink water with the big wild bulls. Amazingly the family did not react, probably understanding that their spoilt child needed some discipline and it was a good lesson being delivered! Kamboyo,who accompanies Suguta’s team had a lovely time of enjoying a pushing game with a wild boy. The orphans settled at Kone area for browsing. Vuria took some time off from feeding to scratch on the near by rocks. At mud bath time the weather was chilly and the orphans didn't participate in wallowing. Yatta and Mulika groups in the company of several wild bulls reported at mud bath simply to drink water. Ziwa and Bomani opted to browse at mud bath while Teleki and Narok tested their strength through pushing as Bongo and Sities did soil dusting. Later,the orphans returned back to browsing where they browsed throughout without any major observation. In the evening as usual Sabachi came for his milk and spent the night in the stockade.

Mutara pushing the wild baby down

Makireti warning of the wild baby

Murka pushing the wild baby down

August 31st

Kibo, Kalama and Chaimu from Suguta’s group joined the dependent orphans in the morning and shared the Lucerne with them. Sabachi headed straight to the bush soon after leaving the stockade in search of the rest of his group as has been the routine recently. It seems that his condition is improving as a result. Later the orphans headed to the water trough for drinking and then off into the bush to get down to the serious business of feeding. While out in the bush Teleki tried hard to push down a tree but he was not strong enough in the end. It was a cool day so not ideal for wallowing but Laragai, Vuria, Chaimu, Kibo and Teleki and Bongo participated. Garzi spent his time rolling on the ground as he did his favorite soil bathing. After mud bath all the orphans participated in the soil dusting exercise. In the evening, Suguta and her group came to collect their friends Kalama, Kibo and Chaimu who had spent the entire day with the juniors.

Kibo browsing

Curious Bomani

Kalama scratching

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