Ithumba Reintegration Unit

August 2013

Daily updates

August 2013








August 1st

As the Juniors were taking their morning Lucerne supplement, Rafiki and his male entourage visited the Stockade trough for water. It was a cool day, so none of the orphans opted to wallow at noon.

Rafiki with his friends


August 2nd

The Ex Orphans came early to the Stockade with 20 wild friends. Mulika and Challa, who had arrowheads removed a few days ago, were ushered into one of the Stockades for their extra Dairy Cubes before joining the others at the water trough. Once out in the field, a few of the Ex Orphans turned up to mingle with the Juniors and managed to snatch Kanjoro, Murka, Makireti, Kandecha, Sities, Kainuk, Kilaguni and Kilabasi, all of whom missed both the noon mudbath and milk. Meanwhile Lualeni remained with the rest of the Juniors, escorting them to the mudbath where they were joined by some wild bulls. Kasigau and Ololoo were engaged in a Pushing Bout which came to an abrupt end when a wild bull approached them!. The snatched Juniors rejoined the others out in the bush at 2 p.m. and that evening Lualeni escorted them all back to their Night Stockades.

Ololoo and Kasigau pushing

Lualeni feeding with the juniors

August 3rd

15 wild elephants came to the stockade compound for water this morning followed a short while later by the Ex Orphans who joined the Juniors at the Lucerne pile. Lualeni remained behind with the Juniors when the others left, escorting them to browse the Kone area. Since it was a cool day, none of the elephants wallowed. Lualeni escorted them back to the browsing area, and led them home in the evening.

Wild elephants drinking at the stockades

Lualeni with the juniors

August 4th

Four wild elephants came to drink at the Stockade trough this morning, and Lualeni returned to join the Juniors at their Lucerne pile. At the noon mudbath 12 big wild Bulls joined the Juniors. Later Ololoo, Kasigau, Tumaren and Lualeni decided to wallow while the others opted to watch. Meanwhile, the Ex Orphans accompanied by 14 wild elephants came to the Stockades where Mulika and Challa enjoyed their cubes. It was noticed that Mulika’s belly had developed a large swelling, obviously caused by toxins from the poisoned arrow that wounded her last month and which had to be removed by the KWS Vet attached to the Trust’s Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit.

Mulika an Mwende enjoying their cubes

Ololoo and Tumaren at the mudbath

Shukuru looks on

August 5th

3 wild elephants were at the Stockades for water this morning when the Juniors were taking their Lucerne. After the Juniors had left, the Ex Orphans showed up. At mudbath time the Juniors were joined by Half Trunk and 5 other wild Bulls. Ololoo and Kasigau were the only ones to wallow today. In the evening a wild herd with a small calf came to drink at the Stockade water trough.

Ex Orphans at the stockade


August 6th

The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors at the Stockade this morning and shared the Lucerne handout. At mudbath 3 wild Bulls joined the Juniors, sharing the water trough, after which Kasigau, Ololoo, Makireti, Chaimu, Tumaren, Suguta and Kandecha wallowed, watched by the others. Soon the 3 wild Bulls entered the wallow, prompting the Juniors to leave, since the wallow was too small to accommodate them all.

Ex orphans and orphans feeding on lucerne


August 7th

It was a busy morning at the compound this morning, as 30 wild Elephants came to drink,, amongst whom were 2 females and their babies. One of the females was tuskless, as was her calf aged about 4 years. The Ex Orphans then turned up, and joined all the Juniors at the Lucerne. Once out in the field the Juniors were joined by Lualeni, who spent the entire day with them. The mudbath was quiet and hot, no wild elephants having showed up. In the evening the Big Bull named “Mshale” came to drink accompanied by “Rafiki” and 14 others.

Mshale and other wild elephants

Tuskless female

August 8th

At first light the wild bull named “Pembe Moja” (one tusk) was amongst other wild Bulls waiting for the water trough to be refilled. Pembe Moja was limping, and a closer look revealed a poisoned arrow sticking out of his thigh. The wild elephants were then joined by the Ex Orphans, and all left together having had water. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by Yatta’s wild attachment named “Kijana” and Ex Orphan bulls Madiba, Rapsu, Kenze and Buchuma as well as Lualeni, Loijuk, Naserian, and four other wild friends. Since it was a warm day all enjoyed a mudbath and all then spent the afternoon browsing with the Juniors until it was time for the Juniors to return in the evening, as usual escorted back by Lualeni, who remained with them.

Pembe Moja's arrow



August 9th

The Ex Orphans and a few wild friends joined the Juniors at the Compound this morning, and after taking Lucerne, all headed out together to browse until it was time for the mudbath at noon. Having wallowed the Ex Orphans and their wild friends parted from the Juniors.

Ex orphans and wild elephants at the mudbath

Olare soil bathing

August 10th

The KWS Vet attached to the KWS/DSWT Mobile Veterinary Unit was waiting at the Stockades when “Rafiki” along with l0 other wild Bulls came to drink at the Stockades. At around 11 a.m. “Pembe Moja” accompanied by “Kijana” and Ex Orphan bulls Orok, Zurura, Kamboyo, Kora, Buchuma, Madiba and Rapsu turned up. “Pembe Moja” was darted and the poisoned arrow removed from his thigh. At the noon mudbath l0 wild elephants joined the Juniors and in the evening another wild Bull came to the Stockade, limping, accompanied by 12 others. The wounded bull had a swelling behind his knee which was obviously an arrow wound. He was darted, and ran about a km. before succumbing to the immobilizing drug. The Vet removed a poisoned arrow from his knee, and revived him having treated the wound and as usual administered a long-acting antibiotic injection.

Pembe Moja's treatment

Mwende and Rapsu

August 11th

“Mshale” and 4 wild Bulls came to the Stockade for water in the morning after which “ Pembe Moja” and a Junior wild boy joined the Dependent Orphans at their Lucerne, and later accompanied them out to the field to browse, coming with them to the noon mudbath. There they were joined by 4 more wild elephants, amongst whom was the wild Bull named “Half Trunk”. Later in the evening “Rafiki” and the father of Mulika’s calf, Mwende, were amongst 6 other wild Bulls that came to the stockade compound.

Pembe moja with the juniors

Rafiki and friends at the water hole

August 12th

Out in the field the Juniors were joined by Kijana (Yatta’s wild attachment) as well as Ex Orphan Bulls Buchuma, Rapsu, Kora, and “Pembe Moja” who were with 3 other wild elephants. At the noon mudbath the Juniors were joined by 11 other wild Bulls amongst whom was “Half Trunk”. The Juniors left the wild elephants at the wallow when they returned to the browsing field.


Pembe moja

August 13th

Yatta’s and Mulika’s group of Ex Orphans came to the Stockades early before dawn, having been absent for almost 3 days. All were extremely hollow, stressed and thirsty, obviously having been without water for so long. It was noticed that Galana had an arrow wound on the left side of her stomach - the third Ex Orphan to be recently arrowed by Poachers, Mulika and Challa having been hit last month. Last year we lost Ex Orphan Selengai to Poachers, who never managed to make it back to the stockades in time for help. All these young elephants have only very small ivory so it is only a heartless and wicked human who could even think of trying to kill them, probably simply out of spire. May the curse of these innocents follow the perpetrators of this heinous crime to the bitter end! At 11 a.m. the KWS Vet attached to our Mobile Unit arrived and to remove the arrow from Galana’s side and treat the wound, after which he immobilized Mulika in order to lance the swelling beneath her stomach. Gallons of pus poured out and a large piece of dead flesh removed, after which the wound was washed and packed with green clay. Whilst the Vet was attending Mulika, all the other female Ex Orphan were extremely concerned wanting to come and lift her back to her feet, but the Keepers kept them at bay. Instead they obeyed the command of their Keepers, milling around nearby, while Yatta escorted little Mwende away from her recumbent mother. Once Mulika was up again, she was warmly embraced by all the others, who left with her in their midst. Now it was the turn of the Big Bull “Mshale” who had been at the mudbath earlier with a suspicious looking fresh wound behind the ear. Having been darted, he ran off some distance before falling near the road leading to the Ithumba Camp, where he, too, was treated and revived, the arrow having apparently bounced off rather than penetrating the flesh. (This was the third time that “Mshale” had been immobilized to have poisoned arrows removed from his body. That evening none of the Ex Orphans returned to the Stockades and no wild elephants came either.

Treating Galana

Treating Mulaika

August 14th

It was another quiet day, with no visit from either the Ex Orphans or the wild Elephants. The Juniors browsed calmly up until mudbath time, and returned to feed during the afternoon before returning for the night.

Orphans feeding on lucerne


August 15th

Early in the morning Mulika and her baby Mwende returned to the Stockade accompanied by Nasalot, Lualeni, Wendi, Kinna, Sunyei, Naserian, Loijuk, Lenana, Sidai, Ithumbah, and Chyulu and Ex Orphan bulls Kenze, Zurura, Buchuma, Orok, Madiba, Taita, and Big Boy Napasha, all of whom shared the Juniors’ Lucerne. Mulika and Mwende were busy taking their cubes when the Big Bull who fathered both Mwende and Yetu came with l0 other wild Bulls to drink from the Stockade trough. The same group showed up again at the mudbath, after which Lualeni joined the Juniors for the rest of the day. In the evening only Ex Orphan Madiba and Zurura came to the Stockades where they joined Lualeni who had just checked in the Juniors. They left with her once the Juniors were all in for the night.

Mulika and Mwende



August 16th

The Ex Orphans with “Kijana” “Mgeni” and 8 other wild Elephants in tow came early to Stockades to join the Juniors at the Lucerne. When the Ex Orphans left, Kora and Lualeni remained and spent the entire day with the Juniors, escorting them back in the evening.



August 17th

It was a quiet morning, with no Ex Orphans showing up today, and only a few wild Elephants coming to drink throughout the day. The Juniors browsed the Kanziku area until mudbath time, but it was too cool for a wallow.

Orphans join the wild elephants to drink


August 18th

The Ex Orphans accompanied by 22 wild elephants came to the Stockades in the morning, after the Juniors had left to browse the Kone area. They were back again in the evening with 4 wild friends.

Ex orphans and wild elephants

four wild elephants

August 19th

Three Wild dogs came to drink at the Stockades early this morning. Wild elephants drifted in throughout the day for water and at the mudbath the Juniors were joined by another wild herd.

Wild dogs

Wild elephant joins the mudbath

August 20th

Again, throughout the day wild elephants came to drink at the Stockades. The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors for Lucerne and left along with the Juniors to browse the Kone area. More wild elephants came to join the Orphaned herd at the mudbath, and having taken a dustbath after the wallow, the Juniors headed out once again, leaving the Ex Orphans and their wild friends at the mudbath venue.

Orphans soil dusting

Sities dust bathing

August 21st

A Junior wild bull joined the Orphans at the water trough this morning, and enjoyed drinking together with them. After the Orphans left for the field, more and more wild elephants continued trickling in for water. At the mudbath the Juniors were joined by 4 wild Bulls, who wallowed in with them and in the evening a wild herd with a small baby showed up at the Stockade for water.

Wild elephant and baby

Wild herd coming for a drink

August 22nd

The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors for the Lucerne handout, and remained at the compound after the Juniors had left. Today, unusually, the Juniors had the mudbath all to themselves since no wild Elephants showed up.

Ex orphans join the juniors



August 23rd

The Ex Orphans and their wild friends joined the Juniors at the Stockade compound. The Juniors then left for the Kone area but the Ex Orphans joined them again at the mudbath venue. At around 4 p.m. Kalama and Kanjoro had a strength testing bout which only lasted a few minutes before Kanjoro surrendered.

Kalama and Kanjoro pushing

Kanjoro playing


August 24th

It was a quiet morning as no wild elephants came to the Stockades, so the Juniors had it all to themselves, as they did at the mudbath also. However, at noon Ex Orphan Bulls Buchuma, Orok, Kora, Madiba, Kamboyo, Challa, Tomboi, Kenze, Zurura, Taita, Napasha and “attachment” Kijana along with Ex Orphan females Loijuk, Lualeni Kinna, Yatta, Nasalot, Ithumbah, Mulika, Makena, Galana, Naserian, Lenana, Sunyei, Chyulu and Wendi came to the compound for water. Later, in the evening, Big Bull “Mshale” with 9 Big wild friends turned up to drink.




August 25th

The Ex Orphans joined the Juniors for the Lucerne in the morning, after which “Mshale” with 35 wild Elephants checked in to drink, all taking it in turns at the trough to quench their thirst. Later, Naserian joined the Juniors and remained with them for the entire day. All participated fully in the mudbath because it was a hot day.

Naserian with the juniors

Melia at the mudbath

Mutara at the mudbath

August 26th

21 wild Elephants were at the Stockade to drink this morning. Once out at the browsing field the Juniors were joined by Mulika and Yatta’s Ex Orphans who browsed alongside them until mudbath time where they were all joined by “Pembe Moja” and his smaller friend. All enjoyed a joint dustbath before the Ex Orphans and Pembe Moja’s group separated from the Juniors, but they met up with them again at 4 p.m. in the evening as the Juniors were on their way back home. Kibo led the Juniors back but missing were Suguta, Chemi Chemi, Melia and Sabachi. 25 wild elephants came to the Stockades for water in the evening, and at 7 p.m. the missing 4 Juniors turned up, safe and sound.

Kibo leading the way

Chemi Chemi


August 27th

Shortly after the Juniors had left for browsing the Ex Orphans and 6 wild friends came to the Stockades followed later by “Rafiki” and his 3 wild friends. All the Juniors enjoyed the mudbath today before returning to browse in the afternoon, and returning to base in the evening.

Rafiki and his friends


Muddy Kilabasi

August 28th

Sidai, Madiba, Meibai, Challa, Galana, Kamboyo, “Pembe Moja”, Tomboi, Lualeni, Loijuk, Rapsu, Buchuma, Mgeni, Wendi, Taita, Kora, Zurura, Napasha and 5 wild elephants joined the Juniors at their noon mudbath. Afterwards the Juniors headed to the Kalovoto area to browse for the rest of the afternoon, Lualeni opting to join them for the remainder of the day. In the evening Mulika, Yatta, their respective babies ad the rest of the Ex Orphans reported to the Stockade. Also present were “Kijana”, Big Bull “Mshale” and 15 other wild elephants.


Tomboi and a wild dog

August 29th

Three wild dogs came again to drink at the Stockade trough today. The Juniors were joined by the Ex Orphans and 15 wild friends at their mudbath, but only the wild elephants wallowed, the Orphans only taking water. Kalama engaged Kasigau in a brief Pushing Game that didn’t last long after which she challenged Kanjoro, who soon surrendered, while Ololoo had a go at mounting onto Kilabasi.

Kanjoro pushes with Kalama

Kalama and Kasigau play

Wild dogs

August 30th

“Rafiki” plus 3 other wild Elephants came early to the Stockades, departing again having taken water. The orphans enjoyed their Lucerne uninterrupted by any others today, Kalama then leading the group out to browse. Since the weather was not conducive to a wallow, the Juniors just enjoyed a dustbath before returning back to browse. In the evening Mulika, Sidai, Ithumbah, Galana, Makena, Yatta, Nasalot, Kinna, Wendi, Lenana, Sunyei, Chyulu, Challa, Naserian, Kenze and Zurura came with Big Bull “Mshale” and “Pembe Moja” as well as 38 other wild elephants for a drink at the Stockades.



Yatta with the juniors

August 31st

22 Wild elephants were at the Stockades in the morning, joined by the Ex Orphans. The Juniors settled at Kone to browse up until mudbath time. It was too cool to wallow, so Kilaguni and Sabachi settled into a Pushing Match. In the evening the Ex Orphans came to the Stockades to drink, and later left to an undisclosed location.


Kilaguni drinks with the wild elephants

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