August 1st
All the orphans left the Night Stockades together. Kinna had a tussle with Mukwaju over the milk at noon, but all then enjoyed a wonderful wallow, where Kinna watched over Maungu in a very motherly manner. Natumi's group and Emily's family spent 3 hours together intermingling with each other, and then left at 10 a.m., joining the youngsters again at noon for a drink of water from the drums and a dustbath. (It was too cold for a mudbath today.) Later they all joined a group of wild elephants with whom they spent an hour. Imenti found a wild friend to play with and was later Emily joined the game.
August 2nd
The weather was cold, so there was no mudbath today. Mukwaju was scared by a dikdik who ran past him and rushed to the Keepers for protection. At milk time Kinna again had a tussle with Mukwaju trying to get some of his share. In the evening Kinna, Mukwaju and Yatta scattered the Copra rations whilst Nyiro was trying to feed. Emily's and Natumi's groups spent the morning together, separating at noon. Later Emily had fun chasing a giraffe. She and her group rejoined the youngsters in the late afternoon when Salama and Laikipia had a great game before returning to the Stockades. They were joined by Dika, who received a very warm welcome from all, and who accompanied them back to the Stockades.
August 3rd
At l0 a.m. Yatta charged the tractor when it delivered water for the mudbath backed up by Mukwaju, both trumpeting and "yanking" their trunks. Nyiro and Mukwaju had a great game in the mudbath. Natumi's and Emily's groups also enjoyed their mudbath. Later Icholta and Salama pretended to be independent, feeding far from the others for a while. Emily and Imenti had their usual pushing game in the afternoon, which was won by Emily, and after which both rushed around the bushes, surprising each other when they met and breaking branches. Ndume came to the Stockades in the evening with an arrow imbedded in his trunk.
August 4th
We alerted Nairobi about Ndume, but were unable to trace him all day, so the Vet could not be flown in.
The baby group, excepting Maungu, indulged in the bush game, rounding bushes, scaring each other when they met and pretending to charge imaginary enemies. In the afternoon Kinna mothered Maungu, keeping close to her and resting her trunk on her back as does a mother elephant. At 4 p.m. Mukwaju and Nyiro played. Natumi's and Emily's groups remained together all day. Salama and Laikipia enjoyed a game that lasted 30 minutes and were joined by Lolokwe.
August 5th
Mukwaju charged the water bowser again, trumpeting. At the milk feed, Kinna gulped down her share and then tried to hijack Yatta's. In the evening, Mukwaju and Nyiro had a rough pushing game. Emily's and Natumi's groups left together as usual and were startled by some fighting impala, whom Emily and Imenti chased away. Later Icholta and Tsavo enjoyed a game whilst Edie and Salama also played together. At 2.30 Emily's group left Natumi's. but joined them again later.
Meanwhile we sighted Ndume with a group of wild bulls at the Voi Safari Lodge waterhole, so we phoned Nairobi who flew down a Vet. The Vet and the Keepers followed Ndume for nearly 5 hours, during which time the Vet repeatedly fired tranquilizing darts into him, but they did not take effect and he would not go down. Eventually, because the Vet had to return to Nairobi, we had to abandon the exercise without success.
August 6th
Ndume came to the stockade at 4 a.m. and was enticed into the fenced compound to be available for another Vet, who arrived by air later in the morning. This time the tranquilizing dart took effect, and Ndume went down after a few minutes. The Vet cut the arrow out from his trunk, cleaned the wound and administered anti-biotic injection. Ndume had fallen in an awkward position in a depression, and after being revived, had difficulty in getting up. We placed a rope around his head and helped him by pulling from one side and pushing from the other. The Vet then returned to Nairobi, but we kept Ndume under observation within the fence so that we could ensure he would be alright. (The arrow had been poisoned).
Meanwhile Nyiro and Mukwaju had their usual game, and in the evening another that developed into quite a battle which Nyiro won. During the morning Emily's group spent time with a wild herd and both Emily and Imenti enjoyed playing with age-mates. They joined Natumi's group at the mudbath, when Icholta again enjoyed playing with Tsavo. Later Imenti chased away a buffalo, trumpeting loudly and was reinforced by Emily. Both then indulged in the bush-bashing game.
August 7th
Early in the morning Kinna and Nyiro began a pushing game that brought Mukwaju along to back up Kinna. Things changed suddenly when Kinna challenged Mukwaju to fight which in turn brought Yatta along to help Kinna, both managing to drive Mukwaju away. Emily's and Natumi's groups left together as usual. At 9 a.m. Emily and Imenti began to play, encouraging Icholta and Salama to do likewise. During mudbath Imenti lay down so that Natumi and Edie could climb all over him. Later he chased a lesser kudu for a long distance, trumpeting loudly all the while.
Ndume spent the day inside the perimeter fence. The wound seemed very O.K. In the afternoon Lewa and Edo turned up at the Stockade and later Edo played with Imenti for 10 minutes.
August 8th
Again Mukwaju gave chase to the water-bowser. The day was humid so all enjoyed the mud during which Yatta and Mukwaju had a game, which Yatta won. On the way to the mudbath to join Natumi's group, Emily chased a buffalo away, trumpeting and breaking small trees. Two wild groups past close by and were joined by Aitong who remained with them for 30 minutes. At mudbath Icholta played with Lolokwe and Salama with Laikipia and in the evening Edo turned up, and had another game with Imenti. Ndume spent another day feeding within the fenced area and seems to be fine.
August 9th
Ndume was allowed out of the fenced perimeter this morning.
The baby group spent the day as usual, Yatta playing with Kinna and at milk time Kinna trying to hijack Mukwaju's share. After mudbath all except Maungu who watched with ears out, chased away a waterbuck which passed by. Emily's and Natumi's groups were together until 10 a.m. when Emily left, returning to join the others at the mudbath when Tsavo played with Lolokwe. Natumi and Ilingwezi together chased a warthog at the mudwallow, keeping close to one another. Edo and Lewa turned up at the Stockades at 3 p.m. and Ndume arrived at 6 p.m.
August 10th
Nyiro repeatedly came to suck a Keeper's thumb during the morning, whilst Nyiro and Mukwaju wrestled each other until they heard the tractor coming. Emily's group and Natumi's spent part of the morning together before Emily took her group away when Imenti latched on to a wild group, returning to join the others at the mudbath. Returning to the Stockades in the evening, Mweiga lagged behind, and Aitong went to get her. Edo, Lewa and Ndume arrived at the Stockades at 5 p.m.
August 11th
Kinna was very motherly to Maungu today. When the tractor brought Maungu's 10 a.m. feed, Mukwaju popped out from behind the bushes to give chase, backed up by Yatta, Nyiro and Kinna whilst Maungu ran and hid. During the mudbath Kinna and Nyiro began to play and were joined by Mukwaju. Meanwhile Emily left Natumi's group at 9 a.m. but turned up for the mudbath. After the mudbath something scared the youngsters who ran to the Keepers for protection. Tsavo and Icholta enjoyed a game at 4 p.m. which was interrupted by Edie who walked in between. At the Stockades Laikipia played with Salama causing a dustcloud.
August 12th
The babies played hide and seek around the bushes all morning, but did not wallow because it was too cold. Nyiro shoved Mukwaju after the evening milk, which prompted a battle. Natumi's and Emily's groups left together as usual, later separating, but joining up again at mudbath. Mweiga played with a bush pushing the branches and was joined by Tsavo who twisted his trunk around a branch and pushed it with his head. Edo and Lewa came to the Stockades at 4 p.m.
August 13th
At 9.30 a.m. Nyiro and Yatta began a game which was interrupted by Mukwaju who replaced Yatta in the tussle. In her excitement Yatta pushed Maungu too hard, knocking her down, and making her cry and run to the Keepers. Emily left Natumi's group at 9 a.m. but returned for the mudbath when Edie, Salama, Ilingwezi and Icholta lay down in the mud and Laikipia sat on Imenti, rubbing his behind. The orphans rested under shade afterwards because it was hot, when Tsavo buried his head in Emily's breasts as if to suckle.
August 14th
Nyiro and Mukwaju indulged in their usual pushing game, which neither won. Emily left Natumi's group at 10 a.m. and joined a wild group a little later. Imenti played with a wild age-mate. Emily returned to join Natumi's group for the mudbath. In the evening Edo was at the Stockades, arriving at 4 p.m.
August 15th
The babies fed in a dense thicket this morning. Nyiro kept popping out just to ensure they were not alone. Just before mudbath Kinna and Mukwaju started playing, and Mukwaju found himself caught around the girth and shoved against a shrub which made him cry for the Keepers' intervention. Emily began to leave Natumi's group after the mudbath, but Natumi's group followed when Icholta stumbled and fell down. Aitong rushed to lift her up. Thereafter she kept close to Edie, and seemed to have a tummy ache, but after an hour this passed, and she was feeding normally. At 4 p.m. Natumi and Edie had a mock battle. On the way back in the evening Loisaba chased a warthog away and Imenti played with Aitong while Tsavo rubbed against Emily's foot.
August 16th
the babies enjoyed the mud today when Mukwaju jumped on Nyiro, Maungu rubbed herself against the mudbath wall and Kinna played with Nyiro. Emily joined a wild herd at 9 a.m., showing great excitement, and played with an age-mate. Salama and Laikipia also interacted with them for about half an hour, then our orphans returned to join the others. Loisaba and Laikipia lay side by side resting on their sides after mudbath.
August 17th
It was a hot day, so the babies had a great time in the mudbath, Nyiro rolling in the mud whilst Kinna sprayed muddy water on Maungu. Emily's group left Natumi's heading towards the back of the hill where they joined a wild group and Emily played with an age-mate. Meanwhile Imenti kicked the bushes. They returned to join Natumi's group at the mudbath when Emily lay down so that Tsavo could climb right over her from one side to the other. Mweiga had difficulty in getting up, so Aitong came to the rescue and Salama and Laikipia had a squatting down game in the mud.
August 18th
The babies were alarmed by a waterbuck which set Kinna, Nyiro and Mukwaju off kicking the bushes. They had a fantastic mudbath with Nyiro rolling over Mukwaju and Maungu climbing on a recumbent Kinna. The older orphans left the Stockades together and met a wild group soon after, with whom they spent time. Ndume, Dika and Edo turned up at the mudbath, which they shared with the youngsters, and remained with them until 1 p.m. Natumi, Salama and Edie were most active in the mud.
August 19th
It was a humid day, so the babies enjoyed the mudbath, Maungu active like the others. At 3 p.m. Nyiro and Mukwaju took centre stage, exercising their maleness, a tussle which was won by Mukwaju. Emily's and Natumi's groups met with a wild herd at 7 a.m. with whom they spent 2 hours. Laikipia, Salama and Icholta intermingled with the wild elephants, but Natumi, Ilingwezi and Lolokwe stayed apart. They then parted and joined another wild group as they were approaching the mudbath at 11.05 a.m. but did not remain long. Edo came to the Stockades at 5 p.m.
August 20th
The babies had a playful morning, Maungu chasing the butterflies. Natumi's and Emily's groups left as usual together, but Emily's group separated to join a wild herd where both Emily and Aitong interacted with the wild elephants. They left to meet up with Natumi's group for the mudbath and all had a fantastic time, Laikipia and Lolokwe rolling around together.
August 21st
The babies were started by some waterbuck, after which Kinna, Nyiro and Mukwaju chased them away with ears out, reinforced later by Yatta and Maungu. They enjoyed the mudbath. Yatta rolled over Mukwaju and all were very active. Emily's group separated from Natumi's to join a wild herd at 9 a.m. Emily played with a wild male her size, who was trying to mount her, whilst Loisaba, Mweiga and Tsavo looked on. Emily rejoined Natumi's group for the mudbath, then took a rest, but returned to the mud at 1.30 p.m. because it was so hot.
August 22nd
The babies spent the morning as usual, Yatta playing a bush-kicking game whilst Nyiro and Mukwaju enjoyed a tussle. At l0 a.m. Edo joined the larger orphans and spent the morning with them, leaving in the early afternoon to return to the Stockades.
August 23rd
The babies spent the morning as usual, with Kinna begging for more than her share of milk, and the others demonstrating when the tractor turned up. During the mudbath Tsavo was pushed down by Salama, so Aitong came to the rescue. At 3 p.m. Imenti left our orphans to join a wild group who turned up at the mudbath, but returned after 30 minutes.
August 24th
Nyiro and Mukwaju began their pushing game at 9 a.m. Mukwaju lost the battle, but they resumed play after mudbath, when Yatta came between them to restore order. Tsavo played with Salama at 7.20 a.m. Today the older orphans enjoyed two mudbaths because it was hot and in the afternoon Emily, joined by Loisaba, chased an ostrich backed up by Imenti.
August 25th
Just after 8 a.m. Nyiro and Yatta chased two baboons. Emily separated from Natumi's group at 9 a.m. taking Icholta and Natumi along with them for a while, but these two returned to join their age-mates. At mudbath Imenti had fun rolling the drums around whilst Salama and Laikipia tussled, raising a dustcloud. In the evening Laikipia, Salama, Lolokwe and Icholta came ahead of the others to the Stockades, leaving Natumi, Edie and Ilingwezi to come with Emily who was held up by Mweiga lagging behind.
August 26th
the babies spent the morning as usual, indulging in the water bowser chase. At 10 a.m. Nyiro pushed Maungu and Kinna came to the rescue, shoving Nyiro roughly, after which she remained close to Maungu to comfort her. In the older group Salama played with Ilingwezi and during mudbath, with Imenti, who was very tolerant, allowing Salama to win. In the afternoon Emily and Imenti enjoyed their usual game.
August 27th
This morning Mukwaju and Nyiro had a wonderful play session of pushing. Kinna threw mud over Maungu during the mudbath. Emily's group spent the morning with Natumi's, meeting up with some wild elephants at 9.30 a.m. Emily and Aitong interacted, but the youngsters kept close to the Keepers. Natumi was frightened by something at l0 a.m. and rushed to the Keepers, something that drew Aitong's attention. During mudbath Lolokwe had difficulty in getting up so Aitong lifted him. Edo came to the Stockades at 2.30 p.m.
August 28th
The babies wallowed at 11.30 a.m. and then began to play. Kinna and Mukwaju had the usual disagreement over the milk. At 4.45 p.m. Mukwaju tried to persuade the others to return to the Stockades. Emily and the youngsters left with Edo in tow today. Imenti and Edo played for a long time. The orphans wallowed for a long time until they heard the milk tractor. Lolokwe gulped his share quickly and then tried to get that of Salama, which made Salama furious. He shoved Lolokwe hard, who ran away screaming. Ndume, and Lewa came back to the Stockades at 2 p.m. along with Lissa and her family. Lewa had a bleeding wound on the side of his back. Imenti left with Ndume and the others in the evening.
August 29th
There was the usual milk wrangle when Kinna tried to take Maungu's share, something the Keepers would not allow. Makwaju and Nyiro charged the tractor as it left. The older orphans spent the day with Edo, Lewa and Uaso. Lewa stayed very close to Edo all day. Aitong was very concerned by Lewa's wound, and kept touching it with her trunk. Imenti was not present today, having left with Ndume the previous evening. At 10 a.m. Emily played with Uaso, and then led the orphans to the mudbath where they wallowed at 11.30 a.m., joined by Dika. Edie rubbed against Uaso whilst Icholta rubbed against the mudwallow wall. At 3.30 p.m. Edo, Lewa and Uaso left the others, heading back towards the Stockades.
August 30th
Kinna was very motherly towards Maungu, resting her trunk on Maungu's back as they walked, whilst Nyiro and Mukwaju swung their heads from side to side, (a sign of happiness) turning every now and then to face and push each other. After the noon milk, Nyiro and Kinna gave chase to a dwarf mongoose losing sight of it in the bushes, which they then began bashing. Amongst the older set, Salama tried to climb on Lolokwe. They had a wonderful mudbath with Emily's group when Tsavo played with Lolokwe. Laikipia tried a new trick, circling round the back of the milk tractor to approach it from the opposite side to where the others were waiting for their bottles and managing to intercept the Keeper before he could reach the others! Hence he got his bottle first. In the afternoon Kinna wanted to take a nap, but Aitong kept trying to wake her and lift her up with a foot.
Meanwhile, we heard that Imenti was with Ndume beyond the boundary of the Park. He was chased back by the Rangers at 3 p.m. and arrived very scared, wanting to take refuge in the Stockades. By the evening he had settled down and enjoyed a game with Uaso.
August 31st
The babies had a pleasurable day, Nyiro trying to topple the water drums and Yatta and Maungu wallowing together. Amongst the older set Laikipia and Salama had their usual game in the morning. Icholta and Lolokwe played briefly at mudbath whilst Laikipia climbed over Aitong who lay down in the mud. Edo, Lewa and Uaso spent the day with Emily's group. They left to return back to the Stockades early at 2,45 p.m. and we could see that Lewa's wound was turning sceptic oozing watery liquid. Meanwhile Aitong and Imenti joined a wild group with whom they spent 20 minutes. We alerted Nairobi to the deterioration in Lewa's wound, and Mr. Kasiki E-mailed a picture so that Mrs. Sheldrick could see it, before sending a Vet down by charter plane.