Voi Reintegration Unit

April 2009

Daily updates

April 2009








April 1st

Having emerged from their Night Stockades, Shimba, Mzima, Wasessa and Siria had fun indulging in Stockade games after a drink at the Stockade trough. They then went to browse at the foot of the Southern side of Mazinga Hill, where they enjoyed chasing baboons who were within sight of them. During one chase Siria’s front leg became entangled in some grass, causing him to fall, so the chasing came to an abrupt end. They returned in the evening after a good days browsing.

Siria browsing

April 2nd

Today after their morning milk feed, the four orphans headed out into the main Park, there to feed close to their Keepers until it was time for their noon milk feed and a mudbath. Wasessa enjoyed rolling with Siria in the waterhole, while Mzima wallowed at the far end. Shimba, who is not overly keen on water, merely splashed water over himself to cool his body. Later they moved slowly towards the Stockade, feeding as they went.

The orphans having a mudbath

April 3rd

It was a cool morning, that warmed up as the day progressed. At noon the orphans had fun at the waterhole, running in and out of the water trumpeting and charging around, which attracted a warthog, who peered round a bush to see what all the excitement was about. After the afternoon feeding session, Wasessa led the orphans back home for the night.

Mzima playing in the mudbath

April 4th

Out in the bush the orphans initiated a game of Hide and Seek, begun by Siria who went in search of Wasessa. Mzima and Shimba then joined in, and they all enjoyed fun together. They had a wonderful mudwallow followed by a soil dusting session later and a rest under shade before the afternoon feeding session and their return to the Stockades for the night.

The orphans soil bathing after a mudbath

April 5th

Light rain fell during the morning, which left the orphans very happy. As it was a cool day, they decided not to go into the waterhole at noon, but after taking milk, merely resumed feeding until it was time to head back home.

Mzima having his milk

April 6th

Another cool day, so the orphans fed happily, took their milk at noon, and rather than a mudbath, instead opted for a soil dusting session. The day remained cool during the afternoon for them to resume browsing.

Mzima browsing

April 7th

Wasessa led the others out to the feeding area today around Mazinga Hill. Wasessa and Siria displayed their independence, feeding some way from the Keepers, but Shimba and Mzima remained close by. The day turned very hot, so the orphans enjoyed their mudbath at the waterhole, and sheltered under shade until temperatures dropped, when they resumed feeding until evening.


April 8th

The orphans headed out to feed during a very warm day, and hurried to the waterhole for a drink from the drums and their milk at noon. They all enjoyed fun in the waterhole until it was time to concentrate on feeding again in the afternoon.

The orphans drinking

April 9th

The orphans all enjoyed chasing the baboons who arrived at the Stockade early from Mazinga Hill and who had to retreat under the electric wire to the Staff houses. The orphans then headed out to feed, until it was time for the mudbath, when all enjoyed amazing games in the water. They moved out to feed again during the afternoon, heading back slowly to their Night Stockades.

Mzima & Syria playing in water

April 10th

The orphans headed down the hill to the main Park to feed, walking in single file in a very orderly manner, led by Wasessa. After fun at the mudbath, and their noon and afternoon milk, they fed again until it was time to return in the evening.

Wassesa scratching after the mudbath

April 11th

The morning was spent quietly feeding. However, at the mudbath the silence was broken by Wasessa, Siria and Mzima who rushed into the waterhole, trumpeting with excitement. Shimba, who is not fond of bathing, opted for a soil bath instead. In the evening Shimba took to his heels to be first at the Milk Bar back at the Stockades.

Shimba & Wasessa

April 12th

The orphans enjoyed running games as they headed out this morning, until they suddenly realized that their Keepers were left far behind. They turned tail instantly and rushed back! Mzima was the star mud-bather today, leaving the others feeding nearby. He joined them after about l0 minutes and all fed calmly for the remainder of the day.

Mzima in the mudbath

April 13th

After the usual Stockade games, the orphans enjoyed stuffing soft grass into their mouths until it was time for the mudbath. Siria and Wasessa initiated a pushing game that deteriorated into a fight. Shimba and Mzima watched from a distance. The two then broke off to start feeding again before returning in the afternoon.

The three Kudus

April 14th

The orphans followed their Keepers out to browse. Wasessa stopped en route to feed on something tasty, and was joined by Siria. All then remained to feed on what Wasessa had found for some time before moving towards the noon mudbath and milk venue. After the mudbath the elephants rested under shade until temperatures dropped and they were comfortable feeding again until it was time to return.


April 15th

The orphans had a wonderful morning game running up and down the banks near the Stockade until the Keepers called them, it being time to concentrate on feeding. There was plenty of browse along the roadside as they made their way out. Mzima took a siesta near the Keepers before joining the others in the waterhole, where all enjoyed a swim, it being a hot day. They fed close to he waterhole in the afternoon until it was time to head back.

Mzima enjoying a bath

April 16th

As the orphans headed out this morning, Mzima placed his trunk over Shimba’s back in a gesture of friendship, and they walked along like that together. At the feeding ground Shimba challenged his friend to a test of strength which ended up by Mzima mounting on top of Shimba’s back. He then tried to ambush Shimba again, but Shimba was able to avoid the trap. All returned to the stockades happily in the evening.


April 17th

The orphans left the Stockades happily in the morning, keeping to shade as far as possible because it was a very hot day, Wasessa dozing resting her head on Siria’s back and closing her eyes. When Siria decided to move, Wasessa woke up with a shock! They then began to move towards the waterhole where they took their milk and had a lot of fun. Later they moved to the Western side of Mazinga Hill to feed for the rest of the day.

Shimba and Siria

April 18th

Wasessa and Siria led Shimba and Mzima to feed at the foot of Mazinga Hill, where they fed for half an hour until their Keepers moved them to the main Park feeding grounds. At the noon mudbath Siria was the star, even attracting Shimba into the water, which amazed the Keepers, because Shimba is not fond of bathing! During the afternoon they fed close to the waterhole, running into the pool every now and then to cool themselves off.


April 19th

Siria and Wasessa vied with one another to lead the column out today, each increasing their pace. They fed well on the lush grasses that had emerged following the heavy rainstorm earlier in the month, took their milk and a mudbath and then a rest under shade before resuming feeding for the rest of the afternoon.

Our orphans with wild elephants behind

April 20th

Again the orphans left in a happy mood, swinging their trunks from side to side as they went to feed at the foot of Mazinga Hill before heading back down to the main Park feeding grounds and waterhole. Siria and Wasessa submerged their entire bodies in the water, with just their trunks out acting like a snorkel. They then fed for the rest of the day until it was time to head back home.

orphans drinking

April 21st

It was another happy, but uneventful day, with the orphans feeding happily, enjoying their noon swim, and returning to the stockades in the evening for a good night’s rest.

Wild elephants seen

April 22nd

During the morning the orphans enjoyed feeding on the Ipomeoa creepers that have emerged since the big rainstorm. At the mudbath Siria tried to mount onto Mzima who was lying down in the water, submerging him completely which necessitated the intervention of the Keepers. Siria rushed out of the water as the Keepers rushed in to rescue Mzima, and this terminated the wallowing. The elephants fed quietly during the afternoon, returning in the evening.

Mzima having a scratch

April 23rd

Wasessa led the column to the north side of Mazinga hill today. It was a cool day so the orphans were in no hurry to get to the waterhole for a swim. They concentrated on feeding having taken their noon milk feed.

Wild cow & calf join the orphans

April 24th

There was great playing activity at the Stockade compound before it was time to head out this morning. At the noon waterhole the orphans had fun playing with a tractor tyre which was in the pool. Later they took a rest under shade before their feeding return in the evening.

orphans having a bath

April 25th

The orphans were in high spirits today, running away from the Keepers during a chasing game which ended in the Keepers searching for their charges. Having caught up with the elephants, all settled into some serious feeding until it was time for the noon milk feed and waterhole fun.

Siria meeting a wild calf

April 26th

There were light showers this morning as the orphans reached their browsing grounds. They all tried to warm up by rolling in the soil. At noon they took their milk and water, but decided not to take a swim because it was cool.

The orphans playing in the water

April 27th

The orphans fed on the northern side of the hill today before moving down to the waterhole for their noon milk and wallow. Siria immediately went in rolling around in the water while Mzima and Shimba watched. Wasessa then joined Siria and both had marvelous fun, Wasessa emerging as the star of the show. They later went for the last feeding session before it was time to return in the evening.

The orphans having a mudbath

April 28th

The orphans had a wonderful mudbath again today, Mzima making Wasessa jealous by rolling backwards through the pool. She tried to mount onto him but he rushed out. Meanwhile Shimba was involved in an energetic soil dusting session, watched by the others after they emerged from the water.

Shimba welcomes Lempaute

April 29th

The day began well, Shimba taking the lead as the orphans moved off to feed. At 11 a.m. the orphans gathered around their Keepers who were waiting at the Stockades for the other orphans to arrive from Nairobi, who were due at noon. Mzima, not understanding the reason for the delay, bellowed a protest. At 12.30 p.m. the first truck carrying the newcomers arrived and Mzima rushed forward to welcome Lempaute, who was somewhat nervous. Sinya emerged from the second truck, welcomed warmly by all the established group, and the third truck brought Lesanju, who came out and instantly began asserting her authority over all the established group. After enthusiastic greetings the orphans moved to the Stockade water trough for a drink of water after their journey. Lesanju jumped into the trough and had to climb out. They then all enjoyed a milk feed before enjoying a wallow at the little mudbath the Keepers had made nearby. They then headed off down the hill to the big waterhole, where a wild herd was feeding close by, and their presence scared Lempaute and Lesanju, who are not used to seeing adult elephants, both having been in the Nursery since she tender age of just 3 weeks. Later on, having been reassured by their Keepers, they enjoyed the big waterhole very much, submerging themselves for a proper swim for the first time in their lives. They returned to the Stockades in the evening, when the newcomers thoroughly enjoyed the Grewia branches laid out for them.

Lempaute arrives at Voi

April 30th

The orphans left the Stockades early, Lesanju still busy asserting her authority over all the others. They fed on the Southern side of Mazinga Hill where they had their first encounter with a wild group of elephants. One elephant cow had a small calf which attracted the orphans. Siria approached the baby and was pushed away by the mother, screaming loudly, which scared the other orphans, all of whom rushed back to their Keepers! They later fed happily for the rest of the day before it was time to return in the evening. The new orphans from Nairobi appear to have settled in very well. Others:- The groups of Emily, Aitong and Natumi have not been back all month, but patrols to try and establish where they are continue. The baby kudus, Njia, Aruba and Mkuki are doing wonderfully well, all friends now and feeding together as a mini herd. They have all grown well.

Voi unit charging for their milk

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