April began well, with light rain showers almost daily, permitting the wild animals to utilize much more of the Park, having previous been concentrated in areas that had received earlier storms. Water was also plentiful throughout the Southern Section, natural depressions having filled with rain-water, so the month has been very enjoyable one for the elephants in this section of Tsavo, including our ex orphans who are now romping around as members of the wild elephant community.
April began well, with light rain showers almost daily, permitting the wild animals to utilize much more of the Park, having previous been concentrated in areas that had received earlier storms. Water was also plentiful throughout the Southern Section, natural depressions having filled with rain-water, so the month has been very enjoyable one for the elephants in this section of Tsavo, including our ex orphans who are now romping around as members of the wild elephant community.
Both Emily’s group and also that led by Natumi, disappeared further inland for the first half of the month, but both groups returned together to the Stockades on the 16th, 17th, 18th l9th and again on the 24th when Uaso was with them. On this occasion, Ntumi was enjoying his undivided attention as he did his best to mount her, and engaging him in a strength testing match. Later she took on Lolokwe and Mukwaju to a friendly bout on two other occasions.
Although Natumi’s group often meets up with that of Emily, and the two groups were spotted feeding together out in the Park on the 21st and again on the 30th, they often separate. On the 30th Emily’s group was seen with that of Natumi at the foot of the hill between Lion Hill and the Voi Safari Lodge, but the two groups separated in the evening.
One day, the orphaned zebra “Serena” joined Natumi’s group as they were feeding on the northern side of Mazinga Hill and had fun in amongst them when she ran in their midst when a buffalo bull was heading her way. Later, she left them to feed at the foot of Mazinga hill just above the offices. However, the l9th was a red letter day because Serena joined a wild group of 6 zebra for the first time who were feeding on the far northern side of Mazinga Hill. It was an exciting day for her, because a wild Stallion was showing great interest in her, chasing her around as the Keepers remained hidden from view, knowing that was likely to be shy of humans. Serena remained with the wild herd for about l0 minutes, but when she thought her Keepers had vanished, she dashed back towards the Stockades. En route she was intercepted by 4 cheetahs who gave chase, but she managed to slip under the Spring Gate near the Stockade just in the nick of time. That was a very close shave for little Serena.