April 1st
Due to the very severe drought conditions, the orphans had no option but to climb Mazinga Hill to get what little greenery remains amongst the rocks. As the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough get going, and even weakling Mweiga managed to get most of the way up. The mudbath has been moved to this area as well, and having completed the feeding activity for the day, the elephants made their way back to the Stockades for the night.
Heading back to the Stockade in the evening
April 2nd
It was business as usual today – a march into the Park to feed, a mudwallow, playing with one another and then heading home. On this particular day, Mweiga showed improvement and looked cheerful all day long. At the mudbath Burra and Morani remained in the water longest, rolling around and pushing each other playfully, while the others scratched themselves against the termite mounds.
April 3rd
Mweiga is keeping pace with the others nowadays, which is very pleasing. The elephants browse feverishly before it gets too hot. To the amazement of the Keepers, today Mweiga led the group to the mudwallow, which seemed to surprise Salama who came to place his trunk on her as though saying “Well Done!” As the orphans moved off, a flock of ostriches came to drink. Laikipia, Burra and Thoma led the way back today.
Mweiga feeds at the foot of Masinga hill
April 4th
Still no sign of rain. The orphans have to leave the Stockades very early in order to find enough food before it gets too hot. Whilst the others went on their way, Mvita, Lolokwe, Mweya and Irima took a mudbath first. During milk feeding time, Burra and Solango had an altercation and pushed over the bottles. The Keepers warned them. In the evening Laikipia, who is very anxious for the Copra supplement, led the way back home.
Keepers and the orphans head to the mudbath
April 5th
A light shower of rain fell this morning, and the orphans could not hide their joy. Morani and Seraa rolled around in the dampened earth, tossing soil into the air. They fed on Mazinga Hill and towards the north, so single strand of grass being spared, as the elephants grazed between rocks and in crevices. Burra and Solango led the way to the mudbath, when Laikipia spun round and round, and Thoma buried her head in the water and blew bubbles. Mukwaju watched the proceedings. Laikipia, Salama and Edie played in the mud, and Lolokwe was reluctant to get out until Irima went and reminded him it was time to go.
mudbath time after the first rains
April 6th
The orphans were in a happy mood when they emerged from their Night Stockade, and began chasing each other around playfully. Green shoots had already appeared on Mazinga Hill, which the orphans greatly enjoyed, so much so that they didn’t even want to go to the mudbath. Mukwaju, Sosian and Mukwaju reached the top of the hill, and it was Burra and Laikipia who led the way to the mudbath, where they all had a wonderful time. Having had a scratch against a tree trunk, Laikipia and Edie went back into the mudbath and had an energetic time pushing each other. Laikipia led the way back in the evening, after a happy day.
April 7th
The orphans wasted no time today, eager to get feeding. Loisaba, Mukwaju, Salama and Lolokwe began climbing Mazinga Hill, where there are more greens. They had a joyful mudbath with a lot of trumpeting and when Ndara enjoyed scratching herself against Salama. After the mudbath, they all found a scratching post, and then commenced feeding again until Laikipia and Burra led the group back home.
A jpyful mudbath with a lot of trumpeting
April 8th
Today the orphans headed North. On the way Icholta and Edie found a puddle that could accommodate them both. They fed all day long, and in the evening Sosian and Mweiga demonstrated their affection for one another, by walking close together slowly.
Mkwaju drinking rain water
April 9th
After a drink at the Stockade, the elephants headed out again to feed, plunging into a waterhole that had filled with rain. Ndara tried to mount Solango, but he proved a slippery customer. After the mudbath, they took to the shade, because it was so hot. In the evening, they lined up in a single column to head back.
April 10th
The orphans understand the time. Mweya came to remind the Keepers, who were taking tea, that it was time to move. Laikipia took the lead, with Mweiga at the back. After taking their noon milk feed, the elephants left for Mazinga Hill, where they spent time before returning in the evening.
April 11th
It was the usual routine today, taking a break at the mudbath on their way out to the feeding grounds. During the mudbath Morani and Burra had an altercation, which was broken up by Solango, who came between to separate them.
Laikipia & Natumi inspects a dry water hole
April 12th
The orphans trumpeting mingled with the morning birdsong today. After Loisaba, Icholta, Lolokwe and Irima had taken a drink of water, Mweiga and Sosian led the way going far to the North. As soon as they heard the vehicle bringing them the milk, they rushed to join it, after which they continued to feed until it was time to return.
April 13th
Burra and Mpala enjoyed a pushing game this morning while Natumi led
the group to take water before heading out. Today it was Mweya who took the lead, but Laikipia and Burra ran up front and pushed her aside, taking her place. Because it was too cool to wallow, Burra, Solango, Mpala and the other milk dependent orphans lined up, anxiously awaiting their milk. Suddenly Solango spread his ears, lifted up his trunk, and ran in the direction of the milk van. They all enjoyed their milk and rumbled appreciation before joining the others browsing. Laikipia led the column home in the evening, closely followed by Burra. It was a very quiet day.
Edie and Liakipia feeding
April 14th
The orphans were in a jovial mood when they emerged in the morning. Edie went running towards Laikipia and Lolokwe who were wrestling on a slope. She saved Lolokwe who was being defeated by Laikipia. There was confusion when little “Serena”, the orphaned baby zebra from Amboseli, came galloping past, making the elephants flee, some of them tripping and falling in their haste! The Keepers calmed them, and Burra took the lead. On the way, Solango and Mweiga found a mud puddle to cool themselves while Laikipia plastered mud on his cheeks to get rid of ticks. Burra and Ndara joined in rolling in the mud and by the time the orphans reached the main mudbath, they only took a drink before concentrating on feeding again. It was a very long day before they reached home in the late evening.
April 15th
There was loud trumpeting first thing in the morning. The Keepers rushed to see what it was all about, but discovered that it was just communication with Mweiga and Morani. Laikipia and Loisaba rumbled a message, and they all started the journey to the feeding grounds. Laikipia and Natumi investigated a dried waterhole, and hurried to join the others who were moving rapidly Southwards, led by Burra. Having fed for sometime, the orphans seemed tired, and went to quench their thirst, after which they resumed feeding. Edie went to look for better pasture, but soon came rushing back, having been scared by something. Mweya and Lolokwe led some of their friends to a patch of green that they had found, whilst Thoma escorted Mweiga and Morani to a patch that she had found. When the Tractor turned up with the milk, the milk dependent orphans were ready and eagerly waiting, after which they all took to the shade, because it was a sorching hot day. When it cooled they took to feeding again, before returning to the Stockades.
Edie takes Liakipia to task
April 16th
Salama and Lolokwe had a score to settle before joining the others on the way out into the Park, led by Icholta today. Salama was the victor, and before leaving Irima came up to him and showed him something on a front leg. Meanwhile Icholta chased off some noisy baboons she encountered on the way out. Thoma and Edie fed side by side, until about l0 a.m., and because it was so hot, they then led the others to cool themselves in a mudwallow in the middle of the plain, which still held rainwater where the elephants spent about 15 minutes bathing. After the noon milk feed, the orphans remained within easy reach of their usual mudbath, because it was so hot, and until it was time for Laikipia to lead the way back home.
April 17th
Today the orphans decided to head for Mazinga Hill. A drizzle of rain during the night had left a few puddles, which the orphans enjoyed, particularly Mukwaju, Burra and Edie, who took an extensive mudbath. They all then searched for food and Mweiga was kept very busy. The orphans enjoyed themselves today, because it was a fun day.
Icholta charges the baboons
April 18th
There are still a few waterholes holding rainwater, which the orphans enjoyed on their way out to their feeding area. At noon Natumi led her group to the main mudbath, where the milk dependent youngsters had their noon milk ration and the older elephants quenched their thirst. Since all had enjoyed wallowing in the rain puddles, they soon concentrated again on feeding, until it was time to return.
The orphans enjoy feeding soft green grass
April 19th
Once out in the bush, Morani and Burra decided to settle a score, until Salama came in between the separate the two. All three then went to join the other orphans feeding, until Salama decided he had a score to settle with Edie. They pushed each other for about 5 minutes, until Mweya trumpeted, a message that was picked up by Natumi, who spread her ears wide and threatened a charge. When the two warring parties noticed that Natumi was not amused, they immediately refrained from fighting, and began to feed, as though nothing was wrong! Natumi also resumed feeding, noticing that the two respected her warning. It was a hot day, so the orphans headed for a nearby waterhole, where they had a lot of fun. Burra led the way, and all the others joined in. It was a wonderful day for them all, and in the evening they happily followed Laikipia, who led the way back.
April 20th
The orphans headed out towards Mazinga Hill, having had their usual Stockade games in the morning. They fed around the hill, cooling themselves in a wallow below until it was time for the milk ration, which Thoma and Solango downed rapidly. Meanwhile Natumi took the older orphans to a nearby plain and Burra and Seraa broke into a fast run to join them. Edie and Laikipia were left in a mudwallow cooling their bodies, but joined the others later. Today, Mweiga and Sosian were joined by Mukwaju and Salama at the back of the queue, whilst Burra and Laikipia were competing at the front as to who would lead. Laikipia won, as usual.
Laikipia & Mkwaju at stkd
April 21st
Slowly the orphans made their way out in the morning. Any sign of rain seems to have evaporated. As the Keepers prepared to follow the orphans, they noticed that some of the elephants were missing from the group. Mvita, Mukwaju and Salama had climbed up Mazinga hill at the back of the Stockades, so the Keepers went to fetch them, while Laikipia, Burra and Mweiga waited at the bottom. The elephants were not in the mood to hurry today, so the Keepers had to keep calling them, because they had a long way to go. On the way they met a herd of zebras, which Laikipia and Edie dispersed. Once out in the usual browsing area, the usual routine followed until the evening when Laikipia led the way home.
wild zebra seen while walking with the orphans
April 22nd
This morning Laikipia and Edie enjoyed a pushing game, with interlocked trunks, whilst Mvita and Salama were wrestling in a dusty place, creating a huge dust cloud. Burra then led the group to the feeding area below Mazinga Hill, where there is a twinge of green. Mvita, Mukwaju, Sosian and Mweiga were left way back from the others, feeding on odd stems of green grass. The orphans took advantage of a few natural depressions holding water to cool themselves, so they enjoyed a relaxing day, not having to walk too far.
Ndara stand on a rock to blow the departure trump
April 23rd
Salama led the orphans to the area around Mazinga Hill, where there is a little green fodder, and a few mud puddles in which to wallow, which were enjoyed by Laikipia, Loisaba, Mvita and Burra, who spent a lot of time bathing. Natumi, Icholta and Edie meanwhile headed for the main mudbath, followed by the milk dependent orphans, because the milk feeding time was drawing close. Seraa, Solango and Mpala spotted the tractor first and ran to join it. Later they all continued feeding until it was time to return to the Stockades, when Burra led the orphans home.
April 24th
The orphans were very playful around the Stockades this morning, until the Keepers rallied them and called them to order. Icholta led the way today. Once out in the feeding area, Sosian found a green patch which he enjoyed, feeding avidly. Thoma led them to the mudbath to quench their thirst. Once there, Burra inserted his trunk to test the temperature, and then plunged in, setting an example for the others. Soon the entire herd were in the water, swimming, after which they all dispersed to find a tree stump on which to scratch themselves. At the Stockade the orphans were paid a courtesy visit by Catherine’s family (Catherine is a wild Matriarch and friend of Eleanor’s), and the air was filled with joyous trumpeting and rumbling as she passed by each Stockade in turn to greet the inmates. Catherine and her family had been to the Stockade to take water earlier, and remained nearby until the orphans returned, since she was obviously anxious to meet up with them. It was quite a day!
April 25th
It was another lovely day, and the happiness on the faces of the orphans was visually obvious. Edie came running towards the Keeper who opened her Stockade Gate, rumbling with ears wide open in appreciation, touching the Keeper on the forehead in greeting. Mukwaju, the best mountaineer, led the way up Mazinga Hill with Salama and Loisaba following him. The others settled for the slopes to feed. Ndara and Solango had a wrestling contest, which Mpala broke up, but Solango again challenged Ndara as Mpala watched in disbelief! Natumi tested the temperature of the mudbath before giving the all clear, and in the evening it was again Burra who led the column back home.
April 26th
Mukwaju, Salama and Icholta climbed up Mazinga Hill this morning whilst the others fed on the slopes. Sosian was tempted to go with the climbers, but instead decided to remain with Mweiga, who did not want to climb. Mweya and Lolokwe were first at the mudbath today, where Nyiro thoroughly enjoyed himself, until Irima and Lolokwe stood in began spraying their bodies with water. Eventually Sosian went in as well. Later the orphans spent the afternoon feeding until it was time for Laikipia to lead them back in the evening.
April 27th
This morning, the game involved Natumi lying down with Seraa, Mpala and Burra climbing over her. Salama and Irima intertwined trunks and tested their strength against one another until the Keepers signalled the time to leave. They fed on the slopes of Mazinga Hill again, before the mudbath, where they all had a lot of fun. Sosian and Natumi led the others to green vegetation, whilst Mweiga remained at the base of the hill. The weather was conducive to feeding all day until Burra led the way back.
April 28th
The usual games ensued once the orphans were let out of the Stockades in the morning, which included chasing the baboons amidst trumpets. Today it was Mvita who led the way to the feeding grounds, where the orphans fed quietly for the entire morning until mudbath time. They all enjoyed wallowing until Burra heard the Tractor, and rumbling to alert his friends, the milk dependent youngsters abandoned the mudbath and ran to meet the milk. They downed their bottles rapidly, except Mweiga, who takes her time. Mukwaju then rumbled to inform them that he was heading back to the hill to feed. In the evening Laikipia and Burra led the orphans home where they met Lissa, her younger daughter and Ilingwezi, who joined Emily’s group a couple of weeks ago. The air was filled with rumbles and trumpets in a joyful reunion, and having exchanged greetings by touching trunks, Lissa left with her baby, but Ilingwezi decided to remain behind in the Stockade with her old friends. What a happy evening it was for the orphans to have her back!
Lissa and her kids on Masinga hill
April 29th
Morning showers welcomed the orphans today, after a peaceful night in the comfort of their Stockades. Ilingwezi, who spent the night at the Stockade, left immediately for the bush to join her new family. Icholta, Mukwaju, Natumi and Salama bid her a touching farewell as she left, before heading out themselves with the other orphans. Natumi had to check on what was worrying Ndara, who came running with outspread ears. They exchanged rumbles, and then together they ran to catch up with the others. Irima led the way to Mazinga Hill, whilst Mweiga and Solango paused to scratch themselves on the way. Because it was cool, the orphans declined to return to the mudbath, but continued feeding, whilst Solango and his milk mates anxiously awaited the Tractor to bring their milk. Thoma, Seraa and Solango heard the Tractor first and rushed towards it, whilst Edie went to touch Mweiga, indicating the arrival of the milk. Afterwards the orphans again began to climb up the hill. Suddenly Morani bumped into Mweiga, who screamed and fell so the Keepers rushed to help her up. Up the hill, the orphans were very happy to be joined by Lissa and her children, who showed them around the hill, before it was time to return for the night.
Lissa & her children join orphans
April 30th
After having taken a drink, Mvita led the orphans out to feed again up Mazinga Hill. Mukwaju showed off his climbing prowess by getting to the very top. The orphans came down for the mudbath, but again went up in the afternoon, until it was time to return for the night, when Laikipia led the way.