Voi Reintegration Unit

April 2004

Daily updates

April 2004








April 1st

A group of 5 wild elephants joined the orphans at their noon mudbath. An old bull who was with them scented where the Keepers were hiding, and charged, forcing them to flee.

April 2nd

At 9.30 a.m. a wild group of 7 elephants joined the orphans. Mpala, Nasalot and Seraa ran forward to welcome the wild herd, whose Matriarch stretched out her trunk to touch the approaching orphans lovingly. Laikipia locked trunks with a wild calf of his size, as if to say “jambo”. Ilingwezi captured a wild baby’s hind leg with her trunk, wanting it to remain behind, as the wild group wandered off.

April 3rd

The day was cold, so the orphans enjoyed playing, testing their strengths in competition with one another. Burra took on Solango whilst Edie challenged Nyiro.

April 4th

At a wonderful noon mudbath, Icholta lay down and sprayed soil over her body, watched closely by Ndara and Mulika.

April 5th

Ilingwezi took a nap at 8.47 a.m., but was awoken by Natumi. Laikipia and Salama enjoyed a game charging one another and later testing their strength against one another.

April 6th

Salama and Laikipia again engaged each other in a game of chase after the mudbath, but later joined the others to rest under a tree, because it was a hot afternoon.

April 7th

Edie and Mpala kept shifting from tree to tree, trying to look for good shelter from the heat. They chose the tree under which Salama was resting, and when he started trying to mount them, they took refuge in a thicket.

April 8th

At 4.47 p.m., Ndara shoved Lolokwe who became annoyed, so Ndara ran to Emily for protection.

April 9th

Aitong left the group to browse alone in a thick patch of bush at l0.23 a.m. Sweet Sally became very restless, rumbling and screaming, which brought Aitong back at the run to touch her gently on the mouth and calm her. She and Sally spent the rest of the day browsing close to one another.

April 10th

Emily enjoyed a good scratch against a tree after the noon mudbath. Nyiro, Lolokwe, Salama and Tsavo played a game of hide and seek at 4.15 p.m.

April 11th

Tsavo took advantage of Laikipia, by trying to mount him when he was lying down. Laikipia took no notice, and merely lay his trunk over Nyiro’s head, closed his eyes and continued to enjoy his rest! Nyiro gave up after a couple of minutes, and wandered off.

April 12th

Sosian and Nyiro were so busy playing with one another at 6.30 a.m. that they found themselves left behind the group, who proceeded on their way. After 5 minutes, the two came running to catch up. Icholta lay down and had a wonderful dust-bath at 9.27 a.m.

April 13th

Tsavo mounted onto Lolokwe’s back at 11.48 a.m. Later Salama had an exuberant mudbath, watched closely by Mvita, Yatta and Mpala.

April 14th

All the orphans spent the entire day feeding, enjoying the wide range of shrubs brought on by the abundant rains, so there were few interactions.

April 15th

Sally screamed when she realised Aitong was wandering off on her own again and ran to join Aitong, both returning to join the others later.

April 16th

Morani lay down and grabbing Thoma’s trunk, pulled it. Thoma yelled loudly, which brought the Keepers to her rescue! At midday Dika joined the orphans. Emily and Yatta stretched out their trunks in greeting to welcome him, after which Emily sniffed his genitals. He spent the whole day with the orphans and returned with them to the Stockade at 6.31 p.m. departing only at 8.30 p.m.

April 17th

Dika again joined the orphans in the morning at 7.05 a.m. when he chased Emily here and there, wanting to mount her.

April 18th

Seraa tried to mount onto Solango’s back, but they both fell over. Solango did not take revenge against Seraa when they rose again, instead choosing to ostracise her for the rest of the day. At 12.07 p.m. Dika again tried to mount Emily. Later a herd of impalas intermingled close to the orphans, but the elephants did not disturb them.

April 19th

The orphans played games of pushing one another here and there. Solango played with Thoma whilst Sosian took on little Morani.

April 20th

At 7.18 a.m. a wild bull of Emily’s size joined the orphans, and Emily went off with him, returning half an hour later.

April 21st

Salama and Ilingwezi initiated a pushing game at 11 a.m. The game deteriorated into a tough battle, which brought Emily along to restore the peace.

April 22nd

Dika again joined the orphans at 7.18 a.m. and again tried to mount Emily. This caused great excitement amongst the group who charged about trumpeting and yelling, which prompted him to refrain and leave Emily in peace. He remained with the orphans, leaving after the noon mudbath.

April 23rd

Laikipia mounted Lolokwe early in the morning, whilst Yatta was a keen spectator. When Nyiro tried to take a branch from Laikipia’s mouth at 9.37 a.m., a tough fight broke out. The Keepers went in to separate them.

April 24th

Dika joined the orphans in the morning, but left to go on his own at 10 a.m. Aitong touched Mweya’s face gently to reassure her as she was struggling to get out of a ditch. Eventually Mweya knelt on her front legs and pulled herself free.

April 25th

Laikipia mounted onto Mweya, which made her fall down. He tried to mount her again, but the Keepers warned him off. Dika was with the orphans at the mudbath, and remained there when the group left to browse.

April 26th

Nyiro mounted onto Lolokwe’s stomach when wallowing in the mud, nearly suffocating him. Lolokwe heaved him off.

April 27th

Solango pushed Morani down at 10.01 a.m. when Morani approached the bush on which Solango was browsing.

April 28th

Emily chased off 4 impalas that approached the orphans as they were feeding.

April 29th

Laikipia tried to mount onto Solango at 4.32 p.m., but Solango managed to run away and evade him.

April 30th

Edie spent most of the day browsing close to Nyiro, playing with him and testing his strength at intervals. Dika continues to join the orphans out in the bush most days, but rarely returns to the Stockade, preferring to remain out in the bush, and meet up with them the next day. Some of the orphans have warts, which are being treated with homeopathic “Thuya” pillules and topical Thuya tincture.

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