Entering the mudwallow
At mudbath
Running around
In the stockade
Ziwa out in the bush
Ziwa reaching out in greeting
Ziwa in the corner of his stockade
Ziwa unsure of his surroundings
Ziwa hiding in the corner
Ziwa feeding in the stockade
The calfs dying mother
The still immobilized calf in the stockade
The rescue plane on the airstrip waiting for the calf
The orphaned calf
The loaded calf
The immobilzed calf nearly ready for transport
The immobilized calf
The calf near his dying mother
The calf is called Ziwa
The calf hiding in the long grass
The calf arrives at the nursery
Suswa greets Ziwa
Securing the calf for the flight
Preparing the dart for immobilization
Preparing for take off
Preparing to place the calf on the tarpauline
Loading the calf
In the vehicle on the way to the airstrip
Heading out to find the orphan
Community members interested in what is going on
Carrying the calf into the stockade
Arriving at Wilson to head out for the rescue
Administering the revival drug