Current age
23 years old
Rescued date
11 August 2001
Rescue location
Laikipia, Rumuruti Ranch
Date of birth (approximate)
1 June 2001
Reason orphaned
Problem animal control
Age at rescue
2 months old (approx)
Current location
Living Wild
Personalised adoption certificate.
Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.
Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.
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Marking the 23rd wild born baby, Thor was a wonderful surprise for the Voi Keepers as Thoma proudly marched up to the stockades with a healthy young bull following closely behind! Read more
Thoma playing with Thor
Mweya with Thoma
Thoma with Thor and Eve in the back ground
Icholta, Inca, Thor and Thoma arrive at the stockades
Dabassa Thor and Thoma
Thoma scratching her neck
Thoma and Thor in the water