While on the plane Hassan blows comfortingly into the little calf's trunk.jpg
Sities enjoys a dust bath
Sities close to her Keepers
Sities meets the older orphans
Baby and staff on the Voi airfield
On the airfield and being prepared for the flight.jpg
Sities and Hassan on the plane flying back to Nairobi.jpg
The calf strapped and ready for the flight.jpg
The pickup arrives at the Trust's nursery
Angela, Sities and Mishack
The calf willingly takes milk from Stephen
Our Voi team meet the tiny surprise arrival at Mgeno Ranch headquarters
Making new friends, Sities with Mutara.jpg
The orphaned calf rescued by our team at Mgeno Ranch
The young calf at the Mgeno headquarters with our Voi Keepers
Playing with the red earth, Hassan and the other Keepers
Sities was warmly greeted by Mutara