Olsekki surrounded by the other orphans
Olsekki out in the bush
Olsekki out in the bush with the others
Olsekki suckles a keepers fingers
Olsekki between two of the older orphans
Olsekki having some milk
Olsekki greeting Suswa
Olsekki chewing on a branch
The calf in the plane
The calf ready to charge
The calf back on its feet
The calf is placed in the stockade
Offloading the calf at Wilson
Loading the calf into the plane
The calf offloaded from the vehicle
The restrained calf is prepared for transport
Sadly the elephant has to be euthanized
Examining the injured mother
Restraining the calf
The calf is captured
The calf runs away
The vet prepares
The keepers watch and wait
The mother is darted
The calf with its injured mother
The team arrives in the Mara
The rescue team about to board the plane
The calf loaded in the pickup to be taken to the plane
The mother is darted
The keepers watch and wait
The mother and calf
The rescue team arrives in the Mara
The calf is called Olsekki
The calf arrives at the Nursery
The calf is loaded onto the plane