Archival pictures of Olmeg

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Malaika, Dika and Ndume with Olmeg

Olmeg, Dika, Ndume, Malaika and Edo with Emily and Imenti

Olmeg 7 years old

Olmeg 6 years old

Olmeg in the fields


Olmeg at 18 months

Dr. Daphne Sheldrick with Olmeg

Olmeg 1 year old with Daphne Sheldrick

Olmeg having fun with David Shepherd

Olmeg and his friend Taru

Olmeg in his stockade

Olmeg and Daphne

Olmeg with Daphne Sheldrick

Olmeg and another baby

Olmeg meets a warthog two days after arriving

Olmeg two days after his arrival

Gill with Olmeg

Daphne and baby Olmeg

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