Current age
15 years old
Rescued date
27 July 2009
Rescue location
Laikipia, Mutara Ranch
Date of birth (approximate)
20 July 2009
Reason orphaned
Age at rescue
1 week old (approx)
Current location
Living Wild
Personalised adoption certificate.
Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.
Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.
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On the night of 8th March 2022, just as our Ithumba team was getting ready for bed, Mutara and her herd appeared outside the stockades with a baby in their midst! He was a newborn: Mutara had clearly given birth earlier that evening. Mutara subsequently decided to spend her first night as a mother around the Ithumba Reintegration Unit, sharing this special moment with Benjamin and the other Keepers who raised her. Read more
Mambo and Mutara
Mutara's group
Mutara and Mambo
Mutara and Mambo enjoying Lucerne
Mutara and Mambo enjoying Lucerene
Mutara and Mambo in the lead