Mpala stroking Edie's calf with Eve at the front
Siria left and Shimba right greet Mpala
Mpala left with the second wild group
Mpala and Icholta corner Siria
Mpala riding onto Siria's back
Mpala sniffing
Mpala scratching
Mpala scratching at the stockade
Mpala left wrestling with Siria
Mpala left playing with Morani
Mpala scratching
Mpala and Burra
Mpala and Burra drinking water
Mpala digging at the soil
Mpala playing with a stick
Mpala facing the camera
Mpala,Ndara & Loisaba at the stockade
Seraa Mpala & Bura in water
Mpala resting under the shade of a tree
Mpala & Bura at the mudbath
Irima & Mpala
Mpala rushing to join the other orphans
Mpala & Mweya
Mpala leaning towards a tree
Burra and Mpala wrestling
Burra takes on Mpala
Morani & Mpala playing on Mazinga
Mpala playing with Salama
Mpala and Thoma compete for greens
Mpala mounting Mweya
Morani & Mpala sort it out
Mpala and Uaso take a wonderful moment together
Laikipia playing with Mpala
Mpala browsing
Mpala feeding
Mpala lay down to play with Mvita
Mpala laying in the water
Mpala stands on a rock to reach the branches
Mpala elimbs on a branch at mudbath
Mpala greet Sweet Sally.
Solango, Illingwesi and Mpala
Seraa, Solango and Mpala run for a mudbath
Morani, Solango and Mpala taking a soil bath