Kithaka's Story

This tiny newborn male calf was orphaned during the morning of 20th November, 2011, apparently left by his mother when she and her herd were chased out of an area of human settlement near the Ruiri outpost in the lower Imenti Forest. The calf wandered into an adjacent village searching for company from whence KWS Rangers rescued him. Due to the terrain and dense forest conditions reuniting him with his herd would prove impossible, so we were contacted by the Senior Warden Mount Kenya with the news of a rescue. The calf was transported to the Lewa airfield so that he could be airlifted from there to the Nairobi Nursery, arriving in torrential rain, well after dark.

Kithaka's Story

This tiny newborn male calf was orphaned during the morning of 20th November, 2011, apparently left by his mother when she and her herd were chased out of an area of human settlement near the Ruiri outpost in the lower Imenti Forest. The calf wandered into an adjacent village searching for company from whence KWS Rangers rescued him. Due to the terrain and dense forest conditions reuniting him with his herd would prove impossible, so we were contacted by the Senior Warden Mount Kenya with the news of a rescue. The calf was transported to the Lewa airfield so that he could be airlifted from there to the Nairobi Nursery, arriving in torrential rain, well after dark.

This baby is tiny, no more than, and possibly even less, than a week old on arrival, the hind side of the ears soft and petal pink and the umbilicus newly detached. We hope that he has been able to ingest her first Colostrum milk to trigger his natural immune system. He has been named Kithaka the Meru word for forest. He is a real character, larger than life and full of attitude and, of course, is absolutely adored by the older orphans in the Nursery.

Adopt Kithaka for yourself or as a gift.

Adopt Kithaka for yourself or as a gift.

Current age

13 years old



Rescued date

20 November 2011

Rescue location

Meru Region, Imenti Forest

Date of birth (approximate)

12 November 2011

Reason orphaned

Panic separation / stampede

Age at rescue

1 week old (approx)

Current location

Living Wild

Kithaka's featured photos

Our digital adoption programme includes the following:

Personalised adoption certificate.

Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.

Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.

Access to special content; latest Keepers' Diaries, videos and photos

Give Kithaka the gift of life by adopting today.

Latest updates featuring Kithaka

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Kithaka’s Sprain and Sojourn at ‘Hotel Ithumba’

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An Update on Enkikwe recovering from his lion attack

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Kithaka's latest photos




Kithaka and Rapa having a drink



Kithaka with the orphans
