Current age
25 years old
Rescued date
1 September 1999
Rescue location
Northern Kenya, Marsabit National Reserve
Date of birth (approximate)
1 August 1999
Reason orphaned
Stuck in mud
Age at rescue
1 month old (approx)
Current location
Living Wild
Personalised adoption certificate.
Monthly email update on your orphan and the project.
Monthly watercolour by Angela Sheldrick.
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On 22nd January 2016, Voi Head Keeper, Joseph Sauni, was delivering the midday milk feed for the dependent orphans when he spotted a group of elephants resting under the shade of a tree. Among them was ex orphan Icholta, who had given birth to a perfect little boy whom we have named Inca. Inca is Icholta’s first calf and he’s fortunate to have found a very attentive nanny in ex orphan Mweya. Read more.
Our 45th year here at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust began on a very special note. On the morning of 2nd January 2022, Edie and Mweya’s ex orphan herd arrived at Voi. They had been away for nearly a year, so the Keepers had been eagerly anticipating what seems to be their annual pilgrimage “home.” They were delighted to find Icholta in their midst, who hadn’t been seen since February 2019. By her side was her firstborn, Inca, who is now nearly six years old — along with a tiny, days-old addition! Icholta had just given birth and, as has become a time-honoured tradition among our ex orphan mothers, promptly returned home to introduce her newborn to the people who raised her. We have named the baby, who is a lovely little girl, Izzy. Read more.
Ex-orphans Mweya, Edie and Icholta with babies
Mwitu, Icholta, Eco, Inca, Eden and Edie dinking
Icholta with her babies
Icholta, Inca, Thor and Thoma arrive at the stockades
Icholta leading stockade orphans to browse
Icholta arriving at the stockade
Stockade dependent orphans follow Icholta
Icholta scratching her bottom