Unloading the calf from the Ziwani de-snaring vehicle
Three stalwart local teenagers, named Mboi, Maingi and Chale, were instrumental in the successful capture of this calf
The rescue aircraft
Securing Challa for the flight
Rapsu and Challa
Loading the calf onto the aircraft
Challa is introduced to the other orphans on the second day
Edwin and Challa
Challa weak and totally dehydrated is given milk before the flight
Challa gaunt and dehydrated, his skin like wrinkled parchment
Challa walking in front of Makena and Naserian
Challa on board the rescue plane
Challa having had his first mudbath at the Nursery
Challa being transported from Ziwani to Nairobi
A terrified calf in the back of the de-snaring landrover. The de-snaring team had been contacted by the community to rescue the calf
Challa arrives at the airstrip in the back of the Ziwani desnaring team vehicle
Buchuma gets to know Challa
Challa & Buchuma up close and personal
Challa and Buchuma meet