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Unexpected Tragedy in the Nursery - The sudden death of Nchan

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Treatment of a wounded bull elephant - Our new Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit Vet - and the Kibwezi Forest concession

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The rescue of Chemi Chemi

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The rescue of Sities

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The return of Burra

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Tragedy in Ithumba

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Maalim and the Mattress

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Leopard Snaring Incident / the ever present human wildlife conflict dilemma.

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The Trust signs a 33 year concession agreement for Kibwezi Forest and Umani Springs

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Remembering Pesi and Sala

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The move of Kenia and Shira to Voi, and Enesoit, Meibai and Naimina to Ithumba

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Emily and Edie Save their Newborn Calves

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Recent sightings of Emily's group

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The Environment and Wildlife in Serious Jeopardy

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The deaths of Wamba and Kigelia

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