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Response from Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE MBE MBS DVMS over the CITES Secretariat decision to sanction China as a legal Buyer of the African Ivory Stockpiles.

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Let us not be complacent about the plight of elephants in Africa

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Rongai's rescue

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Kelly Rowland visits The David Sheldrick Widlife Trust

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Kimana's rescue

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Moving Lenana, Makena and Chyulu to Ithumba

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A sad day in the Nursery

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Maxwell's update

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Maggie Q visits the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

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Breaking the human/nonhuman divide

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The Rescue of Siria

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Update on the Voi Unit Orphans

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Kenia's rescue

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Edo Returns

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The role of an Elephant Keeper

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