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Orphan Mbirikani Saved From Almost Certain Disaster

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Supporting the Mwalunganje and the Shimba Hills Elephants

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Elephant Chalk Art at the Nairobi Nursery

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DSWT’s Saving Habitats expands its protection to Witu Forest in Lamu

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Supporting Communities and Elephants in Amboseli

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One Off Auction – Chance to win one of a kind stunning painting by Alexandra Spyratos

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3rd March is World Wildlife Day

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The search for an Orphan Elephant proves fruitless, but reminds us why we keep at it

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Some Lows and Some Highs in Tsavo Today

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Another Northern Tsavo Bull is saved from a certain agonising death

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Maxwell's Escapade

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Illegal Wildlife Trade

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Tsavo Ecosystem Elephant Count 5th - 10th Feb 2014

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Northern Icon Survives Again

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The rescue of Ashaka

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