This female calf was first sighted by the Trust Pilot on the 3rd August 2013 whilst flying over the Mudanda area of Tsavo East National Park on a routine aerial recce mission
This female calf was first sighted by the Trust Pilot on the 3rd August 2013 whilst flying over the Mudanda area of Tsavo East National Park on a routine aerial recce mission. The calf was alone in the Mbololo watercourse desperately searching for water in a dry sandy lugga. (The carcass of a female elephant that could have been the mother had been spotted near Mudanda Rock a week ago by KWS.)

The calf, estimated to be about one year was rescued by the Voi Elephant Keepers that same day, and driven to the Voi Stockades in the back of a Pickup Truck, where she was put into the new Taming Stockade next door to Mbirikani. She was very dehydrated, obviously having been without her mother for several days, and was understandably aggressive, but calmed noticeably when she was introduced to the other Keeper Dependent orphans currently based at night at the Voi Stockades, all of whom were happy and excited to welcome and greet her. She has been named “Mudanda”.

The decision was made to continue her milk dependency at the Voi Stockades, rather than transfer her to the Nairobi Nursery, since accommodation space at the Nursery was in short supply, many newcomers having come in during the month of July due to the current poaching pandemic. Mudanda’s arrival at the Voi Rehabilitation Centre brings the number of Keeper Dependent Elephants there to 18.