It has now been one and a half months since the Marsh Pride lioness, Siena was gored by a buffalo on the 4th April 2014
It has now been one and a half months since the Marsh Pride lioness, Siena was gored by a buffalo on the 4th April 2014. DSWT was alerted to Siena’s injury by Governors Camp who witnessed the incident and immediately sent a team to help. Both DSWT and Governors Camp have monitored her progress since then and Siena has been treated subsequently on the 10th, 14th and 28th April. As Siena had young cubs the risks of any treatment were weighed carefully so as not to endanger her or her cubs as anesthetic can lower her milk production.

Siena’s last treatment was on the 28th April and on examination of the wound the vet, Dr Limo, found that the wound was very dry and healing well. The hole in the muscle, which had been the main concern of everyone involved, had in fact healed and was completely closed.

Governors Camp has reported back to DSWT that Siena is still doing well and the pride, with Siena and her cubs, were at the North End of the Musiara Marsh yesterday. The DSWT Team is pleased to hear that Siena is still a very active cat within her pride. Her wound is still open and raw as she does keep licking it, but has shrunk considerably from when she was first injured. Her wound does not seem to be impeding her in anyway and it’s now only a matter of time until she is completely healed.