Pulling Out All the Stops to Track a Snared Buffalo

Published on the 11th of March, 2025

After his neck became caught in a poacher’s snare, this buffalo carried a horrific injury for more than 60 kilometres as he tried to outrun his fate. Thanks to a keen sighting from our rangers, a dogged follow-up search from the air, and rapid veterinary intervention, his life was saved.

It began during a routine patrol when our SWT/KWS Kulalu 2 Anti-Poaching Team spotted an unusual set of tracks on Kulalu Ranch. They recognised them as a buffalo dragging something heavy behind it — a telltale sign of a snared animal. The team followed the trail on foot for more than 25 kilometres until they ran out of daylight.

Following the buffalo's distinctive tracks

The following morning, our pilot resumed the search from the air. He flew to the buffalo’s last marked coordinates and followed the tracks from there. It was slow going, carefully picking out hoofprints amidst the undergrowth. The search continued for 4.5 hours until he finally spotted the buffalo — now more than 60 kilometres from where we originally picked up the trail.

As predicted, the buffalo had a cable snare around his neck. The end of the wire was affixed to a massive log, which he was dragging behind him. This is a favoured tactic of poachers: They attach snares to a stable base in heavily trafficked wildlife corridors so that when an animal passes through, it cinches noose-like around its body.

The drag marks indicated a snare attached to something

Snares are designed to keep the animal tethered until it meets its end — but powerful creatures, like buffalo, are sometimes able to break the snare from its foundation. Far from offering a reprieve, this often leads to an even more agonising and drawn-out demise. The snare continues to tighten, causing excruciating injuries that compromise the animal’s ability to move, feed, and ultimately survive.

And sure enough, our suspicions were correct

Such was the case with this buffalo. After becoming ensnared, he managed to break off the branch it was affixed to. However, this only magnified his problems — he now had a snare around his neck and a heavy burden dragging behind that worsened with each step.

Fortunately, help arrived in time. The SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit immediately mobilised to the scene, Dr Limo darted the buffalo from the air, and the team ran in on foot. Moving quickly, they cut off the snare — a thick wire cable — and treated his wounds. Because of this swift intervention, he will make a full recovery.

Our pilot's flight path tracking the buffalo from its original location (hoofprints, left) to where it was ultimately found (buffalo, right)

After treatment, the buffalo rose to his feet and ambled down to the nearby river, where he enjoyed a long drink. We can only imagine the relief he must have felt to be free at last.

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