To ensure that her legacy encompasses the continent that captivated her, plans have been made to adopt an African Elephant in her honor through the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. “Sally’s voyage to Africa is one of countless examples of the fervor with which she has seized life since her diagnosis in 1993. She was just 30 years old when she learned she had Stage 1V inflammatory breast cancer, one of the most aggressive diagnoses around. It sounds like an incomprehensibly tragic story – until you hear the way Sally preferred to tell it. “Cancer has been a huge blessing,” she said. “At the age of 30, I was tapped on the shoulder and told, Wake up, honey. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. I decided to make the most of it, and I have.” The past eight years of Sally’s life have been filled with the sort of moments most people promise themselves they’ll get around to “some day.” Sally summoned the most out of each day in a way that was apparent in much more than her adventures and her abundance of frequent flier miles. She was surrounded by wonderful people. Sally Passed away May 14 2001 at 3.19, completely on her own terms. She spent her final moments in precisely the place she had selected – the comforting setting of her home and friends.

Sally Dunne is no longer with us, but the incredible lessons she bestowed have never been more alive. For those who knew her well, Sally was an inspiration, a remarkable individual who demonstrated life’s possibility by going out there and doing the sort of things most people only dream of. To hear Sally tell it, she didn’t start living until somebody told her she was dying. And she never once looked back. When Sally Dunne went on safari in Africa just three short months ago, others described her as “fearless,” particularly because of the way she so courageously approached the many animals in the wild. Sally survived her adventures in Africa, but the experience changed her life. At one of the lodges she visited during her trip, she left the following note in the guest book: “When I die I wish to spend eternity in your paradise of Kenya. Many thanks.” To ensure that her legacy encompasses the continent that captivated her, plans have been made for many to adopt an African elephant in her honor. The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya provides the unique opportunity to support orphaned elephants that would otherwise face certain death. It is the only program of its kind in the world, where the caretakers dedicate as many as 10 years to rearing each baby elephant and then reuniting it with a wild herd. Somewhere in the vast continent of Africa, a baby elephant has recently been born. She will be nurtured to health in the natural surrounding of the Nairobi National Park. And she will one day be released to roam the African savannas for decades to come. She will be named Sweet Sally. To contribute to the adoption of an African elephant orphan in honor of Sally Dunne, please go to our fostering scheme and chose an elephant whose story touches your heart.