Saturday 14th April 2012 brought an unusual orphan that would have been a first for the Trust - a tiny newborn male White Rhino calf from Meru National Park in Northern Kenya
Saturday 14th April 2012 brought an unusual orphan that would have been a first for the Trust - a tiny newborn male White Rhino calf from Meru National Park in Northern Kenya. The tiny calf which was no more than a few weeks old, apparently had a broken back right hind leg as well as a neck wound. It arrived in the late evening so all we could do that day was to splint the broken back leg, clean the neck wound, make the baby as comfortable as possible and give it formula milk having made arrangements by phone for three Veterinarians (Drs. Rottcher, Sanjay and Veejay) to give up their Sunday at leisure in order to anaesthetize, Xray and if possible operate at 9 a.m. in order to try and pin the broken bone on the baby rhinos leg as well as investigate the damage to the neck. Arrangements were made to take the baby rhino to their Karen Surgery the next morning.