Two little ostrich chicks, who we named Pea and Pod, came into our care along with orphaned elephant Waas, all rescued near the Milgis Lugga on the 14th of October 2014
Two little ostrich chicks, who we named Pea and Pod, came into our care along with orphaned elephant Waas, all rescued near the Milgis Lugga on the 14th of October 2014. The two little ostriches grew up with the orphaned elephants; Pea was female and brother Pod, a cock.

Some days she joined them at the noon day mudbath when the Trust opened its doors to the visiting public enjoying either a dust bath or on hot days even the mud-bath, and walking around the rope cordon that separates the elephants from the public, never pecking at any shiny ornament worn by the spectators, which is unusual for an ostrich who are usually attracted by such objects. She was a treasured favourite of everyone, and it was indeed an incongruous spectacle to see an ostrich amongst our orphaned elephants, behaving as though one of them! Sometimes she would siesta with the babies in the afternoon, happy to let the young elephants rest upon her soft feathers while sleeping, and was only ever gentle and nurturing towards them.

On November the 25th, two years since she first arrived at the Nursery, the orphans and Pea were feeding in the forest, when they were panicked by three Nairobi Park lions chasing a herd of impala and in the process scattering the orphans, including Pea. After the Keepers managed to round up their elephant charges they grew concerned when they could not locate Pea. While continuing with their search they came to a glade where the lions, two females and a male, were feasting on a kill. Unable to get close enough on foot to see what they had killed they returned in a vehicle, only to have their worst fears confirmed, when they discovered that the lions had killed Pea.
Her loss was deeply felt by all, both elephant and human alike for she was dearly loved and is sadly missed. Rest in Peace dear Pea, you will live in our hearts forever.