On the 9th of March the rescue of an unfortunate baby who had become the victim of a cable snare was heartbreaking
On the 9th of March the rescue of an unfortunate baby who had become the victim of a cable snare was heartbreaking. He depicted a tragic and graphic example of the immense suffering involved with the ivory trade. Mwashoti’s injuries were so severe that they threatened his life, and given that the cable had severed right through his joint the prognosis for his recovery was guarded.

However this is a very special little calf, and life burns bright despite all the horrors that have befallen his short life. Mwashoti has remained in his stockade for three weeks resting his foot, all the while receiving extensive and intensive treatment. However we are mindful that we can not just work on the physical and must concentrate on the psychological as well. Seeing him incarcerated for so long and not able to fraternize by day with the other orphans could not be good for his healing either.

Yesterday the decision was made to give Mwashoti time out in the bush with his mini friends, all of whom understood they needed to be extremely gentle around him, but their company and love uplifted him enormously. We did not have him walk too far, but just to a lovely glade in the forest where he and the mini Nursery group consisting of Kamok, Ashaka, Mbegu, Ndotto, Lasayen and Murit could remain together, enjoying the browse, bird song, dappled light and companionship, and of course their Keepers who were close at hand to ensure he came to no harm. We are monitoring him closely, and so far so good. Despite an injury that is so gruesome it is hard to look at even, we do believe that Mwashoti can overcome this like Mbirikani before him. He will be placed on the fostering program shortly along with his full story.