Maxwell has being causing us concern, suffering from diarrheoa which eventually necessitated a course of Sulphadimidine anti-biotic, followed by the usual Acidopholis to restore his stomach flora
Maxwell has being causing us concern, suffering from diarrheoa which eventually necessitated a course of Sulphadimidine anti-biotic, followed by the usual Acidopholis to restore his stomach flora. However, the diarrheoa returned, accompanied by a very rapid loss of condition. Reluctant to use another antibiotic which always depresses the immune system, we turned to Nature, giving him Green Clay, (purchased for human consumption in France), Colloidal Silver and Kaolin, at the same time reducing the strength of his Lactogen, and adding more Oatmeal porridge to his 4 hourly feeds. This treatment worked in that it cured the diarrheoa, but too effectively, resulting in serious constipation which necessitated loads of brown sugar, liquid paraffin andhomeopathic peristalsis aids. When his bowels eventually opened, after 3 days of straining, we were horrified because it looked as though he now had a prolapsed rectim similar to what happened to Shida, but mercifully what was protruding finally retreated again! Maxwell is now again thriving, enjoying thoroughbred race-horse supplements, (since rhinos are of the horse family) with Lucerne added to his cut natural greens.
Wondering whether perhaps he might be missing some of the specific parasites that all wild rhinos seem to harbour, and which may have a symbiotic purpose, we gathered the dung of wild rhinos, along with that of Shida, and put it in his stockade. We also dug out his own dung midden, and replaced all the soil, something of which he certainly did not approve. The diggers had a hard time to accomplish their task, Maxwell obviously upset that his specific identity was being stolen! The introduction of wild dung had another unexpected consequence, however, because Shida instantly thought that there were new occupants within Maxwell’s Stockade, and this made him more of a clinging vine than ever! He vented his fury on the flower pots, dented Angela’s Suzuki and generally caused chaos around the yard, so the protective “strings” which used to be electrically charged, but whose power had long since died, had to be reactivated as a deterrent since Shida had discovered that they no longer imparted a mild reminder of the no-go areas! And so, this month has seen us preoccupied with our orphaned rhinos as well as the latest elephant arrivals, Siria, Kenia and Kimana!