Maxwell quite by mistake ended up having a great adventure in the early hours of Tuesday 16th April
Maxwell quite by mistake ended up having a great adventure in the early hours of Tuesday 16th April. It is a mystery how the bolt on his stockade chain came loose to the extent of falling away completely causing his stockade side door to open presumably as he leaned on it. Solio, the female rhino orphan who is now free to come and go as she pleases, had been back to the stockades between 6pm and 9pm the previous evening and perhaps Maxwell while having contact with her had pressed again and again against the door causing it to slowly come loose. Luckily she was long gone by the time Maxwell made his escape or he could have followed her far out into the Nairobi National Park. There he would have been at the mercy of other aggressive male rhinos, who would have perceived him as a threat, being unfamiliar to them, or at risk from Nairobi Park predators or dangerous unknown terrain. The torrential rain had also resulted in some fast flowing streams which, from his tracks, it appears Maxwell was reluctant to cross. Instead he made his way back towards the familiar smell of his midden, where the keepers deposit his dung from the stockade, and towards the various delights of Daphne Sheldrick's garden.
Happily Angela's concerns were unfounded. Maxwell seemed to be quite happy and relieved to hear familiar voices in what must have been, for him, an extremely confusing situation. Instead of reacting with fear and aggression, the common way for a rhino to react when alarmed, he allowed himself to be coerced back to his stockade with a bottle of milk, some bananas and the familiar smells of the dung from his midden. The only slight hitch came when the keepers had to persuade him to cross the small stream near the elephants mud bath, something he had managed to avoid previously by traipsing through Daphne's garden. Overcoming Maxwells fears with much encouragement he was soon back in his stockade looking, as much as a rhino can do, mightily relieved, as were the keepers and the rest of the Sheldrick family.