Kili now spends his days out happily within the Nairobi National Park, and is confronted by wild giraffe most days which he definitely shows an interest in, but in the meantime he is more comfortable in the company of his keepers and his many elephant friends
Kili now spends his days out happily within the Nairobi National Park, and is confronted by wild giraffe most days which he definitely shows an interest in, but in the meantime he is more comfortable in the company of his keepers and his many elephant friends. Recently Kili has been introduced to Wass’s feathered pals, two ostriches who arrived with Wass, all rescued from the Milgis in Northern Kenya.

Kili is growing fast and we are busy building a ‘sky scraper wooden stable’ ,thanks to the generous support we have received from this appeal, to accommodate him in the coming months while he remains vulnerable to predators, He returns back to the comfort of his stable every evening where he beds down for the night and where too visiting foster parents can connect with him over his stable door.