Introduction The month of September continued to experience a dry spell with no rains leading to pronounced drought effects observed mainly in elephant calves and aged individuals
The month of September continued to experience a dry spell with no rains leading to pronounced drought effects observed mainly in elephant calves and aged individuals. Some showers were experienced in Tsavo to the great relief of everyone but unfortunately it didn’t last.
Several elephant calves were rescued and taken to Voi and Nairobi while emaciated and recumbent old elephants had to be euthanized to end their suffering. In other cases, an elephant bull was treated for a snare wound on the leg in Taita Salt Lick Sanctuary, an injured KWS horse was treated for a head injury in Ziwani camp and there was a treatment of a lame buffalo.
Species: Loxodanta Africana
Sex: Male
Age: 6 months old
Location: Ndii, Tsavo East
Date: 5th September
History, treatment and rescue
A report was made by KWS rangers of one elephant calf that was lying down and unresponsive near a water hole along Mzima pipeline near Ndii area of Tsavo East.
The vet team together with the Voi stockade team rushed to the area to find the baby elephant barely able to breath and flat on the ground. The calf was covered with a blanket because he appeared in shock and 20 cc of dexamethasone Hcl administered through the ear vein followed by a bolus of 50% dextrose by slow IV.

The breathing and pulse improved. Further administration of antibiotics, Vitamin B12 complex and more IV fluid therapy was instituted. The calf stabilized and was airlifted to Nairobi stockade for more intensive care where he recovered fully and joined other orphans in the nursery.

Date: 6th September 2017
Species: Loxodanta Africana (African Elephant)
Sex: Male
Age: Adult
Location: Taita Salt Lick Sanctuary
A report was received from the DSWT Bura de-snaring team of an injured elephant bull within Taita Hills Conservancy with serious front limb lameness from suspected snare injury. The Vet team rushed to the area and found the bull nearby under a tree resting.
Immobilization, examination and treatment
Etorphine Hcl(0.98%) (M99®) 18 mgs 1.5 ml Dan - inject dart was prepared. Vehicle darting was carried out. Using a Dan inject® dart rifle (Dan-inject APS, Sellerup Skovvej, Denmark) the elephant was darted and was immobilized after 7 minutes and fell on the left flank.
There was a deep cutting snare wound on the front left limb with blood oozing out. The snare was cut loose after a big struggle and the wound was washed clean with water mixed with hydrogen peroxide, necrotic tissues and pus were removed and the wound doused with tincture of iodine.

Green clay was used to cover the wound. An intravenous administration of dexamethasone Hcl was given through the ear vein and long acting antibiotics administered by intramuscular injections.

Anaesthesia was reversed using Diprenorphine at 3 times the etorphine dose.
Prognosis is guarded and the bull assisted onto his feet.
Species: Buffalo
Sex: Male
Age: Adult
Date: 6th September 2017
Place: Salt Lick Sanctuary
Just after treating the snared elephant another report was received from the sanctuary of a buffalo with a snare around the neck reported by rangers from Taita Salt Lick Sanctuary. The team rushed in to find the massive bull lying down in tall grass.

Immobilization, examination and treatment
Etorphine Hcl(0.98%) (M99®) (Norvatis South Africa (Pty) Ltd) 8 mgs and 60 mgs of xylazine in a 1.5 ml Dan - inject dart was prepared. Vehicle darting was carried out. Using a Dan inject® dart rifle (Dan-inject APS, Sellerup Skovvej, Denmark) the Bufallo was darted and was immobilized after 7 minutes.
The not so tight wire snare around the neck was removed. Long acting Tetracycline and Dexamethasone were administered parenterally. Prognosis is good. Anaesthesia was reversed using Diprenorphine Hcl at 3 times the etorphine dose mixed with 0.5 cc Atipemazole hcl administered intravenously.

Animal: African Elephant
Species: Loxodanta Africana
Sex: Female
Age: Adult
Location: Satao, Tsavo East
Date of clinical intervention: 7th September 2017
History and Examination
A report was made by Satao Camp of an elephant carcass near the lodge within Tsavo East National Park. The Tsavo unit team unit visited the area to ascertain the cause of death.
The carcass was lying on the left flank and at mid-advanced state of decomposition. There was scavenger activity on the carcass with the tusks still intact. The skin was removed from carcass to expose the whitish subcutis and examine any penetrating wounds but none were found.

The carcasses were rolled over to expose the left flank and autopsy undertaken with no signs of external injury observed. Tusks were retrieved and taken for safe custody.
The cause of deaths was through natural cause and drought related.
Species: African Elephant
Sex: 2 Female calves and a calf skull
Age: Adult
Date: 8th September 2017
Place: Aruba and Satao, Tsavo East
Introduction and autopsy
A report was made by DSWT patrol aeroplane of a mother elephant with a sick calf as well as another lone elephant calf seen lying down near Ashnil Aruba lodge. The Tsavo vet unit visited the areas to ascertain the causes of death.
The Aruba calf was found already dead and aged at 2 and ½ years with slight scavenger activity on the perineal and trunk. The skin was removed from carcass to expose the whitish subcutis and examine any penetrating wounds but none were found. An autopsy was undertaken with no signs of external injury observed.

Tusks were retrieved and taken for safe custody. The cause of death was through natural/drought related. On our way to Satao the team stumbled onto an elephant calf skull with tiny tusks which were removed.

Further away in Satao another calf aged at 4 years had collapsed and the mother nearby was examined, cooled down with water whilst the calf was covered with a blanket because he appeared in shock and 20 cc of dexamethasone Hcl administered through the ear vein followed by a bolus of 50% dextrose by slow IV. The breathing and pulse improved. Further administration of antibiotics, Vitamin B12 complex and more IV fluid therapy was instituted.

The calf stabilized and was moved to Voi stockade for more intensive care where she succumbed two days later.
Species: Elephant (4)
Sex: 2 adult Females and 2 calves
Age: Adults and calves
Date: 8th September 2017
Place: Kanderi swamp, Tsavo East
Introduction and autopsy
A report was made of elephant carcasses near Kanderi swamp by tour operators, that were at advanced and mid-states of decomposition. The Tsavo vet unit visited the area to ascertain the causes of death. They were lying about 300 metres from each other.
The first carcass was moderately decomposed and scavenged. No external injuries were observed and the cause of death put as drought related. Tusks were removed for safe custody.

The second carcass was a calf aged about 2 years and heavily decomposed and scavenged and the skeleton was the only thing remaining. Cause of death also drought related, tusks still intact and removed for safe custody.

A third carcass belonging to an old carcass with bones scattered in the area but tusks intact, cause of death unknown.

The third was a 2-year-old calf that had died 3-4 days earlier, cause of death is drought related.

The cause of deaths was put as natural/drought related in the four cases above. Tsavo East is witnessing increased mortalities due to a long dry spell ravaging the area.
Species: Elephant
Sex: Female
Age: Adult
Date: 12th September 2017
Place: Satao, Tsavo east
A report was made by Satao Lodge of an elephant carcass near the lodge within the Tsavo East National Park. The Tsavo vet unit visited the area to ascertain the cause of death.
The carcass was lying on the left flank and still fresh hence must have died that morning. No external injuries were observed. Autopsy was undertaken and no lesions were seen apart from the poor body condition.

Cause of death was put as starvation/drought effects due to the long dry spell within Tsavo.
Species: Elephant
Sex: 1 calf, 1 bull and 1 cow
Age: Calf and Adults
Date: 13th September 2017
Place: Punda Milia, Sala and Satao, Tsavo East
Introduction and autopsy
A report was made by KWS rangers of elephant calf that had collapsed near Punda Milia, Tsavo East with the mother still nearby. The Tsavo vet unit visited the area to ascertain the cause of problem. On arrival the mother was very defensive and we had to push her away. Close examination of the calf revealed that it was already dead. Death is drought related.
The team travelled to Sala’s gate next to examine another elephant bull carcass. The carcass was lying on the left flank and at mid-state of decomposition. There was slight scavenger activity on the carcass with the tusks still intact. The skin was removed from carcass to expose the whitish subcutis and examine any penetrating wounds but none were found. The carcass was rolled over to expose the left flank and autopsy undertaken with no signs of external injury observed. Tusks were retrieved and taken for safe custody.

The team left and headed for Satao where a female elephant carcass on sternal recumbency was seen by one of their guests. The mono tusker was examined and nothing was observed. The lone tusk was removed for safe custody.

The cause of deaths was through natural cause coupled with the poor nutrition/drought.
Sex: Female
Age: Adult
Date: 14th September 2017
Place: Irima, Tsavo East
Buffalo with lameness was reported by DSWT desnaring team near Irima hill within Tsavo East National Park. The team rushed in to find the cow lying down in some bushes with some lions nearby.
Immobilization, examination and treatment
Etorphine Hcl(0.98%) (M99®) (Norvatis South Africa (Pty) Ltd) 7 mgs and 60 mgs of xylazine in a 1.5 ml Dan - inject dart was prepared. Vehicle darting was carried out. Using a Dan inject® dart rifle (Dan-inject APS, Sellerup Skovvej, Denmark) the Buffalo was darted and was immobilized after 7 minutes. The front hoof was examined and a penetrating wound was seen. It was cleaned and green clay applied.Tetracycline and Dexamethasone were administered parenterally.

Prognosis is guarded. Anaesthesia was reversed using Diprenorphine Hcl at 3 times the etorphine dose mixed with 0.5 cc Atipemazole Hcl administered intravenously.
Date: 14th September 2017
Species: Loxodanta Africana (African Elephant)
Sex: Female
Age: Adult
Location: Dika plains, Tsavo East
Report was received from tour drivers of an injured elephant cow that was recumbent and flat on the ground and suspected to be dead near Dika plains along Satao- Dakota powerline within Tsavo East.
The team rushed to the area and found the cow flat on the ground and barely breathing but alive. The body condition was poor.

Immobilization, examination and treatment
Treatment with antibiotics, colvasone, vitamin B12 complex and Dextrose IV bolus shots were administered but the response was minimal. Attempts to pull her onto her feet also proved unsuccessful.
With very poor prognosis she was euthanized and the tusks removed for safe custody. The poor condition is drought related.

Animal: African Elephant
Species: Loxodanta Africana
Sex: Female
Age: 3 Years
Location: Irima, Tsavo East
Date: 16th September
History, treatment and rescue
A report was made by tour drivers of one elephant calf that was lying down near a road at Irima area of Tsavo East. The vet team together with the Voi stockade team rushed to the area to find the young elephant flat on the ground, emaciated and unable to stand up.

The calf was covered with a blanket because he appeared in shock and 20 cc of dexamethasone Hcl administered through the ear vein followed by a bolus of 50% dextrose by slow IV. The breathing and pulse improved. Further administration of antibiotics, Vitamin B12 complex and more IV fluid therapy was instituted.

The calf stabilized and was transported to Voi stockade with the assistance of the Voi stockade team for more intensive care. After five days struggle of treatment, feeding and care she succumbed to the current effects of drought.

Species: Loxodanta Africana
Sex: Male
Age: 11/2 months old
Location: Sentrim, Tsavo East
Date: 17th September
History, treatment and rescue
A report was made by KWS rangers of one elephant calf that was standing alone under a tree near sentrim along Voi River area of Tsavo East and a pride of lions nearby.

The vet team together with the Voi stockade team rushed to the area to find the baby elephant still under a tree. The calf was rescued then covered with a blanket and taken to Voi stockade. As it was very aggressive he was tranquilised using 20 mgs of Azaperone. 20 cc of Dexamethasone Hcl administered through the ear vein followed by Colvasone Vitamin B12 complex and Enrofloxacin both IM.

The calf is so far doing well at Voi stockade.
Species: Loxodanta Africana
Sex: Male
Age: 3 Years
Location: Kanderi, Tsavo East.
Date: 18th September.
History, treatment and rescue
A report was made by tour drivers of one elephant calf that was lying down and unable to stand up near a road at Kanderi area of Tsavo east. The vet team together with the Voi stockade team rushed to the area. The calf was covered with a blanket because he appeared in shock. Further administration of antibiotics, Vitamin B12 complex and more IV fluid therapy was instituted. The calf stabilized and was transported to Voi stockade with the assistance of the Voi stockade team.

Even after treatment, feeding and care he succumbed to the current effects of drought that night.
Species: Loxodanta Africana
Sex: Female
Age: 4 years old
Location: Aruba, Tsavo East
Date: 23rd September
History, treatment and rescue
A report was made by tour operators of one elephant calf that was lying down near Aruba lodge area of Tsavo East. The vet team together with the Voi stockade team rushed to the area to find the elephant calf flat on the ground.
The calf was covered with a blanket because he appeared in shock and 20 cc of dexamethasone Hcl administered through the ear vein followed by a bolus of 50% dextrose by slow IV. The breathing and pulse improved. Further administration of antibiotics, Vitamin B12 complex and more IV fluid therapy was instituted.

The calf stabilized and transported to Voi stockade where it succumbed a day later due to the effects of the drought.
Sex: Female
Age: 11/2 months old
Location: Dika plains, Tsavo East
Date: 25th September
History and rescue
A report was made by tour drivers of one elephant calf that was standing alone in vast Dika plains area of Tsavo East.
The vet team together with the Voi stockade team rushed to the area to find the baby elephant alone with no herd nearby. The calf was rescued then covered with a blanket and airlifted by DSWT helicopter to Nairobi.

Sex: Male
Age: 8 years old
Date: 25th September 2017
Place: Dika plains, Tsavo east
After the vet team rescued the elephant carcass near the lodge within the Tsavo East National Park. The Tsavo vet unit visited the area to ascertain the cause of death. The carcass was lying on the left flank and at an advanced level of decomposition. No external injuries were observed. Autopsy was undertaken and no lesions were seen apart from the poor body condition. Tusks were removed and taken for safe custody.
Prognosis - Cause of death was put as starvation/drought effects due to the long dry spell within Tsavos.
Sex: Female
Age: Adult
Location: Ndololo camp, Tsavo East
Date of clinical intervention: 26th September 2017
History and Examination
A report was made by tour drivers of an Elephant that had died near the road to Ndololo camp within Tsavo East National Park. The Tsavo unit team unit visited the area to ascertain the cause of death. She is one of the matriarchs that are resident in the area.
There was no scavenger activity on the carcass with the tusks still intact but carcass condition was very poor. The skin was removed from carcass to expose the whitish subcutis and examine any penetrating wounds but none were found. The carcasses were rolled over to expose the left flank and autopsy undertaken with no signs of external injury observed. Tusks were retrieved and taken for safe custody.

Prognosis: The cause of deaths was through natural cause and drought related.
Sex: Calf and unknown
Age: Calf and Adult
Date: 26th September 2017
Place: Aruba lodge wind mill, Tsavo East
Introduction and autopsy
A report was made by tour drivers of an elephant calf that had collapsed near Aruba water wind mill, Tsavo East and another decomposed carcass suspected to belong to a mid-age female also nearby. The Tsavo vet unit visited the area to ascertain the cause of the problem. Close examination of the calf revealed that it was already dead. The carcass was pulled away from the road.

The team moved next to examine another elephant carcass nearby. The carcass was in advanced state of decomposition but the tusks were still intact. Tusks were retrieved and taken for safe custody.
The cause of deaths was drought related.
Species: Elephant
Sex: Calf and unknown
Age: 5 years
Date: 27th September 2017
Place: Rhino area, Tsavo East
Introduction and autopsy
While patrolling the park, the vet team ran across a 5-year-old Elephant carcass near Rhino area of Tsavo East. Close examination of the calf revealed that it was already dead and blood oozing from the trunk.

The cause of death is drought related.
Other activities undertaken
- The unit examined several wildlife trophies/parts and produced expert reports to aid in prosecution of the offenders in court and testified in court on the same.
- The unit treated horse injured in the head based at Ziwani camp for cattle drives purposes.