For the third successive month, the incidences of animal injury have been low
For the third successive month, the incidences of animal injury have been low. In the reporting period, there was only one case of a snared buffalo at Luarenyi ranch. Three other cases reported and attended were due to other causes other than due to man.
Luarenyi ranch has abundant wildlife but the primary activity is livestock keeping. Part of it is leased to Lumo sanctuary for eco-tourism activities. The management of Luarenyi camp, located within the ranch, reported the buffalo, which was still tied by the snare to a bush on 8thMarch. We responded immediately and found the buffalo still struggling to release itself from the snare.
The other cases were a three-months-old caracal under the care of the senior warden Tsavo West, the attack of KWS dogs at Ithumba by a cobra, and deaths of birds at Manyani areaOf the three cases, the caracal was the first to be reported on 3rd March. It was limping slightly on the right hind leg and the senior warden wanted to know whether this could be due to a fracture as he suspected that some impalas that frequent his compound trampled on it. Examination however ruled out any fracture and a sprain of the hip joint was suspected. The senior warden was advised to monitor it closely and if it persisted or worsened, he could have it be x-rayed for a confirmatory diagnosis.
The KWS has its five anti-poaching tracker and sniffer dogs stationed in northern Tsavo East at Ithumba. During their routine morning check-up on 8th March, the handlers found a inside the room of two of the dogs.
The reports of deaths of birds at Manyani were received from the KWS training school on the 23rd March. The other area that was said to be affected was the Oil Pipeline pump station. The numbers involved were not many but the incident was reported for further investigation to rule out any disease. The species involved were laughing doves, weaverbirds and cattle egrets. When we visited the two areas, we were informed that the problem started about two weeks before but no deaths had been observed in the previous two days. We searched the two areas for any fresh carcases or sick birds that we could sacrifice for samples but found none. We saw six dead birds (2 weavers, 4 doves) all of which were more than 48 hours since death.. These were however too decomposed to get any viable samples for laboratory diagnosis. We advised the staff the need to report any further incidences of dead or sick looking birds immediately so that we could collect good samples. The areas are to be visited regularly in the coming days to monitor the situation.
The Mobile Veterinary Unit operated by The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust working with The Kenyan Wildlife Service and funded by Vier Pfoten