The month of April experienced an unusual increase in rainfall
The month of April experienced an unusual increase in rainfall. This was also reported over several parts of the country with Kitui station recording the highest day total rainfall of 254.1 millimetres, which is classified as extremely heavy rainfall especially considering it lies in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL). Several farmers did not ignore the heavy rains and responded with planting crops with a hope of great harvests.
Members of the community especially where DSWT has put the beehive fences have reported to be reaping the benefits of the fence as the increased human-elephant conflict brought on by elephant invasion to increasingly lush farms have not affected them. This depicts the effectiveness of bee fencing as a Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) mitigation tool. Several community members have requested to have the bee fence erected in their lands after closely monitoring its service in the last few years since its initiation.